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2023-07-12 12:48:26

Once a Week Sourdough Bread Making Routine

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Today , I want to show you my once a week bread routines that I have fresh bread all week long .

Now , this particular method came about quite by accident .

Like most things that happen good in the kitchen , they come whenever maybe you forgot about something or you accidentally added one thing to another thing .

So last week , I had some friends in town shared about that here on my youtube channel .

A couple of videos back .

I wanted to have fresh bread in the morning , but I also didn't want to be doing baking while they were here .

So on one of the days I whipped up one of my sourdough bread recipes with all of the stretching and folding .

I doubled it , which ended up making for four loaves and then I put them all in the , at a certain stage and then brought them out each day and baked them .

Now , I didn't actually plan to do that .

I was going to just bake all four loaves , but things got really busy really fast because I needed to get everything ready .

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And so I realized that I actually really loved the flavor and the rise and the texture of the bread that sat in the , it a little bit longer .

So that's what I show you today how you can spend maybe a Saturday morning or a Sunday morning getting a bunch of dough together and then enjoying fresh sourdough bread all through the week .

Right .

Now , the first thing I'm gonna do is get my five gallon bucket of wheat berries out from the cabinet and mill them in my mill .

Now , for this recipe , I don't do all whole wheat , but I do a certain portion of it and I'm gonna be tripling my original recipe .

So that way I have bread for six days or six loaves of bread .

Of course , if you want to do the full seven days or eight days , you can quadruple it whatever you want to do .

I only have room in my fridge for about six days , but I can plan on the fact that one of the seven days we won't eat bread .

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It's good to have these kind of routines in the kitchen because they take a lot of the planning and thought out of something .

It's just something that you do .

I have so many routines in my kitchen making bread isn't one of them .

And so I find that I make bread a lot , but I don't have this routine where I always know I'm gonna have fresh bread and doing something like this really eliminates that thought process .

My original sourdough bread recipe .

That I'm using for this calls for a mixture of whole grain meat , all purpose and bread , flour .

I didn't plan enough .

And so I don't have probably enough red flour to triple this .

That's ok in situations like that .

I just go ahead and substitute out all purpose .

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In that case , if I don't have any whole wheat , I substitute all purpose in its place .

Usually for this recipe , the one thing I wouldn't substitute out 100% would be all whole wheat though I do have a recipe like that .

And in that case , I do a honey whole wheat which makes it soft and light as opposed to this one , which only has salt water , flowers and soda starter .

I want you to see how bubbly it is .

So this is sourdough starter at its peak rise .

This means that the yeasts are really active in this sourdough starter and it will give my bread the best lift .

So you can make bread whenever it's not at its peak .

I do find best results when it is either way , it turns out beautifully .

Like I mentioned , I am going to triple this recipe which will yield six loaves of bread .

I have two large bowls .

So what I'm gonna do is I've tripled the recipe and then divided that in two .

So basically , I'm doing 1.5 in each bowl .

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So whenever I go to divide this , I will be getting three loaves of bread from each bowl .

So I'm just gonna zero out my scale here .

And the first thing I'm gonna add is 750 g of unbleached all-purpose flour .

Again .

This is one and a half times the recipe or three loaves .

I like to zero my scale out in between each one .

Of course , you could just keep adding on top of it .

But to me it's easier just to zero it out Next , I'm gonna add to that 300 g of whole wheat flour that I just milled .

If you're adding it straight on top , obviously , be careful not to throw in too much at once .

I'm totally fine though just removing it .

Even if I grab it all purpose , it still turns out just fine .

I used to be intimidated by these beautiful sourdough loaves because the instructions can vary widely and sometimes are so precise .

Turns out there's a lot more margin for air than you might have expected .

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And then zero out my scale and do 375 g of bread flour again .

I'm not , I don't have enough .

So I have about 200 g .

I'm gonna do the rest in all purpose and then the other 1.5 times as will just be all , all purpose and whole wheat , which will turn out really just fine .

All right .

I'm gonna zero it out again and now add my beautiful bubbly sour to starter .

I'll be adding 300 g of this just feels so light and fluffy .

Right now .

I'm gonna zero my scale out and do 975 grams of water .

Looks like that is like almost exactly a quart .

A little bit less .

We're gonna need some really large bowls for this and hopefully my fit , I have to use another one .

Right .

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And then salt .

I'm gonna zero up my scale and do 30 g of .

You just want sea salt , something like that .

Not really iodized salt .

OK ?

That's exactly 30 g .

And now I'm just gonna work this together with my hands .

Now I'm just gonna repeat in my other big bowl 1.5 times the recipe .

The exact same thing I just did .

Now , bonus points .

If you do these all at the same time before mixing them up , then you only have to get your hands dirty one time .

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I did not do that what I have here now are two very full bowls each with three loaves of bread .

And I'm just going to go through my normal steps now of making this into bread all the way to the shaping in the Banton basket and I'll show you from there .

So at this point , I need to let both of these auto that just basically means that the flour needs to fully absorb all of the liquids , all the water and starter before working the dough anymore .

You will see that the dough looks really messy at this stage .

But after it sits a while , so this first bowl here it's been sitting while I've mixed up this one .

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It already feels a lot nicer like I could create it into a nice little ball .

There's a little bit of stretch from my stretching folds , but I'm gonna do that shortly .

So I'm gonna let this sit about a half hour and then show you the next step in the process .

Now , I do want to note to you the time of day .

So it is currently afternoon this morning .

I fed my sourdough starter .

So it'd be nice and fluffy by this point .

So the starter sat from about 7:30 a.m. to about 1 30 in the afternoon .

And that is when I'm actually starting this .

So I'll perform my series of stretching folds over the next couple of hours hours and then it will have a bulk ferment until about nine o'clock tonight .

Then I'll be able to shape it and get it in the refrigerator before going to bed .

So if you start by feeding your starter , first thing in the morning , get these mixed up during like an afternoon nap or something .

That's a good way to time it .

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So you can get it in the fridge before bed while I was waiting for this to everything .

I just got started on photographing something for the blog .

So that's what all this is here .

Now , I'm gonna do some stretch and folds .

This is just where you give the dough some elasticity and structure .

It's what makes those big bubbles that you see in sourdough bread .

Essentially .

What I'm gonna do is take one side of this dough and just stretch it up like this .

Now , if it feels a little wet , it's helpful to have your fingers wet before working the dough , it won't stick when you do that .

Now be mindful that if you use too much water , of course , you're introducing more liquid to the dough , but I do often have my fingers wet so that I can make sure that the dough doesn't stick too much to my fingers .

Now , you'll notice I pulled up from one side , stretch it over and then I'm just going to run in a circle .

I usually do about four stretch and folds each time .

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It'll be a lot more elastic in some of the future stretching fold .

So this is just the first one .

Technically , you're supposed to space these out very evenly set your timer .

I can tell you that I did all of that for a while and now I just come over and stretch it and fold it every once in a while for a couple of hours and then I leave it alone to let it bulk rise after that .

And if you're confused on the terminology , bulk rise just means that you're just letting it rise .

I believe it's called the bulk from it because you're just letting it sit for a long time as opposed to revisiting it and working the dough anyway at all .

Now , you could take the same recipe and just need it in your mixer with the dough hook as opposed to doing stretch and folds .

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I do find with the longer fermented breads that they do better when sour dough when long fermented with the stretch and folds versus like something like my that I have sitting here , it's a shorter process .

So I started it last night today .

It's already baked .

I don't mind needing matte , but with something like this , that some of this dough is gonna be in the refrigerator for many days .

It's a longer process .

It does better with these stretch and folds .

Now , I'm just , I like to after eat stretch and fold , work the dough back into a nice little circle .

I usually just kind of cup it with my hand and make sure it's smooth and elastic .

We're already getting a few bubbles on the surface .

It's amazing though how some very scruffy dough comes together after the 30 minute rest period in the first stretch and fold .

You can really work it without it sticking to your fingers and you feel very smooth and elastic and that's what you're going for , right ?

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I'm gonna leave this alone for about another 20 to 30 minutes and then come over and perform another series of stretch and fold on both of these .

I have one more stretch and fold to go .

I have my bread dough with tea towels over because we have flies in our house .

I want to take a break while I'm waiting to do that .

Next stretch and fold and then it's bulk from it to tell you about today's video sponsor .

Thrive Market .

Thrive market is an online grocery store that has all kinds of natural and organic products .

My favorite on Thrive Market is the Thrive Market brand .

It's like the grocery store brand .

Very economical , low price thrive market even has a price match guarantee .

So if there's something that you find at your local grocery store and you find a better price there , they will actually match it .

I love that I can get things at thrive market that I just can't get locally .

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So for example , I get my all purpose iron corn flour for a lot of my recipes on Thrive market .

I always stock the iron corn pasta .

A great thing to have on hand for a really quick dinner throw in some vegetables , maybe a little cheese .

It makes an easy summer dinner .

I also buy supplements , spices , coconut oil .

So many regular things that I'm always purchasing from Thrive market .

I've been a customer long before they sponsored this channel and have loved finding those organic options for a lower price .

Thrive market allows you on their website to shop by dietary preference .

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They have the 59 95 a year that saves you quite a bit of money versus doing it month to month at 9 95 a month .

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But if it's something that you just want to try out , see if they have any items that you love using the kitchen that you can find for a cheaper price or maybe you can't find locally , try it out and see if it's something that you want to continue using .

They are offering you if you're a first time customer , 30% off your first order plus a free gift worth up to $50 with my link .

Thrive market dot com forward slash farmhouse on boon .

You can also find it linked down in the description box below .

All right .

It is getting late or it's eight o'clock baseball games and come to some quite bubbly dough .

If you can see that here , we're gonna do the final step .

It's going to our final couple steps .

It's going to get these in the refrigerator .

I did cover it with foil .

I like to do something kind of airtight , whether it's bees wax wraps or plastic wrap , something that won't expose this to the air .

I'll get one of those harder films on the top , if not for something airtight .

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So I'm just going to dump this dough out onto a lightly floured surface and then divide this into thirds because this is going to be three loaf of bread gonna be try to be careful to not completely deflate it .

So I used to shape the dough after letting it sit out for a little bit here , I'm gonna just go ahead and shape it now and then let it sit a little bit to develop a small film on top before putting it into my Banta baskets .

So do this .

I'm just gonna wrap it over itself from one side and then the other side and then gently turn it over and add a little bit of tension to the dough by rotating it .

And I'm gonna repeat that for the other two and then I'm gonna repeat with my other bowl .

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There's a few ways you can do this .

Now , the first time I did this to make bread once for all week sourdough is I put them in various baskets .

I have quite the collection so I can let this just sit in the fridge like this .

You might not have as many as I do .

In that case , you could just shape and add to a ban of 10 , a few hours before baking .

But for me , I like to just take them directly out of the Banta basket into the hot cast iron Dutch oven .

And so I'm gonna go ahead and do that .

Now I just get them in some plastic bags .

They can go into the refrigerator without getting any fridge smells .

I like to have it airtight .

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Usually I just stew like a Walmart bag and then just tie it on the ends and then I'll show you where I actually fit this in my fridge .

So for me , I have this lower drawer here in my refrigerator that is for vegetables right now , it's actually kind of empty because we are out of a lot of stuff I need to get .

But these baskets are actually really shallow .

And so there's a lot of places throughout my refrigerator that I can snub them in .

I kind of puzzle piece , a lot of them down in here .

And then I also put some on the top shelf or on top of the leftovers .

I covered a few with foil , a few with plastic bags and just like that .

I am now ready to shut the fridge and then all throughout the week grow and bread to bake , which I will take you along with as well .

All right , this morning , I'm gonna make my first loaf .

I just pulled it out of the refrigerator and it's this basket .

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I have my Dutch oven preheating at about 4 50 or 500 .

I'm not super particular about any of this process which you have already noticed .

I'm sure it always turns out great once you have done on the basics .

Hello ?

One thing not to forget under any circumstance is your parchment paper .

I did that last week just by complete accident and it does stick very badly .

So I'm gonna put my parchment paper here and then I'm just gonna score it really fast .

Now , you can get real fancy with this .

I think I'm just gonna do a quick crosshatch because I've got a very busy day this morning .

I need to get going .

So there it is .

I'm just gonna get it in the oven for 20 minutes with the lid on and 20 minutes with the lid off .

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Here is loaf .

Number one , obviously , this is the one that just followed the normal procedure .

Whereas the rest of them will be in the fridge for two days , three days , four days , et cetera , but nice and fluffy .

Ok .

This is day two bread gonna be doing this one that was in this .

I didn't have another basket .

So it just went into a regular bread loaf pan and I'm just gonna score it right down the middle .

I'm keeping this really , really basic .

I don't have an oblong cast iron dutch oven to fit this .

So they definitely get a little bit misshapen whenever I do with the long ones .

Still a beautiful loaf though , of sourdough bread .

I'm slicing this bread up for sandwiches today .

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Well , I hope that that helped you if you have been wanting to have sourdough bread on the table throughout the week , but have a hard time figuring out the timing and squeezing it into your schedule .

Sometimes a once a week routine like this that you do on maybe a Saturday or a Sunday can be really helpful to make it a normal part of your routine without having to think about it all week .

If you've not yet followed along , make sure to hit that subscribe button .

I make sourdough recipes all the time .

We love experimenting with sourdough here in the Ken .

I also share what we eat throughout the week through my , what we eat in the week videos and cook with me videos .

So if you need more inspiration in the kitchen , make sure to follow along .

Thank you so much for stopping by our farmhouse .


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