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2023-08-10 10:58:08

Chicken Fried Steak

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Hey guys , it's Matt Pittman with Meat Church and welcome back to my outdoor kitchen .

I know I'm normally showing you guys how to make barbecue .

But today I'm gonna show you what Mrs Meat Church says is the best thing I make chicken fried steak , chicken fried steak .

This is gonna be a lot easier than you think .

We're starting out with some cube steak .

Uh You could also use like a Tenderized round steak .

So this is where you take a really inexpensive cut of beef .

Um and you fry it and it turns out to be what I'm just gonna tell you would probably be what I consider my last meal on earth .

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If I had a choice for that , we're gonna go with our chicken fried breading .

If you don't have this , uh you can use white flour and season it , but this stuff is great .

I'm gonna show you that today .

Like I'm going two packages .

Y'all probably only need one , but we're gonna make a bunch .

We got a lot of people to feed today .

I'm gonna tell you right now .

This is gonna be the messiest your kitchen has ever been .

That's why you wanna make this outside so you have to clean up indoors .

Plus it's not fun to cook inside .

There we go .

Now , we need to make an egg wash because we're gonna do a double dredge which , where we dredge it , we slip it through an egg wash and then back into the dredge again .

We're using country eggs here as you can tell because this egg looks green .

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A couple eggs whisk these up .

Yeah , I'm doing it in cast iron .

I can do it in a bowl .

Then we're gonna add some butter milk into this .

You could use a beer as well .

Don't ask me how much just a little bit with that .

Nice and stirred up .

You're gonna get really messy with this one .

The double dredge .

You might wanna try to do this with one hand because it's gonna be bad when you're done .

Put it down in our chicken fried breading .

Get it nice and thoroughly covered like that .

Then you're gonna slip it down in the , in the egg wash here .

Gonna come back in the breading again for a second dredge .

Very , very important .

So you're gonna get that epic breading .

Epic Crunch .

Let the excess drop off .

Put it back on our pan .

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I'm gonna go ahead and prepare all these and then after that , I'm gonna get ready to fry .

We're gonna fry in peanut oil in an old vintage Griswald cast iron skill .

That's probably about 90 to 100 years old because you know the stories of who knows what the heck has been cooked in that skillet .

But I love heirloom pieces like this that you can cook in and who knows what the stories are .

We've got our steaks breaded and it's time to cook again .

Here we've got peanut oil and an old vintage cast iron skillet .

This is a Carolina cooker .

Little gas cooker .

It's really inexpensive .

It's like 20 bucks .

I think the hose was as much as the cooker .

This thing works great to get you outside and cook .

But I like to fry what I call gently .

325 degrees .

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You're gonna fry a couple minutes aside until it's golden brown .

And then what I do is I place the cooked steaks in a cast iron skillet and I'll put them in a 200 degree pit or if you're inside in an oven to keep them warm while you're cooking the rest of your steaks .

We're gonna go on to making our cracked pepper gravy to go with it .

So , that's a great way to keep this stuff warm while we're finishing up our meal .

After a couple of minutes .

I'll usually flip it over another couple of minutes .

We'll be good to go .

That's what we're looking for right there .

A golden brown color .

I'm gonna let that oil drip off .

Put it in the pan .

I'm gonna cook the rest of these steaks .

Yeah .

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Time to make the gravy , half a stick of butter , it's gonna melt down .

Then we're gonna whisk in five tablespoons of flour .

If you've got leftover chicken fried breading , you can also whisk that in .

Instead it's perfectly seasoned flour .

I'm just gonna cook this flour until it's brown flagrant .

And at that point , we're going to stir in our milk .

See , that's pretty brown .

I'll let it go for just a minute .

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Right now .

It's time to whisk in your milk .

You want to try to keep the flour from clumping .

So whisk quickly , OK , you're just gonna simmer this until it thickens and then we're gonna season it and it's gonna be time to eat right .

Our gravy has thickened up .

Most people season with salt and pepper .

Anything that calls for salt and pepper , I season with our holy cow , but feel free to use salt and pepper .

That in also looks really pretty .

And I told you I call this coarse cracked pepper gravy for a reason .

So I've got some smoked black pepper .

I'm throwing more in here .

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Here we go .

It's time to plate and eat .

All right , let's plate this up .

We need lots of gravy .

Gotta have some for , uh , for the garlic , mashed potatoes too .

Don't forget those .

Look at that crack pepper day looks good .

I don't hold those beans against me .

My mom said I have to make vegetables every now and then .

All right , I can't wait anymore .

It's time to taste this .

I already know it's gonna be epic .

Uh We need the gravy but strong .

It smells amazing .

Maybe a little more gravy .

Here we go .

Hm .

That's good .

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Ain't mad about it .

In fact , I'm gonna have another bite .

That's so good , man .

You can taste um that cracked pepper gravy with holy cow in it .

Just totally compliments the crunch around .

Um that chicken fried steak .

That's unbelievable .

If you like this video like and subscribe to our channel .

You know what I'm saying ?

We're just trying to inspire you guys to get outside and cook something .

Appreciate you guys watching .

We'll see y'all next week .


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