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2023-08-14 12:27:44

Earn $100 Per Day Playing Games (Games That Pay Real Money) - Make Money Online

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OK , so I want you to imagine making upwards of $100 per day playing games .

Is this possible ?

Can you do it ?

And can you do it from the cover of your own home ?

The honest answer is yes , you can .

And in this video I'm gonna show you exactly how you can genuinely make money playing games online .

Make sure you watch to the very end of this video as I'm gonna explain it in detail for you guys in this video today .

OK , so what's up , everybody and welcome to the video .

And in this video , I'm gonna show you guys how you can actually make money playing games online .

Now , as you guys know , if you type in on Google like how to make money playing games or anything like that , you can be brought up with loads of stupid kind of websites .

What ?

Don't really work ?

Um and they're just general ways which are not really gonna make you any money playing online .

OK , guys , as you guys know , the internet is filled with these websites .

They're filled of time wasting kind of websites which don't even pay you anything or site stupid survey websites or anything like that .

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Now what I've done is I spent a lot of time looking around the Internet , finding the best ways for you guys to make money and obviously on my channel here on YouTube , as my my primarily focus is , is to show you guys genuine ways .

You can actually make money here on YouTube , and I've came across this website , which is genuinely one of the best ways you can make money online with playing games , and this doesn't cost you a penny .

This is completely free , and I'm about to get straight into it and show you exactly how you can do it before I show you exactly how to do it .

I just want to say if you could please come to my YouTube channel , Jamie Tech and Hit subscribe to my channel and turn on post notifications as I spend a lot of time making videos every other day .

I've shown you guys ways you can make money online , and none of the stuff I make on these videos cost you any money .

It's all free , and I'd really appreciate it if you can subscribe to my channel in return .

OK , so Let's get into how you can do this .

There's a website called Winner Games .

If you go ahead and type that in Google and click enter , you'll be brought up to the search resorts .

OK , now this website right here .

I need to explain how it works , guys .

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OK , so don't just go over to the website right now .

Make sure you watch this video all the way to the very end to truly understand how this works .

Because if you go over there , you might not get the full drift of it .

OK , so this website is called winner games .

Uh , it's winner games dot com .

Um , I'll put the link in the description below as well , but it's just WINR games dot com and basically , as you guys can see here , you play the games .

You choose one of many different games in big time to collect tonnes of tickets .

Now it's not one of those survey websites , so don't worry .

The more tickets you earn , the higher chance of winning cash prizes .

When the time it runs out , the tickets are tabulated and the winner is drawn .

Now , basically what this is it doesn't cost you a Penny .

It doesn't cost you anything .

OK , They cost you $0 to enter this .

You literally play games , OK ?

In your spare time , you can do it as much as you want , as little as you want .

OK , guys , you play , you play games in your spare time and every game you play , you'll get a ticket .

Now the end of every single day and week there is a draw .

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OK , there's a draw for a winner to win money , which means the more games you play , the more higher chance you have in winning .

Now , these cash prizes are not just a few dollars , guys , these cash prizes are actually insane .

So if you get up here , you can see some of the winners here .

OK , $3000 .

806,000 .

All of these winners guys OK , there's there's literally you can come on this website and just keep going through all of them and all of them .

OK , these are updated regularly because there's so many winners , OK , and the way this works is you're probably gonna be thinking , OK , well , how is this company even paying people for a start ?

It's very simple guys .

They put ads on the games and they make money from ads and they give back to the people playing the games .

It's very simple .

It's a very simple strategy .

Um , it's a very actual core strategy , I think , because I don't know if you've ever known before .

But when you play those apps on your phone , you get those annoying ads .

Um , they have minimised them , so there's not many , but they're kind of hidden .

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So obviously , when you're playing the apps , uh , you know , you you getting ads on the on the on the apps and they're making money from ads and in return , they're doing draws , um , and giving people money .

So this is a legitimate website , guys .

OK , if this is legit and you can actually win more than once , you can win as many times as you want .

Um , if you go ahead and come down on the website , you can see kind of who they are and what they do , and we won't go into detail too much .

But basically what they do is you know , you no longer have to strive to kind of get currency with no value each ticket earned is our platform gives you increased chance to win in the week's cash prize .

Um , now there's a lot of questions you're probably going to be having here , you know , such as how old you have to be and all that type of stuff .

So I'm just gonna answer a few of them .

You only need to be 14 years old to do this .

Guys , if you have the age of 14 , you can jump in on this , OK ?

You have to be 14 .

How will you receive your prize ?

Ok , guys , you can have it in bank wire .

Transfer anywhere to your bank at all guys .

OK , you'll be notified if you win .

How do you enter ?

You just literally download the apps which is at the top of the website and you can get into that week's draw .

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OK , guys , how much money can you make ?

They don't have a limit , guys .

They have no limit to how much you can make .

You can earn hundreds and thousands of dollars from this website .

You can play every day for your chance to make money playing video games .

Now you guys are probably gonna be thinking OK , well , this this sounds good .

Is it too good to be true ?

Honestly , Like I explained to you , the way they make money guys , is you download the apps .

So when you're on the app store or you know , you're on the android , whatever you're on , they will have ads on these games , OK , which makes this company money .

They will then use some of that money to pay winners who play the games .

Obviously they're making profit , otherwise won't be doing it .

And let me tell you guys , people who make apps make thousands of dollars .

OK , so you know them giving away $2000 a week or 3000 a week is nothing compared to how much they're making on these apps .

OK , guys , So the biggest question you're gonna be having right now is probably like Is this something you can actually do full time now ?

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Obviously , guys , if I'm being honest with you , you know , playing games on the Internet is is very hard to have as a full time job .

You know , you're not realistically going to be able to survive full time off this one website .

Now if you go onto my YouTube channel .

There are other ways you can make money online , which I suggest you do as well .

But this is a good way to obviously make money .

Um , and obviously have an extra income .

So , you know , you could use it to do whatever you want .

Yeah , So , you know , these guys literally say what they're gonna do with it .

So some of these people will say , you know , they're gonna put in the BA power , or they're going to start a business with it , You know , the the winner at the top here , um , says he's gonna pay the kids bills , um , invest money into studies .

You know , whatever you want to do with it is a good way to make extra money .

So all you have to do , then , guys is just go ahead and click the link , download it on your phone , and boom , you are on the app store and you can download the games .

So that's literally what you do now .

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The most important part here what I want to say guys to you is if you go back and actually read some of the reviews to see , you know , Is this a scam or is this legit ?

OK , now , if we actually go on to the APP store , this app has quite a good high rating .

You know , they've got 3 300,000 .

Um , you know , kind of ratings on this which are high four star .

So it is legit .

Um , and also , if you kind of go through and read some of the read some of the reviews , they also say legit , like it is effectively a lower paying thing .

However , like again guys like I tell you , like playing games online is not something which you can make a full time career from , especially in this niche .

Specifically , however , there are other websites .

You can do this and there are other ways you can do this as well .

And what I want to say to you guys now is before you click off this video , I wanna show you a way that you can actually genuinely make a full time career from playing games .

This website is good .

Admittedly , this website is good .

You can earn real money .

But if you guys , I would I would suggest doing this regardless .

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Go and do this because it literally doesn't cost you anything .

But if you guys want to actually make money full time from playing games , I'm about to show you something even better than this .

So make sure you keep watching this .

I'm about to show you something insane right now .

OK ?

So if you want to make serious , serious money and I'm and I'm talking when I'm saying serious money , I mean quite literally up to $50,000 a month playing games , there are ways you can do this .

OK , now it's all done by YouTube .

So if you guys are again new to my channel , you know , on my channel here on YouTube , on Jamie Tech , my videos are all about ways you can make money .

As I've said , however , a majority of it is about YouTube .

Um , so a majority of my channel is about how to make money on YouTube , but also , the other side of the majority is also how to make money online .

I kind of mix them both together because they're both kind of relevant .

Now , guys , if you don't know , you can make money on YouTube .

OK , now , specifically playing games on YouTube is huge , and the one type of niche I always say about is fortnite .

Now this is a kid's game .

Yeah , whatever .

It doesn't make a difference if there's money in it .

I'm there , OK ?

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And I'm sure a lot of people are similar to me as well .

If there's money there , get in it .

Why not ?

Right , So fortnite , can you make money playing games ?

Yes , guys .

OK , Every video you're seeing while when I change the settings .

Now every video you see right now has made over $20,000 .

OK , Every video you're seeing right now 2020 20 more than that .

These top ones 40 50 .

Yeah , 4 , 50 40 40 .

You know , 2020 .

Every video you've seen here has made tens of thousands from each video .

How ?

Because fortnite is a very big niche .

Each video is kind of a , you know , 10 minutes long and they've got mid roll ads .

So there's advertisements on these videos .

OK , now how can that game play so much ?

And how can you do this now ?

Guys , like I say , YouTube is a very complex website .

Uh , if you don't know what you're doing However , one thing I will explain quite quickly here , guys .

OK , is if I go , for example Um you know , like top five Fortnite .

I'm just having a fortnight .

Funny moments .

OK , this is where this gets crazy , guys .

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And please , Right now , if you're doing anything , if you're not paying attention , this is the part that you need to pay attention to .

Guys OK , do not get distracted right now because this part right here is seriously going to be a life changer for you .

So these type of channels right here , this BC C Ok , now you guys are going to see all these videos , OK ?

Funny fort like moments or it doesn't matter what game it is .

You're probably thinking that these channels are filming .

No , no , no .

That's why you're wrong .

Everything you're seeing on this channel right now , everything you're seeing is not even made by the owner of the channel .

And I'm not even BSing you .

This is 100% truth .

Everything you're seeing on this channel right now isn't even made by the person who owns the channel .

There's some guy behind the channel who is making millions without doing anything .

How ?

Because here's why all they are literally doing guys is putting other people's clips from these games which happens so funny moments that happens in the games in the video putting them together and add it in them to a video .

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OK , and you can see at the top of the description send your clips to their website .

So we go to the website .

They literally have a website where you can submit your clips .

OK , they literally say , Submit the clips .

So obviously in the description is all the people who have submitted clips and guys , this channel is making absolute thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars .

OK , I can't emphasise enough how much they're making .

If you guys want me to be very specific about it , I'll go to their social blade which you guys know .

This is the website that you use to see how much a channel is making this channel Averages is getting 25 million views a month and all of their videos and I mean literally all of their videos are super long .

Their compilations , they're all over 10 minutes , which means they have mid roll ads .

This channel is making way over 50 to 60 .

$70,000 per month .

Ok , now I won't get into it too much because I don't want to go off topic too much .

But guys , if you are interested in making money on YouTube , OK ?

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And something like that come onto my channel and guys , click on my channel and click on playlists on here .

There's a section how to make money on YouTube .

Click on that in this section right here as video .

Specifically about youtube .

OK , as you can see right here .

Go watch all these videos here in this playlist .

If you came here to just obviously make money from playing games , then obviously the first section of this video is very good for you .

But also , if you want to take it more serious and actually make like , serious money , the second section of this video is for you as well .

I want to mix them both together because they are both kind of , um but honestly , guys , you know , whichever one you choose to do , YouTube is a very crazy platform right now , and this type of money guys is is is actually happening .

Ok , now you're probably thinking Oh , it's a one off .

No , it's not a one off if you literally go on to YouTube and type of fortnite .

Funny moments , there are hundreds of channels doing the same thing .

Literally hundreds of channels doing the exact same thing , getting millions of views , guys .

OK , it's not just one .

There's hundreds .

There's one right here .

Prestige clips as well .

Um is doing the same thing .

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And again , it's not just fortnite you can do it on all games .

You literally just get permissions from people , uh , who who ?

Get the clips And they say yes .

And you put in your video simple as that .

Um So , guys , if again , if you want to learn more about that , go ahead and go on to my channel , click on playlist and watch that playlist right there .

But going back to the original , um , going back .

Oh , sorry .

Let me just turn that down .

Going back to the original , uh , beginning of the video .

If you guys are interested in winner , go over to the website , get the app on the website .

You can both android and I OS .

And that is where you can also start making serious money guys OK ?

Like you can win up to , like , $4000 just by playing games , which is actually quite insane , guys .

OK , so that's basically it for this video .

Guys , this is a website I wanted to introduce you to .

Um , if you guys want to go ahead and find other ways you can make money on YouTube , hit , subscribe to my channel and turn on post notifications .

I pride myself on showing you guys ways you can make money online , which doesn't cost you anything .

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I never want specifically show you things that cost you thousands or hundreds of dollars .

OK , I try and make you and show you guys ways that you can put money on here online , which doesn't cost you anything , because again , that's the key point here .

We're all kind of in a similar position .

All of you viewers are in a similar position .

You know , you came , You you want to make money online , whether it's games or whatever it is , and you don't want to pay anything , you just want to do it .

And that's where this this kind of website is very handy in that situation and a game of YouTube you know , it is very simple .

You just make the videos and upload them to YouTube .

So , guys , if you do enjoy it , make sure you subscribe to my channel .

Like I said , I'm gonna be posting daily Now I'm gonna be posting every single day And guys , just so I wanna say at the end of every single video , I always use a keyword .

I use a keyword and the keyword today is going to be winner , So just type in WINR .

OK , guys , in the comment section below If you do that , it shows me that you guys have watched at the very end of this video .

If you guys come on , I can kind of know how many of you guys have watched to the end , and it gives me an indication to know if you guys are enjoying this type of stuff .

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OK , I just want to say that I'm not sponsored by this website .

I never do sponsorships .

I only give you my own personal opinions .

This video is purely for educational purposes .

It's just my own advice , my own opinions .

By no means am I being paid by any of these companies to tell you anything ?

I'm just off my own back here .

Ok ?

Um so , like I said , that's basically it for this video .

Guys , thank you very much for watching .

I hope you have a wonderful day .

And until the next video , take care and goodbye .


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