Hey there .
Cake pop lovers .
Did you buy a baby cakes ?
Cake pop maker and didn't like it .
Thought your cake pops came out too dry .
Well , I will show you how to make them way more tasty .
You will need your baby cakes , cake pop maker .
Some cake batter , ac a piping bag or any Ziploc bag .
Some frosting .
Any of your favorite chocolate bars , a serrated knife , a butter knife , your kitchen scissors , the fork that the baby cakes cake pop maker came with and your cake pop stand .
Now taking your tall cup and your piping bag , place it inside the cup .
This will help you hold the bag in place while you pour in your batter .
Once your cup is full , you will want to take it off the cup and twist it at the top .
If you have a rubber band , it would be smart to tie it at the top .
But if you're a badass like me and don't have one , just set it off to the side time to preheat your baby cakes .
Cake pop maker , your light will be red .
Give it a couple of minutes for it to turn green while that's preheating .
You will want to cut your chocolate .
Go ahead and take your scissors or just open it up the old fashioned way yours knife and go ahead and cut it into bite size pieces .
If you do not want to use chocolate , you can always use your chocolate frosting .
It's time to start making baby cakes .
Cake pops .
So go ahead and snip off the tip of your bag .
Open it up carefully .
It is very hot .
You will want to fill each cavity almost all the way up to the top but not quite .
Now , the instructions say to let them cook for 4 to 6 minutes .
I prefer to leave them in for four minutes , leaving them in for six minutes makes them a little too dry .
Using the fork that the baby cakes cake pop maker came with , go ahead and take them out and place them on the baby cakes , cake pop stand and let them cool .
Once they have cooled , they will look like this .
You can see that one side is perfectly round and the other side is kind of deformed .
All the cake pops that came out of the baby cakes , cake pop maker came out this way .
But don't worry , we will fix this , take your knife and cut them in half .
Discard the deform looking side and keep the nice round side .
See how nice and around this side is .
Oh , look at the other side .
It's so deform nasty .
We are going to take two of the nice sides and place them together with frosting just like you would with a sandwich , taking your butter knife and spreading some frosting in the middle will make them not as dry and they will taste like real cake pops , go ahead and squeeze it together and place it to the side .
Now , the second way of making your baby cake cake pops taste better is again filling up the cavity .
This time , do not fill it up all the way to the top .
Maybe a third of the way because you will be placing the bite size chocolate pieces inside each cavity .
And remember once you place the chocolate piece inside the cavity , it will make the batter rise .
Now , close the lid and wait four minutes while we are waiting for those to cook .
We'll go ahead and start on the regular cake pops that we did with the frosting .
Go ahead and take one cake pop , dip your cake pop , stick into the chocolate and stick it into the cake pop just like you were to do with any ordinary cake pop .
Pow .
We'll put these aside and then check on our milky way .
Cake pops .
Yum .
They look delicious .
Already .
Go ahead and take them out and place them on the baby cakes .
Cake pop stand and let them cool while those cool .
I will use my regular cake pops that I use the frosting with and dip them into my candy melt .
You know , the drill , dip tap and then let dry Tara .
Now , let's see what the milky way kick pops look like .
I'm gonna cut one in half so you can see how delicious it looks inside .
I can't wait for it to go in my stomach .
I'm a dork .
I know and I don't care but look at how yummy this looks , you know , you want to eat it .
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