today , I'm gonna be cooking precooked chicken .
Sounds stupid , doesn't it ?
And basically , this is what you do to the chicken before you put it into any curry that you're gonna make , Um , say he's putting raw chicken in your base gravy once you've cooked your sauce , so basically , we're gonna cook precooked chicken , so the first thing you'll need to do is just heat up a little vegetable oil .
I'd say no more than two tablespoons .
I'm gonna cook , um , enough chicken for three people .
So obviously you'll differ the amount , depending on how many you want to cook for .
For a large tablespoon of garlic and ginger .
It's very important you cook this slowly and don't burn it .
Otherwise , it will ruin the chicken .
Take the diced chicken , put it into the oil with the garlic and ginger paste .
Basically , just slowly fry there .
Toss it in the oil and the garlic and precooked chicken is not cooked chicken .
You're just basically searing it on the outside and cooking it a little .
There are many different ways you can precook the chicken .
This is the easiest , the quickest and the most simple .
Um , there are some Indian chefs that add some spices to the chicken or marinade the chicken in , um , Tico or masala .
Um , this is just a basic precooked chicken to go into the many different Curries that you might want to cook .
Alright .
Once , um , it changed colour .
We're gonna add one chef spoon full of the base gravy , check out my other recipe on how to cook base gravy .
Mhm .
And that's all we're gonna do .
Basically , we're just gonna cook that down for maybe a minute more , and we're gonna put it into a bowl , ready to go into a curry of our choice .
The reason I use an aluminium pan is , um , a lot of Indian chefs use aluminium pans because they conduct a lot of heat .
And basically , when you're making your Curries , the sauce caramelises on aluminium far better than a non stick because there's a lot of movement and a lot of scraping and shuffling .
And what you don't want is for the , um , the Teflon or the non stick surface coating to come off into the curry .
So aluminium frying pans are a very good choice .
Um , they're not expensive either .
To be honest , precooked chicken for free