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2024-07-22 06:24:17

3 Dating App Horror Stories _ I’m Not Who You Think I Am _ Uncover the Mystery _ #horrorstories

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Welcome to dark dreamer where we explore the unknown .

Everywhere you look , there's a mystery waiting , and the real story is beyond your wildest imagination .

Please enjoy the following stories about dating app .

So this happened to a friend of mine named Mike .

He was tired of the whole dating scene and decided to try his luck on a dating app .

After a few swipes , he matched with this stunning girl named Emily .

Her profile was perfect .

She loved the same movies , had a great sense of humor , and was really into hiking just like him .

They started chatting and everything clicked .

They decided to meet up for coffee the next day .

Mike was excited and nervous at the same time , hoping that Emily was as perfect in person as she seemed online .

When Mike arrived at the cafe , he spotted Emily right away .

She was even more beautiful in person .

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They talked for hours , and it felt like they had known each other forever .

But there was something off about her .

She kept glancing around nervously as if she was being watched .

Mike shrugged it off , thinking maybe she was just shy .

They agreed to go on a hike the following weekend , and Mike couldn't wait to see her again .

On the day of the hike , they met at the trailhead .

Emily seemed a bit different , more anxious and on edge .

As they walked deeper into the woods , Mike tried to lighten the mood with jokes and stories , but Emily barely responded .

She kept looking over her shoulder like she was expecting something to jump out at them .

They reached a secluded spot and Emily suddenly stopped .

She turned to Mike and said , I need to tell you something .

I'm not who you think I am .

Mike's heart skipped a beat .

Emily explained that she had been using a fake profile picture .

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The real Emily was her twin sister who had gone missing a year ago .

She had been using Emily's profile to try and find out what happened to her sister .

Mike was stunned and didn't know what to say .

Just then , they heard a rustling in the bushes .

A tall , shadowy figure emerged , and Emily screamed , run .

They bolted through the forest with the figure hot on their heels .

Mike's mind was racing , trying to process everything while also trying to stay alive .

They finally reached Mike's car , and he fumbled with the keys , managing to unlock the doors just in time .

They sped away , the figure disappearing into the distance .

Emily was shaking , tears streaming down her face .

She thanked Mike for saving her , but she said she had to keep searching for her sister .

Mike never saw Emily again after that day .

He tried reaching out on the app , but her profile was gone .

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A few weeks later , he saw a news report about a girl who had been missing for a year , found dead in the same forest where they had hiked .

The police never caught the killer .

To this day , Mike wonders if Emily was real or just a ghost trying to solve her own murder .

Either way , he deleted the dating app and never looked back .

This story is about Sarah , a friend of mine .

She matched with a guy named Alex on a dating app .

His profile showed a handsome , athletic guy with a love for travel and adventure .

They chatted for weeks , and he seemed perfect , almost too perfect .

Alex always had an excuse whenever Sarah suggested they meet up in person .

He was traveling for work or he had family obligations , but he promised that they would meet soon .

Sarah's friends started to get suspicious .

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They told her to be careful , but she brushed off their concerns .

She felt a genuine connection with Alex and didn't want to believe he could be lying .

1 night , while chatting , Alex let slip a detail that didn't add up with something he had said before .

Sarah's instincts kicked in , and she decided to do some digging .

She reverse searched his profile pictures and found out they belong to a model from a different country .

Feeling betrayed and angry , Sarah confronted Alex .

At first , he denied everything , but when she showed him the proof , he confessed .

He wasn't the person in the photos .

He was actually a guy named Mark living just a few miles away .

He had created the fake profile because he thought no one would like the real him .

Sarah was furious , but also felt a bit sorry for Mark .

She agreed to meet him in person just to see who he really was .

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When Sarah arrived at the cafe where they agreed to meet , she was surprised to see Mark .

He wasn't anything like the photos , but he seemed genuine and nervous .

They talked , and he apologized profusely for deceiving her .

Just as Sarah was starting to let her guard down , she noticed something odd .

The same model photos from Alex's profile were being used by another account , which was messaging her friend at that very moment .

Sarah's blood ran cold .

Mark wasn't alone in this .

There was a whole network of fake profiles using the same pictures .

She excused herself and called her friend , warning her to block the account immediately .

When she returned , Mark was gone .

He had vanished , leaving his coffee untouched .

Sarah felt a chill run down her spine .

She realized she had been caught in a web of deceit much bigger than she had imagined .

Sarah reported the profiles to the app , but they kept popping up under different names .

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She couldn't shake the feeling that Mark and his network were still out there watching and waiting for their next victim .

She deleted her account and swore off online dating for good .

But sometimes , late at night , she would get a friend request from a stranger , and she'd wonder if it was them still playing their twisted game .

This one is really creepy .

My friend Dave was swiping through a dating app when he came across a profile that caught his eye .

It was a girl named Lily , and she was gorgeous .

Her profile was simple , just a few pictures and a short bio .

Dave swiped right , and they matched instantly .

They started chatting , and she seemed perfect .

They shared the same interests and had great chemistry , but there was something off about her photos .

They looked a bit old , like they were taken years ago .

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After a week of talking , they decided to meet up .

They chose a cozy little cafe in the city .

When Dave arrived , he spotted Lily right away .

She looked just like her pictures , but there was a sadness in her eyes that he hadn't noticed before .

They had a great time , but every time Dave tried to ask about her past , she would change the subject .

He didn't push it , thinking maybe she just had some bad experiences she didn't wanna talk about .

A few days later , Dave was talking to his friend about Lily .

His friend looked shocked and told him to be careful .

Apparently , he had heard about a girl named Lily who had gone missing years ago .

She matched the description perfectly .

Dave couldn't believe it .

He decided to do some research and found old news articles about Lily .

She had disappeared under mysterious circumstances and her case was still unsolved .

Dave was freaked out , but decided to confront Lily about it .

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He messaged her asking if they could meet up again .

She agreed , and they met at the same cafe .

Dave showed her the articles and asked if she was the same Lily .

Lily's face went pale .

She looked around nervously before whispering , I'm not supposed to be here .

They're watching me .

Before Dave could ask who they were , Lily stood up and hurried out of the cafe .

Dave followed her , but she seemed to disappear into thin air .

He searched for her , but couldn't find a trace .

He went home feeling like he was losing his mind .

That night , he received a message from Lily's account .

It was a video .

In it , Lily was in a dark room looking terrified .

She said , they won't let me go .

Don't try to find me .

Dave reported the account to the app , but they told him it had already been deleted .

He tried to move on , but strange things kept happening .

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He would get random messages from unknown numbers , and sometimes he felt like he was being watched .

One day , he received a package with no return address .

Inside was a photograph of Lily looking just as she did in her profile pictures .

On the back , in shaky handwriting , it said , help me .

Dave realized that Lily was trapped somewhere , and someone or something was using her profile to lure people in .

He couldn't shake the feeling that he was next .

To this day , he keeps looking over his shoulder , wondering if the people who took Lily are coming for him too .

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