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2023-08-11 20:24:47

How to make restaurant-style Chinese Fried Rice _ Marion's Kitchen Classics

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Restaurant style Chinese fried rice .

So it's a simple dish , but there are a few little techniques that you need to get it extra special .

So we're gonna start off with our sauce for the fried rice first and I just want some soy sauce , try to go for a Chinese light soy sauce for this one that will give you just the right amount of saltiness and color that we're looking for .

And I want some Chinese chaus wine .

Now this is an optional ingredient for this dish , but I really love the fragrance and aroma .

It lends to the fried rice .

And then I'm also going to add some sugar that's gonna help with some sweetness , but it's also gonna help us caramelize and get some nice charry bits on our rice .

Now , I'm choosing to add some Chinese char seal barbecue pork to my fried rice .

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I love the kind of sweet savory porks that lends to a Chinese style fried rice .

But you could choose to keep as meat free or you could just use chicken or shrimp or anything you like .

Now , I'm using my homemade Chinese barbecue pork for this one and if you'd like the recipe .

You can head to my youtube channel .

You'll find it there .

But you could use store bought Chinese barbecue pork or you can even use Chinese sausage as well .

That's another really good one to add to this dish .

What , what , what the , so the key thing for any stir fry is to get everything ready before you start cooking .

So I need to get my eggs whisked .

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Now , I've got everything else set up here .

I've got my soy sauce mixture , sesame oil , my egg , my garlic onion pork and my salt and pepper .

So all set to go and I want a decent amount of oil in my wok and I've got some garlic here and it's quite chunky .

What I wanna do is infuse that oil with the garlic and get it to start turning sort of crispy at the edges .

It's all in the detail when it comes to getting this rice .

Absolutely perfect .

And this little extra step of cooking that garlic .

So it's crispy and golden and making that garlic oil at the beginning .

This is really gonna make a big difference .

Now , timing is everything .

I don't want to burn my garlic .

So I wanna get my onions in as soon as I start to see some color .

OK ?

So at this point , I've got garlic that's beautifully golden and dark brown .

I've got onion that's just tender .

So now I wanna go in with my pork .

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OK ?

Now move everything over to the side .

We wanna make some room for our egg .

So just tilt the wok a little bit so that the oil comes down to the bottom and then in goes the egg .

So just push that egg around , swirl the pan a little bit .

And this is another key part of getting that restaurant style fried rice because we don't want a scrambled egg .

We actually want an omelet that we're going to then break up into recognizable little pieces .

Yeah , there we go .

Flip that over and now start to chop that up and incorporate it with everything else .

OK .

Now , for our rice , now this is some rice that I did make yesterday .

I also have a video on how to make the perfect rice for fried rice .

So don't miss out on that one over on my youtube channel as well .

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And I just wanna get this rice starting to get coated in that nice oil .

Get at making friends with that egg and that pork and now for that soy sauce mixture .

So at this point , your rice grains should be beautifully coated in the oil and the sauce shouldn't be anything sticking together or clamping .

Ah and the smell of that Chinese wine just makes this all the more special .

And finally , I want just a little bit of salt , some chopped spring onion and some sesame oil .

Now I'm gonna turn that heat straight off because the sesame oil will lose its fragrance if you heat it up too much .

Ah , and that beautiful sesame toasty smell .

It's just making me really hungry , to be honest .

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Um , so , just adding that sesame oil at the end means that you're getting that really lovely smokiness that you would get from a Chinese restaurant , fried rice , even if you don't have , um , a seasoned wok .

And then finally just a little bit of white pepper and I love the white pepper because to me , pepper and a fried rice should be heard and not seen .

So it will add a little bit of peppery bite without too much harsh color or flavor .

And that my friends is one epic restaurant style Chinese fried rice .

Hm .

Smoky savory .

Porky doesn't get better than that .


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