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2023-08-13 08:03:54

Kerala Fried Chicken Recipe _ How To Make Kerala Chicken Fry _ Murgh Fry _ Chicken Recipe By Tarika

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Today , we're making a different kind of KFC Kerala fried chicken .

Now , there are many variations of this recipe .

But what really sets it apart for me is the use of spices like fennel , cloves , cardamom , all of that that we first toast and then make a spice mixture or a masala .

Use that in the marinade for the chicken , then coat it with some rice flour and then just fry it off simple , right ?

So let's get started for the garam masala or the spice mixture that we need for this Kela fried chicken .

I'm gonna start with toasting some spices .

I've got some fennel cinnamon seeds of some green cardamom , just that much of star , some cloves and that much piece of me , you need to toast these spices on the hot cover till they become nice and fragrant .

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And after that let them cool down completely before you grind them up in a mixer after cooling and blending .

That's what the spice mixture looks like .

And we'll move on to making a kena fried chicken .

I'm gonna start with making the marinade and for that , I've got one small onion that I've just quartered up like this you don't really have to chop it up .

But , you know , the blender does most of the job , but I'm just kind of making it easier .

About 4 to 5 fat cloves of garlic .

Again , I've just roughly chopped it .

Two inch piece of ginger quarter cup of coriander .

Keep the stems as well .

There's so much flavor in them and I'm gonna take two sprigs of curry leaves .

I know that sounds probably like a lot , but it's really not when it comes to this marinade .

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Two green chilies that I've just roughly chopped up juice of half a lemon along with curry leaves .

The next important flavor is of coconut oil .

Just about two teaspoons of fat .

Tiny pinch of sugar will add the salt later .

Now I'm just gonna blend this up .

That's what it looks like after blending .

Now I'm gonna add the rest of the spices .

Let's start with this gorgeous masada that we made .

I'm gonna add a good teaspoon of this some black pepper pow dough .

Not too much .

Just about one acre of a teaspoon of cumin powder or jira powder .

Ah Coriander powder .

I'm gonna go in with about a quarter of a teaspoon .

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You definitely want to season this well with salt because there's no other point that we'll be adding salt to this recipe now and again , turmeric will be again , just about 1/8 of a teaspoon .

Now with red cherry powder , I'm gonna go in with almost 3/4 of a teaspoon .

And at this point , I'll just blend it one more time .

That is what this paste looks like right now .

It's changed colors slightly .

Now , here I have about 2 50 g of boneless chicken .

Try to use Thai meat or mixed boundless packets that you get in the market .

They're definitely , definitely more juicy when you cook them .

I'm gonna add this paste , do it now , you know when you're mixing this marinade that you've made with the chicken pieces .

Now , totally depends .

My fingers have a lot of cuts and bruises .

So I'll try to avoid using my hands because this marinade of ours has so many spices .

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So I'm gonna avoid using my fingers to blend this in with the chicken .

But if you're bigger than me and don't have any cuts and bruises , please feel free to use your fingers , but then do not touch your face after that .

There you go .

Just make sure that it's mixed really well , the marinade with the chicken and now what we're gonna do is let this rest cover it up and let this rest for anywhere between 30 minutes to one hour .

Ok .

So I've let the chicken marinade for a good amount of time and now I'm gonna add some rice flour .

So I'm gonna add most of it in right now , but I might need to add a little bit more later on as well .

Um As I fry the batches again , just mixing this part in with my hands .

Just the best way to get it in .

You will need to kind of play this by the year .

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So like maybe about 2 to 3 tablespoons of the rice flour .

And in the meantime , oil is heating up for me to deep fry this chicken .

I'm gonna batch fry this in about 2 to 3 batches , put the rice flour into the chicken .

It's just so fragrant right now because of the marination .

I'm totally ready to fry this .

The oil has also heated up .

So let's get to it .

So that's my first batch frying up .

I've heated the oil on a high flame and then turned it down to medium so that the chicken can cook .

It needs to turn a little bit darker than this .

So I'm gonna cook this now till it turns to a nice golden brownish color .

This is still cooking up this one .

This is the first batch .

So my first batch of the Kerala Fried chicken is ready fried .

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Look at that color that we're aiming for there and so nice and crisp while the second batch fries up there and that's all of our Kerala Fried chicken .

Absolutely ready to eat .

So let's just plate it up once you're done trying with chicken , turn off the flame and into that hot oil drop in curry leaves .

Now make sure that they are completely dry , dry them just for a few seconds .

And pull them out .

This is gonna be our garnish for the Canada fried chicken .

It's so nice and crisp and the flavor of the spices is just so awesome .

I can't wait to tuck in the Kerala fried chicken stays nice and crisp and there's a lot of depth of flavor because of the spices we've used .

It's an easy recipe .

So do try it and stay tuned to get curried for loads more .


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