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2023-08-13 07:59:01

The Easiest Korean Fried Chicken Recipe so far

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Hi , everybody today , I'm making Korean fried chicken .

Today .

I will learn how to make fried chicken from my mom's favorite youtube channel , man .

A K A , the Korean Julia Child .

What you made that with my old recipe five years ago ?

So when I heard that there's another video , I went to check it out .

Maybe the recipe is better or something .

So I went back to the video and did see another recipe and it's 12 years ago , I was back in the time when I stay up all night watching .

He got TV .

So after watching the video , I realized the two recipes are pretty much the same .

And also in the five years between the two chicken recipes , she somehow got younger .

I've always told you guys the key to anti-aging is fried chicken .

But anyways , let's get back to the video when you make this for any party , party , party , family getting to a super bowl party , you will get a lot of , a lot of attention and compliments .

I never had a problem with getting attention and compliments at parties .

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The only problem I have with parties is getting invited .

You can use any chicken chunks of chicken , chicken , even the drumstick , I'm going to use four of these bone in chicken thighs and they look pretty all wrapped up in plastic was a couple of times in cold water .

A lot of you have been telling me that I need to wash my chicken , so I'm gonna do it this time to see if it looks better .

Well , first pour in some clean cold water , rub it around a few times and then dump out this gummy water .

Do you think it's no longer radioactive ?

Let me know in the comments , have teaspoon , salt , ground , black pepper , ground , black pepper , ginger one teaspoon , ginger one teaspoon like this using my most experienced hand , the potato starch I'm using .

So potato starch , I don't have you can use also corn starch .

I also don't have corn starch but I found this tapioca starch back when we made boba together .

That was when I was still making face content coat chicken piece very light .

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Hello from .

So there are so many great noodle dishes in the world , Ramen .

But I know you're looking for the easiest and cheapest noodle dish .

If this is you , you came to the right place today .

All you need is a couple of minutes and $2 .

All right .

Are you guys ready ?

Let's get started today .

We are making .

Well , I know you're probably thinking like Aaron .

It looks super delicious on youtube but it was so greasy and flavorless .

Yeah , I totally agree with that .

I blame you panda but as always with me , it's gonna be fantastic for this .

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I cook this for 12 minutes and now it looks really crunchy .

Let's take it out .

Now .

It looks really crunchy .

Let's take it out .

I need to second fry it .

Now , I need to second fry .

Now I'm going to a little lower the heat .

I'm also going to lower the heat much better .

I'm going to prepare sauce .

Now , I'm going to prepare the sauce after I fry these chicken .

Once the internal temperature register above 1 65 and the outside is golden like this .

We'll take it out .

Now , I'm going to make the sauce cloves of , I can't tell if these garlic cloves are moldy or not , but I have faith in my stomach about 1.5 a tablespoon about two tablespoons .

This is optional red pepper , dried red pepper and using optional is not needed to me .

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But I have these guajillo left over real , real crunchy fry .

These guys until it turned like a rock I always fry my chicken until it turns into a rock .

You guys might make fun of me for it .

But I'm glad she approves this is optional , but I like to add some nuts here .

Usually for me nuts aren't optional , but unfortunately I don't have any right now .

I also forgot to film the beginning part of the sauce .

So , here's what happened .

Charlie .

Fried red pepper .

I don't have rice syrup .

So we're going to use some simple corn syrup .

One tablespoon of vinegar , one tablespoon vinegar .

It's a little bit of a mustard sauce .

Just a little bit of mustard sauce .

Make this sauce really special , making the sauce really special to make it more sweet and shiny brown .

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I would , but it seems like we used all the brown sugar in the tristate area for the cookie video .

Wow .

Wow .

So we're gonna dip it individually because I'm afraid that it's going to get soggy .

Wow .

Looks nice .

It does look pretty nice .

Sesame seeds .

I'm done as well .

Let's give it a sound check .

Check this out .

It's all drippy and stuff .

I think it looks pretty appetizing .

But you know the drill , it's right now .

It's time to give it a taste .

And radio 1 13 .

Cheers .

I think the chicken finally got me .

It tastes kind of sour and smells very sulfur .

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I'll show you one little knife skill first trim off the sides so that it doesn't move around and make a little rectangle and then cut it into thin slices .

Once you slice all the way down , nicely , arrange them and cut it into thin strips .

That's it so simple , right ?

Since you learn a cool technique , why don't you show up to your day ?

That's gonna make you look so cool .

But before you do that , please serve a nice glass of wine first .

What you want me to pick wine too ?

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