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2023-07-13 13:47:33

Chess But The Board Is Cracking...

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No , it's , this is not gonna work .

This is not going to work well for me , I see this ending very badly .

OK .

What's up guys today ?

We're playing pitfall chess .

Thank you , Rob for the suggestion .

I think this is gonna be fun .

I've never played this before just to recap the rules .

If I move this pawn to E four , the E four square , uh once the pond leaves becomes cracked , if I then move another piece there , let's just say the bishop comes out and goes there .

Then after the bishop leaves , the square is completely gone and I can no longer move there .

OK ?

So I'm gonna be keeping track of that over here on the sideboard which you guys can see .

So every time a piece moves , I will make it yellow and as the game goes on , it might look something like this .

And then once a piece moves on a square twice , it will become red .

OK ?

So this is gonna be how we keep track both for you guys and for my own sake .

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So I don't forget that I'm not allowed to move on the red squares .

OK ?

So if you see red squares .

I can't use those anymore .

All right , let's get started .

Good luck Martin .

I'm gonna play E four and put a yellow square there .

Ok .

Well , I'm gonna have to see if we can make this quick .

Let's go .

Bishop C four and I'll put a yellow square .

Oh , actually , does this , does this get one too ?

No , probably not .

We'll say no , we'll say that they don't get a , although these squares probably are gonna matter that much anyway .

Ok .

Let's go .

Queen H five .

Let's see if Martin knows what to do .

Uh about the four move checkmate ?

Wow .

He , he stops it with a good move .

This is black's best move I would say in this position .

All right .

I'm gonna try again because I really want to put him to the test here .

Wow , Martin is on a roll .

Look at this guy .

He's been watching the , the Chest Vibes channel or something .

OK .

Well , he's not falling for it .

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So let's see if we can play D uh he might play nine D four .

Is he gonna play ?

He's not gonna play nine D four .

I don't believe that I'm gonna play D three .

I'll put a yellow here .

And what is this guy doing ?

Did I accidentally choose Stockfish level ?

3200 rated ?

What I was gonna play C three to stop this ?

But I'm like , no , it's Martin .

He's not gonna play .

This is why you don't play .

Hope chess even against Martin .

This is bad news for me because I really wanted to take the night and then check made him .

But now I gotta move my queen and really , I have to go all the way back here because of the night attack .

Hm .

Ok , Martin .

Ok , Martin , my friend and B five .

Look at this guy .

He is relentless .

I guess I'm gonna go back and this becomes a yellow square .

Ok .

So , oh , I've already used the F three square .

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I was gonna play nine F three .

But if I do that then that square is gone , I probably shouldn't do that .

Let me play C three .

I'm trying to keep my board , you know , usable goes back .

Ok .

Do I , I really want my night on F three but I don't want to use that square .

Let's go eat two , I guess .

Or H three is a safe one .

Maybe H three to G five .

Might make sense .

No , I want it to be in the center .

Let's go E two .

It's a lot of yellow squares .

Martin's actually doing pretty well .

Uh , ok .

Let's go ahead and castle and I guess that's gonna go G and F become yellow .

Ok .

Um , did you guys see the val bar jump ?

It's because of the night , I guess it's a big jump for a night .

Um , yeah , I guess we'll take that , I guess we'll take it .

Ok .

Ok .

We could play D four .

That's a safe square to use .

Seems pretty good .

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Takes , takes , yeah , that seems pretty good .

Let's play D four that gets a yellow square .

He goes all the way back .

I think I'll trade it .

That gets the F eight square .

Ok .

Um , let's just develop .

We haven't used this square , so we'll go nine to D two .

Ok .

I got to choose my moves carefully here .

Maybe a four .

Just kind of using some of these squares that are available to me .

All right , I think I can safely take that to B five .

Ok .

We could probably safely take this .

That's a seven .

Ok .

D five .

Yeah , that's it available square .

We'll play D five .

Ok .

I guess we just take this .

C six gets a yellow , right ?

Probably should save the rook .

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Where's a good place to move the rook to a three ?

Doesn't use up a new square .

Let's go a three .

Ok .

We're gonna have to go for check meat at some point , but I have to do it carefully because I can only use so many squares .

Um , maybe F four .

Yeah , let's play F four to try to get the rook involved board is just turning yellow .

Ok .

If we take that , it should be a safe move .

Ok .

So how do we go for checkmates ?

The knights kind of defending the rooks kind of defending .

Uh This is actually tricky because if I go to C four , I'm done with C four but I really want to move my night there .

F three .

Then I'm done with F three .

Which one ?

I guess we'll go C four .

So C four is now a red square .

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So I can no longer .

Oh , I actually miss that .

Actually miss that .

I can no longer move to C four .

Ok .

But I can go to G three .

That's pretty safe .

Oh , Martin Martin hangs the queen .

The E four square is gonna be unavailable , but it's worth it .

So E four .

Ok .

So we can't use these two squares anymore .

All right .

Where can I put the queen ?

That's a safe square or I could just take this actually .

Yeah , let's just take that .

We'll take that E five becomes unavailable and there's checkmate .

There it is .

Yep .

Ok .

So that wasn't too bad .

We , we , and we didn't even really get to Martin's territory yet .

But that's a fun concept .

And I think if we play again against a stronger bot , this could prove difficult .

So let's go find another bot and we'll try this one more time because that was pretty fun .

Ok .

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Let's see .

Who should we ?

How about , should I try Nelson ?

The 1300 rated Nelson ?

Yeah , that might be interesting .

Right .

Nelson in pitfall chest .

Nelson versus Nelson in pitfall chest .

Let's do it .

Let's go play .

I'm gonna reset the board over here .

Good luck Nelson .

I'm going with E four and , ok , let's just get the center E four D four .

Wow .

How did I know he was gonna do that ?

How did I know ?

So what am I gonna do ?

Defend with a knight ?

It's F five .

Ok .

I think we need to take that .

We could also play bishop D three .

Seems like a solid move or we could even just attack the queen with 92 F three .

All of those moves seem pretty .

I think I want to take advantage of the , the queen right away .

So let's play nine F three .

Oops .

Wrong square .

Sorry .

Let me do that again .

OK .

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Queen G four probably H three maybe .

Now we can just take or even , yeah , let's just take , we'll take that .

So this one becomes yellow .

He's just giving away everything .

Huh ?

OK .

We could take , we could attack the queen .

We could develop some other pieces like this .

Bishop maybe here or here .

I mean , it's a , it's a pawn .

I may as well just take it right .

OK .

So now what are we gonna do ?

We could gamp at this pond but yeah , I don't know if it's really necessary .

I think maybe just a simple developing move makes sense .

Like bishop E three , we haven't used that square .

So it's probably a good one .

OK .

Now I'm more tempted to do it because he just spent the move going back .

It's an awful lot of wasted queen moves .

If that happens .

I think I will .

I think I will go for that .

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So I'll play Bishop D three .

I'll play Rook G one .

And now it's a question of , do I wanna go for Rug G three or nine G five or do I wanna just play Queenie Two and Castle ?

So Nitro G five leaves the H two pa hanging .

It doesn't look very good .

Rup to G three forces the queen to go to H five looks pretty good .

Although I could save that move maybe for a later time .

You know .

Let's go .

Queenie Two .

I think Queenie two makes a lot of sense .

Ok .

We haven't used the D five square yet so I could safely take that .

I think I will .

It's gonna unleash the discovered stack .

It was probably pretty good .

Let's take it D five square .

All right .

What do we want to do with our Bishop F four G five H six are all options .

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I could also just do something else .

Castling .

No need to rush .

Although I hm .

Yeah , maybe I will .

Just castle .

Actually .

Castling just seems pretty good .

Gonna play rug G 39 G five first .

So many good options .

Let's say I did go check .

He blocks could take that .

I don't know .

I guess we'll just castle .

There's so many good options .

I think we just castle .

Well , Bishop G four here takes now , that should be fine .

Let's castle and we'll go um , C and D goes back there .

Ok .

Hm .

I guess , I guess what , nine G five maybe bring the night forward and it's a safe square .

Yeah .

Well , nine G five .

Ok .

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Here we go again with the Discovered Attack .

So I wanna play Bishop F four now .

Seems pretty good .

Or I could line up with another rook first .

Yeah , let's actually do that .

Let's play rookie one E one square .

Ok .

He steps to the side .

We have this possibility for a pin but we have to move the night somewhere .

I could , might actually be able to get away with 96 check .

Bishop takes I pin .

The queen queen takes I go there and check and I'm winning the queen anyway .

Maybe not actually .

No , I'm not .

No , I'm not .

So what's the best move ?

What is the best move ?

Huh ?

Let me look at what squares I have too .

I'm thinking about we , oh , I can even take this .

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It's actually not a bad move .

Maybe I'll just do that .

I just noticed that .

Let's actually just take that .

Yeah .

92 7 .

Ok .

Oh , all right .

Bishop G five looks amazing .

That's the last time I can go to that square , but I think we're making good progress .

I'm gonna do it .

So G five is unavailable .

It goes up .

Ok , so we've got queen G four .

We've got trading .

I don't really , I could trade and then go queenie seven also looks really good .

This is probably just the best just going here and taking the bishop , I imagine .

So let's go .

Queen G four .

Check that one is yellow .

Ok , so we can take this .

It looks pretty solid to me .

C eight is unavailable .

Ok .

What do we wanna do ?

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Yeah , we've got all kinds of options here .

Bring the bishop down , bring the rook up .

I mean , there's so many good moves .

Just go ahead and trade that .

Now .

Bring the rook down here .

I mean , you name it .

All of these are good moves .

Yeah , let's go here .

Let's go work here .

Why not ?

Ok .

So he's giving me the rook , I guess I'll take it .

Ok .

How do we win ?

What if I go here trying to target this pawn ?

How's he gonna defend that ?

Not easily ?

Or I could just take all the pieces .

Maybe I'll just take all the pieces now .

Let's just take it .

Take that one .

Ok ?

Um Let's make sure he doesn't have any tricks .

Yeah , let's go .

That's a safe square .

I just say he's gonna play C six .

Do I have a better move ?

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Do I have a be I could go here ?

I won't be able to use that in square again .

That's fine .

Let's go .

Bishop B three .

So that square is gone .

What is he doing ?

What is he doing ?

Let's take this one with check that square is gone .

Um Let's , I mean , I'm just , I don't just wanna take everything .

Maybe there's a better move .

We to T eight is a safe square .

Ok .

Maybe .

Check E six .

All right .

So I can't use that square anymore , but I think it's fine .

The seven is a available square .

So I'll take that and ma and two , let's see .

What is it here and here or here ?

Yeah , let's do this one .

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That's Safe Square .

And probably a three would be a nice , a nice 10 , good game Nelson .

That's why you don't bring out the queen too early .

So again , didn't have too , too much trouble there .

I mean , yes , we had a couple of squares that were not available , but I think that that was uh , not too bad .

All right , one more option that I'm gonna try back to Martin .

Ok .

Back to Martin .

But this time we're gonna say that only after one time the floor disappears .

So there's no crack and then it breaks , it just breaks immediately .

Only one time .

Can I step on each square ?

I think that's gonna make it more interesting .

So let's go back to , should I do Martin ?

Should I do Nelson actually ?

Oh , that would be tough and be tough .

We can , might be able to do Nelson .

We might , let's try Nelson .

Let's do it again .

Let's do it again .

So I'm gonna say new game Nelson .

Here we go .

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And same rules except this time when I land on a square , it immediately becomes red .

Can no longer use it .

Ok .

So here we go .

Good luck Nelson .

This is gonna probably be more difficult .

So E four .

All right .

He plays E five .

How's he gonna bring on his Queen if I just play night of three ?

That's what I wonder .

Let's just , let's just see .

I just wanna see what he's gonna do .

Queen of six .

Ok .

Uh I'm gonna go night C three .

Hm .

Yeah , this is gonna be much more difficult .

I think we're gonna go with Bishop C four .

I'm gonna castle .

I am going to think carefully here if I play D four and he takes me , I can't take it back .

That's a bit of a problem .

It's actually a big problem .

90 D five .

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I can't , oh , so this way I can never take back pieces , so never take back pieces .

Even if he takes his night , I can't take it .

What am I doing ?

This is too difficult .

Sort of played against Martin .

Ok .

That sort of changes .

Everything , doesn't it ?

That really does .

All right .

I don't know .

Let's go night B five because I can't take it .

Um , do I wanna waste a move ?

Taking ?

I don't even know .

I don't even know .

I'm gonna play D four .

Just gambit , gambit it or D now , let's play D three .

Let's play D three .

Somehow .

We got to get to the king quickly without moving too many pieces .

This is very difficult .

Very , very difficult , especially when he's playing kind of like , solid like this .

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I might have to go a little crazy with it .

I might have to .

Maybe not .

I don't know .

I , I actually don't know .

Let's take it .

I don't know .

We'll , we'll take that and see what happens .

All right .

He goes over there .

Maybe I can jump my night around .

Play at four .

Can't play C three would like to play CD .

But I can't , I can bring the bishop to E three .

I'll never be able to use that square again .

It's probably .

Ok .

Yeah , I can't play C , I could play a three .

Oh , it's , uh , it's not quite a queen trap .

It's almost a queen trap .

Ok .

Well , while he's doing that , maybe I should go on the offensive .

Let's play night H four .

I'm gonna try to go for a checkmating attack here while I still have time .

That's my plan .

That is my plan .

Question is where do I wanna go ?

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I can't go to F 30 , man , this is , this is brutal .

All right .

I have to go here .

H five .

Yeah , of course .

He sees it .

00 , the board is just , no , it's , this is not gonna work .

This is not going to work well for me .

I see this ending very badly .

Ok .

I don't even know what to do .

I'm gonna just , hm , hold on , hold on .

Let's think about this .

Ok .

If I take it he's gonna take me back .

Doesn't really accomplish anything .

What if I , let's just go , let's just go for it .

We gotta , we gotta try something here .

Let's go .

Ok , we can go check .

Doesn't do much .

I think I'd rather play F four .

Try to get my rook in the game .

I'm running out of squares and also running out of options .

Yeah , I can't take it .

Which is a bit of a problem .

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Didn't quite think that through .

Ok .

Um , Yeah , I don't see how this is happening , guys .

I do not see how it's happening .

I could go queen D five check but what does it accomplish ?

I kind of want him to take this so that I could do something with my rook , but he can't take it .

Ok .

Uh Let's bring this over to E one .

Yeah , he wants to take it .

Which , hey , maybe it's fine .

Maybe it's my best chance .

Maybe I can set a little trap .

I think Nelson is gonna see that .

It might be my best chance though .

It might be my best chance if I play queen of five .

If he takes the bait , there's checkmate .

No , I can't go to F seven .

Oh , I couldn't even do it .

Oh , wow .

Ok .

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This is too hard .

This is too hard .

Ok .

I could play D four to block off that I could go to F Now the Queen is covering , man .

I don't know .

I'm gonna play D four because it's like the only one of the only moves I can make and now I can go here .

But then what I mean , what am I gonna do after that ?

I can't even take this .

I , I can't , I can go here .

But why ?

Right .

It doesn't do anything .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Let's go here .

This is too hard .

I should have played Martin .

I should have played Martin .

It's so close I can go there and it's so close , but it's not gonna be good enough because I can't take the night .

I'm running out of squares .

Look at this .

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Look at this .

There's no way .

Yeah , there's no way .

I guess I could push this .

It's like the only thing I could do .

My kid pushed the pawn .

He blundered ma in one and I can't do it .

Can't do it .

That's so frustrating .

It's so , I just , I just wanna go one more time .

Just one more time .

Wow .

Wow .

I don't even , I played D five , I guess .

Then he takes my phone and I can push this .

But why ?

Yeah , it's still there .

It is still there .

This is amazing .

Ok .

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Well , I can push it and get a queen and take , no , still not check me .

I don't , I don't see how this is happening .

Oh , if I let him take this , I lose because I can't take it back .

Game is , would be over .

So I have to play Rook F two .

Ok .

What's he doing ?

I could push this .

I mean , maybe there's a chance actually if he , oh , wait a second .

So if I take this and get a queen , that's fine .

Ok .

What's he gonna do ?

Yeah , he , oh , I can't take it back and can't take it back .

I can take this one time and he doesn't know that I can't take it back .

So , the question is , how do I get made ?

How do I get meat ?

All right .

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Let's take it this way and maybe we can sneak down .

Oh , what's he doing ?

Hold on , hold on .

If I take that .

Is there a way to win this game ?

Hm .

Old everything .

And maybe I'm thinking about this all wrong .

Maybe I can try to win it in like an end game .

All right .

Let's take the rook .

He's gonna take , right .

And I'll take the queen .

And problem is I don't have a lot of the board to work with .

Mm .

All right .

Let's see .

We'll go give it a shot .

We'll see .

We'll take that with Chuck .

He comes up .

Ok .

How could I made him here ?

I would need to come , like , over like this .

And then if he goes here , I don't know if that's gonna work or ?

Let's see .

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I'm trying to think now , I've already used these squares so I can't use a pond .

Ok .

That's too bad .

Well , um , I don't know .

II , I don't know .

Yeah , I'm gonna run out of board .

Well , I'll go to C five for now and maybe I'll take this pawn .

Yeah , I'll take the pawn and I could take that .

It's defended .

He's gonna see that don't have a lot of other moves or ways to make progress .

Maybe this could be an idea .

Swing the rook over .

Let's go there .

Better run out of boards space though .

I'm down to a six , I guess with the check he blocks .

I can't take that too bad .

I can't do anything , do anything .

I could go to D seven .

But what does that , what does that accomplish ?

Nothing doesn't accomplish anything .

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I can play H three and G four .

That's something , something .

Ok .

G four .

Ok .

The board is disappearing .

Friends .

I can't take the night .

Oh , I can go here .

Maybe he'll , maybe he'll go backwards guys .

Maybe he'll , he'll do it .

Come on Nelson .

Oh , ok .

Ok .

Wait a second , wait a minute , wait a minute if I take this and if he's like dumb and wait a second here .

This is o OK .

I'm not gonna be able to take the night , dude .

I'm not , I'm not gonna be able to take the night .

If I go here .

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If he blocks with the record , it's fine , but he's gonna have to go here or here and I , those squares aren't available for me .

I can't take it .

How can I trick Nelson ?

And I'm like , would he take it ?

Would he , like , take my pawn do you think it's , it's probably my best shot , right ?

The G five .

Take it with an O mm .

We can go here and take it .

That's it .

Yes .

Yes .

Oh my goodness .

I can't believe that just happened .

Look at the board guys .

Look at the board .

Wow .

Wow .

OK .

I'm glad I didn't give up .

I was literally like , I'm just gonna quit because this is impossible .

And look at that .

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That was fun .

That was really fun .

Thank you , Rob .

I enjoyed that .

Hope you guys did too .

And um yeah , give me , give me some more ideas .

This is , this is great .

See you guys next time .

As always , stay short , play smart , take care .


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