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2023-08-13 07:59:09

How To Make JAMAICAN KFC CRISPY FRIED BBQ CHICKEN _Detailed Recipe _ MukBang _ Hawt Chef

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What's great .

Welcome back to the channel .

My name is John Morris and you're tuning into Morris Time cooking if you're new here .

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Bye .

I know by now you've seen a few of the KFC ideas that we've got done .

You've requested this one highly requested at that .

So I am here today to present to you .

None other than the Joy Can barbecue chicken , you know about chicken chicken .

So no , the barbecue chicken , but it is here .

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And if you're new , as I said to the channel , we have all so far , the popcorn chicken , the original recipe and the spice recipe .

Thank you very much for the support that you've been giving to us .

We see them in the comments section and we see them reflected in the views .

Thank you very much .

Keep on giving this video a thumbs up as always , make sure you subscribe .

So no , we will come with a good vibe .

So what we've been doing over the course of the month we've been doing KFC recipes .

I've been working with KFC , both Jamaica and Canada in total for five years , two years in Jamaica and three years here in Canada .

So this will be one of the closest you'll get it to the recipe and the techniques that I've learned over the years .

I don't want to waste the time and I don't want to waste mine either .

So let's get right into the ingredients .

The first thing we're gonna deal with is the sauce .

If you're doing this overnight , you can season the chicken .

But as I said , KFC don't necessarily season their chicken .

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They season their breading , but we are to add a little bit of flavor in the chicken .

So let's go with the sauce first .

So for the sauce , I have one small white onion and three tablespoon of brown sugar , simple sauce , quarter cup of white vinegar .

We have a cup of tomato ketchup .

Get the best ketchup there is because the richer the ketchup , the better the sauce we have half cup of water , room temperature water is good .

If you have hot water , you can use that too .

We have a tablespoon of mustard , some chopped garlic .

I'm using three cloves right here .

I know what I'm gonna be using to get that twist on it to get that nice deep color and flavor .

We could use our sugar for this barbecue sauce .

But no , we're going for that KFC taste and that KFC look .

So we're gonna be using some rich molasses and I'm using three tablespoons of that molasses right here .

That is pretty much it .

For the sauce .

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But it's the techniques that we're gonna use to build on those flavors to get us where we want to go .

So I'm using here a widen of sauce pan to make sure that I get those onions nicely caramelized and build on my flavors .

After which I'm gonna transfer it to a deeper sauce pan so that we can lump those chicken to coat it all around .

You will see all that good stuff .

So let's go heat this up to a medium heat .

Gonna hit that with two tablespoon of olive oil just enough so that this onion can caramelize properly .

And when caramelize this , we're looking for a nice brown color and to extract all that flavor out .

So in on a medium heat , try not to burn these onions .

So to help caramelize these onions quicker to extract all those liquid , you're gonna add a little bit of salt to this .

And this is also gonna add flavor to the onions and our sauce .

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I'm going in with one teaspoon of stuff .

And as I said , we're just gonna develop this flavor .

Allow this to caramelize nice , sleek , ensure to stir every so often .

So we don't get anything burned .

Nice medium heat trick gonna hit that with half teaspoon of some freshly ground black pepper .

So the cook time for these onions to get that nice and brown , it's around five minutes .

So now that we achieve that color , we're gonna go into our brown sugar and we're gonna caramelize these um onions even more and add a nice dark rich color to the sauce .

Keep a close eye on this .

You do not want to burn this .

You want that onion or sugar to get nicely caramelized .

You know what I say ?

And you can stir just to ensure it's not burning .

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I realize those sugar particles are not getting nice and melting and they're just coating those onions beautifully .

So I'm gonna go in on my garlic burn garlic taste the worst bitter .

We don't want that .

So at this stage to extract the sweetness from the garlic as well , right to coming out beautifully .

Next up , we're gonna add our molasses .

So we're adding a little sugar base first from the get go .

So this is how we need to develop the sauce like layer by layer .

Make sure you caramelize the onion , then you add the sauce to it .

You know what I'm gonna say ?

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You can't just throw everything in the pot and boil it though .

You're not gonna get that flavor that you're looking for a nice caramel look .

That's what we're working with .

So we went in with sweet .

Now it's time for because that's what you're gonna taste like .

The first thing you put in is the last thing you're gonna taste .

And the last thing you put in is the first you're gonna taste and mustard in .

Keep at a nice medium heat So you don't burn nothing .

And if you burn it's gonna become bitter , then we're gonna hit that .

No , with or vinegar and look how beautiful that looks .

Look how don't play with me .

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Now , you see that beautiful and in goes or tomato ketchup on a low heat now because you know , once it took me to catch up going , everything is gonna start bubbling up .

So we need that on a nice , they call low heat .

You ever see a five to that can do ?

That's what the sauce looks like .

Beautiful .

I'm going to blend this out because you don't want the chunks of , we need everything to just me in that sauce .

So we're gonna blend this real quick .

Add that beautiful sauce now into my blender .

If you have a food processor at home , you can use that .

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I'm gonna go a little bit more water in here just so I get all of that sauce out from the side .

Cover that up just gonna blend real quick .

So we're gonna take our time to open that because you know the liquid is still hot .

We don't want it to burst out on our deer .

Look at that four scrape out the excess .

The sauce is beautiful .

So you know how we're gonna get this sauce to be well , flavorful cover that .

I'm gonna put it on a low heat on the stove to cook for about 30 to 45 minutes .

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And that is gonna get a nice thick sauce , right .

And in between that time you're gonna check every so often stir to ensure that it's not sticking the condensation from the pan will just nice and get that sauce to a beautiful consistency .

And then we're gonna work on the chicken .

So that's the beauty .

Let the sauce cook to get all of those flavors infused into each other to become one .

Yeah .

All right .

So now it's time for the chicken itself .

We're gonna first off give you a rundown of the spices that we have here .

So right here , we have one teaspoon of dried oregano .

Around here , we have two teaspoon of brown sugar , the dark of the sugar .

It's better .

And we have here half teaspoon of paprika .

We have one teaspoon of garlic powder , half teaspoon of white pepper , one tablespoon of black pepper or half teaspoon of grown ginger right over here .

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Now we have 1.5 , I split that into 1.5 tablespoon of salt and I'm using sea salt here .

And then right in the middle here , we have half teaspoon of grown mustard and finally one teaspoon of onion powder .

And that's it for the herbs .

We're just gonna mix this together and one more herb that would normally go in here would be a teaspoon of dried thyme .

But I'm gonna be using some green seasoning that I have right here .

And if you wanna learn how to make that , you can check it out on the channel .

This basically consists of thyme and them nice can herbs .

You see me ?

So I'm gonna be using a tablespoon of that and that's it for it .

So , for the chicken , I have a half of a whole chicken which is about 2.5 to £3 .

Here , I have a nice breast right here .

We have a wing , we have a drumstick , we have a thigh and we have the rib .

The rib now is my favorite part with a little bit of the breast part .

Funny .

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And the first you want to ensure that your thigh , you snap that tha is nice and clean and you ensure that you snap the tie in between this bone so that it cooks way quicker .

Besides , I already been washing some vinegar and water with pot , dry them to an extent .

I'm gonna go in with my green seasoning on here .

So in with the green seasoning , we're gonna mix up these herbs and spices , combine everything and there a beautiful array of spices .

So we're gonna see the chicken .

Now we have about half the amount of the seasoning nice .

And then we have three cups of all purpose flour in goes the rest of that seasoning that's gonna mix this up together thoroughly .

To me it's into a breading .

I know at this time you're probably wondering .

So where's the egg wash ?

We're not gonna be using egg wash .

We're doing the KFC recipe here .

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So we're just gonna be using straight water for this method , right ?

So , boom , that's that .

So we're gonna go now and season up that chicken and try to get under the skin .

You know , remember the skin is gonna get flavor from the barbecue sauce .

So just rub that in generously green .

Seasoning .

The world works .

Yeah .

Any time the restaurant told me a problem , just keep on supporting the channel to make the restaurant a reality sooner than ever is me .

Yeah .

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If you feel generosity , they can support the kitchen and by supporting this kitchen on youtube , we can get to open the real kitchen .

You see me but yeah , just time do everything said I wanna see .

All right , this is rubbed in nicely skin .

No , and that is skin .

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You see that the green season they punch , hey , I don't want the skin off for the breast , you know , because they want that breast to crisp up and then I put the barbecue sauce , sit on man , the rib , well seized .

No .

And then the skin of the leg you pull that back .

I have seen that .

Put it back down and we're good to go .

As I said , I would do this first .

If I was doing this overnight , but I'm doing everything on the go .

So I want the sauce to cook them for that half an hour .

So right here I have the chicken for the set up .

I have a flour , not the flour breading .

This is flavorful .

The breading in the center .

Some water right here , which is room temperature and for the water just enough .

So the chicken can submerge and then I have a clean container for when we bread that to put them on .

So let's go for the breading .

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Now we're gonna go into the chicken pieces , ensure that the skins are nice and straightened out .

Drop them in .

I'm gonna go with all of them at once because it's not that much chicken .

Anyway .

See .

Alright .

So for KFC , we normally go in seven times scoop and full , 10 times , press seven times scoop and full .

We're gonna stick to that method .

You don't have to count .

Exactly .

But that way it will ensure that you coat these chickens all around , you get the message .

So we're gonna go in now .

Seven scoop and full .

I will do that to get everything covered .

As I said , you don't necessarily have to count and we're gonna press all around .

Get that chicken nice , scoop it up again .

Scoop and four grab two pieces .

I we're gonna top off the excess like so use a P top the excess off into that water .

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I will do the same for this properly submerge and then no , pull those out .

Normally , I'd have a basket that I dip this in , but I don't have it on hand right now .

Shake the excess off .

Too much liquid into the floor will cause it to be lumpy and we don't want that .

So shake the excess liquid off back into the floor now .

And you're wondering if this is washing off this season ?

No .

And if you wanna use egg washing , you can go ahead but the water will make , will be just fine .

That is what we use in deer .

This breast want , want to give problems , you know , Jesus Boom .

Normally I'd have like a mesh from my previous video so that I'd have a mesh , put the chicken in dip and shake .

So that way I don't get my hands with , if you have a clean , I feel free to just dry off your hands , which I have right here .

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Just dry my hands a little bit just so I don't cause any plump it in the floor and then now we're gonna go in and we're gonna repeat that same process .

Have your clean container as soon as you're done , we tap that off and end you at this point .

You know , your oil should be heating up .

My oil is heating up right now to 300 °F as we speak .

So that's going on .

We're gonna bread that now .

It's like a coin .

So we have a nice crispy skin and then that barbecue sauce married to that crispy skin .

You see ?

Yeah .

No .

M spots top off the excess .

So we need to give these chicken space so they fry it beautifully ensure that they have enough space .

So they don't touch and leave raw spots when fried .

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All right , we're gonna fry these for 50 minutes because we're gonna finish them off with the barbecue sauce .

See what you wanna do in the 1st 10 minutes , you're gonna remove that chicken breast because we do not want to dry that .

Oh , so 15 minutes and we should get these nicely .

So and something to know once you drop that chicken in , do not move it for the first two minutes .

That way you're you're you're still retain that nice crust that you have on there .

Alright .

So there two minutes timer off we have those nice flakes that we want .

Just keep that that nice in the shape .

So we cover that up .

Now I'm gonna set our time for 30 more minutes or 15 minutes in total but in the 1st 10 to 12 minutes , we're gonna remove the chicken breast because we don't want to over put that .

So after 15 minutes you'll see what everything looks like .

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Alright .

Remove that breast now cause you don't wanna overcook this I wanna cook that .

No on a rack .

I'm just gonna leave this uncovered for the next 2 to 3 minutes .

Quite that low .

So I deliberately made this a bit crispier than your usual because when they made the barbecue chicken at KFC .

No , it is the um the original chicken recipe that they use .

I still use the same recipe .

I tweak the method because I want to get that barbecue chicken a little bit crunchier than usual .

You see me ?

So let's get saucy the sauces on the stove .

It's nice and hot and ready to go .

Yes , I , yeah , show for .

All right .

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So now you need the sauce to be hot .

Remember , remember keep this on low heat and one thing I do not have is any foil paper in the hose .

I normally I put some foil paper on the bottom of the pan so that the clean up is less .

But if you don't have it , it's ok .

So , yes .

Thank you very much for over 230 and counting 1000 views on that spicy chicken .

Thank you very much .

The sauce has to be hot because we only gonna put it in the oven at 400 degrees for just five minutes and the low and middle just so the barbecue sauce can just absorb onto that crispy skin .

So let's go .

Is that breast .

I will just shake that .

Everyone gently flip that over .

I don't want to lose the skin .

The skin has been given problem ever since .

Right .

Caught that beautifully nice , nice , nice .

All right .

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Then now what you want to do is to just top the excess sauce off .

I put that down right there .

Beautiful .

All right , I'm just gonna repeat that process .

Look at that crisp .

Oh My days for earlier equipment and tools needs that I use in the kitchen .

I have a list stone in the description box to check that .

All this is the chicken that has been highly requested .

So in the oven on for five minutes on 400 °F and then I will show you what the thing look like .

Bite .

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Make sure if you reach this video , give the video up to go and clean them while we wait .

Hey Simmy .

All right , this is it .

You can even let this um go for a bit more if you want the sauce to seep in more into the skin .

But this is what I like .

All right .

So we're gonna dig in which one should I start with first ?

Oh This is not working with ?

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Mm mm mhm We know how far over nothing .

Never take a step back .

Mm And eat the Yeah .

Barbecue chicken taste so good .

Make you wanna slap your mama , don't it really ?

Yeah , boy .

Hey mama , what the hell you want with it ?

Listen , listen , it's worth the wait the idea .

Pardon me ?

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I did the spicy chicken recipe and someone commented and said , oh , it looked good .

But did you have the taste ?

Did you get the taste part ?

About three days later , an express to come back and say , listen , this is the deal .

You see me , I this deal .

So don't take my word for it .

I try to get a chicken moist dough to the bone and then I made that skin a bit crispy .

So if you work at KFC , I worked at KFC , as I said , especially in Jamaica .

You know , the barbecue is made from the original chicken which I have a video on you see , don't sleep on the recipe there .

Check out the popcorn chicken recipe , check out the original chicken recipe , check out the spicy chicken recipe and let me know below .

If you want the bowl are the are the biscuit who knows ?

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Let me know I get but there's no gonna be like every other week because I eat them every week when I try to stay at the gym .

Is it me ?

Mm mm Off there .

You good .

Yeah , li the thumbs up button and then leave a comment .

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If you did enjoy this video , don't forget to give the video a thumbs up if you're new here .

Yeah , we subscribe to the number .

We have over 280 videos and counting and don't think I'm joking .

Subscribe .

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Yeah .

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Me to see the New Kingdom and speaking of which we are in the month of November pretty soon , Thanksgiving in the UK and the U si am going to be sending out um the A Thanksgiving dinner .

A a AAA full course meal , so to speak .

So you have the app , no appetizer .

They have the , you have the main course turkey .

You have the mashed , they have the greens and they have the dessert .

So subscribe .

So when I the job , you'll be one of the first to know already is um a pumpkin cheesecake .

The one they shut , check them out , check them out , check them out .

No love for love .

You know , the thing go until next time , you know , sea of gravel and one big itself finish .

Mm .

Mm .

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Yeah , it was your friend .

Mhm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Let me know if I do some , if so I'll do that on my lifestyle channel .

Check out my lifestyle channel at Morris TV .

You can find it in my channels .

I see it .

Right profile .

Is it TV ?

And my family and everybody involved .

So , if that's interesting , check me out over here .

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Let me know if you do some series .

I do some story time while doing the .

Mhm .

That's he knows that this , we just the chicken come here .

Particularly nice .

Bone of a .

Mhm .

Mhm .

Oh God .

You know barbecue .


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