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2023-07-14 14:30:52

Busting the 20 Worst BAKING MYTHS!

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Hey guys , welcome back to my channel .

Today .

We are gonna be busting baking myths .

I made a video just a little bit ago .

We did busting food myths and there was a cake recipe for a mug cake in there .

That was just so terrible .

I thought what other baking myths are out there floating around because we've got to find them and we've got to bust them .

We gotta see if these are true or these are lies .

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So we are going to try this .

I've got a baking sheet right over here .

Put these little marshmallows on top .

Apparently you can do this with a cupcake that is slightly under baked or right about to finish bacon .

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You don't want a fully finished cupcake heat your oven to 3 50 we're gonna bake for about 6 to 7 minutes until we see the tops of these turn golden brown .

Let's see if it works .

All right , they're hot , fresh out the oven .

I'm just gonna pat them down like it says to do .

I think this is pretty neat .

Let's test it .

I'm gonna open this , take a little bite .

Ok .

This is great .

I'm gonna say that this myth is absolutely true .

I actually think it's a great idea if you make cupcakes and you don't have any icing in your house and you're like , what do I substitute it with ?

If you have some marshmallows .

This is really creative .

And if you made us some Morris themed cupcake .

Oh my gosh with Graham Cracker and the chocolate .

This is so cute and really fun .

This myth is true .

Baking myth that adding soda to a box cake mix makes a more moist and more flavorful cake .

We're gonna test it .

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These are the ones that were suggested online for this flavor combination .

We're doing a lemon cake with Sprite over here .

We're gonna be testing another one .

We are doing a chocolate cake with root beer .

You're gonna add 12 ounces of soda to one box cake mix .

We are not gonna be adding the one cup of water or the half a cup of vegetable oil or the three eggs .

Just the dry ingredients and just the soda .

Here we go .

Just the dry ingredients .

We're gonna be adding our Sprite and we're gonna mix this up , pouring the batter into a greased and line nine inch pan scoop , scoop scoop .

It smells good .

It looks like cake batter .

This cake is ready .

Now , I'm gonna get this cake ready and pop them both in the oven .

We're gonna bake both of them at 3 50 for 30 minutes .

Both cakes have baked .

I gave them plenty of time to cool .

And what I'm noticing right away is they have both sunken the lemon more than the chocolate , but they're both sunken in the middle .

They smell amazing .

So I'm gonna take a little bite of each of them .

It's so spongy .

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Taste wise , the cake is great .

It tastes more lemony and I love that even smells delicious .

But the texture when you bite into it is just too dense and too moist .

Now let's taste the chocolate cake .

Oh The cut is just so sticky .

I mean , you can't even really get a good cut here .

It's just really goopy .

I can't say for certain , but it looks like it's the same thing .

It's a very moist chocolate cake .

Again , taste is great .

Love the taste .

The texture is terrible .

This myth said it would give you increased flavor and moisture and boy did it .

This myth is true .

There are great ways out there to spruce up a box cake mix .

This is not one of them baking myth .

You can turn any box cake mix into cookie dough by adding half a cup of oil and two eggs .

Today , we're gonna test this with multiple box cakes .

Ok ?

Not just one .

We're doing two over here .

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All you gotta do , ignore the directions on the back .

We're not gonna be adding the water .

We're not gonna be doing their thing .

Not the three eggs , none of that .

So you just use the box cake , dry ingredients and add half a cup of oil and two full eggs .

So the first cookie we're attempting to make is a vanilla cookie just like I think it like hopefully sugar cookie .

Let's mix this up right and scrap down the sides .

Ok .

There we go .

That's starting to look like a cookie dough .

It is a bit greasy .

Since we have made a vanilla dough .

I wanted to add some chocolate chips .

So this was not a part of it .

This is just for fun for me .

I'm trying to basically recreate a chocolate chip cookie .

We'll see if this works .

I'm just gonna fold these in .

Whoa .

This is sticky .

This is a dense dough .

Oh , wow .

OK .

I'm kind of surprised I've never done this in my life .

Feels like a cookie dough .

All right .

That's looking good .

And then over here on a baking sheet , I've got a little scooper .

Since these are really sticky .

I didn't know what to expect .

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I'm just gonna scoop the little cookie doughs like this because this is a very sticky dense cookie dough .

So I'm gonna bake these in the oven at 350 degrees for about 7 to 10 minutes .

And I'm also gonna be making the lemon cookie dough .

And for this one again , we're just adding the half a cup of oil and the two eggs .

Both the cookie recipes baked .

I gave them a little bit of time to cool and they look amazing .

I'm shocked they did spread a lot .

The lemon ones look like a crinkle cookie .

You guys , and they're perfectly browned , like lightly browned on the bottom and then no browning on the top .

Now I'm gonna taste it .

I'm shocked these are delicious .

You guys , the texture is good .

The size is good .

These baked perfectly to make this the most amazing chocolate chip cookie .

We need like brown sugar and all these extra things .

But I wanna see if we're even in the ballpark over here .

So here we made the vanilla cake mix and added chocolate chip and look at the back .

Just golden .

Wow .

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It's more like a vanilla sugar cookie that I've just thrown chocolate into .

This myth was true .

It's amazing .

Now , I haven't tested every box cake in the world but it worked for this one .

We're gonna be testing two baking myths .

That's right .

The myth is you can add jello to your butter cream icing to flavor it and color it .

The other myth is that you can add Kool Aid to your butter cream icing to color it and flavor it .

I love Jell O and I love Kool Aid .

So I'm hoping that they both work and this is gonna give me a quick little baking hack that I can use .

All right .

So let's start over here .

Let's do strawberry .

Now , the myth online doesn't have any measurements , but this is too much .

This is a lot of dry .

So I'm just gonna do a third cup .

I think that that's much more manageable and I'm just gonna take a little mixer , start on a low speed so it doesn't fly everywhere .

Oh Wow .

Look at that .

Ok .

We're getting some good color .

All right .

That's looking good .

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We've got some bright pink color .

It smells good .

It smells just like strawberry .

So I'm gonna do a little taste here .

Oh , I like the strawberry flavor .

I hate the texture .

It feels like I've just mixed sand into my butter cream icing .

I've never had a gritty icing and I don't like it .

It's just , it's gross .

It does not make me want to eat more .

This myth is busted .

Now , let's try Kool Aid .

Now , Kool doesn't have gelatin .

So I think we might be off to a better start .

These are much smaller sizes and quantities .

So I'm just using the whole bag .

This flavor is also strawberry so I got something to compare it to .

It looks darker .

Oh As I'm mixing .

It's getting lighter .

Oh , that's great .

Ok .

Oh , it smells so good .

Now , let's test the Kool Aid one .

Oh my gosh .

It's amazing .

You guys , this is not grainy .

There's no weird texture .

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It's just as smooth as simple butter cream but so much color and so much flavor .

This is amazing .

I wanna make cupcakes and put every flavor on top .

So I'm gonna do that .

Now .

I went a little crazy .

I made the icings and every flavor that I had in the house .

So this one was a strawberry one that we had .

I made lemon lime .

I made blue raspberry and cherry .

Let's try this .

It's delicious .

There's so much flavor .

It's enough to flavor the whole cupcake .

You could literally use half a packet .

I want to use the blue one too .

Oh My gosh .

Mm .

And if you do use the whole pack and you add it to your butter cream , it's more like fresh tart .

This baking myth is true .

It is ro approved .

Don't use Jell O I'm begging you .

The texture is terrible baking myth .

You can bake cookies in a muffin tray and the results are supposed to be fluffier softer and your cookies won't spread into each other .

The cookie dough that I'm using is the same cookie dough .

This is just from the store .

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It's premade chocolate chip cookie dough and I'm even going to be using the same measurement .

We're gonna be using a tablespoon and a half for the cookies in the tray and on the sheet .

Let's get into this science .

My science teacher in high school would be proud .

Ok .

So we scoop them in there .

Then with the back of the spoon press down .

There we go .

Once I'm done scooping all these cookies .

I'm gonna heat my oven to 350 degrees and bake for 15 minutes and we will compare both of our cookies have baked .

I give them plenty of time to cool .

These are the cookies that we made in the muffin tin and then these are just the regular cookies .

So let's compare none of them spread into each other .

These ones definitely didn't .

They're definitely taller .

It was a condensed space and they couldn't spread outwards .

So they had to go somewhere .

They went up , they have a little dip at the top and these ones just look like a regular , nice flat .

Oh , look at those golden brown edges .

Now we're gonna compare .

Is it softer and fluffier ?

Oh my God program .

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Classic chocolate chip cookie .

This can be hard to beat .

Let's try it .

I actually prefer just the original traditional cookie .

I like the texture and everything a lot more .

This myth is busted .

Technically , you can make cookies this way , but they're not softer or fluffier .

The only benefit to making cookies this way in a muffin tin is that you can fit 12 of them in that muffin tin and on a baking sheet , you can only fit six because they do spread .

I would say just make two batches because it's worth it .

These are delicious .

The next myth is if you don't have a muffin tin , you can bake your muffins in mason jar lids , just stick your muffin right in there .

We did it , we tested it , it worked .

So if you've got a lot of mason jars lying around the house , you can use the little lids as a little muffin tin .

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The only note is that the muffins don't turn out as big because when they're in these , the muffin is going straight up and down , it's holding it very straight is a normal muffin tin is tilted a little bit of a diagonal tilt and you can see right here the difference straight up and down and open .

I'm a girl who loves the muffin top .

I feel like the muffin top is the best part of the muffin .

So this way does work , but you're getting less muffin top , you're also getting a little less muffin because of the angle like .

So this one actually holds a little bit more volume science .

This recipe was for 12 muffins and because we use a little less batter , we had extra batter left over .

So with this one , you can make 1/13 muffin just so , you know , they're gonna have a smaller muffin top , but it does work .

So this myth is true .

It would definitely work in a pinch baking myth .

An easier way to separate egg yolk from egg white is to use a water bottle .

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Now , I have actually done this but I don't remember if it worked or not .

Let's try it again .

What they do is they squeeze some air out , they put it right on top and then oop , it works .

OK .

I don't remember it working that well , but it worked great .

This works great .

Oh , no , it broke in my little science experiment .

I have had a 50% success rate when it did work .

It worked really well .

I guess I put a little bit too much pressure or I , I just touched it in the wrong way .

This can work but it's not foolproof .

I'm the fool .

Ok .

I've had better luck doing the jiggle method .

You crack your egg open , you jiggle the yolk back and forth .

You let the egg whites drip into your bowl .

You put a little yolk somewhere else .

But this can work .

Baking myth .

It is easier to dip your finger in a little bit of water or use an egg shell to retrieve broken egg shells out of your eggs .

So this is two myths in one .

We're gonna be testing , seeing which one we like more .

This is something I do a lot .

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As a baker , I have dropped many eggs shells into my batter .

Accidents happen .

But I've never used this technique before .

So I'm dipping my finger and some water and you just go in .

All right .

I was able to get the shell .

Now you use the shell to get it out .

Oh , that also worked .

It kind of surface tension stuck to the shell itself .

Both of these methods worked .

However , using the egg shell , my finger didn't get dirty .

So I kind of like using the actual egg as a tool .

Both myths are true .

They help but I don't know which one is easier .

I'd say that they're both kind of similar baking spraying a measuring spoon with a little bit of pam before you measure sticky ingredients .

Like honey makes it come out of the measuring spoon easily .

And I can tell you from experience measuring honey can be really tricky .

It is very sticky and goopy .

So is molasses , but I've never tried pam .

So we're gonna try one with pam .

One without , first , I'm gonna start measuring without got a little bit of honey .

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Measure a tablespoon .

All right .

Here we go .

321 go .

Honey is just so pretty .

As you can see , there's a lot of honey still in there and usually I just use a small spatula .

Get in there .

Get out .

Ok .

Now we're gonna be using same measurement with a little bit of pan .

Ok .

All right .

Let's fill it up .

Start the clock where you said when did you go ?

Oh , ok .

Oh my gosh .

It's working one little drop .

There's almost no honey left instantly .

Look how fat OK .

This is not a baking myth .

It is the truth .

If you coat your measuring spoon with an oil before measuring sticky things like honey , they come out a lot easier baking myth .

Adding mayonnaise to a box cake mix instead of using the oil makes it even better .

I don't know about this , but we're gonna find out many of you watching May think that this idea seems really weird .

Mayonnaise and a cake mix .

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But mayonnaise is basically just eggs and oil , which are the ingredients that you add eggs , oil and water to a box cake mix .

Scientifically .

This isn't that odd .

So in front of me , I made two chocolate cakes using the box cake mix and this one , I used regular vegetable oil which the recipe calls for .

And in this recipe , I've replaced the oil with a double measurement of mayonnaise .

Let's taste them and find out .

Can we even taste the difference ?

I'm really curious to see because I'm not sure if we'd be able to .

So first I'm gonna try the plain chocolate cake .

Let's see here .

Hm .

Ok .

Now let's try the mayonnaise one .

They taste about the same .

I don't know that I could pick them out in the lineup , but I will say that the texture is a little bit more moist .

So for this food myth , does mayonnaise make the cake better ?

It does if you'd like a little bit more moisture .

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I wish they would rewrite this myth and say that adding mayonnaise to a box cake mix , creates more moisture .

Baking myth .

Baking brownies in a slightly different way .

Makes your brownie fudgy .

We're putting it to the test .

I use the same brownie recipe for each of these .

The myth is if you bake your brownies for 15 minutes and then you take them out of the oven for 15 minutes , give them a break and then put them back in the oven to bake that they're gonna be fudge .

So we tested it .

This one over here was baked regularly and this one was baked with a 15 minute break and then popped back into have it .

Now at first glance , both pieces of brownie and in the pan look really similar , they look like they have a fudgy bottom , a flaky crust on the top .

Both of them look really , really similar .

So I'm not seeing any big physical differences between the two .

We're gonna taste them and look for that fudgy texture .

Let's see .

These already feel pretty fudgy .

OK .

So here's the regular one .

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Mm oh My gosh .

Brownies are amazing .

Fun fact about brownies you can substitute the butter for avocado .

That's right .

Mashed avocado because it has so many delicious fats just like butter .

Now we're gonna test the myth recipe .

This one got a 15 minute nap , a 15 minute break in between bacon .

See if there's a difference here .

Oh My gosh .

Is there a slight difference ?

This one is actually fudge .

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that this matters because the texture is a little denser .

It does feel fudge .

This is already a fudgy brownie recipe .

So I actually prefer the regular bake .

But if you love extra fudgy brownies or you want to turn a brownie recipe into a fudge brownie recipe .

I would actually try this trick .

I would say that this food myth is true baking myth .

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If you don't have a bunt pan at home , but you wanna make a bunt cake , you can take a can filled with uncooked beans or rice and place it in the middle of a regular baking pan and make a bunt cake .

So that's what I've done over here .

I have a grease pan in front of me and the can is greased as well .

And then inside , I have a bunch of unbaked beans .

I like to use pinto beans , but you can use whatever you have in your kitchen .

And then we've got our cake batter over here .

I'm gonna pour it in and we're gonna bake this and see if we get a nice fluted center and we can make a homemade Bunt cake without a pan .

This is a really neat idea .

I love when people get creative .

This is looking good who now I'm gonna pop this in the oven to bake and we'll see if it worked .

The cake baked .

I gave it plenty of time to cool .

I took the can out .

It came out really easy and it worked better than expected .

I guess this food myth is true .

You can make a little Diy Bunt cake at home .

No bunt pan needed baking myth .

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You can use cookie cutters to make an easy Sprinkle design on your cake .

I've seen lots of pictures of this , but I've never done it myself .

So I've got different numbers here and little shapes .

I've got a little heart .

So we're going to start with that one .

So you just place it into the cake and then you take some sprinkles , fill it .

I'm gonna lift these all at once and the trick was not to fill it too high .

So I'm doing these pre shallow , got the heart and I'm gonna do some numbers .

We're going to do a nine .

It's a cool rounded shape and I'm going to do a 5 95 .

Get this work gonna be so excited .

I'm pressing them down too to make sure they're sticking into the cake into the icing .

Here we go .

We're gonna lift them and see what happens .

It kind of works , but it takes a little bit of cleanup .

It's not as clean as I was hoping it's really easy to overfill .

I was being really careful trying not to overfill and I still managed to do it .

So it just spilled over on the side .

I'll do a three on the side .

Let's try to under fill .

I'll use a lot less this time .

Let's try this .

Here we go .

Lift it .

Still kind of got a little messy .

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I would say this myth is mostly busted .

You might be able to do it with a really thin fine sanding sugar like different colored ones .

If one lands on top of another and then you lift it , it's gonna shift .

I wouldn't personally be using this technique to decorate a friend's birthday cake baking myth .

You can use dental floss to level your cakes and to cut pastries like cinnamon rolls .

Now , in both cases , these are two myths .

The floss is supposed to be easier than just using a knife or a cake leveler .

So we shall see if that's true .

One of the steps is to put toothpicks around the area that you want to level and then take your dental floss .

You can put it on the top or the bottom .

I like to put it on the bottom so that it doesn't rise too high , twist in half and then you're just supposed to pull , adding the toothpicks going all the way around , making sure they were kind of in the same spot .

Took forever and I'm just pulling all the way through poop .

That is a little fun .

All right .

Let me take this up .

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Oh , it did level the cake not perfectly .

And now I got to take all these toothpicks out of here .

So people don't eat them .

Look at how rough this cut is .

It's just not perfectly even .

I'm not impressed by it .

My advice , get a $3 cake leveler or a sharp cutting knife .

And for me , I've got a cinnamon roll , crescent roll .

We're gonna use the floss .

I'm gonna stick it under underneath and cut .

OK , I love this .

I think this is really awesome because sometimes when you're cutting cinnamon rolls , it can squish the dough down and deform that beautiful circle , you'll get a flat side .

And the reason I like this is it doesn't do that .

It's a little trickier to get them all the same size .

But with a little practice , it's pretty easy .

Look at that perfect , beautiful little roll and the perfect shape and size .

We love them .

I love it for cutting cinnamon rolls .

I don't like it for leveling cakes .

All right .

That is it for busting baking miss .

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Every time I post a new video , I have to say that I think my favorite one today was that I learned that you could use box cake mix to make cookies and make cookie dough .

I also thought it was cool that you could color and flavor icing with Kool Aid .

There was a lot of flavor .

Holy guacamole .

I really hope you guys enjoyed this video .

It was so much fun to make .

Let me know in the comments down below if you have any other ideas for any other videos that you'd like to see ?

And are there any other food myths that I should bust ?

Let me know .

All right , thanks again for watching you guys .

Bye bye .

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