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2023-11-29 20:03:40


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16 things that hurt your dog emotionally .

As intelligent animals , dogs are capable of feeling a wide range of emotions .

They can be happy and excited , but they can also feel sad and hurt .

There are many circumstances that can crush a dog's spirit .

In this video , we're going to discuss 16 surprising ways you could be hurting your dog's feelings .

16 calling them something they don't like can make dogs confused and anxious .

They get excited when you call them out because they expect attention or rewards .

Make sure you don't use a command to punish your dog as this could negatively affect the relationship you have with him .

15 , moving away is harmful to your dog when he tries to get on your lap and give you kisses , constantly pushing him away or ignoring his attempts to get attention or affection can hurt your feelings before you push your dog away .

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Think about how you would feel if someone you love pushed you away just because they wanted to be with you .

Remember that by constantly ignoring your pet , you are not only depriving them of affection , you are also going against their nature , isolation from your pack you in this case will eventually result in depression 14 tease , pull your dog's tail , blow their nose , let your kids ride a big dog , scare them in their sleep .

Offer them a treat , then tuck it away .

These behaviors confuse and agitate your dog moving a plate of food around while they eat , pretending to throw the ball and then hiding it behind their back and playing .

Keep away without ever letting the dog have .

The toy is not fun for your pet .

Remember what's fun for you isn't always fun for your dog .

It's better to look for other ways to have fun with your pet .

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13 , ignoring the little things like skipping your dog's heartworm meds , ignoring endless scratching of the ears , pause and face which can signal food , allergies or fleas , allowing their nails to grow too long and trapping them around the house , not checking their ears , looking for mites or infections even when they repeatedly shake their heads .

These are things that can harm your dog's well being .

Remember that your dog is so much more than just a cute little animal to play with .

He is a living being who has basic needs to stay happy and healthy .

12 , removing food or treats while eating for most dogs eating is an intimate moment and they prefer to be left alone when your dog is eating , respect their space and leave them alone , interrupting or teasing your puppy during meal times will agitate him and lead to stress .

It can even force your dog to eat too quickly , minimize handling dishes and let your dog enjoy his meal .

A quiet , calm space allows dogs to eat in peace .

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11 dogs want time to explore and sniff during the walk as well as do their business preventing the dog from stopping during the walk is cruel .

It's like someone taking you to your favorite store but not allowing you to stop and look at things .

10 , ignoring the pain of dogs is a serious mistake .

Dogs don't speak our language .

So it's often up to owners to decipher clues about their dog's condition based on physical and behavioral changes .

Whether it's an eye irritant that causes frequent blinking or an injury that has your dog licking an area of their body repeatedly .

It's up to us to recognize the subtle signs and give them the help they need .

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Monitoring your pet's well being means being a pain detective to know when something is hurting your dog nine , punishing a dog by hitting them , throwing things or hitting and scolding them , tells your pet that you are angry , but they will have no idea why rubbing their nose in their pee or poop when they've had an accident will leave them petrified and confusedly angry .

It doesn't teach your dog to behave .

It simply teaches you to be afraid of you .

Punishing your dog , breaks the bond between you and your pet leads to hurt feelings anxiety and a lack of trust .

One of the dog's basic needs is to feel safe and secure in his home .

Eight , not providing mental stimulation is harmful for your dog .

A board dog is an unhappy dog .

Humans have many options for entertainment , but your dog is limited by the environment he lives in and the entertainment you provide .

This means that it is the owner's responsibility to provide mental stimulation for their dog .

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Try walking your dog more often or offering interactive toys that will keep him busy while you're away from home .

Consider enrolling your dog and dog daycare and make sure he has access to a window to see what's going on outside .

Seven being left out when friends come to visit , dogs are very social animals , keeping them in the yard and ignoring them .

When your friends come over is like solitary confinement for your dog and leads to heartache and anxiety by letting them out while your guests are there .

Your pet will have a chance to bond with their friends and will also learn to get along better with new people .

Six force them into a situation .

They don't like dogs can have specific fears about the strangest things .

They can be afraid of thunder , skateboards , fireworks , vacuum cleaners , or even dominant dogs at the dog park .

If it's an event , you can't avoid like thunder , the best thing to do is be there for your dog and let him know you're there .

The worst you can do is make fun of their fears .

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Five , not providing enough time to play is a mistake .

Patting your dog on the head half heartedly as you walk through the door with an armful of groceries isn't going to cut it .

It's important to set aside dedicated time .

One on one , no matter how busy your life is , prioritize time to do something your dog enjoys , whether that's 20 minutes for a nice night time walk or just a cuddle time on the couch .

A dog's level of happiness depends on the attention he receives from his favorite humans .

Four dogs are afraid of loud noises of any kind such as vacuum cleaners , thunder , motorcycles and screaming is another noise that makes them anxious or scared .

New research has found that yelling has long term negative effects on a dog's mental state .

Most of the time , dogs don't even realize why you are angry and yelling will not teach your dog to behave but will lead to stress and anxiety .

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Dogs need boundaries , but you'll have more success , encouraging good behavior in a calm , reassuring voice rather than scolding them .

When they misbehave .

It is important to remember that training your dog should be done in a positive and gentle way so that your pet can learn in a healthy and happy way .

Three , the docking of ears and tails may seem strange , but this is exactly what some purebred dogs undergo shortly after birth .

These procedures are usually done to keep up appearances such as making dogs appear tougher or more aggressive regardless of how you like the appearance of a dog with its ears cropped .

This procedure should never be done as it causes pain and trauma to animals .

Unfortunately , ear cropping is still widely practiced in the United States with an estimated 130,000 puppies having their ears cropped each year .

It's important to remember that dogs should be valued for their personality and character , not their appearance or human imposed standards .

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Two , after having a baby , some pet owners end up ignoring their dogs at home .

This can be a difficult time for the dog who is no longer the center of attention .

It's important not to ignore your furry friend and to give him lots of attention when the baby is around .

Studies have shown that dogs can make babies happier since having a pet increases levels of serotonin , a chemical responsible for feelings of happiness and well being in humans .

Therefore , including your dog in living with the baby can be beneficial for both the animal and the new member of the family .

One , when using a pet carrier , it is important to present it as a happy and rewarding place .

In this way , you provide your pet with a safe and comfortable refuge , which can even be used to ensure its safety during travel and as a hiding place in times of storm .

However , if you use the crate as a form of punishment for your dog and even worse , yell and trap him in it .

You will be contradicting the idea that that space is safe and welcoming .

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This can cause your dog to fear the crate instead of being comfortable in it .

I hope I helped with this information about the importance of caring for your pet .

If you like this content , don't forget to leave a comment and like the video until next time .

Bye .

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