We write this content GP T or we can actually sell this content to our website like five pro blogger , writer , access , and Skyward and anybody can actually do this .
If you have any questions , let me in the comment sections , I'm gonna be able to answer all of your questions .
And if you want to actually make the big box right , the best way to go is the market and I need to do a right here and show you guys exactly how to do that .
So until I see my next video , keep winning and don't forget to check out those .
Love you guys .
Bye from here guys .
The same script can install any default applications that came with Windows 10 like one drive , one note , et cetera .
Once extracted as you can see is in the desktop run powershell as administrator .
So click start type powershell from the results , right ?
Click run as administrator .
Yes to the U AC if prompted and here type the following command set dash execution policy , space unrestricted .
You can find any of these commands in my website to confirm type Y and hit , enter .
Now let's navigate to that directory by entering the following .
I'm gonna clear here and type CD space forward slash hit .
Enter CD dot backslash users , CD dot backslash user name in this case is avoid errors and now type CD dot backslash desktop now enter dir to list all files in the desktop .
Ok , perfect .
Now we have here the rings preinstalled apps dot PS One , all we need to do is now enter dot backslash and then enter the exact name , ring install dash , preinstalled app dot PS one don't be quick to hit enter because this will reinstall all different applications that came with Windows 10 , all we need is a store .
So enter space , Asterisk , Microsoft dot Windows store , asterisk and hit , enter , confirm by clicking on by hitting R on the keyboard and hit .
Enter done window store is installed .
Now , all we need to do is confirm so I'll close the powershell hit start , look for the Windows store , send it back to the task bar like it was when uh it came with windows and I can go ahead and run it and it's fully functional .
Thank you for watching this video .
My name is Miguel .
If you have any questions , feel free to post them in the comments section below .
Thank you .