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2023-08-11 20:35:24

How To Make Money Selling Short Stories

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Hey , what is up ?

You guys ?

It's Danny here .

How are we doing today ?

I'm great and I hope you're fine too .

So in this video , I'm gonna be talking about like how to make money selling short stories .

So one of you guys asked me in the comment section , like asking that like I am a writer and I want to make money selling short stories .

So I thought I'll make a video on that because for many of you guys might also love writing and you like writing short stories and stuff .

So I thought it will be helpful for everyone who is interested in writing story .

I'm going to be going over some of the legit platforms where you can write short stories and make money .

So stay tuned .

It's going to be interesting guys .

Before we jump into the video , I want to welcome you .

So if you're watching me for the first time , welcome to my channel , I'm all about entrepreneurship , how to start an online business and how to make money online .

So if you are into that kind of stuff , smash a subscribe button below and subscribe to my channel .

And if you guys are planning to start an online business .

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And if you want to know like my way of making money online and you want to learn that personally from me , then check out the first link below in the description to learn more .

So now without further ado guys , let's jump into today's video .

So the first platform that we're looking at , it's called a .

So this platform is not an Indian platform , but they named it uh which means fire .

So that's really cool to see an Indian name on a foreign platform .

So this platform uh is for writing short stories , writing prose , you can write anything that you want , you can write from different countries .

So if you have a really good skill of writing , you can write good prose or you can write good poetry or short stories or anything you can do it here .

OK .

So these are some of the rules like you have to submit your manuscript from between September 1st to May 31st .

So that's when they accept all these uh submissions and all that you can submit your work .

And during only that time , September 1st to May 31st .

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And these are some of the things that you should know before submitting your work .

And you have to like go through all these guys .

And then here are some of the requests that they are requesting you .

So please use page numbers and if you are submitting pros double space your documents or all sorts of things .

So instructions you have to follow these .

And this is the main thing , this is how much they pay you .

OK ?

So look at this , they pay around $10 per print page uh for accepted prose and $20 per page for expected poetry and maximum of 100 and $50 .

So we also give a year's subscription to .

So all that they're going to be giving you guys and this is how much you're gonna be getting paid with this platform .

So in order to submit your work , click on this and it will take you to this page .

So you have to like fill in all the details and it's available in all these countries as you can see here .

So look at all these guys .

So if you belong to any of these countries , you can use this platform .

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So after that , after putting in all those information , you have to like put in your work .

So what genre you are in poetry ?

Uh like fiction .

So you come under like fiction because you're going to be writing like short stories .

So fiction , uh essay and like interview reviews , you can go get into like poetry or you can get into like fiction .

So the thing that you will fall under if you're like writing short stories and all that will be fiction .

So select that and put in all the information guys and upload your file here and you just submit it .

So they'll just get back to you .

You can even submit it here or you can even like post it to this address because that will be more and they can receive the file in person .

So they there are more chances for them to like read it .

Ok ?

So submit your good work guys , whichever like you think you're really good at .

So only submit your best work to this particular platform .

So this is the first place of where you can write short stories and make money .

So it's called me .

You can just search it on Google guys , you'll find it .

So now let's look at the second platform .

So this is the second platform guys .

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It's called Car Magazine .

So this is a really , really good platform .

So they've been doing it for a long time .

So it's a good magazine so you can write for this .

So obviously you have to pay a subscription fee .

So I just want to put it out there guys , I'm not getting any commission out of it .

So this is not any problem , emotional video or whatever .

So this is just like I want to bring in only legit platform for you to work with .

OK .

So if you have a really good talent of writing , you can just approach this .

If you think that your work will get selected , then you can just go ahead and do it .

So I'm not getting any commission out of this .

So if you pay a subscription fee , I'm not going to be getting any commission guys .

So I just want to put it out there just to make sure just to let you know , so you can just use this if you OK .

So with this particular platform , you can make about $100 for submitting your fiction .

So if you submit your stories and stuff , you get about $100 .

So you can just click on this , click here to submit .

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So for poetry , you can get about like $50 .

And for like nonfiction , you get about $50 .

OK ?

So that's how much you will be able to make with this platform .

So if you get selected and if they publish your work , when you can make money , OK ?

So if you want to submit your work , guys , go on and just click on this one and it will take you to this page , you want to go through the guidelines .

So a genre you can't get into like thriller , horror or romance .

So literally fiction only like novel experts only if it stands alone as a story .

So uh these are some of the guidelines go through this .

So now this is the second platform , it's called co magazine .

So just type it on Google guys , you'll find it .

OK ?

So this is second platform .

Now , let's look at the third way of how you can make money writing short stories So the third platform is called Amazon Kindle Publishing .

So you might have heard of this , I would have made an in depth video about this earlier .

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So you , you can like self publish your own book guys , you don't have to pay anything to get started with and you just got to like upload your manuscript to this platform and that's it straight away within like 24 to 48 hours .

It will be in all the like Kindles worldwide .

Ok .

So whoever like subscribe to Kindle , they will have access to this straight away within like one or two days .

Ok .

So that's how cool it is .

And once you get sales guys , you can earn up to 70% royalty on sales from customers in us , Canada , UK , Germany , India and all these countries .

So you have the rights to the book .

You can like change it whenever you want .

Let's say that you have like certain changes , you can change it whenever you want .

So you can like sell it as a ebook , like a digital file which people can like download it and they can just read it .

So it can be like an ebook format or like an additional format or it can be like a paper bag , like a physical book itself .

So they will ship it for you .

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So as you can see like paperbacks for free with Amazon Kindle publishing .

So that's really cool if you think that you are a good writer , you can write good stuff , stories , poetry , anything that you can write .

Well , you can just publish with , publish it with Amazon Kindle publishing .

So you don't need any platform .

So if you're thinking like you want to get started for free , you don't want to be investing any money , you can get started with Amazon Kindle publishing .

So they only again , you take their fee when you get a sale .

OK .

So that's how it works .

So you just have to like create an Amazon account and you can just sign up to Amazon kind publishing and you can start using it .

So this is the third platform .

Now , let's look at the fourth way of how you can make money writing short stories .

So the fourth way to make money writing short stories is through social media guys .

Social media is really , really effective and this is one of the best ways like among all the three that I mentioned .

Now , this is one of the best ways to get your work out there to the people .

OK ?

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So now everything is social media , OK ?

So like as you guys know , like many entrepreneurs , many business people get into social media because you have a lot of audience out here who will love your work .

OK ?

So if you have a good skill of writing , so look at this particular Instagram page , uh it's called surprisingly short stories .

And they'll just write all these good short stories , like small little ones and they just put it out there here and look at the number of followers guys , 63.5000 followers .

And that shows like people love all these kind of stuff .

So if you have like good content out there , which you want to like , share it with people , you can just put it out there on Instagram or put it out there on Facebook as you can see here .

Now , you might be wondering like , so how I can make money with it .

So what you can do is you can like teach people how to write short stories .

You can make a mini course of it and you can just share that knowledge with people , how you write short stories and you can charge them for it .

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So it can be a huge amount of money .

It can be like a few dollars or something .

You can charge them and you can make money with it or maybe you , what you can do is you can even do affiliate marketing , promote story books and you can make money with it .

You can just sign up to Amazon F eight program or any other affiliate program and you can can promote ebooks , you can promote story books , you can sell your own stuff or you can do Fly Eight marketing and you can make money .

So if you want to know like how to make money with Fly Eight marketing , the right way .

And you want to learn that personally from me , then check out the first link below in the description guys because I basically train people on how to make money with fly eight marketing .

So if you want to learn it from me , check out the first link below in the description .

So these are the four ways of how you can make money writing short stories .

So I hope you found this video helpful .

I hope you got some value about this .

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If you did comment below saying that you did and also if you have any questions , doubts or suggestions , leave that in the comment section guys and I will get back to you as soon as possible .

And if you haven't subscribed yet come and subscribing .

So thanks for watching guys .

I love you and I'll see you my next video .


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