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2023-07-13 13:45:44

I Gave Martin 39 Rooks 😮

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I could try to play E three as a sort of a distraction .

Now he sees another checkmate .

I'm not stopping this video until I beat Martin .

Meet Martin .

He's the lowest rated chess bot on chess dot com with a mere 250 ratings .

Some of you may have played Martin and I imagine a lot of you have already beaten Martin .

But what I have done is given Martin 39 rooks which gives him a point advantage of 100 and 56 .

And he also has Mayton seven on the board right now .

I'm gonna play against Martin from this position and see if I can win or if this will be the first time in my life that I lose to a 250 rated player .

I hope you're ready for an epic match .

Let's get started .

All right .

So Martin has ma and seven , but I doubt he will see that .

That seems pretty difficult .

He's got four rooks , but I have this defended four times .

So I feel like I'm ok .

I'm really actually worried about this .

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The nice thing about my position though is like every move is a fork .

That's a fork .

That's a fork .

That's a fork .

That's a , this is a fork .

This is a fork .

This is a fork .

Let's go with this 10 , he is going on the offensive .

He's trying to take this .

Maybe I can sort of trap the rook .

Let's , yeah , let's trap the rook .

Ok .

Let's take the rook .

Martin didn't see that one .

He still has ma in eight though .

So I do have to be careful .

I can't move this pawn unfortunately , because that's gonna be checkmate could bring the night over and try to reroute it here .

I don't wanna move this and lose my queen .

Let's go here .

I guess Martin is being aggressive .

Why should I take that rook ?

He's ma ma 60 , no , I wasn't expecting Martin to play so aggressively .

Ok .

Well , we gotta save the queen .

I guess .

I guess we have to go back here .

Does he have mate ?

123 ?

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Not quite , uh , oh , ma in five .

What is Martin doing ?

Oh , ok .

Ok .

I mean , I guess I could have actually ran away for a few more moves .

The problem is if I take here , I'm getting checkmated .

If I take here , I don't think , I think Martin would probably see that I could play G three and just hope for the best .

Maybe we can get castled or just start taking something and see if he doesn't see it .

But , but maybe he just doesn't take my night .

Oh , yes .

Ok .

Good move .

Good move , Nelson .

All right , let's try my luck again .

Which Rook is Martin going to let me capture for free this one ?

Oh , he's going for this ?

Ok .

That's a bit of a problem .

That is a bit of a problem because the queen is in trouble .

What do we do about the queen ?

Try to take here and hope he doesn't see this move .

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Seems like my best chance .

00 , Martin .

Ok .

I mean , he seems to have trouble with these long range captures .

Ok .

Ok .

Does he , he sees checkmate , he sees checkmate and he's gonna do it .

He's gonna do it .

Martin .

Martin is too strong .

I have to go here .

I mean , he was like giving away all his rooks and then he just turned up the heat .

All right , Martin , I want rematch .

Let's go again .

Let's try something different .

Maybe F three wasn't the correct approach .

Let's try D three .

See what Martin's gonna do .

He's gonna take over here .

What just happened to the Eval Bar ?

Did you guys see that ?

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It was like 23 point advantage and then it just disappeared .

Ok .

Let's take this one .

See , he's distracted , he's distracted from my king , which is great .

And what I'm going to do is just try to take as many of these rooks as I can as quickly as possible .

I'll see , he takes it eventually .

That's the problem .

Ok .

Well , let's go for , let's go here .

Oh , Martin .

Stay on your side , buddy .

Stay on your side .

Let's try not to trade because he's , I guess he's smart enough to make some trades .

Ok .

Well , did you see that ?

What is happening ?

All right , let's take this one .

Ok .

He's probably gonna come down here and try to check .

Maybe I have to at least give my king an escape route because I think if he doesn't see mate , he just doesn't play so well .

So let's , let's give my king some escape routes .

There's no mate .

Ok .

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24 .

No , 100 and 2100 and 30 .

I don't know what's happening .

All right .

Let's take this and let's see actually .

Yeah , we'll take this one .

Good .

Let's take this one .

Oh , no , I , I gave him a ma and two .

He can see Maon two .

Martin can see Maon two somehow .

That's the , that's the secret .

Let's go again .

Martin .

You can't let him have like a mate in two or three or he's gonna see it .

So , what did I play last time ?

D three ?

It seemed like a pretty good in like a pretty good start .

Ok .

Ok .

No , this was not the way the game started last time .

This is not going so well , let's try G three .

Let's take care he made in five .

Let's give the king some places to run .

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It's ma force still .

Is , is he gonna see this is he gonna see this idea as the question ?

Let's take here main three .

I think he sees it .

I think he does see this idea .

I could try to play E three as a sort of a distraction .

Now he sees another checkmate .

I'm not stopping this video until I beat Martin .

Let's play H three .

I'm just gonna try some random .

Oh , ok .

Well , that's a , that's a bad move .

Let's , let's take that , let's see , let's take this .

Ok , let's trap the rope .

Mm .

Mhm .

Hm .

I gotta be careful because this is what he sees .

He's able to see this one where he brings the rook down so I have to somehow do something else .

I was gonna see that though too .

Ok , let's take this one .

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Ah ok , we tricked him , we tricked Martin .

Let's take here .

Uh .

00 this is the threat , let's make some space for my king .

Let's make some space .

Ok .

It's main five which is is fine .

I just wanna keep the the mate number high enough .

Let's go here .

Oh , whoops .

Alright Martin .

You know what , how about check ?

Hoping you wouldn't see that .

He had to though .

He had to .

Ok .

Ok , Martin , I'm just gonna start taking things .

I don't even know what he's doing .

What , what's Martin doing ?

He's throwing , he's throwing the game guys .

Martin .

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Oh he's toying with me .

That's what he's doing .

He's toying with me like I'll just let him go .

Down here and get a queen and then I'll just take it after he takes like five rooks in the process .

All right , let's try it again .

Maybe Martin won't .

Oh , Marin is too strong .

All right .

Let's go again .

Let's see .

I , I'm gonna try to Castle .

I'm actually just gonna try to castle .

I'm gonna play G three .

I'm gonna ignore that .

I'm gonna play Bishop G two and I'm gonna Castle just , just to see what happens .

Ok .

That will take this way and we'll take it this way .

Let's see if I can take some of these rooks threatening my king .

Oh .

Oh , what if I get like a bishop ?

Maybe you won't take it or maybe , maybe a night .

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Actually , we're now , let's get a night .

Ok ?

Ok .

There could be some merit to this strategy .

Why did he do that ?

Ok .

Let's take this 10 , all right .

Let's take this one .

See , that's unfortunate .

All right .

Let's take this one , Martin .

I don't understand why he like sometimes he takes him and sometimes he doesn't like .

What's the , what's the logic ?

Main five .

Let's see .

Mate in three .

See , he sees it again .

He sees the mate , he sees it , I believe .

Ok , let's take over here .

Oh , all right .

Ok .

Let's see .

Let's take this one .

Let's take this .

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How does he have ma in one ?

He doesn't have maten one , does he , I'm gonna , oh , he does .

He just takes it Uh , ok , we almost had him .

We , we did , we did the best strategy seems to be pushing the ponds and just like taking stuff , you know , just like this .

So , which part should I push ?

Let's , let's push this one .

All right .

Let's try that again .

Let's just take some stuff .

What is he doing ?

He's , he's like learning .

He's getting so smart .

He knows what I'm planning .

He knows exactly what my plan is .

Yeah .

Look at this guy .

I can't beat Martin .

I , I just can't do it a few moments later .

Ok .

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So Martin's better than I thought he was .

I have to give it to him .

Martin the 250 bot that can't be stopped with rooks .

You know what ?

I have an idea to make this a little more fair .

All right , Martin , let's see how you feel about this .

I've added some extra ponds to help me .

It beats you and he still has 100 and 48 point lead .

But let's see what happens here .

I don't know why the val Barr is saying that white's better because surely it's not 132 advantage for White can't be right .

It just can't be 118 advantage .

85 advantage .

Oh , there we go .

There we go ma and seven again .

Ok .

But I feel much more confident because now I can like castle .

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I have some shields here might be able to pull this one off .

Let's think about this .

Let's go ahead and just take some rooks over here .

Take some rocks over here .

Yeah .

Martin's panicking .

He's panicking because there's so many ponds he has to deal with .

He doesn't know how to handle it .

You guys seeing this , you guys seeing this doesn't know how to handle it ?

Hm .

Let me see if I can bring the queen over with hoping .

I was really hoping I just messed this up .

Yeah .

Now he sees it , he sees it .

Oh , no , he didn't .

He's not doing it .

He's not going for the checkmate .

Interesting .

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Let's take here , I guess , I guess we'll just take here .

Ok , night here .

So many rooks , there's just so many rooks .

He's going for the , he's going for the kill , isn't he ?

Martin ?

I feel like I have a chance .

I do feel like I have a chance .

Let's go again .

All right .

Let's , let's think about this carefully .

Computer says I'm winning .

It's so funny .

All right .

Let's take them .

Maybe we'll take this way this way , this way .

Ok .

This way .

Ok .

This way .

All right .

I guess I don't really care about that .

Let's just keep taking rooks .

Keep taking , let's see .

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Let's take this one , this 10 , this one , Martin , whatever you're thinking .

I gotta , I gotta make a space for my king so I don't get , made it so fast .

Ok .

Good .

Uh .

Oh , not good .

It's not easy .

It's not easy .

It's really not .

Let's try this again .

We're gonna win this time though .

Ok , let's block that off .

Take that , take this go up here .

What's he doing ?

What's he doing ?

What's he doing ?

What's he doing ?

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Uh , it was good .

Well , lasted , let's take this one .

Let's take this one .

Uh , oh uh oh .

Oh , ok .

Let's go run over here .

I think I can survive a little bit longer .

My king gets over here Actually .

Let's start taking some rocks over here too .

Ok .

Ok .

Ok , Martin .

What are you doing ?

What are you doing , Martin ?

Let's see .

How do we survive ?

How do we survive ?

Uh-huh .

Uh-huh , he's panicking again .

Nope .

Every time I say that .

Ok .

Ok .

Let's see .

Let's go here .

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Let's take this guy .

Let's see .

Let's get a fork works every time .

Gotta look for those forks .

Let's go here .

Take this one .

Ok , let's go here .

Actually , I'll play B three .

No , I won't .

I'll play , I'll play C three .

Let's keep that night alive .

I'm gonna need it .

Play B three .

Let's go .

Let's see .

Try to start defending some of these weaknesses .

Ok .

This actually resembles a normal position a little bit .

Mm .

I mean , I guess let's play , I guess let's play C four .

Ok .

Let's probably should defend that .

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Ok .

Let's take this one .

Take this one .

He's running out of Rooks , but I don't know if it's gonna happen fast enough .

Take this one .

Yeah .

Come on , Martin .

Come on , man .

Oh , so close .

I will beat Martin .

I will beat Martin with 39 Rooks .

Come on , Martin .

Let's go .

Let's go .

Let's just , just take Rooks .

I'm just gonna take Rooks with the pawns as many as I can .

Mm .

Gotta play night of three I think .

Here .

Just keep taking , that was a poor attempt .

All right .

Let's go again .

Ok .

Block it off .

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Take it , take it , take it , take it , take it , take it just so many r let's go for a rook .

What happens if I get a ?

Ah , ok .

Ok .

Ok .

He doesn't want to take my rook .

That's funny .

Ok .

Ok .

Ok .

Let's see .

Maybe we can make an escape route over here .

Yes .

Oh , ma 10 Martin is in trouble this game .

He's in big trouble .

89 .

I could even take this one and this one actually let's go ahead and get this guy out of here , this one .

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Hm .

Ok .

Let's think about this .

We're doing pretty well .

Let's play a four , let's bring this night out , I guess .

Ok .

This is it .

I think we're gonna beat Martin this game .

Let's should like castle .

Should I just put the king here ?

Let's just go here .

Ok .

Take this .

Oh , right .

He did take that one .

Ok .

Let's take this .

I feel like that's tricky for Martin to see .

Yes , he's losing his advantage slowly but surely slowly but surely he's losing it .

Hm .

Question is , yes .

Question is what's gonna happen when he actually starts taking stuff ?

Ok .

Let's see if he doesn't see this .

Oh , we tricked him , we tricked him .

We totally tricked him there .

That was good .

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Ok .

What would Martin most likely wanna do next if I'm Martin , what do I wanna do ?

Probably come down here .

So , how do I prevent that ?

Let's play E four .

Yes .

Ok .

He still has a meeting in 50 , man .

All right .

What should I do is the question ?

Let's get a fork .

Maybe you won't see it .

Yes .

So let's get another fork .

Oh , he's throwing .

He's , he's got main three though .

Hold on .

I gotta be careful ma in three .

How does he have maten three ?

Is it like this and this ?

What is he gonna do ?

What is he going to do ?

I don't know what to do guys .

Let's defend this pawn .

Ok .

He didn't see that he could take this .

Let's push this .

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Oh , let me get a queen .

Let me get a queen .

Wait a minute , wait a minute .

If he doesn't take my queen , I think we're gonna win .

Oh Martin .

Why ?

Ok .

Let's get a fork .

Yes , he panicked .

Yes .

Ok .

It's still made in six .

But that's , that's a lot for Martin to see .

Let's defend this pawn .

Ok .

He's , yeah , he's , he's in trouble .

He's in big trouble guys .

I , I'm just feeling it .

I can't go there .

Um Let's see .

Let's see .

Let's see .

Let's see .

What would Martin want to do next ?

Ok .

He's not taking my pawns .

Let's go here .

Let's take this one .

Oh .

Oh , man , we're even , we have an even position against Martin .

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Yes .

All right .

Come on , Martin .

What are you gonna do now ?

What are you going to ?

I've never been so happy to beat a 250 rated bot .

I'm just gonna take in the moment here .

All right , let's play .

Let's actually save my night .

I'm just , I can hardly focus because I'm so excited .

Hardly focus .

Defend that .

Here we go .

Here we go .

Let's defend this .

Let's go here .

We've got Martin up against the ropes .

Let's go here .

Oh , I think this is gonna do it .

I think this is gonna do it .

Good game Martin .

You never had a chance .

Ok .

I don't know how many times it took me , but that was satisfying .

Let me know what you guys think I should do next when I play against Martin and , or Stockfish and , uh , take care .


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