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2023-08-13 08:18:06

How to Delete Instagram Account on Computer_Laptop (2020)

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

In this video , we will learn how to delete Instagram account on computer .

So let's begin .

So to delete your account on Instagram on backstop , the process is really easy and simple , whether it be Mac or Windows or you , you need to simply go and open your browser .

It can be any of the browser like Google Chrome Safari or Mozilla Firefox or whatever .

And once you're here , you need to simply go to Instagram dot com and here you need to log into your account .

And once you log into your account , you would be seeing your feed or timeline as you call it .

So once you're here now go and click on this , your profile .

I can here , click on this profile I can and you will be redirected to your profile here , you can see your profile .

So once you're here , click on edit profile now , scroll down below at the bottom , you can see temporarily disable my account .

So this is a better option than permanently deleting your account .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

So if you temporarily disable your account in some of the cases , in any of cases , if you want to re log in to your account you can re log into your account .

So it says you can disable your account instead of deleting it .

This means your account will be hidden .

So it would be hidden and no one would be able to see that as like that , deleting the account until you reactivate it by logging back in .

And you can reactivate if you want to by simply log in , log in into your this account .

And you would be here .

Now select the purpose of and if you want to just need a break or whatever , and here enter your password of your Instagram account and if you have forgot the password , simply go and click on forgot password and you will be sent a reactivation or reset password link to your email ID and here go and enter your password .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

And once you have entered your password , simply go and click on temporarily disable account and your account will be disabled on or deleted on Instagram on desktop .

But before you go , please like subscribe and share .

Thank you .


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