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2023-07-14 13:45:58

I Tried To Beat Stockfish With Only Pawns

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Yeah , let's not do that .

That's fine .

I can block that with this .

What ?

This is a perpetual .

No , no way .

Oh , because once he gets this pond , he's gonna come in and check me .

Uh , you gotta be kidding me .

You gotta be kidding me .

Wait a minute , wait a minute , wait a minute , wait a minute .

This is a fork .

You can't take the pawn .

How is this in draw ?

I'm confused .

So I'm just gonna move here and I don't know what stockfish is gonna do or even here and I'm gonna get a queen or get a queen , right ?

Stockfish .

You're crazy today .

I'm gonna try to beat stockfish with only pawns .

I'm gonna be playing with 32 ponds initially .

And if I lose , I will keep adding pawns until eventually I win .

How many do you think it's gonna take ?

Let's go ahead and get started .

I think I'm going to be aggressive .

Let's attack the king .

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Let's just go for it , let's go for it .

Ok .

Ok .

Stockfish , what are you gonna do about this ?

What are you gonna do about this ?

Ok .

Let's just , let's just keep going , trying to be aggressive .

Here .

All right , let's get my king involved .

I think my king is definitely a piece .

I should use .

Stockfish is just going back and forth .

That's a good sign .

I think that's a good sign .

Unless I'm already in .

Uh , let's see .

Should I ?

Well , let's do it .

We gotta , we gotta get to the kings somehow .

Gonna have to , gonna have to sacrifice some pawns for the cause here , let's keep going .

What's , hm , let's not do that just yet .

Let's , let's keep just doing this .

We'll take it slow .

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OK ?

OK .

Now I'm gonna have to , yeah , I'm gonna have to make a decision .

All right , let's keep bringing the king forward .

I'm gonna need the help .

Thank you very much .

Thank you very much .

Thank you very much .

Oh Stocker says it's 11 for black now .

That's not good .

All right .

That's unfortunate .

I think we got a little bit aggressive .

I think we got a little bit overly aggressive ma and four .

OK .

All right .

Stockfish .

Let's do a rematch .

I'm gonna add an extra pawn and see if that helps me at all .

All right .

I've added a pawn on a six and I'm going to try again .

Here we go .

And I'm actually gonna use that pawn and just attack right away over here on the queen side where I have that extra pawn .

That's fine .

Let's see if we can push that bishop all the way back .

OK .

Good .

Let's try to be a little more careful this time .

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Maybe I won't let the rook get involved and I do wanna use my king .

So let's start bringing my king over .

I think I need to use the king to help .

Definitely .

Ok , let's do this question is , should I use the king now or should I wait ?

Let's , let's actually get the pawns forward first , then we'll bring in the king .

All right , let's go .

Ok ?

We'll take this way .

Oh , we gotta be careful here .

Let's do this .

See now , maybe I just do like this and then I just start pushing or do I shift my focus to over here ?

Ok .

That looks good for me .

Yes , I think Stockfish might be in trouble this game .

I really do .

I'm just gonna keep pushing .

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It doesn't seem like Stockfish has a good plan right now .

So I'm just gonna keep pushing slowly but surely .

Ok , let's go ahead and do this and this .

Oh no , that was not good .

That was not good at all .

I think we had it .

I think we had it right up until I blundered that pond .

Yeah .

Now it's , now it's not easy , man .

Ok .

Let's keep trying .

Yeah , this is gonna happen .

That's unfortunate .

It's really unfortunate .

I gotta run now , I gotta try to run somehow ma and 888 .

Ok .

I think we had it .

I really think we had it .

All right .

Let's try it again .

I'm gonna add another pawn .

All right , here we go .

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I've got 34 total pawns this time and I'm gonna use the same strategy and just kind of attack on this side of the board where I have these extra pawns .

It seems to work pretty nice last time .

Yeah .

All right .

So , let's , let's be careful .

Let's just keep advancing .

That's fine .

Let's just keep advancing .

I don't really want to move this because I'll lose this pond .

So I guess we'll just leave that for right now .

Let's take this .

Let's go here .

Let's take that , I guess .

Ok .

All right .

It's looking good .

Just keep moving them forward slowly , but surely .

Let's put the king over here .

So it's safe .

Let's go f six .

Yeah .

See , stockfish doesn't know what to do .

This is good .

I'll just keep bringing my king up .

Let's see .

Let's see , like this is kind of a critical moment .

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Let's go ahead and push these and let's push maybe this one and this 10 , we're equal now .

Ok .

Ok .

This is good .

And , yeah , let's just keep pushing , keep pushing , keep pushing .

Let's get as many pawns forward as we can .

All right .

I think it's time .

I think it's time .

Let's , let's just try to break through now .

Let's try to break through .

Mhm .

We have this , I don't know if I wanna do that just yet or should I just take here first ?

This , maybe I just defend actually .

Yeah .

Because I can always take back this way .

Stock didn't like that .

Huh ?

Ok .

Hm .

All right .

What if we , yeah , let's just keep pushing .

Let's get this pawn up there .

Ok .

We have G four .

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Maybe I should start creating some threats that black has to defend against .

Ok .

Let's play G four fine .

Shut off the queen .

Let's defend .

Oh , man , I messed this up again .

Starfish is so tricky .

Stockfish meat in seven , right .

Let's add another pawn .

All right .

This looks a bit unfair because I'm basically guaranteeing myself that I can get a queen right away .

So I'm gonna actually move this pond over here .

I had actually just crashed my browser .

I had too many uh tabs open with different chest positions , I guess .

So let's go ahead and re add the ponds and we'll try it again .

I'm gonna put two here .

I'm gonna put one over here because it's really not fair if I can just get a queen that early .

So let's try from this position .

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All right , here we go .

I have a 20 point advantage according to the evaluation bar .

Let's not mess this one up here .

We go .

Let's go ahead and capture over here .

All right .

That was a good move .

Let's , I mean , I assume I'm supposed to just maybe attack on the king side or am I supposed to just trade some Ponza ?

Let's just trade some stuff off .

Yeah , we'll do that .

OK ?

And now , maybe we can start pushing forward .

Force black to sacrifice some pieces .

All right , good .

It's looking good .

Let's go here .

I guess we'll just push over here , push the bishop all the way back .

Great .

Keep gaining space .

Don't let him do anything .

22 point advantage .

Let's not mess it up .

Ok .

Sacrifice is there still have that 22 point advantage ?

Oh , I left all the pieces on the board .

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What an , no wonder I have a 22 point advantage .

I'm gonna leave that in the video .

I'm just gonna leave it in .

Let's go actually do the right position .

OK ?

We're back .

I've removed all the pieces that somehow I managed to not even see on that last game .

Uh And it's roughly equal 0.00 .

All right .

So this should be interesting .

Let's go ahead and get started .

All right .

Stockfish .

Let's take over here .

Let's take over here .

Let's take over here .

I mean , I like what I did last time .

I think I was just like pushing forward something like this like maybe like this .

Yeah , let's get a fork .

OK ?

To attack the queen .

Push forward .

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Let's defend .

It's captured this way .

Don't wanna let that work out .

OK .

Let's play this one .

Mm Let's push .

All right .

Let's keep pushing .

Keep pushing , keep pushing .

Oh Advantage is growing .

All right .

We've got him up against the ropes .

Let's not blunder it at the end .

Let's not blunder .

It at the end .

Ok .

What's happening ?

I don't see anything .

Oh , yeah .

Look at that evaluation bar changing .

Just look at that val bar changing .

This is how you beat Stockfish right here .

This is how you do it .

Slow and steady , slow and steady wins .

The race looks like Stockfish is confused .

I have a plan .

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I have a very clear plan .

I keep pushing my pawns and I'm going to come over here actually .

Wait a minute , wait a minute .

No , I'm gonna push right here .

I don't want to let those rooks into the game .

That's my , my strategy .

Don't let the rooks into the game and I think we're gonna be just fine .

Ok .

Now , maybe we have to , uh , let's see .

No , I don't , I'll just keep doing the same thing .

Don't panic .

Let's create some threats , create some queen threats .

Ok .

I don't really think I want to even take that because then the rook potentially can come in and I can get checkmated .

So let's go here and just trying to defend everything .

Yeah , it looks , it looks pretty good .

Ok .

Let's play B five .

I need some more pawns to now .

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Um , let's , oh , that was actually a bad move .

All right .

Hold on .

How do we , how do we do this ?

I don't wanna throw it .

I can go here here and here .

That looks pretty solid .

Let's do it .

Let's do it .

Ok ?

He's gonna start sacrificing fine .

Oh , No , I was thinking this was the only move .

All right .

Hold on .

Maybe it's not lost yet .

Let's go here .

Let's go here .

Oh , the queen's coming in .

It's gonna be a draw , isn't it ?

It's gonna be a draw .

Somehow .

I messed that up .

He's just gonna keep checking me forever , man .

And actually he might not even , might even try to win if I'm not careful here .

Ok ?

Let's go here .

I think I can come up here .

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Oh no , let's add another pawn .

And here we go 36 pawns against Stockfish .

It says I have an advantage as long as I don't get checkmated .

Like I seem to keep doing , we should be fine .

Let's go ahead and just go for the king .

Let's just , I mean , we're just gonna go straight for the king this game right at the king .

Just go for him .

Let's just attack , just attack the king as I make a bunch of moves over there .

All right , let's go back over here .

See , the problem is I can't move that .

I feel like I already messed this up .

I'm gonna restart .

This was a bad choice .

I'm gonna restart , reset the position .

Ok .

Let's , let's not do that .

Let's just trade off all these ponds so that I don't , I have to worry about that .

Ok , great .

We have an advantage .

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Let's play H six so that this rook doesn't get in the game and let's play a six So both rooks are stuck .

Ok ?

Now , I'm gonna take it slow .

I'm gonna take it slow and I'm just gonna gradually push these forward one at a time , one at a time , one at a time , one at a time .

Ok .

Great .

Let's push this one and just keep pushing .

We'll just keep pushing .

Perfect .

Bring the king up .

That's fine .

That's fine .

That's fine .

We'll just keep pushing .

Don't want to let the pieces in .

Ok .

Great .

I'm just gonna keep pushing .

Great .

Let's do another row .

Great .

Let's use the king to help .

All right .

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So this is all stockfish is doing , which is fine .

I don't really care about that .

I'm gonna push this one .

Ok ?

I'm running out of ponds in the middle , but I think we have enough .

Let's go here .

Oh , let's see .

I don't want to let the night sacrifice .

Really ?

Um , let's go here .

Perfect .

Nice .

Nice .

That was really good .

All right .

Here .

Here here , careful .

This is the part where I always seem to mess it up .

Let's go .

G six .

Just keep pushing , keep pushing , keep pushing , keep pushing .

Oh , yeah .

OK .

Here we go .

Here we go .

I mean , I don't even have to take it .

I don't even have to take it right now .

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I could just now let's , let's take it , actually , let's take it .

Um , and now I'll go here and here .

Ok , he's gonna try to come in for this perpetual check .

Do I want to allow that .

This is a critical moment .

Do I want to allow this ?

It's probably a bad idea .

I probably don't need to .

Right .

Because I can push this and just get it this way .

Yeah .

Let's not do that .

That's fine .

I can block that with this .

What ?

This is a perpetual , no , no way .

Oh , because once he gets this pawn he's gonna come in and check me .

Oh , you gotta be kidding me .

You gotta be kidding me .

Wait a minute , wait a minute , wait a minute , wait a minute .

This is a fork .

You can't take the pawn .

How is this ?

A draw ?

I'm confused .

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So I'm just gonna move here and I don't know what stockfish is gonna do or even here and I'm gonna get a queen or get a queen , right ?

Stockfish .

You're crazy .

Oh , it's just , I should know better than call stockfish crazy .

It's a stalemate trap takes E three is a blunder .

It's telling me it's a blender anywhere I moved .

They were just gonna keep checking me .

Like if I move here , you're just gonna , yeah , you're just gonna take everything and check me all the time .

Oh , or check bait me if I don't take it .

Oh , my goodness .

Still meat .

I wasn't thinking about stale meat .

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You gotta be kidding me .

All right , here we go .

I've added 37 ponds and apparently I have Maten four .

So I'm gonna see if I can find the ma and four .

Let's see .

I guess it's like you take and you push and you push .

Yeah , you probably take and you push over here and then you get check mate .

So , let's see .

Takes check .

I don't know if it matters and then , yeah .

Ok .

So 37 ponds and I can win for sure .

Although I'm pretty sure with 36 I can win if I just avoid the stalemate tricks , which I was not thinking about .

All right , let me know which pieces you want me to use to beat stockfish .

Next .

Take care .


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