Hi , I'm Russell .
Welcome to video jug .
I'm gonna show you today how to play the chord of E seven .
So let's just recap .
First of all , remembering the names of the strings , we're gonna be playing an E seven .
The guitar is tuned in E .
So remember bottom string , E ad GB , top E OK , let's get back to the chord of E first .
So remember the first finger came in here to the first threat on the G string , second finger up here on the A string , second fret and the third finger here on the D string and the uh second fret also .
So this is an e the good thing about E is the guitar , as I said earlier is already tuned in E so we can play every single string , all six of them .
Now to play the seven .
Very easy .
Just pull off the third finger .
Listen to the difference .
E listen to the blue note .
Yeah .
Are you here ?
So let's just hear it in context .
I'm gonna play a small rhythm just to normal A A seven again , E seven .
Now there's another way to accentuate the seven .
I'm playing it at the moment here by lifting off the third finger and the D strings playing that seven .
Listen out for it .
But we can also play it an octave higher .
We're gonna play it with a little finger .
The mini up here on the B string on the next fret down .
So it'll be on the third fret .
OK .
So here the difference E to E seven one more time .
So we got in , he's seven .
Then let's build that into a progression .
It's the most classic of all E to A but we're gonna go ee seven A A seven .
Let's just recap on those E third finger off .
E 74 little finger on a banana splits a seven and then we get the pulse in your head .
Play along with me if you can , we've got 123 and E little finger E seven .
Now we're gonna go to the A , a seven middle finger off and I'm gonna shut my mouth and you can hear it .
So , so keep practicing and have fun .
I'll see you next time .