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2023-07-14 14:40:30

How to Make an E-Commerce Website (2023) Online Shopping Store

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Hi guys .

I'm brand from website learners today .

I'm going to show you how you can create an e-commerce website from start to finish .

Ok .

So first let's see the website which we are going to build .

So here it is .

After watching this video , you will be able to make a website which has products like this .

And then we are going to create pages like this where customers will be able to add products to their cards .

So they will be able to pay you through your website and buy products from your side .

So let's get started .

It's going to be very simple .

We are going to make a e-commerce site in just four parts .

The first part is to launch a website .

So this is where we get a new website live on the internet .

So in order to launch our site , we are going to do two steps .

The first step is to choose a name for your website .

So to choose your website name , just click the link below this video and it'll take you to this page .

Now , enter the name you want here .

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I'm going to enter try casuals dot com and click search .

Now you can see that this name is available .

Once you choose your name , you can go to the next step , which is to get your domain name .

And hosting domain is the name of your website , which people need to enter to visit your site .

And hosting is the place where your website's files are stored , like your website's images and files .

So to get this domain name and hosting , let's click add to cart and then click continue and it will take you to this page .

This is the place where we are going to get our hosting and domain .

Now , here it will ask us to choose a hosting plan .

Now , hosting is needed so that your website is visible on the internet and can be accessed by anyone .

And as you can see here , hosting twice the space to store your website on the internet .

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So based on the number of websites that you want to build , you can choose a plan here .

I want to build one website .

So I'm going to choose this plan .

Now , here you can choose how long you want the hosting for .

You can choose any length here as you go longer .

You can see that we are getting a discount .

No , I'm going to choose 12 months and click continue .

Now , here you can see that we're getting our domain , which is Trisha dot com for free and our hosting .

Now , both of these are valid for one year , which means once we complete the purchase , our site will be live on the internet for one year .

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So to get our domain hosting , let's flood these details , enter your payment details and click order now .

Ok .

So now we've successfully placed the order and we've got our domain in hosting .

So now if we click here , you can see that we have successfully got our hosting and domain .

OK .

So once you've got your domain hosting , your website should now be live on the internet .

So to check that let's open a new tab now , free type , try casuals dot com and press enter .

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You can see that we have got a brand new website on the name which we selected , but sometimes it might take a few minutes for the domain to become active on the internet if you're not seeing this , try refreshing after 5 to 10 minutes .

Ok .

So now we've successfully launched our website on the internet .

Once you've launched your site , we can now go to part two of this tutorial , which is to start building your ecommerce site .

Now , instead of building a e-commerce site from scratch , we're going to first import a sample e-commerce site and then we are going to edit it to make our own site .

So this is going to really speed up the process and it will let you build your site in a much faster way .

So to import the sample site , we're going to do two steps .

First , we are going to log into our website .

So to log in to your site , all you have to do is type slash login after your site's address .

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And now if you press enter , it will take you to the login page of your website .

Now , here you need to enter your user name and password to log into your workers dashboard .

Now , once your site is active , you should have received the login details of workers in your email .

So let's go to iron works .

And you can see that we have got this email just open it .

As you can see , we have the user name and the password .

Now to log into our website , just copy these details and paste them here .

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So let's copy this user name and paste it here , then copy this password past it here and then click log in .

You can see that we have successfully logged into our worker site and this is the wordpress dashboard .

Now , this is the place where you can control your website .

So once you have logged in , we can now go to step two of importing a sample site which is to install a team in wordpress .

So we're going to install a team called Astra , which is going to let us import the sample site .

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So to install the team , just go to appearance and click themes .

Now click , add new theme and then search for a theme called Astra and you will get this theme , which is going to let us import the sample site .

So to install the theme , just click , install and then activate the team .

So now we've installed the astra theme next to import the sample site .

Let's get started and it will take you to this page .

Now , once you're here , just select element or which will make it easy for you to edit your site .

So let's select that .

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And now it will take you to this page where you can see different designs which you can apply to your site .

Now , as we are going to build an e-commerce site , let's click here and select Ecommerce and you will get different types of ecommerce side designs .

So now just select the design which you like .

I'm going to choose this one and here you can see a preview of how your site is going to look .

Once you import the sample site now to input the site into your site , just click import , complete site and then click import and now the entire e-commerce site will be imported into your site .

So let's see how our site looks .

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Now , if we go to this tab , we can see that this is our , our site was before it was almost empty .

Now , quickly confess , you can see that we have got the entire ecommerce site into our site .

Now , this is a fully working e-commerce site , which means if you click on any product here .

You can see the details about the product and you can add it to card and then we can view the card and also proceed to check out .

So we get all these options right after we import the sample site .

So now we have successfully imported the sample e commerce site .

Ok .

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So once you have imported the sample site , we can now go to part three where we see how you can start using this Ecommerce site .

So to start using our Ecommerce site , we're going to first set up a store .

No store is the place where your customers can see your products and then purchase them .

So once you set up your store , your site will have your own products and your visitors will be able to buy those products .

So let's go to our store and you can see that we have these sample products .

Now to set up our store , we are going to do four steps .

The first step is to delete all these sample products .

So to delete them , let's go to our dashboard and then click products .

And here you can see all the sample products which we have here .

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So to delete the sample products , just click here to select all the products and then click here , select , move to trash and click apply .

So now we've deleted all the sample products .

Now , if you go back to us to and click the first , you can see that all the products have been removed once you've removed all the sample products .

Next , let's see how you can add your own product .

Now to add your own product , just go back to your product page and click add new .

Now to add a new product .

All you have to do is enter the product name , its price and some details about the product .

So first let's enter the product name .

I want to sell a t-shirt .

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So I'm going to enter that and here I'm going to enter the price and then some details about the product .

OK ?

So once you've added these details , you can now add your product images .

So to add the image , just click set product image and then drag and drop your images from your computer .

And as you can see your image has been added .

So now we have added all the details about the product .

So let's click publish and off weekly cost .

You can see that we have a product .

Now , if we click on this product , you can see that we cannot add this product to our car .

So now we have successfully added our product .

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So now you can add any number of products you want in the same way .

So to add a product , all you have to do is just go to products and click add new .

OK ?

So next , let's go to the third step of setting up a store which is to change our currency Now , here you can see that we have the default currency .

Now to change this to your currency , just go to your dashboard and then go to Woocommerce and click settings .

Now this is where you can change all the settings related to your store .

Now to choose your currency , just scroll down this page and here you will find the currency option now to choose your currency .

Just click here and then select the currency in which you want to sell your products .

I'm going to choose us dollar and now click save changes .

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And now if you go to a product base and click refresh , you can see that our product price is now shown in dollars .

So now we have successfully changed our currency and we have completed the third step of setting up a store .

So next , let's go to the fourth step which is to set up a payment with third .

Now if we try to buy this product by clicking , add to cart and then click , proceed to checkout .

You can see that it says no payment methods are available .

So in order to allow your customers to pay for your products , you need to set up your payment method .

So to set it up , you need to create an account on a website called Stripe .

So once you create this account , you will be able to receive payments directly to your bank account when someone purchases your product .

So to create your Stripe account .

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Let's open a new tab and then go to stripe dot com and press enter .

So to create your account , just click , start now and then fill up these details and click creates type account .

So now we have successfully created a stripe account .

Once you've created your account in order to receive payments using this account , you need to first activate it .

So to activate it , let's click start here and then fill up these details , then scroll down and here you need to enter your bank details where you want to receive your payments .

So just enter your details .

And now when someone buys a product from your site , that money will be sent to this account .

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So once you've entered these details , just click submit .

And now we have successfully activated a type account .

So once you've activated your Skype account , how do you connect this account with your website ?

Not to let your customers make payment on your side .

You need to cancel this account with your website .

So to correct it , let's go to our wordpress dashboard and then go to plugins , click add new .

And now we need to install the Stripe plug in on our website .

So this search for a plug-in called Stripe for Woocommerce and you will get this plug in not to install it , just click , install and click activate .

So now we have installed this Stripe plug in on our website .

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So let's click settings now to connect this account with our website .

You need to copy these two details and paste them here .

So to copy these details , let's click here to copy and then paste it here .

No , let's go here and then past it .

Now , once you've entered these details , just click save changes and as soon as you click save changes , your stripe account will be connected with your website .

So this means your payment set up is now complete .

So we've successfully set up a payment method and our customers can not only see our products , they can also buy them .

So next , let's try buying a product from our side .

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So just like a customer would do , we will go to our store and then add this spot to a car .

Now let's click , view , cut and click , proceed to checkout .

Now , here you can see that instead of an error message , we can now pay using our card .

So just like a customer would do let's enter our details .

And now if you enter the card details and click place order , you can see that the payment has been made and we have successfully ordered the product .

Ok .

So this is how your customer can buy a product from your site .

So now you know how your customers can buy products from your site .

Now , what happens when someone orders your product ?

How do you know that you've got an order ?

Now , as soon as someone buys a product from your site if you go to your inbox .

Now , this is the inbox of the email you entered while creating your site .

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So once you go to your inbox , you can see that we have received two emails .

The first email is from our workers website and the second one is from Stripe .

So now if you open the first email from wordpress , you can see that we have all the details about the order .

So we have the name of the product which the customer has ordered and their address .

Now , if you go back and open the second email , you can see that Stripe confirms that we have received our payment .

So this is how you can know when someone orders your product .

And once you get this email , you can go ahead and deliver the product to your customer .

So now you know how you can track new orders placed on your site .

But what about your customer ?

How can the view and track the order ?

So next , let's see how your customers can view the order after making a purchase .

So let's go to our customers inbox .

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So this is the customer's inbox .

Now , once a customer has ordered a product from your site , their account will be automatically created .

And now if a customer goes to the inbox , they'll get an email with the order details and another email with the details about their account .

So if you open this email here , you can see that the customer has got the password which they can use to log into your site .

So after placing an order , if the customer wishes to log in back to your site , all you have to do is go to your site and click my account and now they'll be able to log in back to your site .

So they just have to enter the email and the password which they have received in the email .

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So let's go back to Iron Works then copy this password past it , you up and off big click log in .

You can see that the customer can view all the orders they've placed on your site .

And now if you go to addresses , they can even update their address .

So this is how your customers can view the orders on your side .

Now , let's go back to us too .

Ok .

So now we've successfully completed setting a past two and this means anyone who is visiting your site will not be able to buy your products .

So next , let's go to the final part of building an ecommerce site where we see how you can change the look of your website .

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So next , we're going to see how you can change four different places of your site .

So let's go to our home page first .

Let's see how you can edit the contents of your page .

Now , let's say you want to change this text .

How do we do that not to edit any page on your side , just make sure you're on that page .

Now , click edit to the element or , and it will take you to this editing section .

Now , let's say you want to change this text .

All you have to do is just select the text and then start typing anything you want .

Next .

If you want to change the text on this button , you just select that text and then enter your own text .

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So in the same way you can edit any text you want on this page , just select the text and then start typing .

Next .

Let's say you want to change this image to change the image .

All you have to do is just click here , then make sure that you're on the style tab .

Now select the image you want to change and then drag and drop your image .

And as you can see the image has been changed .

Now , once you're done with all the changes , just click update .

I know if you go to a site and click the first , you can see that all the teams are here .

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So this is how you can edit any page on your website .

So next , what if you want to show your products on your home page ?

Now , if you scroll down this products area , you can see that we have no products here .

So next , let's see how you can add products like this to your home page .

Now to add products to your homepage .

All you have to do is just go to your dashboard , then go to products .

And here you can see all the products you've added on your site , not to display any of these products on your homepage .

All you have to do is click on the star button next to your product .

So I'm going to select these products .

And now if you go to a site and click the first , you can see that the products we selected now appears on our home page .

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So this is how you can add products to your home page .

Next , let's see how you can change your logo .

Now to change this logo , just click customize and you will get these blue icons next to the items you want to change in order to change this logo .

All you have to do is click on the blue icon next to it and you can change the logo here .

Now , if you want to have your own logo in text , you can remove this image by clicking here and then show your site name by selecting this option .

And now you can see that we've got a site name instead of the B four logo , which was there before .

So this is how you can change your logo .

So next , let's see how you can change your menu .

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Now to change your menu , all you have to do is just click here and then select edit menu .

Now , once you're here if you want to remove any page from your menu , just click here , click remove and the page will be removed from your menu .

Now , you can also rearrange this menu as you want and it will be changed here .

So this is how you can change the menu on your website .

Once you're done , just click publish and then click here to see your site .

So you can see that all the changes we made now appears on our side .

So this is how you can change the look of your website .

So now we have a complete e commerce site which we have made in just a few minutes .

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So to make your ecommerce site , all you have to do is first launch your site by getting your domain and hosting , then import the sample ecommerce site , set up your store and then finally change the look of your website .

So that's it guys .

This is how you can believe you come a site in just a few minutes .

Now , if you're ready to start making your own website , just click here and it will take you to the page which we saw in the first step , which is choosing your website name .

So just choose your website name and start building your website .

Now , if you want to know more about e-commerce sites , you can check out our e-commerce course , which is available in this link and also make sure you subscribe to website learners to get more videos like this one .

Thanks for watching .

I'll see you in the next video .

Take care .

Bye bye .


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