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2023-08-11 20:03:55

How to Draw People Kissing [HTD video #2]

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Hey there friends .

It's Mark Curley .

I'm back with another how to draw video .

Uh Some of you may be waiting for my next message to my subscribers video .

It is coming hopefully early next week .

But I wanted to get to this video that people have been asking for for years .

Uh Literally uh a drawing a video on how to draw people kissing .

Um I'm gonna begin by in time lapse drawing a simple square , uh kind of a grid structure .

So let's go ahead and do that .

OK .

So now we've got this in place and you'll see that this is kind of a simple square , it's about four inches uh on uh all sides and then uh this uh line comes right uh across the middle of the horizontal line .

And then here we've got just a little bit of a diagonal tilt to the vertical line that's gonna help us get the lines uh of the profile right now .

Uh I think what I wanna do is add just two more lines to get us started .

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Um One of them is a curving uh line that comes right across about halfway between these two .

just a curving line .

This is gonna be the lines of the two characters , uh jaws , sort of jaw lines .

Uh And then maybe one other uh curving line here that's gonna be uh uh starting uh where the girl's nose is going to come off uh into her profile .

Um But having got those two in place just so that you can get the details right .

I'm gonna zoom right into this area uh which is really gonna be the toughest part of the drawing for most people .

OK .

So let's go ahead and get into this , this line , as I said , is the line of her nose , uh the female character here on the left and it comes off at uh sort of a gradual slanting angle before uh tilting up into the line of her forehead .

And uh over here , we are going to do another line dipping down to be the other side of her nose .

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All of this coming right in at that intersection of the two lines .

Now , before I go any further , I am going to come down here and draw uh her chin which curves right up until it sort of meets that line .

Uh and then follows that uh curving line that we did to begin with um for the bottom part of her jaw .

Now , this series of lines here is the really tricky part , we have um a line coming off at a pretty sharp angle to delineate her upper lip , see how I did that .

I said delineate instead of indicate um and then curving back down here , this one line really kind of becomes his lower lip .

Uh as the two characters , lock lips , I guess is really the only way of putting it .

And uh this uh line comes off at a somewhat gentler angle .

Uh and you may see just a little bit of her lower lip uh tucked behind his .

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And at this point , we may want to get into what we call negative space where uh those of you who have studied art , the teacher may talk about negative space , this little area in here .

If you replicate that in your drawing , that can help you uh to , to get all these lines in just the right place .

And then his jaw is gonna come off in , in a fairly angular uh way uh coming back here .

Um We can't really see his whole nose , it's obscured by her nose , but let's go in here and get the uh the bridge of his nose as it comes up and , and like hers kind of uh tilts back into the uh forehead .

And hopefully , we've got enough space to get the eyes in here .

I'm gonna make one line that kind of cuts across here .

You may look at this section here , this sort of triangle that forms as uh giving you a sense of where this diagonal line uh goes , you know , the sort of angle that it's at .

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And uh what happens is right here where it intersects with that horizontal line is where her uh eyelashes can come in to form uh her eye in profile .

Um She's got her eyes closed in this pose .

Of course , there is the classic tradition of the surprising kiss where one of the eyes , one of the participants has their eye wide open because they can't believe that they're having their first kiss or whatever .

So , uh but then we get the eyebrow in here , uh a certain distance , see if you can get that distance there .

Uh And then his eye is pretty much gonna be coming off right here at that same line .

But I , I now realize that I've zoomed in so close that you can't really see that .

So I'm gonna have to pull back um to get the rest of that in .

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But while we're down here , um and I generally hold off until the end for this , but uh some people like to add the classic blush and uh this is where they would go and notice the direction they're kind of following along with uh her face .

Uh right here , if you , if you choose to add them , his uh blushes and they both are slightly embarrassed or whatever intense emotion uh would be coming off at a slightly different angle .

Uh Some people may feel that I've kind of overdone it with the , the , the blushy action here .

So uh you can tame that back a little bit if you want to .

Uh uh let's go ahead and just uh put in a light indication of where her uh neck is gonna come up .

It can be tricky to get to the distance right between the chin and the neck .

Uh His uh neck line is uh a similar distance coming back here , but uh his , his jaw is at an angle .

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And as a result , we're gonna have a little bit of a line coming off here , I'll , I'll maybe get into that more as we pull back to do the rest of the drawing .

Uh So those are in many ways , the toughest lines of the drawing .

Um I'm gonna go ahead and put his uh the sort of profile of his eye , as I said , it sort of follows right along there uh in the same direction as hers .

Of course , I'm not gonna make his uh eyelashes quite as thick as hers .

Um But get his eyebrow in there and uh the rest of this , I may have to sort of uh do a at a much faster pace um because I don't want this video to go on and on forever .

But let's go ahead and uh talk about where her uh the lower part of her ear is gonna go .

I think it kind of comes in right back towards the end of this line right here .

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We're not uh her hair is gonna cover up a certain part of her ear and , uh , in his case , the , uh , jawline curving back up here , uh , and we'll find his ear .

Although again , the air , the hair is gonna be kind of obscuring .

Uh , part of it is gonna come right around in here and , uh , I'm gonna get just a little bit of shading in here , uh , to show how his jaw is leaning back .

You know , this is what allows him to be in the position of kissing her as his head needs to be sort of tilted back a little bit .

Um So that their noses don't mush into one another .

Uh And I'll get a little bit of a shadow here for the uh beneath her jaw and uh let's go ahead and move on into the hair .

Uh I don't want to be this to be a video so much about uh how to draw the hair .

I'm a big believer in everyone .

Um Coming up with their own hairstyles .

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In fact , II , I have to assume that people requesting this video had characters of their own , right ?

They've invented their own characters and they want those characters uh to be involved in some kind of a romance story , let's say , uh but every time they get to that point where the characters are supposed to kiss , that's when it becomes like , oh man , I just , my drawing just doesn't look right .

So hopefully this will allow you to um draw that crucial panel in your story where and then you can just uh draw the hairstyles the way you like .

Um uh I had uh in Mekki Falls , I uh had a big crucial moment .

Spoilers , spoiler , alert people uh where my characters uh kiss for the first time and uh to tell you the truth , I don't even know if I did it that well , in terms of uh you know , the accuracy , uh , of all the lines being in just the right place .

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Um , you know , if I could pass along one lesson in general to anyone who watches my videos , uh , it would be , you know , learn from my mistakes in the sense that , uh , every line is just absolutely crucial .

Um , uh I think sometimes people get into drawing manga and I was guilty of this myself at the beginning and they have insufficient respect for the importance of where each line goes .

Um , and they think , oh , yeah , well , if I just draw this here and there , that'll be fine .

And I have found through hard experience that that is not the case .

Uh , those lines are there for a reason and you really have to , uh , be careful about replicating them .

Exactly .

Um That being said , I think it's time maybe for me to , uh , really , uh , go ahead and kick this into time lapse to do some of the final lines .

I'm gonna go over all these lines .

With my trusty uh black uh prisma color .

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It's just a simple colored pencil and then I may go straight from there into uh the shading apologies if all of this flies by too fast .

But I really do think that this area right in here is the crucial thing that gives people a lot of trouble .

So let's go ahead and finish up this drawing .

All right .

Well , uh sorry , I had to zip through so much of this in the very end of the video .

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I know I was trying to cover an awful lot of ground in this one .

And I think what may be needed is a second video in which I focus more on the pose .

Uh You know , a lot of times the female character may have her hand on his cheek .

Uh And uh so let's plan on me doing a second video in which we get more pull back a little and you see the upper tour so I can get into the pose and different stuff like that as you see characters like this in an embrace .

Um But for now , I want to thank one more time .

Anyone who has bought my manga series Meki Falls , uh or Brodie's Ghost .

I really do greatly appreciate your support , those of you who spread the word about my videos .

Uh Honestly , uh you people have , have truly changed my life .

Um And uh I , I really can't thank you enough for that .

Uh the support and the enthusiasm that I have gotten from all of you over the years .

Um But let me go ahead and lay the pencil down .

Uh And I wanna thank you one more time for watching this video .

I hope you found it useful and I will be back with another one real soon .


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