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2023-07-14 13:54:29

आलू और ब्रेड से बनाएं एकदम क्रिस्पी नाश्ता। Bread Recipes। Bread roll । easy snacks।

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Hi guys and welcome back to my channel .

Today .

I gonna show you guys how to make chili colorado with some delicious fried bread in case you just wanna how to make this super easy and delicious recipe , just stay tuned and I'll show you how already guys .

So let's get started with our ingredients .

So for this recipe , we're going to need four cups and a half of all purpose flour , two cups of warm milk , two tablespoons of shortening £2 and a half of chuck tender roast 10 New Mexico chili pots , half of my onion garlic , 4.5 teaspoons of baking powder and all of our spices that I will link in the description box .

So these are ingredients .

Now let's get started .

OK ?

So going to start by cooking our meat .

I'm going to be using my instant pot .

So we're going to place our meat and I just cut into large chunks .

And today we're going to add half of an onion garlic salt , one tablespoon of black pepper and one tablespoon of beef and we're going to cover it with four cups of water .

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OK ?

So now we're going to close it , make sure that it's set on ceiling .

We're going to use the meat setting and let that cook for one hour while away from our meat , we're going to make the dough for our fried bread .

So in a large bowl , we're going to add the flour baking powder and one teaspoon of salt .

So just mix it , make sure that your hands are nice and clean .

And then we're going to add our two tablespoons of shortening and kinda mix it with the flour .

And then slowly we're going to add our warm milk .

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नमक आप अपने स्वाद के हिसाब से भी ले सकते हो ।

एक छोटा चम्मच नींबू का रस डाल दिया है ।

आप निम्बू के रस की जगह आमचूर पाउडर भी डाल सकते हो ।

यहाँ हमने दो बडे चम्मच कौन फ्लोर डाला है ?

कौन फ्लोर डालने से बहुत ही क्रिस्पी रोल बनेंगे ।

आप कौन फ्लोर की जगह चावल का आटा भी डाल सकते हो या आरा रोड का इस्तेमाल भी कर सकते हो ।

अब हम पहले इन सारी चीजों को अच्छे से मिक्स कर लेंगे ।

तो ये देखिये , सारी चीजें बढिया से मिक्स हो गई हैं और अब हम इसमें ये ब्लॅड डाल देंगे जिसे हमने पीस कर रखा हुआ है और इसे बढिया से मिक्स कर देंगे ।

तो फॅस तरह से आप कटलेट बनाएंगे कोई भी बना सकता है ।

बहुत ही आसान तरीके से ये बनकर तैयार हो जाते हैं और खाने में भी बहुत ज्यादा टेस्टी लगते हैं ।

तो ये देखिये हमने इसका एक दो जैसा बना कर तैयार कर लिया है ।

तो हमने यहाँ पर जितनी ब्लॅड पीस कर तैयार की थी केवल एक टेबल स्पून के करीब ब्रेड क्रम्स बच गया है ।

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So just incorporate all of our ingredients .

And I'm also going to add half a cup of warm water , ok ?

So now we're just going to mix everything together , right ?

So once all of our ingredients are incorporated , our dough is going to feel sticky .

So we're just going to remove it from the bowl and make sure that your counter space is clean .

And now we're just going to need for five minutes .

Alright .

So after five minutes , your dough should be all nice and soft and if it's still sticky , just put a little bit more flour .

Ok ?

So now we're just going to transfer it back into the bowl and I'm just going to rub my hands with some shortening and kind of pat it on the dough .

So like that it doesn't dry out .

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So now we're just going to cover it , make sure that it's completely covered and we're just going to allow it to rest .

Ok .

So once our meat is done cooking , we're carefully going to do a quick release .

Ok .

So now we're going to open it and we're going to remove our meat and our meat should be nice and tender and out to our , we're going to add our , just make sure that you clean them .

And because I want my to be spicy , I'm also going to add chile de , we're just going to let them soak for about five minutes and then we can make our sauce and meanwhile , we can shred our meat , ok ?

So I just shred your meat , right ?

So once we have our meat all nice and shredded , now we are ready to make our chile .

Alright .

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So now we're going to transfer our chili pots into a blender cup along with two cups of the broth and you can stream it if you want .

But I'm just going to use all of that .

Give it to a , we're also going to add three garlic cloves , whole cumin oregano and new Mexico chili powder .

So now we're just going to blend until we have a smooth sauce .

All right .

So once we have our sauce , now we are ready to put it together in case we're going to grab our pan , we're going to set it a medium heat and we're going to add three tablespoons of oil .

So we're just going to wait for the oil to heat up it .

The one how we're going to throw in three tablespoons of flour and just mix it because you're just going to thicken up the sauce .

Ok .

So now we're going to add our sauce strain if you need to , you just mix it as you're throwing it in .

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And I'm going to add a little bit more water to my blender cup and just continue mixing it .

So once our sauce is nice and smooth and we no longer have any clumps of flour , we're going to reduce the heat to low setting .

And at this point , you wanna try it for salt for me .

It's perfect .

So now we're going to add our meat .

OK ?

So just mix the meat with the sauce , OK ?

So just make sure that the meat is nice and covered with the sauce and now we're just going to add our leaves , we're going to cover it and let that cook for another five minutes .

OK ?

So after five minutes , our chili colorado is done .

So now just give it one last mix .


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