How many people do you know who struggle with their health ?
Chances are whether they show it or not , most of the people in your life do .
And chances are you're one of them .
Whether you're dealing with anxiety , depression , endometriosis , acne , eczema , autoimmune , thyroid , Lyme , brain fog , fatigue , or any other symptom or condition , you're far from alone .
Living with symptoms has become the new normal .
So no more guessing games .
It's time to get answers .
Welcome to the Medical Medium Podcast .
I'm Anthony William .
We're talking about recovery , faith , healing , rising out of the ashes .
So many people have been there before and they know it well .
Why ?
Because they lived it , or should I also say lived through it .
What's it ?
One more time .
What's it ?
It's when you thought all was lost , and you're on your hands and knees praying to God to anyone that will listen .
And then it happens , a miracle happens .
You find a path , a healing path .
After all this time , You stuck to your guns and then the hand of shimmering light grabs your hand and you rose out of your suffering .
You have risen out of the ashes .
Yeah .
I thought I told you .
Yeah .
I'm so tired .
Yeah .
I can't even function .
And my arms feel like sandbags .
Yeah .
The doctor's coming in .
Yeah .
Okay .
Okay .
Just just yep .
So , doc , doctor , hi .
So did you look at my test results ?
Why am I so deathly tired ?
I'm lazy ?
What do you mean I'm lazy ?
My tests look good .
Everything's fine .
I'm just lazy ?
Wait .
No .
Wait .
Hold on .
Hold on .
Wait .
No .
I only I only watch TV because I can't do anything else .
So that's why I'm on the couch watching TV or in my bed .
Yeah .
I can't even function or move .
No .
It's not because I'm lazy .
This for the 100th time , I've already been through this already .
I'm really that tired .
I I can't even keep my eyes open , but I can't sleep when they're shut .
It's so bad .
Unless you've been there .
Really , really been there .
Been really down .
Really sick .
Will you ever really know ?
Will you ever really see what it's like ?
The feeling of what do I do ?
How do I get out of this ?
Where do I go from here ?
How am I going to push through ?
And how am I going to make it , like , another day and get past this ?
Or how how am I going to make it another hour or another minute even ?
I've heard it before , thousands of times throughout the years .
I have tried everything , researched everything , been to every healer , and every health pro had every test .
I've been exhausted .
I've exhausted everything , money , energy , time , friends , family , and I have nowhere else to go , nowhere else to look for or look to .
And then those powerful words .
You know them .
The words , they're almost like supernatural .
Your body loves you unconditionally .
Your body will never turn against you .
Your body is working hard for you every day .
It's fighting for you , not fighting against you .
You can heal .
Your immune system is not attacking your organs and glands .
It's not your fault that you are sick .
It's not your fault .
You're not a bad person .
You're not a terrible person .
You didn't do anything wrong .
You're not faulty .
You're not sick because you want to be sick .
You don't have a fear of healing .
You're not lazy .
You're not trying to trick anyone .
You're not trying to trick everyone .
You're not pretending to be sick .
You're not doing this on purpose , and you're not doing it to try to get attention .
You're not a weak person .
You're the opposite .
You're the opposite of a weak person .
You are truly a strong person .
You have a strong light inside of you .
One that can never be taken away from you .
You harbor a life force .
You have a soul .
It is more powerful than you know , and no one can ever take that power away from you , not even sickness .
There weren't answers out there for chronic illness all these decades before .
And because there weren't any answers .
One of the cornerstones people were told was people had a fear of healing .
They were sick because they did not want to heal because they were afraid .
Let's face it .
There is no one , I repeat no one who is sick physically , emotionally , or mentally That doesn't heal because they are afraid to get better , that they're scared to heal .
They could be afraid of something else .
They could be nervous or scared about the path , the journey , what it may entail , and what it may be about the process or how they may be feeling through the time they are healing .
But there is no world where they are afraid to heal , and that's why they are sick or chronically ill because they're scared .
There's no place for that .
People want to heal .
They want to feel good or at least just good enough .
Any quality of life is sacred and people know this .
How many people who got sick were told that they were lazy ?
That their fatigue wasn't real .
They were just struggling with a lack of motivation .
They had no passion for life .
Their fatigue and tiredness was a lack of interest , a lack of caring , and maybe just depression .
Meanwhile , your legs , they felt like sandbags .
In your arms , they felt like lead .
And your body felt so heavy even lifeless , like gravity was pulling you down .
It was not just you being lazy and just plain tired or unmotivated .
Your fatigue was real and is real .
And you are a warrior to push through each and every day .
No one realizes that .
Because you are so strong , they just don't realize it and they take for granted what you're going through .
And there are real reasons why you are so sick .
You're not a weak person .
Instead , you are a strong person no matter what you're ailing with .
When we get sick here on planet earth , we default to thinking we are a bad person .
It can automatically happen because we feel we aren't as useful .
Sometimes many people feel they are in the way .
They lost their purpose .
We are a burden , and something is wrong with our body .
So we start believing that we are a bad person , but this is so far from the truth .
Just because we get sick isn't any reason to believe that you or anyone are a bad person .
When people get sick , they've heard this before at some point on their journey .
Your body has turned against you .
That's the words that have rolled off of many tongues .
An answer that brings people no relief .
It brings people into a darker place .
How is it ever possible to really heal believing that your body has betrayed you and won't let you heal and instead is making the opposite happen .
Your body's making you sick .
The powerful truth is your body will never turn against you .
Instead , it's working for you every day and it wants to thrive .
Maybe you know somebody .
Maybe you've been through it yourself .
People who care for others that are really sick can understand pain and suffering too .
They see it , and they can realize it .
They watch the person suffer and struggle .
They watch it and they know how hard it must really be on their friend , their loved one , their family member .
They may not be sick themselves or struggling or struggling as bad , but they witness it .
They see it .
There's something you need to know .
Everyone has the god given right to heal .
Healing is etched and carved deep within their soul , and so many have accessed their healing powers .
They just need to learn information that changed everything for them .
It's possible for all and never doubt your healing strength and healing wisdom because all can heal .
And never forget , you deserve to heal .
So many people believe they don't deserve to heal and that they never deserved to heal ever .
But that's not true .
They do deserve to heal .
You deserve to heal and live free of sickness .
You did not miss out on your chance because it's more than just a chance .
Chance comes and goes in life .
You never lost your chance though .
Healing is always there and awaits you .
It's a roller coaster ride .
You go up and around .
You go high and then down .
Getting better seems possible when your hopes are up .
When your hopes are down , it seems impossible .
Feels like your time is up , but it's not not true .
You have time .
No one can take that from you .
God is good .
God can be kind .
There is a way to heal just like you knew all along how it should be .
You feel that spark ?
Your healing isn't stuck in park .
It's in drive .
There is a button somewhere in you that will get you to a place to thrive .
There's a switch in you that is turned on and you will stay alive .
You won't fail .
You won't fall .
Grab onto the light rail .
The angels sent for you so your healing doesn't stall .
You hear that ?
It's a call from above .
The angel of joy will ignite your core and you will laugh .
First time in years , laughter because you know nothing is going to stop you from rising out of the ashes .
No evil , no darkness , no fear , no cold frost .
It's your time to heal .
Negativity and the demons from hell can get lost .
You're not stupid .
You've been around before .
You've been around the block .
You know the drill .
Just need to clean up a toxic spill .
You're not a pill .
Your soul knows better .
Your immune system will make the proper kill .
Against the bugs , body thugs , never give up .
Your time is now .
Your time has come .
We can rise out of the ashes together , batten down the hatches , Feel it .
Original published medical medium information gets stolen and poached by podcast doctors , social media doctors , influencers , and medical clinics .
Medical medium information has never yet been proven wrong by medical science and research .
Instead , the opposite , only proven right and then taken from medical medium published material and used in the conventional and alternative health communities .
Medical medium information continually sets the stage for medical science to understand chronic illness better .
If you choose to share or use the original , unique content from the medical medium podcast , books , or medical medium social media , please cite where this information comes from so others who see and learn of this information have a chance to know where it all originates to give them an opportunity to heal so they don't end up losing years of their life searching for answers like so many have before them .
The medical medium information here on this podcast doesn't come from broken science interest groups , medical funding with strings attached , botched research , lobbyists , internal kickbacks , persuaded belief systems , private panels of influencers , health field payoffs , trendy traps , or gathered bits and pieces of gimmicky confusion .
Because chronic illness is exploding like never before in our modern day history , it takes a greater force than us down here .
It takes a helping hand from above .
Medical medium information has street cred .
It's an organic movement of countless people the world healing .
More healing stories of real people not being paid to tell their life changing experiences of rising out of the ashes of sickness and entering into the light of full recovery , getting their lives back , and finally healing when nothing else in the world of health could move the needle and get them better .
The information on this podcast is not man made .
It comes from above , from a higher source .
Whatever you believe in , whether God , the universe , the light , or the creator , or if you believe in nothing at all , that we're just floating through space together on this rock , Know that the information you hear on this podcast is separate from all the other noise out there .
It comes from a different place , a pure untampered with , advanced , clean , uncorrupted , original , primary source , a higher source , spirit of compassion .