Hello .
So today I'm gonna be showing you how to install iTunes on the Windows 10 machine .
It's pretty straightforward , but I just thought I'd do a little beginner's guide just in case anybody was struggling .
So the first thing that we want to do is open up a Web browser .
You should have one of these on your machine Should be Microsoft Edge that comes as default on Windows 10 , Google , Chrome or Firefox .
So I'm gonna go with Firefox .
And once Firefox is opened up , I'm just gonna click Not now on there .
You might not get that prompt .
And you can actually search Google using this address here .
Or you can actually go to the Google website .
So those of you may be on an older version and don't have the search Google at the top .
We're just gonna go to google dot com Enter in there .
We're just going to type in iTunes and then click on Google Search and then the first link at the top .
You should just double check that .
It says WWW dot apple dot com iTunes .
I'm in the UK .
So you in the US .
It might show slightly different , but it will be something along the same lines of that .
So we're just going to click on to download iTunes and then you'll be presented with this page here that says iTunes now , including the Mac OS .
But we're not .
We're on a Windows machine .
So to get it for Windows , there's two ways of doing it .
The way that they want you to do it is if you click , get it from Microsoft .
We'll just get that from Microsoft .
Now just click that button just to show you , and what this will do is try and download it directly from the Microsoft store .
If we click , get on there .
The reason why I don't particularly recommend this method is because when we click on get again Once that launch is up , you'll see that it can be a little bit funny .
And sometimes it will ask you to sign in a lot of the times you can actually get away without signing in , but I personally prefer to install it directly from their website , so we're just gonna cancel that for the time being .
So if I head back to their website , I'm just gonna go back to the original page that we were on before .
And then if we scroll down here , you'll see something there that says looking for other versions and you want to click onto windows and then now at the top , you'll see it'll say Download now 64 bit .
Most machines nowadays run 64 bit , so I would highly suggest that you just click on the download now 64 bit button .
As it says there .
If you are running 32 bit windows , you will be able to download the same one there from below .
But as we're in 64 bit , we're just gonna click download now .
So because I'm using Firefox , it ask me what I want to do .
If I want to save the file , I'm just gonna click on save file .
If you're on chrome or any of the others , it will automatically start downloading and just appear down at the bottom .
But in Firefox , in the top right hand corner , we can see we can see the progress so we'll just let this download .
OK , so that's now finished downloading .
As you can see there because I'm in the downloads pay , I can literally just click straight onto it and open it up .
If you're on chrome , it should be the same .
It'll live down at the bottom here .
If I head into file Explorer down at the bottom here , which is a little yellow folder with a blue thing on it .
And then if I go into downloads , you will see there we have iTunes 64 bit set up , so I'm just going to double click onto this And then on this window here , as it says , Welcome to iTunes .
We just click next .
Um , just gonna leave this as default a lot of the time .
Nowadays , not many people use the desktop .
It's mainly going in there and just type in what you're looking for , and it will just appear .
So we're gonna leave it there anyway .
Use iTunes as a default player for audio files , and then we're gonna leave tiktok so automatically update iTunes and other Apple software , as it says their default language .
English , United Kingdom Destination Folder programme files iTunes , and that's fine .
Just click install .
Next , we'll get a US E prompt .
As you can see , it's just wanting to install it .
Would you click yes , on that and then we just wait .
OK , so we've got another US E prompt here .
OK , so as it says there , iTunes has now been successfully installed on your computer .
What you can do is you can leave that ticks so it opens iTunes up straight away as soon as it's installed or you can untick that and then I can show you how to find it any other way once you've closed it down .
But we're just gonna untick it for the time being .
So I'm just gonna show you a slightly different way of opening it .
So if we go back to the desktop , you should be able to see now that we have got the iTunes logo there so we can do click the icon to start it up .
We can also , if you're on Windows 10 , click on the little start menu down in the bottom left hand corner and in the recently added , you can see it's there .
If we scroll down in this list , you can see iTunes is there .
We do have to expand it from that little folder and go into there .
But that's also there .
You can also just click on the start menu and just type in iTunes and then just hit enter .
Once you've launched it , you will get this little prompt that you just have to agree to .
I mean , if you decline it , then you don't get to use the software , so you don't really get much of a choice .
Just hit , Agree again .
And here you are , basically , from here you can back up your iPhone .
You can visit the store , download music , move stuff across that kind of stuff and input all your music .
So if you go to file , you can see from here you can have a look at your devices , your library import playlist When .
If you want to sign into your apple account from here , you can go in and click Sign in here and then that should pull all your music down if you've got it linked to your apple ID .
But , yeah , that's pretty much it that's iTunes installed .
If you would like to uninstall iTunes , I'll just quickly show you how to do this .
Click on the start menu down in the bottom left hand corner , start typing programmes and then you get the option to add or remove programmes .
We're just gonna go back and make sure that we've closed iTunes off .
Otherwise it won't let us uninstall that .
And as you can see , you've got a few apple applications in there .
We're gonna go down to iTunes and click on there and then we're gonna click uninstall and then you get a US E prompt .
Just click Yes , on this .
And then once that's done , there will be a couple more applications up here that we just need to remove .
So we'll get your application support and then we get rid of the 64 bit one and then automatically close applications Apple Mobile Device , Apple Software Update and then banjo , which is also part of iTunes .
I believe that's the discovery side of things .
Yeah , this is what we're talking about .
So you can see down here I've clicked on install and they're just flashing away on the bottom bar there .
They won't actually do anything until you fully go down and click on them .
So if I click on there , you'll see we've got the US E prom .
Just click .
Yes , on there .
Then we go back to an installer as well , and then I'll just have a quick look down this list , but no , that's pretty much it .
So yeah .
Thanks for watching .
It was a pretty straightforward guide , but it may help somebody out .
So please , if it helps you out , leave me a comment below , like the video .
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That really help the channel out ?
Thanks a lot .