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2023-08-12 15:13:53

Chicken Fried Rice Recipe _ Easy Meals

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What's good everybody .

And welcome back to my channel , smoking and grilling .

And today we're making the chicken fried rice and we're gonna do it with meat A B .

Hey , look super simple .

Nothing to like over talk .

You know .

Uh listen , you just get your rice , you can get your veggies and listen , it's an excellent meal .

You know , for like if you have some leftovers in the inside of your refrigerator , you can just like throw that in .

I just wanted to show you guys just how easy it is .

You know what ?

Bring it to the forefront of our brain , you know what I mean ?

So we can start putting this in a rotation also .

Now with all that being said , let's go ahead and break into these ingredients and let's get it cracked .

OK ?

Look , let's just go ahead and break right into these ingredients .

Look , I'm gonna show it to you like this .

Look , I got two types of soy sauce .

Look , they're the exact same .

But this one right here is the regular and this right here is less , you know , 33% 33% less , you know , sodium .

It's up to you .

So that's what I use right here .

I got myself a quarter cup .

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Just wanna show you guys you guys got options for those of you guys that are like looking out , you know , for your sodium , you know , you can use less or regular here .

We got sesame oil , sesame seed oil .

And this right here is your oyster sauce , right ?

We got three eggs and this right here we're gonna use about , I guess about like three tablespoons of butter .

We got one tablespoon of mint garlic and this is a little bit over , you know , a little bit over two cups .

But this right here is like the frozen veggies .

I like to have , you know , the peas , the carrots , the corn , you can use these or if you don't have them frozen , if you got some leftovers , you can use those also .

And this right here , this is just some , uh , boneless skinless chicken thighs .

And what I'm doing right here is I'm just gonna cut these down and I'm gonna trim them up .

Get rid of some of that fat .

You know , once I get them trim and we're gonna cut them , we're gonna fry these and we're gonna get those together .

Now , you're gonna have to get yourself a bowl , right ?

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Because look , when you fry them , you wanna put them in here and set them to the side , then here you go .

We got salt and pepper and what you see right .

Now is basically it now just to bring the star into the picture .

Look , this is just some long grain rice and look , I made this yesterday .

Listen , it's best to use rice from the day before .

Put it in the refrigerator and you want it to be cool , right ?

So look , it dries out .

Now the question you guys are gonna ask like , can you put these , you know , can you use like , you know , instant , you can use instant if that's what you wanna do .

But I would just suggest let it dry out a little bit and put it in the refrigerator and get it chilled and then go from there .

Now you guys seen that , let's just go ahead , cut this down , you know , to whatever size bites I would like , then we're gonna fry it and then we're gonna go ahead and put this together .

OK .

Look , these are my boneless skinless stars , right ?

So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna trim them .

Oh And I don't know if I said this already , but this is just like a pound and a half , you know what I mean ?

So look this right here .

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We're gonna get rid of this , you know , any of this little fat , you know , just to trim it up and get it to look good , you know what I mean ?

Uh less , you know , fat that we'll have inside of our uh our dish , you know .

So let me trim these and you can just , I'll show it to you once I'm done and then we'll go from there .

Ok .

So I've already started trimming it .

I just wanna show you how I'm gonna make mine and cut them down to my size bike .

Right .

So we'll just cut them like that .

Now , look , this part right here is entirely up to you .

You can have some big , some small , you know what I mean ?

Or whatever size chicken bite you would like to have .

You do them yourself .

I got them all different sizes , you know .

So there's a nice big piece , you know .

So we take these , then I'll show you here .

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Here we go .

Now we got these ready .

Now , let me go ahead and bring my pan up to and we move on .

Ok .

So I'm bringing my pan up to uh go ahead and just put a little bit of this extra virgin olive oil in .

Go ahead .

I'm just gonna dump this in here .

And what we're gonna do is we're just gonna cook down these , you know , these chicken bites .

Now me , I'm gonna add just a little bit of salt , a little bit of pepper .

Then I'm gonna add a little soy sauce in just a minute .

But right now we're just gonna cook them down .

I got it right now , set on medium high and we just gonna get some color and get it and cook .

Then we're gonna go from there .

Ok .

So this is cooking .

It's about halfway done .

I'm gonna go ahead and I'm using regular soy sauce right here .

You know what I mean ?

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I'm just gonna Sprinkle a little bit in there and then what we're gonna do is we're just gonna keep continuing to cook it so it can have some of that flavor built inside , you know , cooked inside .

Don't forget I'm using an induction top .

Right .

So the heating element is right here in the middle .

So I don't wanna keep it moving .

I'm just gonna pack it down like this .

Get a nice little circle and we gonna let it cook .

Ok ?

And now they're just done , you know , cooking , turn everything off .

What I did was wash my bowl , just go ahead and line it with some paper towels , you know .

So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take it , let it drip and then we're just gonna put it here and then we're gonna set it off to the side .

That's all .

If you guys wanna do steak , you can do it the same way .

If you have some leftover steak , you know what I mean ?

Or you got some shrimp , all that comes into play right here .

So let me get this in here and then we're gonna move over to the next step .

Ok ?

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So here we go , you see these , now we're getting ready to go over to the stove and we're getting ready to put all of this together .

Now , I wanna show you the one thing that I didn't show is I had the green onions .

I had these , you know , inside of my refrigerator , but I've already cut them down .

You know what I mean ?

Uh , this is them right there .

I just cut down like five of them .

They're about this size right here .

I cut them all the way down , just all the way down to the , you know where I clean them up , you know , from the roots .

Now we're going over to the stove and this is gonna go very , very fast .

Ok .

So went ahead .

Opened up .

Let's see .

Can you guys see that ?

Went ahead , cracked my eggs .

Let's go and just , you know , lightly scramble .

Ok .

So I just set my heat , my fire so you guys can see it that right there .

It says medium , but that's like an in between medium and high on my stove , right ?

We're putting some heat in here .

I'm gonna go ahead and just take one tablespoon of the butter because what we're gonna do is we're gonna do our egg first .

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Then we're gonna keep it from burning , just give it a little bit of oil , just move this around , just get everything nice and hot , nice and greased also .

Now , what I wanna do is I'm gonna go ahead and just add , you know my egg .

Now , what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let the egg set first , right ?

So we're just gonna let it cook , you know , instead of just like moving around like we do sometimes when we scramble , best to just go ahead and let it set this way .

Once you see it starts to set , then we go ahead and get our wooden spoon and then we start moving it around , but we just gonna let it set like that first .

Now we start to see these bubbles right .

When you start seeing these , you can break that open , you can go ahead and just let some of the rest of the scrambled egg .

Just get down to the bottom .

I just move it like this .

This is like the key some .

Sometimes we make , I see people make uh scrambled eggs .

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They don't come out right .

But look , just notice how I didn't even bother them .

I go ahead and let them set first , you know , get a nice base where it's starting to fry .

Let that get a little hard , you know what I mean ?

And then after a while , then you're gonna see that , you'll notice that I'm gonna start breaking it up .

Then we're gonna scramble it .

All right .

So I like this .

Now , I'll just go ahead and start breaking it up just like how you see right here and I'm not gonna cook it all the way down .

So I like it to be just a little salt because listen , we're gonna put it back inside of our uh in our rice , right ?

So once we get it all broken up , move it around a little bit just like you see here .

And that's basically it .

I didn't add no salt , no pepper , no , none of that .

Listen , we just want it like this because we wanna absorb some of that flavor that we put together , right ?

So like this , now we just go ahead and there you go .

We set that off to the side .

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We're gonna clean this up , wipe this clean and then we move on .

OK .

Look , took a paper towel , wiped it , right .

I'm gonna go ahead give it a little olive oil .

Now we're gonna go ahead and add two tablespoons of butter here .

I'm starting out on a medium and man , it's hard for me to say it .

I just rather show you guys right now .

That's it right there .

It's almost like a medium high , right ?

So I'm gonna start off , I'm gonna go ahead and just add my veggies , man .

Look , these were frozen .

So what I'm gonna tell you is it's gonna lower the 10 of your wall and let me just address this part too .

You can use whatever you would like to use .

You know , you can put these in .

Uh you don't have to use a wall , but these are like super inexpensive .

I think I only paid like 20 bucks for it .

So I'm turning up the heat just a little bit more getting , working my way up towards , you know , high trying to get everything back up to 10 because again , these were frozen now that I see that those are cooking and getting soft .

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Now we're gonna add our garlic .

Here it is right here and we just wanna keep it going .

I mean , we don't want it to burn right , because we got a little heat underneath this wall .

But once you start to smell it and it becomes fragrant , you know , with that garlic that right there , that's that fire folks .

Now , I'm gonna go ahead and take some of that green onion that I , you know , I had , I'm just gonna add a little bit of that to it .

I held some back because I'm gonna try to do it .

You know , I like to do a little garnish .

So we're gonna cook that down .

Now , listen , listen that onion along with that uh with that garlic and these peas right here .

We super simple .

You guys .

So listen , any time you got , like I said earlier , any time you got any leftovers , just make yourself some rice .

Just keep rice on deck .

You know what I mean ?

It's inexpensive , just have it , you know what I mean ?

Uh Have a little foresight so you can make it the day before and go from there .

Now , it smells incredible .

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Now , we're gonna go ahead and move on .

We're gonna put our eggs back inside , right ?

So would you dump those back inside it .

Yeah .

Start working these back and forth .

Right .

Let's just absorb some of that flavor .

And don't forget you guys , I didn't do no seasoning or nothing like that .

Right now .

It's taking on that garlic and that onion and these peas , you know , these , these mixed peas right here and that butter .

What about this ?

Don't forget we got that , that protein .

So , now we're gonna go ahead and add the protein to it .

Now we're gonna come with that sesame seed oil , sesame seed .

Here we go .

And I'm using this little spa right here because we want to get it all .

Don't forget you guys .

This stuff goes a long way .

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Now , I'm gonna go ahead and start adding some of my rice , put a couple of cups inside , but that's just two cups .

There we go .

Now , starting to steam , you guys are starting to see it come together the way it is right here .

Then I'm gonna make a decision .

Do I wanna add another cup ?

Another half cup , quarter cup , whatever that is .

But we're gonna make it real quick because we gotta put that oyster sauce in here , right ?

I'm looking at it right there .

I'm gonna go ahead and just say we're gonna hit it with about another half a cup .

There we go .

Got you going .

Now that oyster and once I have that in there , then we're gonna finish it off with that .

Uh with that soy , get my soy .

Now we start out with just a little bit .

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Now , you guys can taste it once we get everything , you know , stirred up and mixed properly and then after we get it , uh mixed properly , then we're gonna go ahead and taste it .

What I'm gonna do is gonna get me a little fork and we're gonna taste this because right now it smells incredible .

The only thing , you know what I wish I had some small , I did have some large , I mean , rather extra large , you know , shrimp , but that could have been added to this .

You could have did steak , made it a house , special rice , you know what I mean ?

But this right here , let's taste it .

So there you have it .

You guys super easy you're talking about from start to finish , man .

This probably only takes about 20 minutes , you know , just a little bit of prep , probably about 8 to 10 minutes worth of cooking and you're done .

So you guys just see just how easy it is .

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And again , listen , this video is really just , you know , getting you guys to think like have other options so you can put some different things in your rotation .

But this right here , I call this my , hey , look , this is my clean up dish right here because whatever I have in the , you know , refrigerator , I usually just throw it inside of the stir fry , mix it all up and it'd be outstanding .

Hey , so with that being said , I'm gonna show you guys the gear .

Let me just see if I can get it to focus up here .

That right there , this is fire .

Look , put it in this little bowl right here .

You put this out in the middle .

They don't last long .

So with that deer already put some right here , I'm trying to hurry up and taste it and let me just be real with y'all .

I'm gonna taste it again .

You know what ?

Let's do it like this .

So we don't spill .

No , you know , here it is , man .

You wanna talk about fire .

This is it right here .

Hey , so listen with all of us at the house doing a lot of cooking .

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We got a lot of leftovers , you know what I mean ?

Uh I ain't gonna say we got a lot because sometimes we make that and it be that and we just eat it all up .

But listen , if we got something left over , we just throw it in the stir fry , you know , hit it with that .

So , you know , get it all mixed up and then we go ahead and eat it .

So that in my orange chicken , hey , you got probably won't go back outside and you know what ever go out and get you done ?

Hey , with that being said , listen , if you're new to my channel , let me just say thank you for watching .

This video , don't forget to subscribe and like this video and tell everybody out there , there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking a mystery out of cooking .

And so for those of y'all that have been watching me for a minute , you know how I'm about to get out of here folks .

I'm out of here .

Peace .


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