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2023-08-13 08:13:47

How to install Minecraft on Windows 11

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Hello , my name is Harold .

This is Tate and today I'm gonna show you how to install Minecraft on Windows 11 .

All right .

First thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and open up a browser .

Uh You can use Microsoft Edge or you can use uh Google Chrome .

I'm gonna use uh Google Chrome for this and I'm actually not going to type in what you think .

I would .

Uh To be honest , I already actually did the uh install on this and the way that this is supposed to install is such a disaster and just does not work .

It just , it was so bad .

I had to create an alternate way to install this and that's what I'm gonna show you how to do .

Now .

Uh What I'm actually gonna do here is I'm gonna call , I'm gonna type in Minecraft Alternate down booked .

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I'm sorry , Microsoft Microsoft alternate downloads and then press end and instead of going for what would have been the original download link and stuff like that , we're actually gonna go to this micro or Minecraft alternative downloads link .

So I'm gonna left click on that and what this is gonna do is bring up a list of different Minecraft uh versions that you can install .

The one that's a disaster to install is this first one , which is the Windows , 10 Windows , 11 edition installer .

And it's a disaster .

I'll go ahead and I'll pop up some of the errors and the problems I ran into .

But your best bet is actually just to bypass all of that and just download the uh alternative installed edition , which is still exactly like the original , but it bypasses the dependency on the Microsoft Store , which is where I ran into a lot of problems .

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Uh Now you can do the Microsoft dot M SI for Windows seven Windows eight recommended or you can do the Windows seven windows eight alternative minecraft dot exc .

It doesn't matter .

I I these two worked perfectly fine .

Just don't do the Windows .

10 Windows 11 recommended one , which is the same one you find if you just went to the primary download link , did the search .

So we're gonna do this one right here .

Uh The Microsoft dot M SI one here should be fine .

If you have any problems with it , then go ahead and do the uh alternative 78 Minecraft dot EFC one .

But uh this one should work just fine and these two are virtually identical .

So it should be fine .

I'm gonna left , click on that .

It'll start to download , I'll go ahead and click on that here , which is gonna open the download additionally .

If uh by any chance you don't see where it downloaded it uh should automatically drop it here in the downloads folder .

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So if you can click on the uh the folder icon here and then go to your downloads folder , it just drops it right in here .

So , is that all right ?

It's brought up the launcher setup , which is a good sign .

I can click next .

I'm gonna leave it install in its default location and I'm gonna tell it to install .

We go ahead and click .

Yes to allow .

And then we'll go ahead and click , finish here to bring up the launcher .

Now , originally , what is supposed to happen is , is you're supposed to download the Microsoft download or the Minecraft .

So I keep mixing that up the Minecraft installer .

In fact , if I go on Minecraft and then download it will bring me to this one .

Yeah , this one and this one is completely dependent on the Windows Store .

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And if you have that set up right where your account is linked , where your Microsoft account is linked with your Minecraft account and vice versa and you don't have it running .

And if you don't have that store and Microsoft account running on multiple computers , this will work fine .

You can go into the store , you can install Minecraft and run it right off the bat .

But since a lot of us have uh Java edition converted accounts and stuff like that .

Uh this is just a disaster .

So we'll go ahead and we'll jump back over here .

And uh yeah , we'll go to the uh Minecraft alternate link .

You can see the uh link over there on the top of the screen and as I said , get this alternate installer and it will work like that lasts really , really bad .

All right , we're gonna give this some time to download and install .

I will check back with you in just a second .

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Once the screen changes just about done , art's gonna bring up the official Minecraft launcher here .

Now , uh this point , you can actually go ahead and click play , but this isn't exactly what you're gonna see on your screen right now .

You're actually going to see a screen pop up .

That's gonna have you log in with your uh with your Mojang slash Microsoft user name and account password .

Uh on my account , I was transitioned over from the Mojang account over to the Microsoft account .

So , so and also I had uninstalled it from here and reinstalled it on here .

So uh I didn't have to do that , but you will get a uh a prompt to go ahead and log in with your account information .

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You'll need to do that to be able to get into the game .

I just wanted to jump back in the installation process here just a little bit .

In fact , I went back just a little bit .

Uh Once you first get past the part where it's done downloading on the box where you saw it was downloading the information for the uh launcher .

Once the launcher actually launches , it's gonna bring up the uh user name and password log in .

Uh If you have a Mojang log in , you're gonna use this one here .

Although if you're like me and you've been transitioned over , you're going to use the Microsoft login .

All right , I'm gonna go ahead and do my , uh , log in credentials here and I'll be back with you in one second .

I've got everything signed in .

It's relaunching the program there and that's it .

Uh , you may have some updating and stuff like that that occurs before this launches .

As I said , it was back , I backtrack so I could log in and stuff like that or show you the other login method .

But that's it .

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I once again got to say that the normal way of installing Minecraft is a disaster .

It just , it did not work for me .

I could troubleshoot it and I could make it work because I kind of understand what it's trying to do , but I would just for anybody else just bypass it .

Uh , go to download alternatives .

Don't do this .

First one , go to the uh 2nd and 3rd 1 here for seven and eight recommended an alternative .

And then that's it .

That'll get you going .

I hope this helps a lot of people .

I didn't realize how many people out there were having problems until I looked a little bit and then of course I had problems stalling it myself .

So I hope this will help a bunch of you and , uh , that's it .

Have a great rest of the day .


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