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2023-08-11 20:19:43

How to make Fried Chicken Wings

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Many times I talk about chicken has to be tender and juicy .

Even when fried , you can do that by brining the chicken .

But if you don't want to brine the chicken after marinating the chicken like this , you can keep it in the fridge for at least 67 hours .

And your chicken will be juicy .

When you fry them .

Talking about juicy chicken , you have to seal the chicken so that the juices remain inside .

One way to do is you can add a little bit of egg and coat it with flour so that the juices remain inside and the chicken is juicy .

Let me make this chicken juicy by sealing it by one teaspoon of egg white .

That should be good enough first .

You know , I'm going to coat this with this egg white evenly once this is coated .

Well , all I'm going to do is just add one teaspoon of rice flour and one teaspoon of all purpose flour .

Ok .

That should be good enough .

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And I'm going to mix all of this and the chicken is ready to be fried with the air .

Now , this is all ready to go into a fryer .

But when you fry , normally , how much oil are you going to use ?

Half a liter to fry this much chicken .

Let's see how much I'm going to use just one teaspoon of oil .

That's it .

In fact , I could just use half a teaspoon and still the result will be super perfect .

Now , let's preheat at 180 °C for five minutes .

Now , once you preheat , we're going to remove the air fryer basket and let's drop in all the pieces of chicken .

You know , the pieces of the chicken are dry so you can top them one or another .

It's not a problem at all .

But , uh , this should be good .

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One teaspoon of Chef Paul Peron's poetry , Magic .

One teaspoon of onion powder , one teaspoon of garlic powder , one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and one teaspoon of dried thyme using your hands coat the seasonings onto the chicken place this into your refrigerator and let this marinate for one hour or overnight .

Here we have three large eggs into a medium sized bowl .

Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of Tony Scheer's crill seasoning whisk the eggs together .

Now buy the eggs , not having any salt in them at all .

We want to add just a little bit of seasoning and this will help with the flavoring of our chicken as well .

It's important that we add seasoning to everything , ok .

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Now , you know , you're going to put the basket in and let's cook them for around six minutes to eight minutes till they are slightly colored after around , uh , four minutes and even you can pull it out , remove the basket and just toss them , see what this one will do right now , I'm cooking a smaller quantity .

But even if you put more than 500 g of chicken in this , you can still get even coloring all through that is what the goodness about air frying .

Now , all you need to do is just pause the chicken , put it back , put it inside and let it cook for another three minutes .

So , in less than seven minutes , you got perfect chicken 65 by using less than one teaspoon of oil .

Amazing , isn't it ?

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And here we have our all purpose flour batter , which we're going to be adding our chicken into create your fire to medium high heat in a medium sized pot .

At 48 fluid ounces of canola oil , let the all get hot for 12 minutes .

Now , if you're using a deep fryer , preheat it to 350 degrees and let this heat up for about 12 to 15 minutes .

Now , you want to make sure that you have a serving dish lined with napkins because we're going to place the chicken on this once it's fried .

Now we're going to get started with the frying of our chicken .

We're going to take some pieces of chicken , add it into our egg mixture and coat the chicken with the egg mixture .

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Let's see how it's going to taste .

Can your wash of cook chicken ?

65 without adding green chilies and curry leaves .

What we do , we fry the chicken .

Then when the chicken is almost done , we put in green chilies and curry leaves .

That's what gives a nice flavor because I love to pick green chilies and pull the basket out .

Not fully a little bit .

And I'm going to drop in my curry leaves and green chilies on top hand goes in another two minutes .

Now , you can cook the chicken from 1 80 to 200 °C .

If the pieces are bigger , I prefer to cook it at 1 80 °C .

If the chicken pieces are smaller , I prefer to cook it at 200 °C for a shorter time after putting the green chilies and curry leaves .

This all done .

But what I usually prefer is I'm going to let it rest for another minute .

That's when I'm going to pull out the basket .

So it's perfect .

Now , I'm guaranteeing you the chicken is super perfect .

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But let's check here .

I've got the basket out .

OK ?

And here are the pieces of chicken .

Look at them , the curry leaves my the green chili .

Oh , look at these pieces of chicken so perfectly cooked .

You know , my son is all excited and he that you become a smarter cook .

I'm like , I don't like his common but you know , that's what it is .

And the green chilies also have a little bit of shine and uh you know , just Sprinkle a little bit of salt on the green chilies before you put into the fryer so that your green chilies are nice and tasty .

Hm .

Wow .

Look at this .

This is what a perfect chicken is .

Let me just look at this .

This how tender perfect .

And now no more guilt .

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You can enjoy any fried food , guilt free and they will come out super tasty and perfect .

If I want to promote one product , that would be Philip Air fryer because I want you all to be healthy and enjoy life .

Hm This much , this much .

Hm This much .

Think about it .

I don't even need a tissue because there's not a trace of oil .

All this is possible with the Phillips Air fryer but do not forget my question .

What is the difference between white meat and dark meat in a chicken ?

Dear friends ?

I hope you enjoyed today's recipe using Phillips Air fryer .

Very healthy , using little or no oil .

But I want to know what are the recipes you want to prepare ?

Using the air fryer .

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Please let me know through your comments so I can make the dish on this show using Phillips Air fryer till then .

See you .

Bye bye .

Good office Innovation and you Phillips .

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So until next time , take care and I hope you all have a blessed day .

Peace .


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