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2023-08-12 15:43:22

How to Make Honey Chicken

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Hello and welcome to the art of cooking today .

We're gonna make honey chicken .

Honey chicken is sweet breaded fried chicken .

That is very delicious , but it's not very healthy to say the least .

So I don't recommend you to eat this often .

It's not very good for your sexy body .

This dish on some occasions actually out sold Jose's chicken .

Can you believe that ?

Well , that's according to my observation , but it is a really popular dish , especially among kids and young adults .

So let's get started .

Shall we ?

Let's prepare the sauce ?

First five tablespoon or 85 g of ketchup , four tablespoons or 50 g of sugar , two tablespoons or 43 g of honey , three tablespoon or 45 mL of water and mix .

And that's the sauce isn't that simple , sweet and it simple .

Now , the sauce should look something like this .

Let's prepare the chicken .

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Here is £1 or 454 g of chicken breast , cut the chicken breast in half .

Next , make about four cuts into strips , turn the breast 90 degrees and cut it into cubes .

The size should be about one inch or 2.5 centimeters half teaspoon of salt .

14 teaspoon of garlic powder , 16 to 1/8 teaspoon of white pepper , three tablespoon or 45 mL of water and mix , set it aside and refrigerate for about 15 to 20 minutes .

Let's make the batter crack one egg , 1/4 teaspoon of salt .

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16 teaspoon of garlic powder tablespoon or 147 mL of cold water and whisk two teaspoon of baking powder and mix half cup or 65 g of corn starch , 3/4 cup or 105 g of flour .

If you ever made my sweet and sour chicken , the batter is almost the same except the ratio of corn starch to flour is a little bit different .

Two tablespoons of vegetable oil , the oil will make the batter really smooth .

Your batter should end up something like this .

Then mix the chicken one more time .

As you can see , majority of the water are absorbed by the chicken itself .

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Pour the batter over the chicken breast and mix mix until all the chicken are coated with the batter .

So let's begin to fry .

Use a fork skewer or tongue to pick up the chicken heat the oil to 375 °F or 100 and 90 °C carefully lower the chicken into the oil fry for about one minute , one minute and 30 seconds .

We are going to fry the chicken two times to make it crispy .

Now occasionally move the chicken around to ensure even cooking after about a minute to a minute , 30 seconds , remove the chicken from the oil and set it aside .

Continue with the next batch of chicken .

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Once you are done with all the badges , add in all the fried chicken breast back into the 375 °F or 190 °C oil and fry until golden brown total frying time should be about 4 to 5 minutes .

Again , move the chicken around to ensure even cooking and color .

If you're worried about your nice sexy body .

This recipe doesn't have to be fried , although it does taste better fried , you can't oven bake or pan fried the chicken .

Instead , all you have to do is season the chicken with salt pepper and a little bit of garlic powder .

Then dredge the chicken pieces in a mixture of cornstarch and flour .

Next dip the breaded chicken in the egg wash and then back to the cornstarch and flour mixer , then cook it .

The chicken is done once it turns golden brown , remove the fried chicken from the oil and drain .

This is what it should look like .

The chicken should be moist inside and the building should retain its structure .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Next , pour the sauce into a large pan or walk heat the sauce until it begins to bubble , then turn off the heat .

Next , add in the fried chicken likely toss the fried chicken with the sauce just toss until all the fried chicken are coated and then you're done .

See , how easy is this ?

Well , besides the frying part , but it's easy .

Right .

I mean , it's so easy .

It's like taking a candy from a baby .

Well , unless the baby is mean and feisty , then the baby will curse you and be like , I shall bring nightmare and a horn upon your very existence .

Their baby language .

That's how my niece is .

She's very mean .

Anyway , Sprinkle some toasted or roasted sesame seeds on top and serve immediately .

Finally , please visit my website and there you can vote on the next video recipe .

As always , please like babe , subscribe , share and leave a comment below .

Thank you for watching .


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