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2023-08-12 15:44:21

How To Make JAMAICAN KFC SPICY FRIED CHICKEN At Home _ Detailed Recipe For PERFECTION _ Hawt Chef

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What's great .

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If you're new here , welcome .

Thank you very much for stopping by .

You saw the title as always and you saw a beautiful to me .

What are we doing today ?

KFC Spicy Fried Chicken , you've requested it .

So I am here to deliver , stick around after the intro right into it .

You know about chicken chicken .

As you all know if you've been tuned into the KFC series thus far , you realize , right ?

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I'm black at the KFC color , see and we have out so far um the original KFC chicken as well as a popcorn chicken .

And I'm telling you those two videos are doing exceptionally well .

Oh , thanks to you , continue giving us your support , you know , giving this video thumbs up if you enjoy them , that's the best .

We are supporting this channel .

You feel me , but we do , we gonna get right into the ingredients to prepare the and spicy chicken and don't be just yet .

The barbecue are for patients .

See , first and foremost , we have over here .

No , that's not .

First and foremost because the chicken I go eat .

So firstly , I have here half of a chicken .

It doesn't matter what size .

But if you want to know the size that I'm using , it's a medium chicken around £4.5 .

So I bought two and a quarter pound of chicken .

Here .

I already went ahead and I cook the chicken up and wash it into some vinegar and lime water , rinse that off and here we have it .

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So I have here one thigh , one rib , one breast , one wing and one drumstick .

So it's best to buy a chicken hole and cut it up yourself .

It's cheaper .

Save yourself some money .

See it .

And if you wanna learn how to cut up a whole chicken , check out that video and you'll get there right .

Three cups of all purpose flour and some water for the um to dip the chicken in and stuff .

So we're using just enough water for the chicken to submerge , right ?

And for the marinade , which is one of the most important part in this recipe .

We have your two scotch pepper .

Others may call it habanero .

If you have ghost pepper , you can use it scotch pepper .

However , they are more so flavorful .

And if you want to not down the spice a bit , you can remove the seeds of one or even both .

Here .

A tablespoon of chili powder .

We have a tablespoon of salt .

We have a tablespoon of Cayenne pepper .

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We have one teaspoon of um onion powder , half teaspoon of black pepper , half teaspoon of white pepper and one teaspoon of garlic powder .

And that's gonna be for marinade , that nice spicy marinade .

See , and then second to last we have over here for the breading .

We have a teaspoon of brown sugar .

One teaspoon of black pepper .

We have a teaspoon here of onion powder , half teaspoon of ground mustard , one teaspoon of white pepper .

We have a teaspoon of garlic powder .

One teaspoon of dried oregano and tablespoon of salt , right ?

And lastly , I have a tablespoon of green seasoning .

This is a Jamaican twist that I'm putting on it .

You don't necessarily have to put the green seasoning , but this deepens the flavor .

And again , if you wanna learn how to make that check out that video on how to make your Jamaica green seasoning .

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So now let's get cooking it in the blender and all of those spices that were mentioned before , the chili powder , the onion , the garlic and the good things , isn't it ?

All the spices are in gonna go with that ice water , the ice water get helps to make that nice and thick .

You know what I say ?

So we get that nice and thickened just gonna cover that up .

Oh oh my God .

Listen , you give me a thumbs up in and thank you to all the new subscribers .

I see you .

I appreciate , you know much people comment to us , say yo this a channel right now when the barbecue drop , make sure you see a subscribe and turn on the bell .

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That's the only way you're going to know .

Or if you follow me on Instagram , here comes this um Ziploc bag for the chicken and I'm doing this into a Ziploc bag because they can put this , I'm gonna be marinating this for a week .

You can do this for a day or two , but I have one made of parody that's been marinating for a week .

You know , may I tell you so right here as I said , nice and clean .

First thing I wanna do though with the chicken , you wanna break these ties because the ties take longest to cook .

So that bone that runs across here , you just hold up and snap and you see that bone right here now , just leave right up .

That will help us to fry this chicken properly because in between this giant bone here where all that blood lies when the chicken should be fried .

So we just snap that bone and we go to go nice and clean .

Then here goes the rib .

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You know , when I go KFC me like the spicy , you know , like a little bit of bone A K A chicken box , they have a little bit of flesh on it from the chicken breast .

You know what I mean ?

As I see it there .

Nice .

Have some nice chicken breast , flesh piece of skin , crisp pop and the bone of course , nice and clean drop .

That in .

Then we have here one wing drop that in .

We have a nice chicken breast tan juices there .

Clean drop that in and finally a drumstick I could pour .

Oh my God .

Oh my , oh my days .

Is it that Jesus of Mercy .

So I said Ziplock bag because the cleanup is very minimal and you can keep this in your fridge .

So I put it in the fridge for two days and put it in the freezer .

So it doesn't go .

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But of course thing .

So take all the excess ear at KFC .

What they normally do ?

They have a like a drum and put the chicken in with the marinade and that would spin for at least 15 to 18 minutes just so everything is properly coated .

When I had a machine , we are gonna use full bar machines .

We're just gonna massage that chicken in nicely .

Let's give it a nice little rub like this for about a minute or two .

Just so all of that flavor gets underneath the skin and the chicken under the bone , you know what may I say ?

And by sitting there in the fridge , you know , all of that will just seep in the beautiful spices .

Beautiful .

See this is the one we did today and this is the one for over a week .

Now , Jesus , you see what happens over a week time .

I order that juice so so popular chicken .

So let me show you what's happening here .

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Now see , look how beautiful that is .

Look under the skin everywhere .

Infused with that spice .

Mm mm .

You see that beautiful preheat your oil to 300 °F .

It's not too hot .

We don't want to burn the chicken before we cook the inside .

We don't want that overly burn crust and then inside just so 300 degrees for the oil .

No , we got white on my ear a little bit .

Let's see .

Not no .

That flour .

So for the flour , I already explained this spices to you .

We're gonna go right in that flour .

01 thing I forgot to put on the chicken again , the green season .

I'm gonna put that afterwards on that chicken to marinate that green seasoning .

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So we're gonna go in now we're just gonna mix in all of that spice because they can't have the chicken so nicely marinated for a week and then the flour is just plain .

You have to season up that flour as well .

All right .

Right .

Normally excited if you eat a chicken .

So the first thing you want to do , you have your set up right here .

I have my chicken , my bread in my water and then a clean container right here .

And that we're gonna put the chicken when it's done breading , right ?

We're just using water for this recipe at KFC .

We just use room temperature water as replacement .

A lot of people say if they don't eat egg , we don't use egg to wash these ones here .

We just use the room temperature water and that's it .

So I also have a video on how to fry your chicken .

A dodge pot with all the temperatures and the , the dos and the don't .

So check that out right there .

We're gonna drop this in the floor and I'm gonna be flowing all of this at once .

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You get me because you're supposed to double bread .

You're not working at KFC .

But again , we're gonna be using a few methods to get it like KFCC .

So we're gonna scoop unfold seven time , press 10 times , scoop and full seven time .

Again , you don't have to necessarily have to count , but just go ahead with the motion and that way it ensure that you get that flour all over the chicken and press onto it firmly .

So let's go now , boom .

You see that .

Oh God .

Spicy chicken .

Nice .

Press that non rise that up .

I'm gonna knock off the excess off of this .

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Create some nice little light flakes into that basket .

So this is what we look like .

You see , it looks um crispier already because remember that the KFC spicy chicken has layers of that flake .

You know what I mean ?

I say , well , this is not what we're looking for .

This is just the beginning of the flakiness .

So let's go into that water .

Now , push that to the side water here and we're just gonna dip let me have too much water that suck me here ensuring that everything submerge .

I will just give it a little twirl .

So all the water touch every aspect of that chicken .

You spin the rise that up and we're just gonna shake the excess liquid off .

No , no water .

Because if you bring water over into the floor , it's gonna become lumpy and not flaky .

As I said , this can also be done with your hand .

But imagine how that me .

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So if you have a strainer at home , you can do that .

Just put the strainer in , put the chicken one at a time , pull them up just that .

All right .

So separate these now because we don't want no lumping .

So no water is in between looking nice .

I want the people who works at KFC are worked at KFC .

So yeah , scoop , scoop , get that flour on here and this is not even flour .

This is breeding because it's flavorful .

We're gonna do a motion back on for lightly to allow the flour to go to our fingers and create little light flakes on the chicken .

Press on our own .

Get that seasoning in here .

Remember the oil should be well on its way , scoop up that scoop up that and then now we're gonna shake that off .

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See a top right under the hand like like so to get off the excess floor , look at those layers of flakes and put that into a clean container .

So this fryer right here , we spoke about it in a few videos .

It filters nicely like brand new .

And if you want to get your hands on one of these , check out the link in the description box or check out our Amazon storefront , maritime cooking .

You know what I'm gonna say and you'll find that .

Bring that up .

Now we're gonna go in boom ladies down nicely give them some room so they can fry proper .

Is it ?

And let's go , let's go .

Oh , so 300 degrees finite .

And we're gonna fry these for about 15 to 18 minutes .

But the first two minutes do not move back because you don't want to destroy those flakes .

All right .

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So lift that up and you realize two minutes now you can give that a slight little shake to ensure nothing is sticking right .

And then now we're just gonna cover that for the next 10 minutes .

So we cover that just so it kinda soaks the inside .

Now we know for the or how frustrating it is to go out and get dry chicken breast .

So guess what I do ?

Why is that top ?

And we're gonna remove that chicken breast at KFC .

They wouldn't remove this because as I said , it's a big batch of chicken .

So the um the weight of the chicken will keep the eye at a proper um temperature .

So nothing doesn't overcook .

We don't want to overcook our chicken breast .

You know .

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So guess what , we're gonna remove our chicken breasts at about 12 to 40 minutes in 1 65 internal temperature .

And , you know , that's cool because this is a warm fryer .

So sometimes the temperature drops a little bit , give it about a minute and a half just to reheat .

And then we're gonna red drop this to get that nice color as well as to get them extra crispy for about 4 to 5 more minutes and we should be good to go .

So for this five minutes , I'm gonna leave it uncovered , just get it nice and peace .

However , this fryer right here , it has some mesh and stuff in here .

So it won't steamer your chicken .

Trust me , all the steam will just come through here and it's gonna keep it nice and crispy nonetheless .

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Pull this up and we're gold literally literally golden and there I will break into one , but first we'll let it sit for a while so other juice can redistribute another thing I make them juicy .

I'm gonna give you a quick B roll and of course , make a hole inside look .

But if you did enjoy this video , don't forget to give it a thumbs up .

The barbecue chicken will be all pretty soon .

Oh , no .

Is that popcorn chicken as well as the original recipe ?

So check those out .

This , we are gonna dig in .

We know the spice level at a high .

So as I said , if you did enjoy this video .

Don't forget to give it a thumbs up .

And if you're new here , where are we at ?

Subscribe to the man because we have over 180 videos and counting and no , I'm joking .

So once again , thank you very much for watching .

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Until next time .

See if Traveler what crunchy taste ready now when you're ready ?

Oh God .

Let's see .

Mm mm Season down to the bone spicy .

Hey .

Mm mm .

Look at that .

Mm mm mhm .

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Been managing for a week .

Mm mm .

Tunes up .

Barbecue chicken necks .

As I said , a lot more KFC ideas are coming your way as well as everything in between , isn't it ?

So you realize , you know , I don't do this too often .

Still watch home eat once a week or once every two weeks .

We have deep fried stuff like this just for your s and as the still healthy as well .

But I'm telling you this chicken is nothing to play with .

Give the video a thumbs up if you did enjoy watching this video .

I'm sorry , I I make the chicken .

I guarantee you everything will be great .

Just give it to just be patient .

Make it marinate .

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Bring us a 300,000 subscribers .

Thank you very much .


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