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2023-08-11 20:04:14

She Cleaning Tutorial - Off White Air Jordan 5

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Whoa what's going on with a Shoven .

Johnny Bubbles back with another shoe Care Academy video today .

I'm gonna be showing you guys how to clean up these off white sale .

Fives that we've actually been getting a lot of requests on how to clean it .

Now , I'm gonna be honest , I've never cleaned this shoe , so I don't know how it's gonna turn out , but I am gonna be using our artist series kit .

Now , if you haven't seen this already , guys , this is a special kit .

We teamed up with a local artist named Anthony Cauley to design this kit .

And one of the cool things about it is it comes with a sleeve here that you can actually cut out and frame because the artwork is on the box itself .

So I highly recommend you going over to dot com picking it up and use my promo code that is in the description below .

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But without further ado , let's get bubbly new car .

Does you ?

Well , Johnny , you like it , bro .

You know it was time for a change .

You can go ahead and just call me Johnny Tatum .

Yo , Jacob real quick .

Pull up a little photo of Jenny Tatum right here , bro .

Side by side 321 blue Hispanic version of Chany Tatum .

You know what I mean ?

And I dance like him too .

See me stop the art step up for before and after purposes as always , I'm gonna put the left shoe to the side .

Now before I start cleaning guys , let's talk about this artist series kit a little bit more .

Let me go ahead and open it up and tell you what comes in it .

So the artist series kit comes with all three brushes are stiff , our medium and our soft , the bottom of solution , microfiber towel , the laundry bag , a pair of shoe trees and the water and stain repellent .

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Now , this box is a great deal and as I mentioned , I do have a promo code in the description below .

Save 10% off .

So I highly recommend you taking advantage of this kit before it sells out .

So I'm gonna go ahead and put it to the side and first step .

Now you can either put the shoe tree in or remove the laces for this one .

We're gonna grab our adjustable shoe tree .

And what size is this size 11 .

So it's probably gonna be the third one here , entered it into the shoe .

There we go .

That's gonna allow me to do is apply more pressure to this toolbox and now we can remove the laces now that the laces are removed .

Let's go ahead and grab our bottle solution and pour a couple of squirts .

Maybe we need to open it first .

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Now , as always , we're gonna begin cleaning the uppers using the soft bristle brush .

All right , guys , I went ahead and hit up the entire shoe with the soft brush and as you can see it cleaned up a lot , but there are still a few deep stains that I'm gonna go back over with the medium brush .

Now , I did mention I have yet to clean this shoe .

So I'm a little worried on how it's actually gonna clean up .

But we get a lot of requests from you guys coming through customer service and then Instagram D MS .

So we definitely wanted to take care of the shoe for you guys .

Now I'm gonna take the medium brush , get in these deeper .

What do you call them ?

Stains , stains , deeper stains in the netting material here .

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What is this material vic off light material ?

I don't know what it is , but dirt tends to get trapped underneath the guys .

So I'm kind of curious to see if the washing machine will actually be able to flush it out .

So hopefully we are able to do so .

Vick said these are cleanable , but he also said I might not be the guy to be able to clean them up .

So we'll see how it comes out , right ?

All right , let's go on to the medium brush .

I am done hitting up the entire uppers with the medium brush .

Now it did help a little bit lighten up some of these stains .

However , the shoe is still looking pretty garbage .

Not that it helped any better because honestly I'm not a big fan of this shoe .

See , Ken Dos on 55 .

I love it .

You really like to shoot .

Yeah , I like the black one better .

Personally , I think the black one matches more .

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I think it went well with my fit today .

Huh ?

Right .

Vic black ones are the second one of my favorite off flights .

Black one , black off white fives are the best ones from the release .

For sure .

Miguel black or better .

I voted here .

Sorry .

Yo , Jake .

Hit me with the audio for Sponge Bob with the guy that said gosh , this guy stinks .

Now it's time to move on to the out guys with the stiff bristle brush .

As I mentioned , these are gonna be put in the wash and the actually don't look too bad .

So it shouldn't take me too long , but let's go ahead and take care of them .

Now , there you go guys .

I am done cleaning the entire shoe .

It's time to put these in the washer along with the laces .

She can hit me with the laundry bag .

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See Ken hit me with the laundry bag right here .

Here's your your target mark .

All right , we got this .

Don't waste your throw .

Hit me with that laundry bag .

No , that's it .

We are not doing the thoughts , man .

Look at all the shoe , the shoe .

No , no , we're just putting it in the laundry bag at this point .

Whoa .

All right , let's go .

Put these in the wash .

All right guys , we are back .

I went ahead and let the shoe dry for 24 hours and you can see these cleaned up .

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Amazing .

However , still not the best off .

55 .

So Ken back ones still better .

But to review guys , I did have to wash this shoe a couple of times .

I'm not even gonna lie .

This thing was disgustingly dirty that it did have to go into the wash twice .

So just to review , I used a soft brush on the entire uppers , went back over it with the medium brush to get a deeper scrub , took care of the mid sole with the medium brush as well .

And of course , the stiff brush for the out .

So then I went ahead and put in the wash , pulled it out , noticed that it was still dirty , did a deeper scrub re washed it and now we're here today , but real quick , I do wanna show you that there are still a few couple stains .

So see Ken , if you wanna go ahead and show them this toe cap here , as you can see , it's fairly faint , you can't see it too bad , but there are still some stains in the material and then back here on this heel and I really try to get that out , but unfortunately , it wasn't coming out .

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And of course , here , other than that , the rest of the shoe cleaned up .

Really , really ?

Well , I'm really glad that I was able to clean it up .

Now , these can go ahead and head over to many worlds , our sticker boutique and be sold for a still price for anyone who comes to the store or buys it online .

Now , remember guys , the product I use in today's video is the artist series kit which is limited edition .

So make sure you head over to re dot com right now and use promo code bubbles 10 to save off of this kit .

You definitely wanna pick it up guys because this is the kit that comes with everything you're gonna need for a nice deep clean like you just seen here .

But if you like today's video , make sure you hit that like button and if you're new here , hit that subscribe button .

I'm Johnny Bubbles .

I'll see you guys in the next one .

Peace .


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