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2023-08-10 10:56:40

The Secret To Tender and Moist Southern Fried Chicken (Best Ever)

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Hey guys , welcome back to my channel .

I have a real good one for you for you guys today .

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Uh I know I already have a um video up because it was requested video to show how to fry my chicken .

But uh I just , I , I just showed you a basic way but I'm fit to show you how to how to fry the um best Southern fried Deep fried chicken .

Uh It's a , it's a close contender to some of the big name brand chickens if you ever get to try my chicken .

So uh I'm gonna get on into the uh video .

This is a Southern deep fried chicken .

You guys , I'm gonna get on into the video and tell you what I'm gonna do .

I , I , you know , I told you in my first video , I prime my chicken .

I put my chicken and stuff , my fried chicken and also my baked chicken .

Uh Anna Brown .

So let me tell you guys what we gonna need for this brand right here guys .

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I got approximately , I believe it's probably about £5 .

I haven't been weighed about £5 of just uh uh drumsticks and chicken .

Wings .

So I'm gonna do my seasoning and brine in the quarter accordingly to that and how , you know how much I put in here .

And usually for this amount , which I done did it several , several times .

I'm gonna start off with , uh , this round here guys is a four a cup of sugar , regular , regular , uh , Raul sugar and this is some Kosher salt .

I'm going to put that about 1/4 of a cup of that in there .

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Now , if you were throwing more chicken , you probably would put a little bit more but not too much more because this is gonna help to tenderize your chicken and it's gonna be seasoned through and through .

Now , this is the only way I can get my chicken seasoned .

Well , not like marinated with all the season and soaking and season and stuff in .

Uh I don't do that .

I don't , I don't do that .

Well , now guys , I'm gonna tell you something .

I'm doing this a little different because I'm calling it Southern .

Um OK .

Yeah , let me , uh , normally I put hot sauce in my , in my brine , but I got just a little bit of this rice vinegar .

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I'm going to put that in there simply because I'm going to put hot sauce on at um another point in frying this chicken the way .

OK , guys , I'll take just a little warm water , start it off with a little warm water just to dissolve this um , um , the salt and sugar and then I'm gonna put the chicken over in here , you know , fill it with , uh , cold water .

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This is probably , um , I don't really know what size this is , but I , I know it's seem like it's probably a little bigger than a gallon .

Now , when I start to put the rest of my water and stuff in here , the , uh , let's start with the , the , I just like to boost it a little bit with that .

Just a real warm tap , warm .

OK , guys , I'm gonna take it uh put my chicken over in it in the comments .

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You guys , how many of you guys uh do your fried chicken or your chicken like this through the brown , the browning of your chicken , I tell you , you cannot beat it and you know what , this has been going on for a long time because , and I didn't really , I , I thought , I think that's what my mother was doing .

She might not call it Brian .

We just thought because it was , I thought because it was chicken that they raised that she would always soak it in a some uh so those chicken , you know , some of them salty water and a little vinegar .

But um that chicken was always so good and tender .

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Even the um like I told you the skin is double eat so tender and crunchy on that chicken .

OK ?

You guys , oh I love my maid over there .

I fill it all up with water going to be completely covered and it was just so hard to get out down at the bottom .

So that's all right .

Just got time it hot grease , frying it up .

Ok .

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That has the chicken is covered .

People also do their turkeys and stuff like this .

But you know , you can put the seasonings and stuff that you want in there .

Like I , like I told you , you need to put hot sauce on it in it .

OK , guys , I'm gonna , I'm gonna set this in the refrigerator and uh I'm gonna do it uh brown it overnight and then when I am get it out to cook it , uh , when I bring out when I bring you guys back and I'll be ready to fry it .

I will , uh , I will be , I will already be done .

Took the um , chicken , I can fry and when I take it out , I don't rinse it .

I don't rinse it , but I'm gonna put some uh hot sauce .

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I'm gonna cover a hot sauce , hot sauce over it and probably a , a teaspoon or probably pink salt cause a lot of times especially when your pods , the chicken parts just be , you know , you can use just a little extra salt to it .

Now , I'm gonna move this out of the way and I'm gonna show you guys how I'm gonna fix my , uh season my flour up almost .

Thank you , Jesus .

Let me tell you what I got going on over here in this container .

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Well , I'm gonna , uh , flour my chicken and chicken and I think I got approximately three cups of this self fries and flour .

I always use self fries and flour to , uh , flour , my chicken and pork chops and just about anything .

I'm frying .

Ok .

I already got the flour in here .

Yeah , I'm gonna put , I'm going to put , oh , this is a third , a couple of uh give a takeover ain't too , it don't matter how much you put up in there .

I mean it , it ain't got to be liver but it's a third or cup of this corn starch .

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See where did I put my , hey , and this is one tablespoon of this portrait season and all these other season it up .

OK ?

I was gonna try to uh maybe I'll turn it this way and then you said this is a table for one tablespoon of poetry caesar and guys this right here .

This is a combination of seasoning .

I'm gonna tell you I'm as I put them , I'm gonna , I'm gonna tell you what's , what's in here is a little seasoning is I is I have , do I have it right in the camera ?

Yeah , I can see it .

I see you my friend .

I hope not .

OK .

I got um this is what I'm telling you .

Now , I got a teaspoon of each one of them .

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That's some of the no , uh , no salt .

Oh , I just call it Cajun season .

Is that Cajun ?

To cha cha cha , I can't pronounce it .

And uh then I got a teaspoon of this here .

Slap your mama .

Can you see it up ?

Yeah .

And then get to be stirred while I'm talking .

And then I got a , oh , I ain't got this in there yet .

It's all I got .

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But , you know , I put maybe about a teaspoon of the um paprika and I have a , I don't have that over here , but I got a teaspoon of black pepper in there and then I got a teaspoon of this onion powder .

Yeah .

Here my black pepper tea spoon of the black pepper and then a teaspoon of the garlic , granulated garlic .

That's what I had in those uh uh seasoning .

I just put over my flour guys .

Let's go .

This , this , this chicken is so good .

You wouldn't believe it .

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Like I said , I wanna , I wanna know how many of you guys uh brown and do that and they get chicken but you call yourself , it's the house now , that's all to it .

You guys , I , I always , I always just , most of the time I , I do my flour when I'm uh when I uh put my chicken in the brown and have it ready .

So when I , you know , tomorrow it'll be ready to go .

When I come back on tomorrow .

I'm gonna be over at my , I'm gonna have my deep fry .

I showed you the first time I showed how I was doing it on the uh uh stove because that was a requested video and you can do it just the same way as , you know , the same season and all that .

But you know , deep fried chicken is , it feels real good .

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So guys , I , that's all I need to tell you about that .

Those are the season that I got in my flour .

And you see what I put in the , uh , the brine , you can be created with that if you know something else that you can put up in there or you wanna put in there .

Uh , do so , you know , I told you guys make them , make these dishes your own and then I'm gonna put that hot sauce on this chicken when I take it out that brine and then flour it up and let it kinda sit , once you put your flour on it , let it kinda sit before you drop .

And , uh , and you'll see how I have my oil and everything in my deep fry and get there , get ready to fry this chicken .

OK , guys , I'll see you back at the , I'll see you at the , uh , um , deep fry .

OK ?

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Everybody I'm back and it's the next , the , uh , chicken has been browning overnight and , uh , like I told you guys , I was gonna get up and put some hot sauce on it and I put some , um , I put about a half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a half teaspoon of salt and just put that Frank's red Frank .

Uh I use it a red hot hot sauce because it's not , it's not real hot and then I can add just a little extra red pepper to have it .

Perfect for the way .

We like our hotness and our chicken and um , and then I put some more black pepper on it .

OK ?

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I'm gonna set this to the side and , and I'll fry it and then when we first finish , OK , this my , this chicken here .

I took it and went head on and uh put the flour on it and uh just set it .

I like for it to sit at least uh it don't matter , but at least about 10 minutes with the bread coating on it .

It seems to stay on better like that for me .

And then I got my uh deep fry heating up to 375 degrees .

Now , some of these legs is uh sort of thick .

I mean , sort of big , bigger than I normally like uh like my uh fried chicken .

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But I have fried them like this before because a lot of times you can't determine what size legs be and you just have to get what you can get , but it uh probably um require a little long fry and I will let you know because you're gonna fry to , to this golden brown .

And , um , I usually take with these legs probably about 15 , about 15 minutes .

But , uh , I'll , you know , I'll let you know .

So , like I say , my deep fryer is heating up .

I'm gonna go ahead on and start dropping my legs in there and , uh , guys , um , I'm gonna let these fry and when they fry , I will come back and show you and tell you how long it took for that .

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And then I fry up the rest of the chicken and then when I come back , uh , you don't wanna overcrowd it , but the way I do my , a lot of times I've taken a , put the chicken in the basket to all what the basket will hold .

And I like to fry when I'm frying chicken .

I like to fry my larger pi pieces first .

Yeah , I just take my basket and drop the chicken down in .

Yeah .

And a lot of times if I think I have more room in there , I just drop some other pieces but they're on top of it .

Yeah .

And you like that on my middle ?

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Ok .

Ok , guys .

Um , when I let this fry maybe about and just have a timer on it , you can time it when I let it fry maybe about a minute or two .

I'm gonna put this lid on it like that , you know .

Well , I'm just go ahead on and put it on here and show you what I'm talking about ?

Yeah , I always can't do something straight .

Well , anyway , I put the lid on it and I let it dry .

I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna check it .

I'm gonna put my timer on it and listen , guys .

Um , uh , I , like I say when this here fry up , I come back and show it and then I'm gonna drop the rest of the chicken and , uh , I won't be back on until all the chicken is done .

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OK , guys , I'll be right back when this here chicken finish frying in probably about 15 minutes .

A little longer .

15 to 20 minutes .

Ok ?

You got the , it's going , ok , guys , time I went off on the chicken and hanging up and guys where I'm going to town , I wanna tell you one thing .

This is the secret to wait to the secret to uh you can find the best southern fried chicken you ever put in your mouth and this is a , uh , a , a secret from generations down through the years to come .

That branding , you can season your chicken and do anything else you want to with it so you can not get it .

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But that Brimin is what makes this chicken the absolute best .

Remember that guys , if you'll never remember anything else from me , Brim and your chicken is what's gonna tenderize it and get it seasoned and all I've been seeing that done for , that's another piece in there .

They may hands , she can do hot .

I be sure the chicken to now get ready to put your other chicken in .

And um I come back and show you guys the finished product .

But remember prime your chicken .

If you want some tender , delicious fried chicken , you can put whatever season you want to .

But the way I showed you to mix that brine up , you may want to add something else to it .

But that kosher salt and uh you can put hot salt a little sugar and uh uh hot sauce or either vinegar .

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I usually , I just put a teaspoon of , of rice vinegar in that .

But most of the time I put hot sauce in it , my brim and stuff changes .

But that's the secret to Southern fried chicken .

It's brim in your chicken .

It's not so much of all the different season you put in it .

But when you brine it , that's what you go .

That's how you gonna get some delicious fried chicken just about every time .

OK , guys , let me go off and finish uh uh frying up this chicken and I'll be back and show you the finished product .

Hey , guys .

OK .

This is the finished product of the uh the best ever .

The secret to the best ever Southern fried chicken .

Now , you have it guys .

Y'all know the , you know the secret to frying the best Southern chicken ever .

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Every time is the browning and getting you seasoning right that browning makes that chicken tender moist and , and season well seasoned .

OK .

Guys , I am , I cut a piece uh , to show you what it looked like on the inside and uh , I'm gonna get ready to end the si video .

If you try this si recipe , you'll be cooking it like this the rest of your life cause I've been cooking it like this for many , many , many years and it ain't never failed me yet .

I don't and I'm , you know , I'm not a boast for bragging person , but uh the people have eaten my chicken .

It gave me high praise .

So if you haven't already subscribed to my channel , uh please do so I would appreciate it and give me a thumbs up and hit that notification bell to be notified and um or drop me a comment down in the comment section .

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Let me know .

Have you ever brown your chicken before ?

If you don't , if you did browning up your chicken before you uh uh fried it or either baked it .

You know what I'm talking about ?

This is the best chicken .

I think it , I do Popeye's .

I see .

OK guys , I'll see you guys in my next video .

Be blessed .

Remember be blessed .

Use your common sense .

Think positive and God bless and they may love you .

Bye bye .


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