Since you're watching this video , I'll bet you want to meditate but don't have time .
Maybe you've tried to meditate but have some trouble .
Maybe you had a wonderful experience meditating over there , but just can't find that same feeling over here .
Well , my name is Marty Borison and in this video , I'm going to introduce you to the technique of one moment meditation .
Then you can meditate whenever you need to like when you're feeling stressed or feeling angry , maybe you're having trouble sleeping or you're feeling anxious or you just need a new idea .
Although one moment meditation is ultimately about meditating in a moment , we're going to start with a minute .
We start with a minute because a moment goes by so quickly that it's very hard to notice .
But a minute is like a moment with handles on it .
You know , where it begins and where it ends .
So it's easier to grasp if you're ready , we'll do the basic minute .
Now , you might want to shut the door or at least tell people you're not available for the next minute .
You don't have to tie yourself in knots for this .
Just sit with your legs .
Planted firmly on the floor , try to sit up straight but don't be rigid .
It's as if your head were being lifted up away from the weight of the world , think of it as cosmic traction .
Now , put your hands in any position that's balanced , symmetrical and still like this like this or like this during the minute , simply focus on your breathing moment by moment .
Of course , even in the space of a minute , you will get distracted .
That's perfectly normal .
It doesn't mean you're doing it wrong .
But as soon as you notice that you're distracted , just think , hm .
And bring your mind back to your breathing , I'll ring a bell .
So you know when to start and when to finish ready , then close your eyes .
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Notice how you feel right now .
Maybe a little bit refreshed , a little bit more awake , a little bit more open minded , not bad for a minute .
And the more you do it , the better it gets .
But please don't ever do the basic minute for longer than a minute .
Don't be macho about it because the point of the basic minute is to show you that you can make a meaningful change in your state of mind quickly .
So if you do it for longer , you're cheating with one moment meditation .
You can also learn how to do the portable minute , which is very useful when you're standing in line on a train or stuck in a boring meeting .
You can also learn the bonus minute , the surprise minute and the emergency minute with one moment meditation .
You can also learn how to reduce the length of the basic minute step by step until it only takes a moment .
And when you can meditate in a moment , your whole day can be filled with meditation because it takes no time at all .