Hey , guys , it's Mel here again from we look fab .
Um , today I'm gonna share with you one of my , uh , chicken curry recipes .
Uh , so to start with , um , I've I've got some , uh , peppers and onions , so I'm gonna start by chopping up the onion , right .
You just wanna chop with your onions of roughly chops of nice big chunks .
So the same for the purpose .
OK , you wanna fry like , er a sauce first .
Wait for that to hot up before adding the , um , onions .
OK , so you add your onions to the , um , hot sauce pan and give that a good stir .
And what you want to do is just wait for them to soften up a little bit , right ?
So that the onion , as you can see , sort of started to brown and sort of softened up .
And to that , I'm gonna add a couple of tablespoons of , um , uh , medium curry powder .
Um , I've just got a regular supermarket brand , uh , curry powder .
Um , start to give that a stir .
Now , what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add half a tin of chopped tomatoes to that , give another good stir and just let that cook down for just for a couple of minutes to release the , uh , curry spices .
OK , so that's cooked down really good .
Um , and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add , um , some some cooked from frozen chicken breast chunks .
Um , a bag of that .
Give it another good stir .
And also , you want to turn on your oven to about 100 and 80 degrees , so make sure your chickens coated with , um with the curry sauce there , and then I'm gonna add another half of the tomatoes and the peppers that we chopped up earlier .
Give that a good mix , and then just let that cook for literally a couple of minutes .
OK ?
So while the chicken is just cooking down for a couple of minutes , I'm just gonna add a tin of baked beans .
Uh , 200 grammes of passata .
And I've got a bunch of , um , coriander here .
I'm gonna take about two thirds of that bunch .
I'm gonna add that to the beans and the starter , and then I'm gonna give that a good blend .
Right .
So I've blend down that , uh , the beans and the pistachio with the coriander and that's turned into a really nice thick sauce , which I'm now gonna add to the chicken .
Right to that , I'm gonna add a couple of bay leaves , Um , some tomato puree about a tablespoon full , some salt and then give that a good stir .
OK , so once you've given that a good mix together , um , you're gonna transfer that into a casserole dish , OK , pop the lid on , stick that into the oven and leave that for 45 minutes .
OK , so that's been 45 minutes that's been in the oven and there we have it .
It's looking good .
So , um , what I'm gonna do the coriander that I set aside earlier .
I'm gonna take half of that add to the curry .
I'm just gonna mix that in just to leave it just for a couple of seconds or so A couple of minutes , I should say .
And by the way , just so that you know , the the reason I use the frozen , um , cook from frozen chicken is that what I've found is that when you actually cut into sort of this nice , big , chunky piece of chicken , it is so succulent , um , much nicer than using the fresh chicken OK , so there you have it .
Uh , really nice .
Um , homemade chicken curry , Um , served up with some pela rice for the full details of the recipe .
Um , like , below this video .
And , um , I hope you enjoy it as much as I do .
Thanks for watching .