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2023-07-12 12:39:19

They Called My Opening 'Garbage'

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Have you ever played a game of chess where your opponent got angry at you ?

Well , that just happened to me a few minutes ago .

I'm gonna show you the game and we're gonna talk about exactly what happened that made my opponent so upset .

Enjoy .

All right .

So here we go .

I was playing his black against a 2100 rated player in blitz .

I decided to not show their name .

I don't want people to , you know , spam that person or anything like that .

That's not what I'm going for here .

Um They played the Scotch game and it's funny because just a couple of days ago I played , uh if you watch that video , I played a game against the Scotch and I actually got into some trouble .

I took and then I went for this , you know , I think I played Bishops C five .

Bishop B three , traded some stuff and brought my queen to F six and it just didn't turn out very well .

So since that video , I've been looking for a couple of options to play against the Scotch .

And what I came up with was the move queen to age four Now this move is what starts the anger from my opponent .

Ok ?

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And here's why this is not a good move .

It's just not objectively speaking , it's not a good move .

I'm bringing out my queen making a threat on E four , which of course , White can defend uh pretty easily , but you can even see the Eva Bar 1.4 for White .

OK ?

Now , the thing about this line is that your opponent has to know what to do if they don't know the specific line .

And the reason why this move is bad , it's actually really tricky for white .

However , my opponent knew exactly what to do .

They played 92 C three best move defending the pawn .

I played bishop before trying to pin the night .

And my opponent played very difficult move to find here bishop to E two .

They played it right away .

You can see their clock .

They didn't use any time .

They knew this , OK ?

They knew the theory and they knew that this was going to get them into a good position .

It's actually a pawn sacrifice , uh which I did take .

But the point here is that white , it's gonna get a huge lead in development and my king is gonna be in trouble .

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And so that's why even though I have an extra pawn , stockfish says , no , no , no , this is not good for you , right ?

So uh nine to B five again , the best move by my opponent threatening the fork here .

This is what's gonna lead to my king problems .

You're gonna see that in just a minute .

Um , and just to give you an idea , like if I try to play bishop to a five to defend this , white has a really nice move .

If you'd like to , to pause and try to find it .

What can White play here ?

Well , the best move is Knight takes C seven check .

Forking me anyway .

And if I take it now I lose the pin on the night and now my queen can actually be captured .

And white says , thank you very much and you lose .

So that doesn't cut it .

Ok ?

So I can't defend it that way .

Uh And there's not really a good way to defend this queen to E five trying to defend is actually a mistake because F four chases my queen away and I , I , wherever I go , I'm , I'm still getting fork to the next move and I have to save my queen and then I , I get forked .

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So the only thing to do in this situation is to trade here and white recaptures with the pawn which my opponent played .

They want to leave the thread here because this is white's biggest attacking piece right now .

So even though they get some double pawns , it doesn't really matter .

This is a big deal and I have to play the move king to D eight .

OK .

This is the only way to defend the pawn .

Uh , that's , that's any kind of decent .

They give me a decent position right where I can keep playing .

So , at this point , uh , White Castle again , best move they played all but the best moves here and I'm sure that they knew that they were winning or at least had a good position .

Right .

You can see the eel bar over there .

It's a solid 1.3 for white and the point is my king is just in trouble and White's going to attack me and I have to try to survive .

Right ?

So , um that's what happened .

But the point here is that even though it's better , it's not a completely winning position .

It's not like , oh , there's check made in three .

It's just over .

No , no , no , we have to play the whole game and I am up a pa , right ?

And so if I'm able to survive , if I'm able to defend and maybe trade queens and we go into an endgame , I'm probably gonna win , right ?

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It has a bad pawn structure .

So let's see what happened .

I played 92 F six bishops , two F three attacking my queen .

Now here , lucky for me .

I had looked at this line recently like just the other day and I knew that if I go back to G six , which is kind of like my natural reaction would be , let's just put the queen over here on G six .

It looks like a safe square , right ?

See if you can find White's move in this position .

It's a , it's a crazy like simple move , but it's totally winning .

If you had a chance to look at that , the movie is Bishops F four and White is simply going for this attack here , which would be devastating if I let them take it .

So D six looks like the only way to kind of stop that .

But then white says night takes C seven .

Thank you very much .

And I'm getting checkmated .

My king has to come out .

Bishop .

Actually bishop E three out .

Either way leads to checkmate king to a six .

Bishop comes back and then uh it's just checkmate over here on a three .

OK .

So you can see it's bad news for me .

All right now , lucky for me .

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I had looked at that .

I knew that that was bad and I knew the best move was queen to C four .

So I played that and white played bishop back here and I said , OK , let's go to D five .

Let's try to trade queens because if I can trade queens , I'm gonna probably win the end game and have an extra pawn , right ?

Why not ?

So white plays uh queens E one trying to leave the queens on the board and I thought this was a good time to get my rook into the game and notice what's happened to the Eva Bar .

We almost have an even game .

Right .

The advantage kind of went away and here we are playing chess .

So the point that I want to make is unless you're a grand master watching this video , you can play some dubious openings if they're tricky and if you know a little bit about them , you can play them and still get a normal game of chess .

Right .

Both players are gonna have chances to win .

Both players are gonna have to spot tactics and , and try to defend and try not to get check mated and try not to blunder , right ?

It's a normal game of chess .

Let's keep going .

He plays bishop E three A six .

I wanted to kick the night away .

The rook comes over and I said , you know what , that looks like a free pawn .

I'm gonna take it .

So I took it .

He plays 19 D four D six .

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I figured this was a good time to let my bishop out and , you know , try to stop the rook there because this pawn is kind of a shield .

We get the trade .

He goes here and I said , you know what , let's bring the bishop out , attacking this pawn .

And the reason I wanted to do this was I figured he's might be thinking about going over here and lining up on my pawn and I wanted to give myself an option for my queen if that happened .

So now if the rook comes over , I would take this pawn , right ?

This is what I'm talking about .

So I thought , OK , bishop at five makes sense .

He goes bishop D three .

I said , let's keep trading , the closer we get to the end game , the happier I'm going to be .

And here I decided , you know what past pawns must be pushed .

It's a , it's a common saying in chess .

And I said , you know what , this is the time , let's do it .

So I started pushing the pawn and I pushed the pawn and I pushed the pawn and I defended this and I'm actually really happy with my position , the pawn is going .

And so he tried to stop it .

I kept pushing it .

I said , why not ?

Now , the rook has to sit there and guard it .

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And my rook that I didn't develop is actually right where I want it to be .

So that worked out nicely .

And I put my king there getting ready to bring this rook over , maybe to do something on B one .

There we go .

I played queenie five .

I'm trying again , trying to trade the queens because once I get those queens off , my king's gonna come up .

I've got this guy here .

It's , it's not good for white .

He doesn't do that .

Block the check .

And I said , all right , let's defend .

I'm just defending both of my pawns from the queen .

My king is actually pretty safe now because uh apart from these weaknesses , white can't really get to .

It .

Goes back here , I brought the rook up .

Now , here I made a mistake .

Actually missed a nice move .

If you would like to pause .

What's the best move for black in this position ?

All right .

Well , if you had a chance to look at that , the best move is queen takes a one .

Now , in all honesty , I saw this idea , but I'll tell you why .

I didn't think it was good .

Now , here , here , here's the first point .

If the rook takes my queen , well , then let's just checkmate .

There's a back rank here .

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The king can't get off the back rank and we get this checkmate .

Now , that's pretty straightforward .

The reason I didn't want to play it and the reason I was afraid is because this move queen takes F five check .

And I thought now my king is gonna like run around and I don't know what's happening with the queen over here and I just kind of stopped analyzing , but stockfish says no , no , no , you just play king E seven .

The rook can't ever get involved because my queen would always just take it .

So it's really just a matter of what can the queen do .

And after queen to G five check , I come back and the only other check is here , but I can now use my queen to block and I just essentially got that rook for free , right ?

So that's what I missed in the game .

I thought that , you know , there was gonna be more counter play .

So I played the move rook to a five to defend that pawn and then create the thread again .

Of , of here opponent plays G three .

So it's not check made .

But I still decided to go ahead and trade the queen for the two rooks by coming down here .

Of course , white can't take me because then I get a queen back and I still have the rook .

But after uh oh sorry , totally pressed the wrong key there .

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Let's try that again .

Um After king to G two , I can take the rook .

Ok .

Now , there was a move here that I missed which my opponent could have played queen to F one sacrificing the queen this way so that the rook stays guarding the , the pond .

We actually get into this end game , which is pretty interesting because White has the pass pawn over here .

Mine is far advanced , but the king can probably come over and take that question is what can king do during all that ?

So it's an interesting position .

Um White could have played on but they didn't see that .

Played king G two and then they blundered the queen here .

I forgot about the rook that was defending .

Now , even if they didn't do that , my plan was gonna be to move this rook somewhere , maybe even with check and then get a new queen and I don't think white really had much that they could do .

So this is the moment where my opponent said it was a good garbage opening , garbage player that wasn't click bait .

That actually was , you know , a message that I got .

Um the reason it is , it makes sense , right ?

This opening , sorry , I'm all over the place .

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This opening is not a good opening objectively if you know what to do and they knew what to do and they got into a good position .

This is like all you can hope for as the white side of the Scotch game in against this line .

Um I think they were just upset that they weren't able to , to , to win .

Right ?

But how many times has this happened ?

Even to myself , you play the good , you know , good opening , you get into a good position , you still have to win the game .

It's not over just because somebody plays a bad line , right ?

It just happened to me , uh a little while ago .

I played another line .

I was totally winning .

I messed it up .

I didn't win the game , right .

You gotta finish the game .

Let me know if you had a similar experience and I'll see you next time .

Stay sharp , play , smart , take care .


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