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2023-08-12 15:39:01

10 Signs She Wants You To Kiss Her _ THIS Body Language Means She Wants To Kiss You

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today , Guys , this is your big body language psychology lesson to help you really understand when you are in the perfect moment to actually kiss a girl .

The perfect moment is so perfect , in fact , that she is the one that has put it all together for you .

She's made the scene , She's drawn your attraction levels .

She is literally waiting for you to kiss her .

And while she's probably thinking maybe I should go in and plant one on his face instead .

So these are the body language signs that you need to be looking out for .

If you don't watch until the end of this video , you are missing out big time .

Because then you are not acquitted about this body language stuff that you need to know .

And if you don't know it well , you might end up making her feel awkward .

And she probably would not want to talk to you for a while because you missed that perfect moment where she wanted to actually smooch your face off .

So let's make this video happen in 32 and one .

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Hey , welcome back .

If you are ready to get your smooch on , then stick around .

But Before we go any further , I want you to do one thing for me .

And that is click the nice thumbs up button and like this video .

So I know that you like watching these videos , and I know that you enjoy getting kissed , because who doesn't ?

This is such a subtle sign of body language that you have to be an expert to recognise it .

And this is the nostril flair .

Yet pretty weird and actually saying that has made me realise how strange that was to actually say .

But it's a tip taken from a popular body language expert , and his name is Joan .

And he states that a girl who is ready to do something physical will actually flare her nostrils .

So , in a close , very close proximity Should I add with a girl if you notice that she has fled her nostrils outwards , it means she is literally taken in that extra air to psych and prepare herself up to do something physical , which could be to kiss you or possibly slap you .

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But I'm pretty sure you should know if she's about to slap you .

If you don't , I have no hope for you .

My friend .

She gives you the bedroom eyes .

Now , this is my favourite tip because it's something that I can't really explain to you .

What bedroom eyes is you ?

It's a thing that you just know .

You just feel it in that moment and you almost definitely feel this .

But if you want to get some facts specifically , you will notice that her pupils will actually dilate .

Her eyes will look much bigger , and this is going to be due to the attraction levels rising in her body .

So if you do happen to be very close and you notice that her pupils are getting bigger , it's a sign she's definitely connected to you .

And obviously , if you are able to notice those dilated pupils , you have to be pretty close to her face .

And well , that is like the best space to be with someone who wants to actually kiss you .

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She's literally locked onto your eyes because she is quite literally just waiting for you to plant the kiss on her face .

But most importantly , if you do get the feeling that you really want to go , you know ahead to the the next level with this girl in a very close situation .

Well , it's guaranteed to say that she is definitely feeling the same , and she really , really , really wants to kiss you .

Overall , her communication is super interested and very connected into the deeper version of you .

If you notice in a certain situation , you two are alone and she's asking you personal questions .

She wants to get to know you on a deeper level .

She wants to actually connect , and if you have noticed she is laughing at your terrible bad jokes .

She's basically trying to make you feel like the best person in the world at that moment , so that she is building up that opportune scenario for the perfect it situation so that she can kiss you .

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She displays an open body language in layman's terms .

Let me break this down that if you want to kiss someone well , it's very obvious .

OK , you have to get into their personal space .

You know you can't just blow them a kiss .

It doesn't have the same effect .

So you need to be looking out for any form of open movement from her to suggest that she's trying to get into your personal space or maybe she is just putting it up , letting you know it's OK for you to come in and make the move .

So take a look at her face , her chest and how her feet are positioned .

If it looks as though she is most definitely facing towards you , that's obviously perfect angle for smooching .

Her legs will be crossed towards you and her torso will be facing towards you too .

And if you've noticed that she is in the perfect position for kissing , will then commence with the kissing .

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You have to understand that if she isn't going to be making that first move , she's just opening herself up basically saying , Boy , come on , dude , come smooch me .

She actually pouts her lips .

Now this is a very sneaky one to actually recognise .

But as soon as you notice it , it's the tail for all the ladies .

If you think about kissing someone , you are going to automatically think about your lips And women kind of do this thing .

And you know what I'm talking about ?

Where they will kind of suck their lip .

Or maybe they bite their lip .

They apply a bit of lip gloss their lips like a amazingly perfect and kissable .

And obviously she's basically thinking about her lips touching yours , and she's trying to make them look pretty incredible and juicy .

And if she's thinking about kissing you , you are going to notice that she's looking at your lips .

She's looking at the direct target , so if she slightly breaks eye contact , But you think she's looking at your face but not directly in your eyes , it's because she's looking down at your lips .

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She is building up tension with her touch Touch is so powerful if you find that she is touching you a lot , and she's finding many reasons to express this form of touch .

It's an amazing sign she is extending her personal space by reaching over into yours and because she is reaching into your personal space , she's opening up that invitation to say , Hey , it's OK for you to enter my personal space as well so that we can kiss .

You are gonna notice that she's probably going to give you many playful taps .

She might give you a couple of gentle slaps if you are flirting with her in teasing her , she's gonna find many reasons to touch your arm .

and to squeeze it .

Maybe you say something really sweet and she will say , Oh , you're so sweet and then greet you with a squeeze of the arm .

She will find any reason to touch you .

And this is a good thing .

She closes the space between you both , as mentioned previously .

She's gonna get into your personal space as much as she can if she wants to kiss you .

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And if she senses that you are not actually pulling away when she moves in .

Bingo .

Expect a kiss in a couple of seconds flat .

Now she is gonna play along to your movements .

So if you close that distance a little , she's gonna close it a little bit more .

If you pull away and reject her , she's gonna most definitely possibly walk out of the room .

But providing systems are a go .

You guys will be reenacting that spaghetti scene from Lady in the Tramp .

Look out for her complaining that she's cold .

She's doing this in the hopes that you will move closer to water to keep her warm , or or she might give you something and say , I can't actually hear what you just said .

Can you come in a little bit closer .

This is brilliant , perfect flirting , execution .

She lingers around .

You pay attention to this behaviour .

It feels as if she's kind of hovering around waiting for something to happen .

And she's actually waiting for the kiss .

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So this could be usually noticed at the end of a date or whenever you both say goodbye to each other in person .

If it looks and feels as though she's dragging out the conversation and waiting for something to happen , looking you in the eye strangely or possibly even just delaying the actual goodbye for as long as possible .

Well , it's because she wants to kiss you , and this is the perfect moment to do so .

She is going to ramp up the flirting and be very heavy on the innuendos .

If she's acting more playful than normal , she is most definitely flirting .

And if she's laughing to your bad jokes and they are bad jokes , then this is amazingly good signs that she wants to kiss .

You notice how she either drops the innuendo bombs , or she points out your innuendos and tries to act shocked and taken back by them .

This , however , is just her flirting strategy .

She is waiting for that opportune moment to basically ramp you up enough so that she can kiss you .

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She's basically flirting so much to entice you into planting a big old kiss on her lips .

She is already prepared , and I never realised how gross that sentence sounded until I just said that aloud .

Yes , so if you've noticed she always has her breath prepared , she always has mince .

She's chewing gum .

Possibly she's eating candy or sucking on a lollipop .

And if you notice she's constantly checking her lipstick in a mirror or possibly she's checking to see if there is any spinach stuck in between her middle teeth .

Well , then you know that she is putting in some serious thoughts about kissing you and wants to make the whole process as perfect as possible .

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