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2023-08-19 17:45:05

Top 10 AI Tools To Save You 5 Hours Daily! 🔥

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These 10 A I tools are gonna save you a ton of time every single week .

OK .

Let's jump into this tool .

Number one is tweet I dot it .

What this tool does is actually really cool .

It takes you long form content like text , blog posts and it creates engaging social media posts for your social media channel .

So let me give you an example .

Let's go to the dashboard and click on tweety it .

Now here you can add your long form text , maybe just copy , paste your blog article or maybe a URL .

So let's actually go get a URL .

So I'm gonna grab something .

So if you're a blogger or maybe you write a lot of content and you wanna easily create or convert that content into social media posts .

This tool is for you .

So I'm gonna enter the URL of a blog uh article .

Now , here are a couple of options .

You can customize it .

What's the tone , uh what's the length of the post do you want emojis ?

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Uh Let's do that .

And then also how many posts do you want ?

So you can always for the purpose of demo , I'm gonna keep it one .

But you can have a longer post for Instagram , Facebook and linkedin and also short post for threads and tiktok .

So let's click on Tweety it and it will convert that URL .

Here you go .

It's ready .

See how fast that was .

So my tweet is ready with the hashtag with emojis with the links and everything .

All I have to do is copy and then use it .

So it saves you a lot of time while creating social media content .

All right .

A I to number two .

And before we jump into this , make sure you like and share this video so more people can see this .

This tool is called Wonder Plan dot A I It's a future of travel , really cool name .

What this does is it creates your travel itinerary .

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So if you're like me and you don't like making uh travel plans because of the , all the things you have to manage this tool is for you .

So tell us where your travel preference is .

What's the destination ?

So let's say I am going to New York and uh when is my travel date ?

August 31st .

How many days I wanna go for two days ?

Uh What's my budget ?

Low budget ?

What do you plan on traveling ?

Uh Who do you plan ?

So you are you going solo and doing a solo trip ?

What activities ?

I wanna sightseeing , food , uh shopping so you can pick other activities that you want .

Uh do you .

And then do you have any of these options ?

Uh Halal and vegetarian .

Yeah , why not include those ?

So if you have those uh preferences for food , you can include those .

And now it's doing , it's magic .

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It's gonna create a detailed itinerary for my plan .

Let's give it a few seconds and boom .

Check this out .

Here's my day one central park .

Here you go .

Halal guys .

Oh I love .

This is one of my favorite places .

Uh And then it is my day .

Number two .

So see everything is planned out for you and also estimated cost , transportation .

Food .

Wow .

All I have to do is just copy it or I can share it uh with someone or OK , just save the link .

Why not ?

Right ?

All right .

Two , number three , ask video A I , you can chat with your youtube videos instead of watching like long videos , you can simply chat with them and then get your answers .

So for example , here's the Mr Beast video with Patty Galloway .

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So I can uh just start chatting with this and get my answer instead of spending hours and hours and hours uh on this to really learn .

I can just simply chat with it .

So how to grow on youtube .

Let me ask that question and let's see if we can find the answer of the chat .

Here you go .

Here is the answer tip .

Number one quality content , consistent , engage , collaborate , utilize social media boom .

So instead of watching or spending two hours watching this video , I can simply get the answers that I want in a few seconds by asking this video .

How cool is that ?

Ask video dot A I All right .

Two number four below word bill or red .

I don't know how to pronounce this , right ?

So it's willow red dot com .

What this does is that right here ?

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

It takes your videos like your youtube videos and you can convert those into articles in three clicks in very , very fast .

So if you want to convert your and I've done it here , I'll give you a quick example right here .

A demo .

So couple of things you can do .

Oh But um so who can use this if you produce a lot of video content on , let's say youtube and you wanna repurpose that too into blogs .

This tool is for you .

So a couple of options here , you can upload a video from your PC or just paste the link , which I've already done .

So I'll show it to you uh paste the link of your youtube video and then it will start doing the magic .

So here's the video that I did earlier , it's transcribed and here is the blog link .

When I click on this , you'll see the the thing I like about this tool .

So look , it's including the images from my video .

So it's like the full blog post ready for me .

So cool .

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So it's not just simply transcribing .

It's also including images for me .

That's , that's something I really like about this tool .

So willow red dot com .

All right .

Two , number five is virtual staging dot art .

If you're in real estate , pay attention , you're gonna love this tool .

You can stage real estate images in seconds .

What this tool does is , let's say you have a empty room .

It takes that you upload the picture of the empty room and it , it just virtually stage it , it virtually put uh images into it .

So you can use it in your real estate listings .

So let me log in uh and then I'll show you how to use it .

So let me go to sign in .

I'm actually already have an account .

So I'm going to log into my account , which is a free account right now .

So this is what I'm gonna drag and drop my image .

So let's say I have this living room .

Uh It is a living room .

What type of furniture I want ?

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Let's say traditional how many renders two And then click on submit and now you'll notice it's doing its magic here .

It's gonna give me two different renders two different examples of furniture , virtual staging of that room .

So let's give it a few seconds and that was pretty fast .

So here's my output one and output two and look at that traditional furniture .

And obviously I could do modern and uh stuff like that .

But it really helpful and useful tool if you are in real state and you want to create a listing .

But obviously , you know , you can't really put all kinds of furniture in this room in real life , right ?

So this tool is really handy .

All right .

Two , number six , I believe it's called text .

And here's the you are , by the way , I'll have all these links below .

So you can easily access this .

What this tool is does is very simple but useful .

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It takes any image and you can replace the text or any any like gibberish text in it uh and then create your own image for even for your marketing .

So for example , let's say this image right here .

I love it .

I want to use it but I have no idea what this is or I want to replace this text .

So it's really simple .

I'm gonna do this and let's just say a it meeting , why not ?

And then click on text and then it's gonna take about a minute and it will render uh different images or different examples for me in a second .

Wow , that was fast and look at this .

So it replaced the text and it does look like part of that classic picture .

So you can take all the classic pictures and really create .

If I , if I resize this , it might , it might actually make it a little bit better um because it's cutting the text here .

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But yeah , you can take your old classic pictures and add new type of text in them .

All right .

Tool number seven , it's contractible dot A I , you can uh create contract business contract in second , really , really simple .

So let's say uh what type of contract do you want a contractor agreement ?

And then what's the agreement ?

Let's say I'm hiring a social media manager and create your contract .

Some of these contracts can take a lot of time .

So client contractor confirm and then it will create the whole the language for me .

And then obviously I can replace the date's name , uh client name of the people and review this , make changes .

And then when it's done , I can finalize this and download this .

So really handy A I tool to create business contracts in seconds .

All right .

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Tool number eight , it's audio pen .

This is really interesting .

It takes your audio and your rough thoughts , rough audio and it creates it , cleans it up , it cleans .

It's like you're taking your audio notes or thoughts into a cleaned up text .

So let's search it .

Let me give you a quick demo .

So I'm gonna start recording .

Hey , what's up guys ?

So today I'm making this video about 10 A I tools .

Uh I think these A I tools are gonna help you save a lot of time .

Some of these tools help you save uh convert uh video into blogs .

Some of these tools help you take audio notes like this tool .

Uh But these are going to help you save a ton of time every single week .

So let's say I'm done and now it's uploading that and it's what it's gonna do .

And obviously what I said , it was really short for a demo purpose .

You can take long audio notes and it will convert your long audio notes , your fuzzy thoughts into clear concise text .

Here you go .

Right .

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So I took my rambling and created a note that I can actually use .

I can tag it .

I can save it .

Uh I can copy , paste it into .

So imagine you are having a meeting with someone and you have some notes that you want to jot down .

You can audio decode it and have this tool transcribe or clean up to number nine E I lending page generator .

What this tool does is it creates landing pages uh for you in a few seconds .

So I'm just gonna say a local gym and now this tool is doing its magic .

This is like uh creating a landing page in real time .

So let's give it a few seconds and wow , in just a few seconds .

Look at this , the full landing page or website is ready .

How cool is that ?

All right to number 10 is product shots dot A I , you can create stunning content for your product .

So if you have a Ecommerce store , this is amazing .

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So what you can do is you can upload an image of your product , clean up the background like this and then create , have E I create different scenes or different backgrounds for your uh images or products .

And you can just simply add text and based on the text , it will generate different background that you can use and make your content , make your product shots look compelling .

You don't have to hire expensive uh product or videographers or photographers to do these uh product shots .

You can have a I do it for you .

All right .

Any questions let me know in the comments below before you go like and share this video so more people can see this and I'll see you in this next video .

Bye for now .


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