Hello friend .
Welcome to a new video from Ned .
Here are the steps .
This video I show you how to create a virtual server using vmware ES 11 .
First of all , you need to create a custom 11 image to install all power cli modules , run the command install module , vmware dot power cli .
If you see a warning that you are installing modules from an untrusted repository press Y and then press enter to confirm the installation .
You must set the powershell execution policy from restricted to unrestricted to allow local powershell scripts to run sc customizer .
PS is a powershell script that greatly simplifies and automates the process of creating fully patched and customized ES 11 installation ISOS using the VMWARE power cli sc customizer .
PS is a powershell script that you launch from within a powershell or a power cli console window .
It accepts various command line options .
One of them is help that will display this help screen .
Here is a list of packages you can choose the right one for your computer .
In this video , I choose two packages , one for the Nick driver and one for the hard drive with soda connector .
You follow the command above .
You will find this command in the description of the video and here is your resulting iso file .
Next you use the Rufus tool to create an ES 11 installer .
Next step you install ES 11 on the target computer .
Since this is a new installation of ES 11 select install in the following screen , choose the disk where you would like to install the ES 11 .
Confirm that you are ready to start the install process .
The installation process takes few minutes after ES 11 is installed , you will get the following screen where you can find the IP address of ES 11 .
At this point , you are done creating a virtual server .
As always if you found this post useful , then subscribe to my youtube channel .
The next thing is you register a free account to activate ES 11 .