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2023-08-13 07:58:41

How to Make Crispy Fried Chicken _ Preppy Kitchen

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Hey , I'm John Connell .

Today on Preppy Kitchen , we're making crisp tender and flavorful fried chicken .

So let's get started .

First off , we're brining our chicken in a combination of buttermilk hot sauce and salt .

The acid and the buttermilk will make you have oh , the acid and the buttermilk gives you a tender amazing and just delicious chicken .

So one quart of buttermilk , one quart of buttermilk , a tablespoon of salt and optional .

But you have to have it is at least three tablespoons of hot sauce in .

You go , you're gonna give that a nice stir just to bring it together .

It's gonna look really pink and weird , but you're not gonna see that .

And by the way , if you're like anti spice , this isn't even spicy .

Like Brian eats it and he , well , he doesn't know there's hot sauce in there , but he'll eat this all day long and not even think it's spicy .

It's just delicious .

Ok .

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Now we're gonna add our chicken pieces in here and it's totally up to you .

It should be like bone and skin on .

I have a lot of drums because those are my favorite parts .

You can let me know in the comments what your favorite piece of fried chicken is .

I have a couple of breasts in here for Brian and then a thigh or two .

And I think I'm gonna fit this all in here and if it doesn't fit , we're gonna make it .

There we go .

So , just make sure it's nice and submerged just like that .

We're gonna let this marinade for at least at least 30 minutes .

But overnight we'll give you the most amazing chicken .

So this could be like your day one step , pull it out the next day and get to frying .

My chicken is marinated .

I added about three inches of oil into a big pot and it has a candy thermometer .

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So I know exactly when it will get to 3 53 50 to 3 63 60 .

My chicken is brined .

I added about three inches of oil into a big pot and I'm waiting for it to get to 3 60 .

It's on medium high heat .

And in the meantime , we're gonna make our really easy but delicious dredge .

Starting with three cups or 360 g of all purpose flour .

Normally I'd use a scale , but for the dredge , it's not that kind of recipe .

Three cups , half a cup of corn starch call .

Let me know in the comments if cornstarch gives you the Hebe GBS .

Oh , my gosh .

It's like so horrible to me .

I love what it does in recipes but touching it , like send shivers up my spine .

One tablespoon of onion powder will give us a lot of flavor .

A whole tablespoon of salt .

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And you go a teaspoon of cayenne optional but you know , gotta do it .

And then where's that big uh copper pepper grinder ?

And about two teaspoons of black pepper .

Uh mm .

Right .

We're going to give this a quick whisk to bring it together now for the dredging , just lift your chicken off .

I'm gonna try and do this with tongs .

But you know , the best way is with your fingers .

So bear with me .

Shake off the excess .

And now we're going to toss this in the dredge and this is our first dredge .

If you've fried chicken before , you know , you need a double dredge , you know it , then just lay the pieces out on this wire rack to hang out while we dredge the rest .

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And hopefully by the time we're done dredging , we're at 360 .

Keep an eye on your oil .

It's shake and big .

And I helped .

You're too young for that commercial .

Yes .

This little kid like look my is shaking big and I hope there are so many good eighties commercials you missed out on .

It's really like a lost moment .

So the breast meat is huge .

It's gonna take longer to deep fry .

I'm just warning you ahead of time .

That's the other reason I really love drumsticks because they're pretty quick and they have all that flavorful meat switched to a fork because these giant pieces and the tongs just weren't playing well together and I love the loose pieces of skin that get like ultra crispy and deep fried on this .

Mm .

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That's my favorite was like , it'll look better once it's fried .

I promise .

I love deep fried everything .

But I've been having a lot of fun behind the scenes using my air fryer to make like air fryer chicken tenders and nuggets .

So let me know if you want a video for that because at first I thought , oh , like I was like , this is so gross .

But then I got the recipe right .

And it was so good .

All right .

Now we're ready to deep fry and we're gonna take this close to the stove along with your dredge .

Oh , it's perfect .

It's a 3 60 .

Let's go .

Once that oil is nice and hot , we're gonna red dredge .

Each piece of chicken .

Just get it super coated in that flour mixture .

So it has that crisp , amazing texture .

Each piece of chicken will fry for a different amount of time .

Wings only need seven minutes .

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Drumsticks will need about 12 and then thighs and breasts are going to be 15 plus , keep an eye on your thermometer because as you add chicken , the oil will drop significantly in temperature .

So increase is necessary .

But then decrease .

You want it to be hovering around 360 the whole time .

The best way to know if they're done is to use a thermometer and just check the internal meat temperature .

It should be 1 65 .

Once each piece is cooked through in golden brown , you're going to place these to rest on a wire rack over a baking sheet .

You can use some paper towels or even cut up brown paper bags just to sop up some of that extra oil .

When I'm enjoying this fried chicken , I will just have a big plate full of those drumsticks .

A couple homemade biscuits and some delicious slaw .

Like the perfect combination .

Let me know in the comments what you like eating this with crisp and crunchy .

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I love the beautiful golden texture on the outside .

If you like this recipe , check out my chicken playlist .

No .

Mhm So that is some delicious chicken .

I hope you get a chance to make this recipe and I'll see you in the next video .


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