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2023-08-13 08:11:51

Digistore24 Affiliate Marketing Tutorial for Beginners 2023 ($10,000+ Strategy)

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अगर आप मोबाइल से अपलोड करोगे तो आॅखो इस्तेमाल करो की तस्वीर बिल्कुल करीब से लेकर किसी फूल की तस्वीर किसी करीब करीब ॅ तो इसका भी ये गड्डी का अलोन फट सकता ।

ऐसे बिक सकता है फोटो सकता है होटल होटल पे जाओ जाओ जाओ जाओ जाओ पाॅलिटिकल जो भी होती है बट इंशाअल्लाह हो गया रिस्ट्रिक्शन के अंदर अंदर ॅ असल में ना कई बार ये होता है लोग समझे देखने वाली चीज की हम बना रहे हैं नहीं सम टाइम थिंग अबाउट ।

सीन ठीक है उनको देखना नहीं है उनको ॅ करना ठीक है जी यहाँ पे टीम बिल्डिंग हो रही है ।

यहाँ पे जीना ॅ हो रही है ।

यहाँ पे टीचिंग हो रही है ।

यहाँ पे ॅ साइड हो रही है ।

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But we're going to get paid a commission of the sales price , which is how we're going to make money and we can get paid up to 70% of the sales price .

And there are a range of these different products that we can choose from spanning over 44 different categories or niches .

And I'm gonna show you how we can promote these products in front of a highly converting audience using a free traffic method .

And then I'm gonna show you how you can absolutely maximise and amplify the number of affiliate sales that you're able to make using a very simple method that takes literally five minutes to set up .

But what you first want to do , guys , you wanna get signed up and logged in to digi store 24 and to do that , you literally want to scroll up and you want to click on to register now .

And you'll then be taken to a screen like this where you want to enter some simple details your user name , email , address and password , and you want to make sure that you check I mainly promote products of other providers , And you also want to make sure that you tick this check box over here before clicking on to continue .

Once you've clicked on to continue , you'll be taken to a final registration screen where you want to enter some final details .

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यहाँ पे पीपल नाॅट करना हो गया जी मेरी तरफ से इन की तरफ से अपना ध्यान रखिएगा ।

ऍम जाओ , छा जाओ पैसे कमाओ ऍम क्योंकि मैं यहाँ पे आपको सिखा रहा हूँ कि पैसे किस तरह कमाते हैं ।

ठीक है तो फॅमिली मेरे सब्स्क्राइबर है ।

आप सब्स्क्राइब करें ऍम दबा दे ताकि मेरा और आपका रास्ता हमेशा रहे ।

ठीक है फिर से अस्लाम लाइक

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A high ticket product , uh , paying us $212.91 any time that anybody purchases this product via the link that we can be sharing to promote this product .

But for the sake of this video , guys , what I'm gonna be showing you is a product that's currently working extremely well for me using this exact strategy , and that product is contained within the fitness and health niche .

So if I go on to the left hand side here and I click on to fitness and health over here , the product on the second page and I'm gonna scroll down a bit and it's this product right here , the custom key .

So diet product I've been finding this one is highly converting .

A lot of people are clicking onto my link with the strategy that I'll be showing you in this video and they're purchasing this product .

And every single time that somebody does that , I get paid $33.66 and you can promote any of these products on digi store 24 .

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But just for the sake of this tutorial , I'm going to be promoting this product and what you want to do , Guys , you want to copy the link for the product that you will be promoting , and the way that you do that is you literally double click on to the link over here and it's copied to clipboard , and you wanna paste it somewhere safe so you can put it into a note pad .

I'm gonna paste mine into this sticky note right here .

And this is the affiliate link that we're going to be promoting .

And any time that anybody purchases this product via this link , we're gonna get paid a commission .

And guys , there are two ways that you can promote this link .

I'm gonna be showing you both ways .

The first way is absolutely fine and effective in getting some really decent affiliate marketing commissions .

But the second method was exactly how I was able to triple my monthly affiliate earning commissions , and I'm gonna be showing you exactly how to do that .

And a lot of these products on the G store 24 have a lot of these really useful affiliate support pages that are gonna help us to promote these products .

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So if you take a look at this custom keto diet that we're gonna be promoting , you'll see a link to this affiliate support page right here .

And if you click onto that link , you're gonna be taken to a screen like this .

And here you will see a bunch of different material that we are able to use to help us to promote this product .

And here you can see , for example , a range of these different banner images .

If I scroll down , you'll see a range of these different videos that we're able to use to help us to promote this product , and this material is highly effective guys .

But before we get into that , what I want to show you guys is the free traffic method that we're gonna be using to promote our affiliate product .

And it literally involves using an article that we don't even need to create ourselves and the website that we're gonna be using to retrieve that article is design articles dot com .

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And once you're on IGN articles dot com , what you'll be able to see guys is a bunch of these different article categories , each of them containing a bunch of these different , really good articles that we can use and customise absolutely for free .

These are royalty free articles , which means we can do anything that we want with them and what we're gonna be doing guys to help us to promote our custom Keto diet product is we're gonna be selecting one of these articles in the health and fitness niche and you can actually search in the search bar the type of article that you want to find .

And because we're promoting this custom Keto diet product , I'm literally gonna type in Keto and then I'm gonna hit search and you can see it's returned over 279 of these different Keto articles that we're able to reuse and customise and edit in order to help us to promote our custom Keto diet affiliate product and the way that we're gonna do that .

Guys , we're gonna select one of these articles .

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So you wanna do you wanna take a look at the different articles you wanna select one that you like the look of And I've already had a preview of these articles , guys , And for the sake of this video , I'm gonna be using this article right here , which is one that I've personally used before .

It's called going Keto .

Why ?

It's actually good for you .

So once you've selected your article , you want to open it into a new tab .

And all you want to do guys is you want to copy the text of this article just like this all the way to the bottom As such , you wanna right click , click on copy , and you just want to paste it somewhere , such as Google docs .

That's docs dot google dot com So you want to right click and you want to click onto Paste without formatting , and we want to give our article a title .

So I'm going to go back over to our article on design articles dot com .

I'm going to copy this title over here , so click on to copy , go back to our Google Docs document and I'm going to paste in this title right here .

So past without formatting , I'm going to make it a little bit bigger .

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Let's go with font size 20 bold it and maybe underline it as well .

And what we're gonna be doing , guys , is adding our affiliate links into this article onto some call to actions .

And I'm then going to show you how we can post this article onto a website to generate us some free traffic .

And any time that anybody reads this article , they also have a very high chance of clicking onto the link that we're going to be adding into this article and any time that anybody purchases that Keto product via that link , we're going to get paid a commission of five $33.69 for every single person that purchases this product .

Then gonna be showing you a method that you can use to absolutely maximise the amount of affiliate commissions that you're able to make with this method .

And it literally only takes five minutes to set up to make sure that you stick around to the end of this video guys , because that is my number one method that literally allowed me to triple the amount of monthly affiliate income that I've been able to make using this strategy .

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But before we get into that , guys , the first thing that you want to do is you want to add add some call to actions or CTAs into this article , and you typically want to add in a few call to actions throughout the document .

And what I found has been working best for me is to add your call to action at the end of every single page .

And this is a relatively short document .

I think it's only two pages , so we'll literally add in two call to actions , both of them linking to our affiliate product .

So for the first call to action , we're gonna type something in , like click here .

Maybe all in capitals click here to access a delicious keto dieting plan , and you wanna highlight it , make it a little bit bigger , maybe 14 , and then what you wanna do , guys , you wanna right click onto it and you want to insert your link and the link that you're gonna be adding to this call to action is your affiliate link that you would have pasted earlier .

So I'm gonna copy this link right here .

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I'm gonna highlight this call to action text click on to insert link and paste it in over here and literally click on to apply .

And if I scroll down to the end of the second page as well , Guys , you can see I've added another call to action here as well .

Click here to access your delicious Keto diet plan and what we're now going to be doing .

Guys , we're gonna be downloading this document as a PDF .

So I'll do file .

I'll do download as a PDF just like that .

And I'm now gonna show you a platform where we can upload our downloaded PDF article too , so that we can generate some really good free organic traffic .

And the name of that platform guys is share dot net .

If you're on the slide share dot net , you simply want to sign up and register And what you can see , Guys , a lot of these articles on slide share are getting thousands , if not millions of views .

And if I type in Keto into the search bar over here , you can already see a bunch of people that have uploaded some Keto articles , and they're getting some pretty decent views already .

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And here we can see a Keto diet document already getting 58 views .

And if I click onto this key to diet document right here , what we can see guys is that they are also promoting a DIY store 24 Keto products .

But guys , we're not going to be relying on the free organic traffic that slide share dot net generates for us .

It does generate some high quality , free organic traffic .

But it's not enough guys .

Instead , what I'm gonna be showing you is how we can upload our document to slide share dot net to generate a link to our article .

And we're then going to be sharing our slides share dot net Link article in front of a highly converting audience that we know are already interested in dieting and weight loss , and guys that audience numbers in the thousands , the tens of thousands , thereby massively increasing the amount of traffic that we're able to get to our article .

And we know that anybody who reads our article has a very high chance of clicking onto our affiliate link right here .

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But before I show you how we upload this to slide share , dot net and promote our slide share article in front of a highly converting audience of thousands already interested in dieting and weight loss , I first want to show you the customer or potential customer experience that happens , guys , after somebody reads our article and clicks onto this link So we know if they've already read this article and they do proceed to click onto this link to purchase the custom Keto diet plan products .

We're very , very close to converting this lead into a paying customer , thereby earning us an affiliate commission .

And let me show you exactly what happens when they do click onto this link .

OK , so we gonna open this link into a new tab over here and the potential customer , it's gonna be taken over to the affiliate sales page right here , and they've got a video that they could watch if they choose to do so .

And these videos are highly converting .

They're highly effective to getting the customer to actually going on to purchase the affiliate product .

But what's gonna happen , guys , many of them will watch that video .

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Many of them will proceed to click on to get your custom Keto diet over here .

They're gonna purchase the product .

They're gonna be happy they'll have their custom , Uh , Keto Diet plan .

We're also gonna be happy because we're gonna earn an affiliate commission .

But the the reality is , guys a large number of potential customers that land onto this affiliate sales page , they'll simply be busy .

They'll simply lose interest .

And they'll literally close the window just like that .

And there goes a lead that we could have converted into a peeing customer .

And now we've lost them forever .

But what if I told you guys that we could still convert those leads into paying customers even after they close the affiliate sales page window and the way that we do that , guys , rather than linking our affiliate link from digit store 24 onto this course of action over here .

What you want to do , guys , is you want to create a very simple landing page which takes under five minutes to do just like this one over here .

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So Keto recipes get my custom Keto diet , and the potential customer will literally enter their email address and they'll click onto access Now and let me show you exactly what happens when they do that .

So I'll say test and I'll say , test at yahoo dot com , for example , and I'll click on to access now .

And as soon as I click onto access now , I'm taken to that exact same affiliate sales page , right ?

So if I'm the customer and I'm taken to that affiliate sales page , you know that I'm already interested in this product .

I entered my email .

I landed onto this sales page and maybe as a customer , I'll click on to get my custom Keto diet right here .

I'll purchase the product , which is absolutely fine .

You'll earn an affiliate commission , but we know that many of these leads these potential customers will then go on to close the window again , just like this .

But in this case , these guys , it doesn't matter because what we've done , we've actually captured the potential customers email .

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And with that email guys , what we're able to do , we're able to retarget that customer who we know already has a very high interest , not just in dieting , but in Keto specifically , and we can resend them emails with the email address of theirs that we have collected and this guys , is how I've been able to maximise and actually triple this last month .

The amount of affiliate sales that I've been able to make with this strategy and actually the majority of my affiliate sales have actually come not through converting the customer as soon as they click on to the link .

But it's actually come from retargeting these customers via an email broadcast using this landing page method .

And I'm gonna show you guys exactly how you can set up a landing page just like this , so that you'll be able to retarget and send email broadcast to these leads with affiliate products related to the niches that they've already shown an interest in .

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And guys , this method is an absolute game changer and has allowed me to exponentially increase the amount of affiliate income that I've been able to earn .

And let me tell you guys right now I'm promoting 30 40 affiliate products as we speak .

Each one of those affiliate products are not being promoted via the raw affiliate link .

I'm using this landing page method , and it's an absolute cash cow guys .

It's a game changer and I'll show you a sneak preview of some of the landing pages that I've already got set up for my different products .

So , as I've shown you guys is the first landing page that I'm currently using to promote this custom Keto diet plan .

Is this one right here , which I'm going to be showing you exactly how to create an under only five minutes ?

It's highly effective , and it's generating me a lot of email leads , and I'm able to retarget via an email broadcast , and I'll be showing you exactly how to set up that automated email broadcast .

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Another landing page that I'm currently using to promote that same custom Keto diet plan is this one right here and collecting a lot of email leads every time .

And they enter their email address over here to click on to get started and another random one that I'm also using .

Guys , is this dog training course landing page right here .

This is a highly successful affiliate landing page that's working incredibly well for me for a dog training course that I'm actually promoting , and it's earning me a lot of affiliate sales guys .

But for the sake of this video , we're gonna stick to this custom Keto diet product that we're promoting .

And I'm gonna show you in the next steps exactly how to set up a landing page just like this .

And I'm also gonna show you how we can set up an automated email responder so that every single time that someone enters their email address right here , we're gonna be able to retarget them with affiliate products that we know that they already have a really high interest in .

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And right now , guys , I'm gonna show you exactly how we can create a landing page just like this , and I'm gonna show you how we can generate a link to this landing page , and we're then gonna go back over to our document over here , and we're gonna replace our raw digi store 24 affiliate link with a link to that landing page , and we're gonna be uploading this article to slide share dot net and we're going to be sharing that article in front of an audience of thousands that we know already have a really high interest in weight loss and dieting .

Which means that we're going to get a massive amount of traffic to our article .

And we know that a lot of people that are going to read our article they're gonna click onto our affiliate Link landing onto our landing page .

Many of them will proceed to purchase the affiliate offer there and then some of them won't go .

But that's fine .

We would have captured their email address , and we're going to rear them with an automated email broadcast .

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This is an absolute cash cow , and I'm gonna show you exactly how to set all of this up right this second and the website that we're gonna be using to set up this automated affiliate marketing system guys is get response .

And I've got a link in the description box below .

So if you click onto that link in the description box , what you're able to see , guys is that you can sign up to get response Absolutely .

For free .

All that you need to do is to enter your email address right here and click on to create a free account .

But what I will say , guys , if you click on the pricing right here , what you can see is that with the cheapest basic version of get response , which is only $15.58 per month , it does allow you to create multiple of these different landing pages .

And it also allows you to set up that automated email responder , which is exactly what I've been using , guys , which has massively increased the amount of affiliate commissions that I've been in to earn simply by creating multiple of these different landing pages .

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And rather than promoting the affiliate link every time I promote my affiliate products , I promote a link to these affiliate landing pages over here .

And I'm able to retarget these leads with those automated email responders .

And that's been the absolute game changer .

Guys , it's an absolute cash cow , and I would strongly recommend at least signing up for the cheapest basic version .

If you can't and you can only get the free version , you are only able to promote one of these landing pages at any one time , which is still good .

But the absolute key guys is promoting multiple affiliate products , each of them with their own landing page at any one time , so you could absolutely maximise and exponentially increase the amount of affiliate commissions that you're gonna make .

And just to put that into some context and to quantify these numbers for you guys , each one of these landing pages that I'm currently using to promote my affiliate products are earning me hundreds , if not thousands of dollars every single month .

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So , yes , while I may be paying $15.58 per month , I'm actually generating thousands of dollars per month in return so well worth it .

The choice is yours .

So what you want to do now is you want to sign up to get response , and you simply want to get logged in .

Once you are signed up and logged in to get response , you will be taken to the dashboard , which will look exactly like this .

And this , guys , is how I'm going to show you exactly how you can create that landing page and that automated email response so that you're able to absolutely maximise and scale the amount of affiliate income that you're able to make with this money making strategy .

So what you wanna do guys to first create your landing page is you simply want to click on the create landing page right here .

Once you've clicked on to create landing page , you'll be taken to this library of all of these different , awesome , premade , customised landing page templates which we can simply edit to use as our own to promote our affiliate product and what you wanna do , guys you want to scroll down ?

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You want to take a look at all of these different , uh , landing page templates that you can utilise and you want to select one that you want to work with And one of these templates , guys , my go to template that I always sort of use to customise and edit to promote my affiliate products is this one right here so you can follow along and use this template if you choose guys , it's called video Boot Camp .

So what you want to do , you literally want to click on the select template right here .

You don't want to give you a template , A name ?

I'm going to call it to diet cash cow , since that's exactly what this template is gonna be .

And then you literally want to click on the next step over here , and then your template is gonna load , guys .

And what you're gonna see is that this template is now fully editable .

You can customise it any way that you want , and we're gonna promote this template to promote our custom Keto diet affiliate product .

And the way that we're gonna do that , guys , is you want to change some of the writing ?

You want to change some of the imagery within this template ?

We're gonna do this right this second .

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So what you want to do , guys , is to get the material that you need to promote .

This custom Keto diet product is you want to go back over to digi store 24 and you literally want to click onto affiliate support page right here and you want to scroll down and you want to select one of these images over here under banners that you can use to put onto your custom Keto diet landing page to customise it for this product that we'll be promoting And for the sake of this video , because I'm using this exact image , we're gonna be using this one right here .

I'm going to right click it .

I'm gonna click on to save as I'm then gonna click on the save right here .

And because I've already downloaded it , I'm literally gonna click on to replace .

And then that image will download to our computer and you want to head back over to your get response editable landing page template .

And you literally want to double click anywhere onto this background image over here just like that .

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You then want to click onto this PNG icon and all you want to do guys is you want to drag the image that you just downloaded into this files and images repository just like that , then you want to click on to add .

Once you've clicked on to add guys , all you need to do is wait for it to upload .

And once it's uploaded , you just want to click on to use over here .

Once you've clicked on to use , you'll see the image will be inserted into your get response customizable landing page template , and you need to make a few small edits .

It's super easy .

Yes , you first want to make sure that this is selected over here , that it's positioned to the top of the landing page .

You want to scale it down a little bit , see how I've scaled it down .

So it's fitting within these two lines over here .

So we're going to scale it down just like that .

That's perfect .

And then going to click onto OK , I'm going to click onto each of these text boxes over here , and I'm gonna hit delete .

So the same way here , I'm going to click onto delete just like that .

Same with all of these guys .

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So delete , delete , delete , delete .

And the same with these three check boxes over here .

And what you can see is that the sign up or the CC A where our customer or potential customer will be entering their email address slightly overlaps with this over here .

It's gonna delete this as well .

So what you wanna do , guys , you wanna click onto this box and you just want to drag it down like that and you then want to drag it across so that it lines up with the margin of our custom Keto diet image .

So just like that and that now what you want to do is you want to centre this text over here and you want the text first , actually , so what , you can say , guys , you just want to say something like get your custom Keto diet plan and you wanna make sure that it's only on one line .

So I'm gonna expand it just like that , and they're gonna centre it so it's gonna be centred over here , and they're gonna centre this text box right here .

So I'm gonna select it here .

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I'm gonna move it So it's in line with the title .

And rather than saying , watch now , I'm gonna say something like access now .

And this part is super important guys because right now what we're gonna be doing now that we've built our landing page is we're gonna link our affiliate URL to this access now button right here .

And if you remember , guys , I pasted mine earlier into this sticky note .

And if you forgot to save yours , guys , remember , what you can do is you can go over to the digi store 24 product and you can retrieve that affiliate link by literally double clicking onto it here and copying it .

So what we're gonna be doing right now , guys , I'm gonna go back over to this landing page .

I'm gonna show you how we add our affiliate link to this access now button right here .

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And I'm also going to be showing you how every single time that somebody enters their email address into this text form over here , how we're gonna be sending them an automated email broadcast related to this product because we know right that people who are entering their email address to this landing page are already interested in dieting .

So let me show you exactly how to do that right now .

So the first thing you wanna do , guys , you want to go back over to your get response , dashboard , and you want to click onto contacts over here and you're gonna and you wanna click on to create list right here , OK ?

And what you can see , guys , you can see a sneak preview of some of the lists that I've already created .

These are for landing pages that I'm promoting , Guys .

Um , so for that Keto landing page , I'm actually sending anyone who enters their email address into this keto landing page right here .

And every time they click on to access now , they're actually ending up into this dieting list right here .

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I've already got over 18,000 leads in this dieting list .

And I'm sending these leads automated email broadcasts promoting affiliate products within the dieting niche periodically , right every week , sometimes every few days .

And as I mentioned , this is the key to generating a really decent amount of AI marketing commissions consistently automated on autopilot guys .

So the first thing you want to do is you want to create your own list right here .

You want to click on the create list , call it something like dieting , keto , diet , whatever you want to call it , OK , you then want to click on to create .

And then once you've done that , you want to go back over to your editable landing page that we're still customising and you just want to click on to next Step over here , which will bring you to a page like this .

And this part is super important guys .

And I'll show you exactly why .

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The first thing you want to do on this page is you want to select that list so that anyone who lands onto your landing page and enter their email address is pushed into that list so that we can then follow up and send them an automated email broadcast .

OK , so you first want to select that list .

And the second thing that you want to do guys , here is where we're gonna be adding our affiliate link to that access now CT a And the way that you do that , guys here where it says thank you , Page .

We don't want to send them to the default .

Thank you , Page .

Instead , you wanna click on the drop down and you wanna go over to custom .

Thank you .

Page right here .

And it will bring up this custom URL text box .

And that is where you want to copy your affiliate link , and you want to paste it into that custom URL text box .

And then , guys , this is where you are gonna click on to publish and get response is going to generate a unique URL to your landing page right here and what you wanna do , Guys , you wanna make sure that you copy this unique URL and you wanna save it somewhere safer ?

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Ok , I the past mine into this sticky note right here and what we can do .

Guys , we can actually click on it and we can take a look at our landing page .

And let's say , for example , that you're the customer .

You want to purchase this custom Keto diet product and you want to enter your name .

So I'm going to put any name I'm gonna put in test over here , Say test at hotmail dot com and I'm going to click on to access now immediately .

What's going to happen , guys , is the customer will be taken to this affiliate sales page .

They may or may not purchase the product , but that or go cos even if they don't purchase the product , they're gonna be pushed into one of these lists .

And with that , we're gonna be able to send them an automated email broadcast promoting either that product or a similar affiliate product relating to dieting and keto and so on .

And that , guys , is how you're gonna absolutely maximise the amount of affiliate sales that you're gonna be able to make with this strategy and to set up that automated email broadcast .

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Guys , what you wanna do is you wanna select tools over here , and you just want to click onto auto responders right here .

Once you've clicked onto auto responders , you wanna make sure that you click on to create auto responder .

Once you click that , guys , you'll then be taken to a screen like this .

And this part is super important because what we're gonna be doing now , guys , is we're going to be designing the email .

We're gonna be configuring the email that's gonna be sent to every single lead , right that enters their email address into our landing page right here .

And remember , guys in that email , we're going to be promoting products that we know that they're already interested in .

Right .

So in our example , we know that anybody who enters their email address into this landing page right here is interested in Keto is interested in dieting and affiliate products of that nature and what you want to do , Guys , you want to go back over to this auto responder configuration form right here , and you first want to make sure that you select your email list that you created , and you can see here that I have selected dieting .

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There is a dropdown over here , and once you've selected that email list , what you can do over here guys under auto responder settings is you can specify exactly when you want this automated email to go out .

So in our example , if I go back over to this landing page , let's say that the customer or the potential customer enters their email over here , right to purchase this custom Keto diet product .

They may or may not purchase the product .

That's fine .

We're gonna send them an email anyway , promoting a very similar affiliate product , since we know there's a very high chance that they could convert and purchase that product there by earning us some affiliate commissions , right ?

So what you want to do , guys , you want to go back over to your auto responder settings and you want to say something like , Let's send them an email seven days after they enter their email address right here .

And to do that , you literally want to say on Day seven at 2 p.m. for example , and you can then scroll down and you can specify the subject line for the email that you'll be sending .

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So just for the sake of this video , we're going to say something like check out this incredible dieting product and then all that's left for you to do you guys for this automated email broadcast to go out every single time that somebody enters their email address into your landing page is you simply want to design your message and to start doing that .

Guys , you just want to click on the design message right here , and you'll then be taken to a screen like this , where you'll see hundreds of these different email templates that we're able to customise to integrate into our auto responder , which we're going to be sending out to every single lead who enters their email address into our landing page , right .

And within that email , we're going to be promoting a similar product that we know that they would already be interested in .

So in our case , for this example , it would definitely be a product within the dieting niche .

And if I go over to digi Store 24 here , you can see an example of one of those products .

This is a supplement product , a supplement weight loss product .

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Any time that anybody clicks onto this link over here and purchases this product , we're gonna get paid around $50 right ?

So just an example of a product that we could be promoting to anyone who enters their email address into this custom Keto diet landing page right here .

So what you want to do , guys ?

You want to select any one of these templates ?

Let's just for the sake of this video , select this one or click onto yes , override it right here and all you want to do guys in the exact same way that we edited our customizable landing page is you want to customise this text over here , you can click onto this image .

You can double click onto it , you can select the image , you can replace the image right here and the way that you do that .

Guys , you go back over to Digi store 24 and remember , you just click onto the affiliate support page .

When you're on the affiliate support page , you have a bunch of different material , a bunch of different texts that you can use to set up your automated email responders .

OK , I'm not going to show you exactly how to do that .

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Guys , I'll leave the creativity for the automated email completely up to you .

But what I will do , I'll literally click onto next , over here , right this is going to finalise the automated affiliate email response that we're going to be setting up .

Because if I scroll down over here , guys , you're gonna see that email that you would have created and customised containing the affiliate products the images for the affiliate product that you would be promoting to all of those leads .

And once you've done that , guys , you literally want to click on to save and publish right here and now your automated email broadcast is going to be set up so that any time that anybody enters their email address into this custom Keto diet landing page , they're also going to be receiving another email broadcast seven days later , or however later that you specify promoting another product within the niche that we know that they already have a high interest in In our case , that is dieting , and that is how you massively increase the amount of affiliate commissions that you're gonna make .

So what you wanna do now , guys ?

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Now that we've generated our unique URL to our get response landing page , you want to make sure that you copy it and then you want to go back over to your Google Docs document containing these CT .

Right ?

If you remember these CTAs such as this one , click here to access a delicious Keto dieting plan .

If I click onto it , it takes them directly to the affiliate sales page .

But as I mentioned guys , some of these people who click onto the sales page may not purchase the product .

They'll close this link , and then we've lost them forever .

And that is why we want to replace that raw affiliate link with our unique get response landing page link and the way that you do that .

Guys , you just want to right click onto your CT A .

You want to click on the edit link again .

You want to make sure that your landing page link is copied and you just want to paste it in just like that .

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You then want to click on to apply , and you want to make sure that you've updated your raw affiliate link to that get response landing page link on both or all of the CTAs contained within your Google Docs document .

Once you've updated those CTAs with your unique landing page , all that you want to do , guys you want to click on to file .

And again , you want to download this as a PDF document , and we're going to upload that PDF document to slides share dot net , where we're going to generate some free organic traffic .

And any time that anybody reads our PDF document on weight loss on Keto , they have a very high chance of clicking onto that link , and they may or may not purchase the product at the time .

But if they enter their email address , we're able to retarget them with that automated email responder that we just built in .

Get response .

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And what I'm gonna show you guys is how we can share that slide share dot net document in front of an audience of thousands that we already know have a very high interest in keto dieting all of that good stuff so that we're able to absolutely maximise the amount of affiliate commissions that we're able to make with that strategy .

And I'll be showing you exactly how we can do that right now so that we finalise this method so that you're able to get started straight after this video .

And if you're liking this content , guys , please make sure that you smash that like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already , because we're about finalise this incredibly effective moneymaking strategy and to upload your PDF document to slide share dot net It's super easy , guys .

You literally want to click on to upload on the top right hand corner over here .

You then just want to click on select documents to upload .

And this is where you will select your recently downloaded custom Keto diet PDF document right here .

You wanna click ?

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I'm not a robot to verify that you are human and you just want to enter in a few last simple details before you upload this to slide share dot net to start generating some traffic .

So firstly , we want to add in a title .

I'm gonna go back over to this PDF document .

I'm gonna copy the title as such , and I'm literally gonna paste that in over here for the description .

I typically tend to paste in the first paragraph of the PDF document .

So go back over to the PDF document .

I'll copy that first paragraph as such , I'll then go back over here and I'll paste that into the description Now you wanna make sure that your article is discoverable and findable on slide share dot net in order to increase the amount of traffic that we're able to generate organically on slide share .

So we need to be able to select a relevant category one that's related to our article .

And for the sake of this article we're talking about going keto custom keto diets .

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We're gonna be selecting the food category and you simply want to add in a few tags .

Three or four tags are absolutely sufficient .

So we're talking about Keto .

So the first tank will be Keto , one will be dieting , and the third will be weight loss .

All right , so now that you've added in your tags your categories , you've got a title you literally wanna hit , Publish right here .

And we can now see that our article is published on the slides share dot net and just by publishing it on the slide share alone guys , this platform gets over 60 million visitors every single month .

We'll be able to generate some free organic travel to our article , therefore increasing the amount of affiliate sales that we're able to make every single time that someone reads our article , clicks onto that link and purchases the product .

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OK , but what I want to now show you guys is how we can share this article in front of an audience that we already know has a really high interest in dieting in weight loss to absolutely maximise the amount of affiliate commissions that we're able to make .

And in order to share that article using that free traffic method that I'm about to you first want to make sure that you copy the link to that article right here .

So you wanna copy that , and you wanna put it somewhere safe ?

I'm gonna paste mine into this stickies right here and the website that we're gonna be using to generate a massive amount of free traffic to our slide share .

PDF article guys is cora dot com and I'm gonna show you exactly how I've been able to generate a tonne of free traffic to the articles that I've been promoting using this exact landing page lead generation strategy .

And it's super easy yet so effective guys .

So all you want to do is you want to head over to the search bar in Cora and you literally want to search for the niche related to the affiliate product that you are promoting .

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So in our case , we are promoting that custom Keto diet product .

So I'm just gonna search for questions within the weight loss niche .

And immediately you can see there are currently so many questions being asked within the weight loss niche on Cora , which provides us the perfect opportunity to not only answer those questions and add a bit of that you but to also share our slide share URL document to that custom Keto diet article .

So what I'm going to do , guys , is this is exactly what I've been doing is you want to find a question that you think you can answer OK ?

And when I say a question you think you can answer , you can literally just google the answer and put the answer into your own words , right ?

The key is that you want to add value .

So for this first question , for example , what is the most effective weight loss method or programme ?

What I've done , guys , I've attempted to answer that question .

I literally got these three top tips to losing weight within two minutes I went on to Google .

I put it into my own words .

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And what I've said guys is the most effective dieting programme has got to be the custom Keto diet .

Here's a really short but informative article that helps to explain how the Keto diet works and then what I'm going to do .

Guys , I'm going to post our article to that custom Keto diet that we posted on slide share right here .

OK , so here we have a really good we're adding value .

We're sharing our PDF document and you just want to click onto post over there and you'll be surprised just how many people who are interested in the answer to the question being asked about weight loss about dieting that will see this article .

They're gonna click onto our article right here , guys , they're going to be taken to it .

They're gonna read it , They're then gonna click onto this cta a over here .

And remember , guys , they're gonna land on to this custom landing page , and they may or may not purchase the product after entering their email address , But even if they don't , that's absolutely fine .

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They're going to be pushed into that list on get response , and we'll be targeting them via that automated email responder .

And it's completely on autopilot , right ?

There are no manual emails that we need to send and that , guys , is how you're able to massively increase the amount of affiliate commissions that you're able to make .

And the absolute key here guys is promoting multiple of these affiliate products at each of them with their own landing page .

So here , for example , you can see this dog training course that I'm promoting .

Here is the landing page that I created to promote that dog training course and what you can then do .

Guys , you can go back over to Cora , and you want to search for questions being asked about dog training , and you simply want to answer those questions .

You want to provide some value .

You want to share a dog training article and in the same way , that article should contain a link to your dog training course landing page and guys you don't even want to stop there .

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You wanna rinse and repeat for around 10 2030 different affiliate products that you're promoting depends on the time that you have and that , guys , is how I was able to massively increase the amount of affiliate marketing commissions that I earn .

And if you got value from this video , please make sure that you smash that like button , subscribe to the channel and hit that bell notification so that you get notified every single time that I release a new online money making video .

Take care .


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