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2023-08-11 20:39:46

How to Get Started with Latex on Windows 10 Texmaker MiKTeX

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

So today , I'm gonna show you how to get up and running on Windows .

Uh This is not the only method for doing this .

And then also there's obviously like share lach and Overleaf online , but this is the way that I like to do it locally on my own computer to write in tech and then compile it into a PDF or whatever format you like .

So it's just a good way to do that and it's a pretty simple installation process .

So you're gonna need two pieces of software .

So there's mic text , which is the back end for compiling the tech .

And then you're going to need this other software called Text maker , which is the front end where you actually would uh and up your late before you compile it .

So you would need both Softwares .

And like I said , there are other options for both of these .

So I'm not gonna get too deep into it , but using these two , you can get up and running very easily for writing the tech documents .

Uh So I'm going to link both of these to you in the description , but I'll just go through the installation .

So I have both of them already downloaded in this folder .

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It doesn't really matter which one you install first , but I'm just gonna go through mic text very , very quickly here , first , except next , next .

And then I'm going to be creating for letter size paper .

So I'm gonna select letter .

Um , this one is an important one .

So when it says installments and packages on the fly , if you add like use color or something like that into your LICH document , it's gonna pop up with a window and ask you if you want to install it , so you can change that right here um where it can just automatically install it , not install it or ask you if you want to install it .

So I I leave it as ask , but if you want to just automatically install everything , just go to .

Yes .

Um So I'll hit next year and then just start the installation .

So this will just take a few minutes as soon as the installation is finished to sit next here .

I'll just check the uh updates here .

Um And then we can start the installation of text maker .

So like I said , text maker is the front end .

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So it's what you actually will use to create your documents .

And I really like the feel of it .

It feels really polished , just accept the license agreement here .

Um And definitely I highly recommend it , but like I said , there are a whole bunch of other options .

So if you're not a huge fan of text maker , try out something else .

Um So I'm gonna launch text maker right here and then we can just compile our first uh lac document , make sure it works and then you should be up and running with the tech in just a few minutes .

So when text maker comes up , you're gonna see just kind of a blank slate right here .

So um right here is where you're going to be your late documents .

And then on the right is your output that you create .

So the first thing we'll need to do is just create a blank lite document .

So I just did that right here and then I'm gonna grab some example lite code off the internet here .

So uh there's just some random code that I know works .

So I'm going to right click and say copy and then paste this in right here .

And now .

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So this is where you would have your completed late documentation that you want to compile into some sort of an output uh up at the top here are your build options .

So I'm going to go with the quick build and it's going to automatically select what to build it with .

But if you have a certain thing , you would like to build , just select it right here or you can select what you want to view on the right right here .

So I want to view the PDF and I want to do a quick build .

So I'm just gonna save this document right here as something .

So I'll just take control and then just save it as a test document .

It's gonna save it as a test dot text .

I'll save it and then I'm gonna run the quick build right here and then just after a few seconds , it should compile on the right .

So this was the window that I was talking about earlier where it discovered that I used a use package that it didn't already have installed .

So that's where you're gonna see this .

Like Ling macros dot Sty right here .

It's because there was a use package , Ling macros right here .

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After the first time it's used , it won't pop up anymore .

So if you make another document that use the link macros , then you won't see this message anymore .

So it's a pretty handy feature that you can just add any package you want .

It's going to install it the first time and then you never have to deal with it again .

So just hit install and usually it's pretty quick .

It depends on the size of the use package .

And then once it's finished , you can see it'll compile on the right and this is the output of it .

So any time you want to make changes , you can just uh obviously change anything you want to hear .

Uh Let's just say I want to delete this word right here notes for paper instead of my paper and then I can just hit the arrow again to recompile it .

And as you can see , it's a very fast compile this time and it didn't pop up with the same message .

And that's just because it had already installed the package from the first time .

So after you uh compile something the first time , it's usually very , very fast .

It's very responsive .

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I really like it because of the , the whole layout and everything and uh just like that in a few minutes , you can get up and running with tech .

I'm gonna do a few different videos in the future on how to like align images , how to use some special characters , like underscores and dollar signs , how to write out math equations .

Um So just a whole bunch of generics .

So uh keep looking for those in the future .


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