Hi , guys .
Listen .
I have 25 100 videos , okay , in YouTube .
25100 .
So sometimes when you go to the channel , it's hard to find where to start because it's all random .
So I wanted to create a beginner's video , the basics .
So if you're new to my channel , if you have friends and family members that are new to my program , this is the first video to watch .
Okay .
So let me just kinda break it down .
I'll make it really , really fast .
Keto or ketosis .
What does keto mean ?
When you burn fat , your fat breaks down into these things called ketones .
Your body can then use those as fuel .
Okay ?
So your body can actually run-in ketones .
It's a much , much better fuel source than sugar fuel that most people run on .
It's cleaner fuel .
It creates a lot of other benefits , which I get into in other videos .
K .
So keto basically means you're burning fat .
K .
Healthy keto is a version of regular ketosis , but with a twist .
A principle that I use is you don't lose weight and get healthy .
You have to get healthy first to then lose weight .
So getting healthy basically means eating , providing all of your nutrients .
Okay ?
So you're eating foods that are high quality that provide all the nutrients .
So you get the requirements that our bodies need .
So what I recommend is something called healthy ketosis .
Alright ?
So that's the version .
The other action that I recommend is something called IF .
What is that ?
That's intermittent fasting .
What is that ?
That is a it's not a diet .
It's a pattern of eating and not eating .
So instead of doing 3 meals or 6 meals a day or snacks in between the meals , you're eating less frequently .
Why ?
Because every time you eat , you raise a hormone , insulin .
Too much insulin is very dangerous in the body .
So we're trying to do with healthy ketosis and intermittent fasting is reduce the excess of insulin .
We're not trying to make it down to 0 .
We're just trying to get rid of the excess .
The vast majority of the population has excess insulin , but they've never been tested .
The doctors usually don't test it .
They're focusing on your blood sugars or blood glucose , but not fasting insulin .
Okay ?
I have videos on that , but just I'll you can watch it in another video , but the point is that we're trying to lower insulin .
So to do that , you need to eat less frequently .
Let's say , you start with 3 meals per day with no snacks , and then you go to 2 meals a day , no snacks , and that would be considered intermittent fasting .
And some people do 1 meal a day , but the point is that it's just eating less frequent .
It's not necessarily focused on lowering calories .
Even though you will be consuming less calories , the focus is not on calories .
It's about eating less frequently .
At the end of the day , we wanna provide all the nutrients , so we need a certain amount of calories .
The cool thing about intermittent fasting is that because you're eating less frequent , the requirements for nutrients go down because the body starts being conservative with its nutrients .
It starts holding or retaining more nutrients .
So what you would need for 3 meals a day , okay , as far as nutrients , you would need less nutrients for 2 meals a day just because the body adapts .
Sometimes people are concerned about losing muscle mass .
Well , the other cool thing is that when you do intermittent fasting , certain hormones like growth hormone increases dramatically to protect the muscles from being lost .
K .
So your body tends to now conserve protein as well when you do intermittent fasting .
So you're not gonna lose muscle mass .
So the two main things that help you lower insulin are the reduction of carbohydrates .
I'm I'm talking about the sugar , refined carbs , the grains , the pasta , the cereal , the biscuits , the waffles , the juice , the alcohol .
I have a lot of videos on this right here like a ton , but that just kinda gives you the summary .
And also number 2 , eating less frequently .
What we're doing when we actually drop carbs and we eat less frequently is we're adapting to fat burning .
You're actually making new cellular machinery to run your body on fat fuel .
Okay ?
And no longer on sugar .
Now what happens when you consume too many carbs , the insulin comes in and takes it out and converts it to fat .
So a lot of the fat on your body right now has came from the carbohydrates , not necessarily the fat that you ate , but the carbohydrates that you ate .
The other thing that people don't realize is this , in the presence of too much insulin , you can't lose this fat .
So if you have a stubborn metabolism and you can't lose weight , we know you have too much insulin .
Is there a quick test to know if you have too much insulin ?
Yes .
Just look down right now .
And if you could see your belly , you have too much insulin because these are the main symptoms of high insulin .
Belly fat , high blood pressure , high cholesterol , fatigue , especially after eating , decreased cognitive function , lack of focus , poor memory , moody , irritable , sometimes depressed , grouchy because of the blood sugar issue , cravings for carbs for sure , and you're hungry all the time , especially between meals .
When you get your body into fat burning and now your body is burning fat between meals , because before it wasn't .
It was it was dependent on your diet and dietary sugar .
So now when you're burning your own fat , wow , You get rid of the hunger .
K ?
You're not hungry anymore .
It makes it easy to do this .
You don't crave anymore .
That's why healthy keto intermittent fasting is very successful long term because it allows you to stick to it because you're not hungry all the time .
You're not craving .
Sometimes when you look up keto , you'll see this little pie chart thing right here .
It'll say 20 percent protein , maybe 70% or 65% fat as far as the total calories , 5% carbs .
Okay .
This is very confusing for people because you have to calculate calories into grams and this and that .
This is the simplicity right here .
If you just envision your plate k .
This is your plate .
Half of the plate should be salad or vegetables .
K ?
A quarter of the plate should be protein , and the other quarter should be fat .
So this 65 or 70% fat , which seems like a lot of fat Now remember , 1 gram of fat is more than twice the calories of carbs and protein , so this is misleading .
In reality , the volume of fat is really only , you know , a quarter of your plate .
And and a lot of this fat is actually mixed with the protein , so it's not as much as you think .
And then we have this small amount of carbs out here just to keep it really really simple .
Okay ?
And healthy keto and intermittent fasting is not just about weight loss .
It's about getting you super healthy for reducing inflammation , for helping your cognitive function , helping your overall mood , making the body work better .
Okay ?
So now that you have the basics , now you can go to the rest of the videos .
Thanks for watching .
Hey .
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