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2023-08-10 10:59:17

How to make Chicken Fried Chicken

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Hi , everyone .

I'm back .

And today today I'm gonna show you all how to make chicken fried chicken .

Yes .

We're having chicken fried chicken tonight at the Young's house .

I had someone ask me through message and through email , Gina , I've watched your video for your chicken fried steak .

Now , can you please do a video for chicken fried chicken ?

Well , here I am .

So what you will need in order to make chicken fried chicken , you will need thinly sliced chicken breast .

If you don't have thinly sliced chicken breast and you have the thick kind , just take a knife and cut through it and then take you some uh plastic wrap and put it on top and just kind of beat it with something uh and to make it nice and flat , but I've bought mines nice and thin .

So I don't have to do anything to them .

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So we have four chicken breasts today .

You will need parsley flakes .

You will need milk , cracked black pepper corns , garlic powder , chicken seasoning .

And I'm gonna use some chicken powder today .

You will need butter , you will need flour buttermilk and you will need some eggs .

And over here I have a pan and in the pan , I have some vegetable oil that we're gonna fry our beautiful chicken fried chicken in .

Ok .

So this recipe is so simple , so much fun .

And I know I say it a lot guys , it tastes so good .

Let's go ahead and make sure your hands are impeccably clean .

First thing that I've done was I've washed my chicken off .

OK ?

And what I've washed my chicken with is lime salt and cold water .

All right .

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So we're gonna go in with some parsley flakes , right ?

Just like .

So we're gonna season our chicken with sea salt , get you some sea salt on there .

Ok ?

Don't be afraid to season like I like to say all the time , only season you gotta worry about is that salt ?

But you wanna make sure you season it up well , so it can have nice flavor .

Ok ?

Be sure of that nice cracked black pepper corn just like .

So then we're gonna put some garlic powder on .

Absolutely .

You have to have garlic powder .

It gives you so much flavor .

Now , this spice here , you don't have to use it and I know everyone cannot find chicken seasoning .

If you can't find it , it's ok not to use it .

The salt pepper , the garlic powder and the parsley will do just fine .

Ok ?

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You don't have to have this , but we're gonna go ahead and put us some chicken seasoning on there and I'm only gonna use the chicken seasoning on one side even though we're going to season both sides .

Ok .

So let's turn it over just like this .

And then what I'm gonna do , I'm gonna start heating up my oil that's on the stove .

So I'm gonna turn it up onto a medium heat so that it doesn't get hot too fast .

And let's go ahead and season up this side of our beautiful chicken breast .

Now , honestly , if you want to , if you're not a fan , a fan of the white meat , you definitely can use chicken thighs .

Absolutely .

You can if you want it to .

No problem , you can use chicken thighs .

Ok ?

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But traditionally when you're making chicken fried chicken , you want to use a nice chicken breast and make sure it's thin .

Ok ?

So then we're gonna put garlic powder as well , ok ?

Just like so a little tiny bit of sea salt guys .

Not too much .

Remember we salted the other side just like this .

And the reason why I took out my chicken powder is because when I make my white gravy , oh I'm making white gravy , but I'm gonna put just a pinch of this in there and it really bumps up the flavor .

Trust me when I tell you this .

OK .

So you'll see me put that in my beautiful white gravy , white gravy is so easy to make so much fun .

Ok ?

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So what I like to do is I like to let my seasoning soak down into that beautiful chicken breast .

So I'm gonna set this aside for a second and make sure any time you're cooking , getting ready to fry something .

What I want you all to do is make sure you set your meat out of the refrigerator .

Ok .

Set it out at least 15 to 20 minutes ahead of time because I feel like when you take your meat right out of the refrigerator and you put it right into that hot pan , the meat kind of goes into shock and you'll have a tough meat .

But if you take it out and you get some of that cold chill off of the meat and you let it rest before it goes in that hot pan , the meat is more happy and it doesn't feel like it needs to go into shock when it goes into that heat and you're gonna have a nice , beautiful tender meat .

Trust me guys .

Ok .

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So we have eggs .

All right .

I have four eggs here and I'm just going to whisk them up just like so .

Ok .

And then we're gonna put some of our beautiful buttermilk in there and some of you might say , but how much buttermilk gina ?

And does it have to be butter milk ?

Well , I'm gonna tell you this .

Oh , there's my whisk .

I'm gonna tell you this .

I'm just gonna put as much butter milk as I want no certain measurements .

And do you have to use buttermilk .

No , you don't , you can use regular milk , right ?

Use , use some regular milk and it'll be just fine .

Ok .

But I feel like when you use buttermilk it makes that chicken nice and tender .

All right .

Just put you some in there .

That's enough .

It doesn't have to be too , too much .

And matter of fact , I'm gonna put a little bit more .

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There we go .

I'm gonna put this in the refrigerator and that's all you need .

Like I said , if you don't have the butter milk , it's OK to use regular milk .

I always use regular milk .

OK ?

And if I have the money to get the buttermilk cause buttermilk is expensive , then I'll get it .

But if not , I'll use regular milk , any kind of milk will be just fine .

Make sure that your egg is well incorporated with this buttermilk .

Beautiful .

There we go .

Now what I wanna do , I'm gonna wipe my stove off here .

I have my oil heating up and I would like to show you all how to dredge this beautiful chicken breast .

OK ?

So let's bring our chicken breast back into the equation here .

OK .

Let's see .

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I need to make room because the first thing how we're gonna do this is you want to dredge in the ache in the flower .

I'm sorry .

I'm saying it all wrong guys dredge in your flour nicely dredge in your egg and get it nice and coated back into the flour .

Ok .

So that's the process that we're getting ready to do .

And I'm gonna show you how to do that right now .

Right ?

I'm grabbing another plate because we're gonna need to put the dredged meat onto this plate .

All right .

Kind of like this .

Very simple .

So we're gonna do the flour just like this .

Get it .

Well , Incorporated .

Get that flour on there .

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All right .

And then when you flour the second time you wanna make sure you shake a lot of it off .

OK .

So get it Well Incorporated just like it is or well dredged , dip it in the egg .

See that , dip it in the egg and butter milk and then back into your flour and then I want you to coat that bad boy up just like this just like this .

All right .

And make sure you kind of pack it down in there and the bottom is already getting nice and coated .

All right .

And then when you pull it up , check me out guys , when you pull it out , kind of shake it off a little bit .

All right .

This is what you want it to look like .

All right .

So there's one beautiful , let's do this one .

Same way .

I'm gonna do two for you .

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And then I'll put the video on Paul's and I'll do the other two off a video and then I'll show you how to fry up our chicken fried chicken and the gravy .

Oh my goodness guys .

The gravy is so simple and it tastes so good .

And see this gravy that I'm making today , this gravy is the same gravy that I would use if I were to make , um , what is it called ?

Sausage and gravy ?

Biscuits ?

Absolutely .

This is the same gravy technique that I would use for that .

Only I would be putting the ground sausage in there and eating it over biscuits .

But you'll see .

And if you all haven't seen the chicken fried steak video , oh , check it out guys because it is a winner for sure .

You hear me ?

Mm mm mm .

Beautiful .

You see this , that's what you want and shake off as much as you can .

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And meanwhile my uh oil is heating up .

I'm gonna continue to dredge these and I'll be right back everyone .

OK ?

Everybody .

Let's get down to the nitty gritty .

So let's grab these shake off that excess and put them right into your pan .

Your pan is gonna have vegetable oil in .

You're just gonna lay it ever so gently .

Once you get it in your pan , leave it alone because what's starting to happen right now is your pan is starting to form your or your chicken is starting to form a nice , beautiful golden crust and if we mess with it right now , we'll kind of be messing with the uh texture of your crust .

OK ?

Your crust will start to come off .

All right .

So once you get it in there .

You leave it alone .

All right .

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Let's get this one in as well .

So we have three in and I think I have enough room and I do to put the fourth one .

Yeah , I'm gonna dredge the bottom of this .

Fourth one .

Looks like some of my flour came off .

But that's why .

So we dredge it again .

Put that right on in there .

Now , you want your heat on medium high .

You don't want it up on high .

If you put it up on high , the outside will burn and the inside will not be done .

If you put it on low , everything will steam and you'll never get a crispy crust , medium high and they're going to turn out just perfect .

All right .

So what we're gonna do is we're gonna be patient .

And once you start to see that nice golden brown ring around the bottom , that's gonna to indicate that it's time to turn them .

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As soon as I start seeing that nice golden brown ring , I'll come back , we'll flip them and then I'll continue to tell you what to do next .

OK .

Everyone what I want to show you .

Let's look right here .

See where my fork is pointing .

You can start to see that nice golden brown color that I was talking about .

So let's go ahead and turn them over .

Oh Yeah .

Oh Yeah .

Hey , you want a chicken fried chicken ?

I'm making it for you .

You know who you are .

I got that email and so we're having chicken fried chicken make you some guys make it for your family and friends and just watch them rant and rave over this simple easy dish .

This isn't gonna take me any time to cook once this other side gets nice and golden brown .

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Hey , we're gonna make up our night .

Beautiful white gravy .

I'll be back .

Ok , everybody let's peek in at our beautiful chicken and look at this beautiful crust .

That's really what I want you to see .

You get that type of crust as long as you dredge it the way that I dredged it .

So you do your flower , you dip it in the egg and buttermilk and then back in the flour and you will achieve the same nice and crispy golden brown crust just like I have a cheese chip .

Ok ?

The bottom side is not quite done yet , but it's almost done .

Ok ?

I'm just taking a peek at them to see what they look like .

Let's see .

I want you all to see , see that nice and golden brown .

I want it to get just a little bit darker .

Ok .

Let's look at this one .

Oh , there you go .

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And now we're cooking OK , we'll let them go for a little bit longer and I'm gonna turn my heat down just a little instead of medium high .

I have it on a medium heat now because I don't want that crust to get any darker than what it is .

Ok .

Just aiming to cook that meat .

We already have our golden brown color that we're looking for here in about one or two minutes .

We'll take this out and I'm gonna show you all how to make the sauce .

And when you're making the sauce , you can either use this oil that's in the pan to start your sauce or you can use margarine or you can use real butter .

It's really up to your discretion .

If I feel like there's not too many really dark bits in my oil , I'll use the oil .

But if I feel like there's too many dark bits in the oil , I'll use either margarine or real butter .

We'll just have to see after I take the , uh , chicken out .

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Ok .

Everyone , I just wanted you to know I wanted to get the other side that I browned up first .

I wanted to get that side just a little bit darker .

So I've went ahead and flipped them .

This is the second side that I've turned it over and I'm just gonna darken up that other side just a little bit .

Ok .

Ok .

Everybody , the other side have reached the golden brown color that I'm looking for .

See that , that's what you want .

So what I'm gonna do , I'm gonna go ahead and take them out and I'm gonna put these on a cooling rack and what the cooling rack will do is it will allow air to circulate all around these chicken breasts and the bottom of your chicken breast won't get foggy .

Because if you were just to put these chicken breasts on into a platter or a plate or something , it would get foggy .

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But by doing it this way , let me show you and putting it onto this cooling rack , all of that air can circulate and everything's gonna stay nice and crispy while we make our white gravy .

Ok ?

Everybody , let me show you what I'm left with .

Here's what I'm left with .

And remember I was saying if those bits down in the bottom were too dark , then I wouldn't use this oil .

Well , they're nice and golden brown .

So I'm gonna go ahead and use them .

Sometimes those bits can get too dark for me and I'll just wash the whole pan over and you know , wash the whole pan out and start over .

But I'm gonna go ahead and use this .

So what I'm gonna do , I'm gonna pour out the extra oil that I don't need .

All right .

And then I'll come back .

I'm gonna leave those bits in there .

I'm just gonna pour out the oil that I don't need and I'm gonna leave some oil in here be right back .

OK ?

Everybody .

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So I poured out a lot of the oil that was in there and I have some flour .

I'm just gonna go from my bag .

I put some flour in that oil .

OK .

And what you need to do if you need to do equal parts oil or butter , equal parts fat .

OK ?

With flour OK ?

And you just mix it up just like so with the whisk .

Ok .

Looks like I might need a little tiny bit more flour .

This is how you make your cream cream stout gravy , your white gravy .

Ok .

Mm .

You see all those bits in there ?

All those beautiful golden bits are flavor .

You hear me ?

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I mean that's some good flavor guys but like I said , feel free to rinse that pan out , out and start all over with butter and flour .

All right .

It's really up to you .

OK ?

Or oil and flour whichever you'd like to do .

Now that I have a nice roux going in here , see how the flour thickens up a little bit in your oil just like that .

We're gonna let it cook just for a little while just so that um the flavor of the flour can kinda leave once it cooks for a minute .

All right , beautiful .

Oh yeah , baby .

Now if you didn't want to use milk , you could use heavy whipping cream .

OK ?

And a lot of people are unsure about whipping cream and they wonder is it sweet ?

No , it's not sweet .

It just has the same exact taste of milk .

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OK ?

It's just called heavy whipping cream .

So what we're gonna do right now at this point is go ahead and I have a vitamin D milk just gonna put some in there , right ?

How do you know how much to put in ?

Well , I just kind of eyeball it .

Ok ?

And then I'm gonna go in and stir this vigorously .

Ok ?

And what's gonna happen is this is gonna get nice and thick .

And what I want you all to do is I'm gonna turn this down on low .

I want you all to start out with a little bit of milk .

OK ?

And then you add , because if you put too much in the beginning , you can never take away from .

You start out with a little bit and you keep adding as you go until you get the nice consistency that you are looking for .

OK ?

And see , let me show you this is kind of thick right now and you know , we want it much thinner .

You all know what the consistency of gravy looks like .

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We want it to look like the consistency of gravy .

So you keep putting your milk or your cream in whichever you decide to use until you get that nice gravy consistency .

OK ?

Oh My .

Oh my .

And when you look at this , it's beautiful .

And then we're gonna add some flavor to here .

We already got flavor from that beautiful seasoned chicken , right ?

And then we're gonna add some black pepper corns .

We're gonna add some parsley for color .

A little tiny bit of sea salt .

We're gonna put some garlic powder and a little bit of that chicken powder and that chicken powder will take this over the ledge .

You hear me ?

I mean , oh over the latch and you guys are gonna be screaming yippy and they're gonna say what's wrong with her ?

What's wrong with him ?

And you're gonna be like I just tasted Gina Young's chicken fried chicken and it was so good .

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I'm gonna taste this guys .

Ok .

Oh yes .

Mhm .

Yeah , baby .

All right .

Crack like that bread .

Get on there , baby .

Put you a nice amount in you got a nice amount of gravy there .

OK ?

Parsley because parsley makes everything beautiful right ?

You gotta have you some parsley in that white gravy .

Let's go ahead and grab us some sea salt .

Don't get crazy with the sea salt guys .

Just a little bit is all you need .

OK ?

I say a little bit .

I'm so serious .

That's good enough .

All right , let's go in with our garlic powder and I gotta reach over the camera one more time .

Sorry guys .

All right .

And I'm gonna grab there's the chicken powder if you can't find chicken powder in your store .

Um Grab you a chicken boy on cube and just mash it up .

OK .

Look at this .

I'm only using a tiny bit guys .

Put that in there .

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Get it in there guys .

Trust me .

When I tell you this you have to , you have to , your family are gonna lose their mind when they taste this when you put this on your dinner table .

Oh you better let me know the comments that they say because they're gonna say where the heck did you get this recipe from ?

OK .

I have to taste this guys .

Let me give it a taste .

Mm mm mm mm black pepper .

It needs a lot more black pepper .

My word .

OK .

And then we need to put a little bit more sea salt .

Not too much .

Don't get crazy guys .

Perfect .

And I need to thin it out just a little more .

That's what the trick is about when you're making gravy .

If it's too thick .

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Keep adding that milk , little bits at a time .

So you don't overdo it .

OK ?

And then I'll take a spoon and show you all what the consistency looks like because you can't really see it with this whisk .

OK ?

This right here chicken fried chicken 101 .

If you all never made this before , you might wanna make yourself .

Oh yeah .

See that .

See that guys .

My goodness .

This is what you want on top of your chicken , fried steak on top of your chicken , fried chicken and so quick and simple .

And boy , oh boy , you're gonna turn some heads with this .

You're going to have people all over the world snatching their wigs off and throwing their shoes off the balcony .

I don't know what that means .

Kind of going crazy .

I guess that's what it means .

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All right .

I'm gonna taste it one more time guys .

You have to , you have to taste it .

So you know what you're feeding people .

Mm mm mm mm .

That's it .

That right there .

That's it .

Let's plate this up but not until I show you my beautiful chicken .

Once again , look at this guys nice and crispy and it only took me five minutes to make the gravy .

So the chicken is still hot and it has so much flavor .

Let's grab a plate , let's plate this up .

I'll be right back .

OK ?

Everybody I'm ready to plate this up just like so .

Ok , look how nice and beautiful and crispy .

I know , I know , I know .

I know .

I know I started out with four pieces .

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I only have three pieces as soon as my husband heard me put the video on Paul's .

He comes in here and he grabs his plate , buddy .

You hear me ?

So he's ready ?

Absolutely .

OK .

So now let's go in with our gravy and when you plate , when you make somebody's plate , listen to me guys .

Let me grab a different spoon .

When you make someone's plate , you don't wanna drown their chicken in the sauce .

You just wanna let me show you , let me show you how you do it because they wanna also be able to see the beautiful crispy , golden brown chicken underneath .

OK ?

This is how you present it on their plate or your platter or whatever you're serving on .

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OK , this is how you present it , right ?

Put that gravy on just like this .

Let them still see that nice , beautiful golden brown .

Look at this , this right here .

Chicken fried chicken 101 .

Hey , I got your email .

I can't always , I can't always get to all of these emails .

There's so many people that email me and message me every day I try to .

But when I see the emails that I can answer without actually answering instead of and you know , sometimes I'll just do the video but I heard you baby and here you go .

Chicken fried chicken .

Give me a thumbs up if you all enjoyed this video .

If you haven't subscribed , make sure you subscribe , make sure you click on that notification bell so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes .

Absolutely .

Look at this guys .

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Make yourself .

Mm mm mm All right .

Let me clean my stove off cause I hate to have a mess .

Right .

Let's put up some black pepper .

You always need to finish it off with black pepper because when you have a white sauce , that white sauce is supposed to have black pepper on there .

See that beautiful .

I'm gonna go ahead and put some parsley on cause I'm parsley .

Crazy .

All right .

Look at this .

Come on Gina .

Show them what you're working with baby .

Mm mm mm If you all haven't seen my video that I uploaded earlier for the um sea salt caramel , apple fried apple pies .

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If you all haven't seen that video , check it out and let me know what you think .

Let's go ahead .

I'm gonna grab a separate plate .

I'm gonna plate this up .

I want you all to let me know what you think about this recipe .

Let me grab a small plate .

Oh yeah , I'm coming guys .

OK , everybody but I wanna show you something .

Look at that flight where we started and they're gone , they're gone just like that .

There's one left and that's how quick they'll go on your house .

You hear me ?

Absolutely .

They will .

Mm OK .

I was drinking some of my ice water .

God bless this meal .

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Thank you Lord for feeding me and my family a meal today .

Please Lord Jesus .

Take care of the homeless and the starving .

I pray that they have somewhere to lay their head .

Some means somehow to stay warm and get fed a me Lord .

I pray that no weapons formed against me and my family shall prosper .

We thank you Jesus for feeding us in a roof over our head .

We thank you that you love us Lord and we love you so much .

We believe in you and we have faith in you and we thank you for all you've done and all you're gonna do .

Amen .

Once again .

Amen .

Let's dig in guys .

All right first , let's go right in .

So this beautiful chicken and I wanna show you what the buttermilk does .

I have to show you what the buttermilk does .

Ok ?

Because that buttermilk gives you a nut .

Ok .

Ok .

You see right where I'm squeezing .

Can you see the juice ?

Ok .

Look where I'm squeezing .

Where this finger right here .

That's juice .

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That's all juice .

And it comes from soaking this in that buttermilk and egg .

Hi .

Give this a try taste that right there and let me know what you all think .

Nice and beautiful and crispy .

Look at this and that white meat is so tender and juicy and crispy on the outside .

Taste that .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm mm .

Oh .

Mhm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Boy .

Is they good ?

Mm mm mm .

Now you have to taste it now that you tasted that beautiful crispy juicy chicken .

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Now I want you all to taste it with that gravy .

Oh , you have to , you must look at that .

Look how beautifully that gravy coats that .

Oh my goodness .

That buttermilk crusted chicken .

Look at this guys .

I have to lick that off my finger .

Mm mm mm .

Look at this guys taste that .

Mhm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Why do you taste so good ?

Uh so good .

So mm mm mm .

Quickly after my husband started eating , I can hear him say that is so stupid , right ?

And I'm like , what did you say ?

It's stupid ?

Good .

You know , and it's , it's a slang .

I know guys .

It's slang but it's basically ridiculous .

Good .

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It's so ridiculous .

It's stupid .

But he tells me he's like , is there another piece left ?

I'm like , there's one more piece left and he's like , I want that tonight already .

I'm like , you want another piece now and he's like , no , but I want that last piece .

I'm gonna eat that bad boy tonight and that's how good it is guys , they're gonna come back begging for more .

You hear me ?

Look at this taste that .

Hm I hope you all enjoyed this video .

Mm Listen to that nice crunch .

Mm It's so good .

Mm mm mm Give me that crust right there .

Mm This gravy is out of this world .

Mm mm mm mm and as always , God bless each and every one of you .

Thank you all for watching .

Have a good night .

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I'm gonna give you all one more taste .

Ok ?

And then I'm gonna say good night until tomorrow .

I love you all .

Good night .

Mm mm mm .


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