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2023-07-15 10:27:34

How to Draw a Tyrannosaurus Rex _ Step By Step

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Everybody .

Welcome back to another drawing tutorials today .

We're going to be drawing a tyrannosaurus rex .

So it's his head right , close up on his head and we're going to start with the eye as usual .

So the eye is kind of up near the top half of my page , right ?

So center going to hear the eye up right near the top , leave a bit of a gap for his eyebrow , right ?

And we're just going to start with his beady little eye .

So it's kind of a lemon shape .

So we carve it up so like that and then curve around for the tear duct and back around to the other side .

OK .

So kind of like a lemon kind of diagonal and then his pupil just here , no Irish or anything , just a pupil makes it look kind of creepy , I guess .

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So then around that .

So we got like some lines right ?

So we got like curve lying around for like a top eyelid just there like that .

And then some more like underneath here kind of bags underneath the eye and then some lines like coming across the top here as well .

Think so .

OK .

So then we have like an eyebrow of both that , right .

So we got like , like a big what we can see here .

So we're gonna go and it can be like a bumping line .

It's got like , you know , raised bumps and stuff on it and it kind of comes down the front of his face here like that .

Ok , then we can have another sort of eyelid line or something inside here .

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It's like a bag around his eye or something you see sorts of lines like .

So , so then this eyelid , right ?

So this sort of eyebrow eyelid ish area , right ?

So we got like more raised bumps and things , right ?

So , coming up around here and let me breathe down these again , this is gonna run down towards his nostril .

Ok .

Like so and then in here we can have scales and things , this kind of stuff .

Yeah .

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So like lizard , I lizard , like bumps and scales , ok ?

And then maybe like just like a line coming down from there , like maybe some sort of scale is coming down like that and then like just a a lion coming down for his cheekbone just here and like various sort of sections for scales and things like that , right ?

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So now the big snack right comes out from here , it comes out from the top of his brown is sort of in line with the top of his eyelid here starts to cover out this way and it can be a bumpy line , right .

It can be sort of bumpy and wrinkly .

It was all the way out really big , right ?

Like this and then it's got a curve around here for his top lip .

Ok .

So in the top lip line , so it'll go say , like , like join this , right ?

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So we'll go around again and it can be a bumpy kind of line doesn't have to be straight , you know , because it's like it's all scaly and stuff and there's like lines of scales all on this as well .

This current down .

So like it's like a tooth or something that's like sticking out here .

It's kind of pointy sticks out there , just kind of underneath the back of his eye .

I think so .

So then we keep going for the back of the jaw .

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Bruins back this way and then it starts to curve up .

So we're going to curve it back and meet the back of his head , right ?

So we got like more bumps and fins and things .

So like bumps in like , so it's a very particular type of shape kind of reminds me of a shoe or something and then move on oh into here and then bump it around into there .

So now we got like loads of scales and things all inside .

So and scars , this T rex has like scars on his face .

Ok .

He's been through battles .

So the nostril is just here at the front it would be worth drawing that and help make things make sense .

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So it's just like a skinny oval just here at the front like that .

And then on the nose , we have this sort of circular oval like area .

So like under here .

So like it can be sort of a broken sort of line coming around here .

Right .

It's kind of a patch on his nose or something , the bus and then more scales sort of coming down his nose here sort of joins the front of this section like that kind of thing .

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And right , and then there's all scales coming along here .

So , like you're just sort of adding this sort of stuff coming down , right .

So these sort of circles and lots of this kind of stuff .

So you can kind of make this up as you go .

It doesn't have to be exactly like mine .

Some of them can be smaller than others .

Some of them can be bigger , just these sort of bumps and letter ends kind of thing .

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And I'm going to put a scarf here actually and just leave a gap and then like , scar our lines or , and maybe another one here , wine here , we make him real scared all the T rex and keep going these bumps coming along .

So , and we'll go up the back .

Do , do , do , do , he's , he's also got like um , a circular oval like area in here as well .

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So it's kind of like , like this kind of thing , except it's on like the side of his head just in here .

So again , it can be a broken line .

It doesn't have to be like major and then you can add more sort of bumps and lines and things you can do as much of this stuff .

Now as you want , like , as much of these scale lines , you can do as much of this .

You don't have to do a lot , you know , lines coming up from his mouth .

This is like all the detailed stuff , right ?

We can come back to that and we can just finish the rest of the , get the major shape for his head , right ?

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We can just see another bump for his eyebrow just back here around the other side of his head , you at least can have some scales and stuff on it coming around here just back there .

OK ?

So then his other jaw , right ?

So we got the the top jaw done .

So we go down for the back of his jar , right ?

Kind of comes out this way and it's going to come underneath real big like crazy bake , ok ?

So his mouth is open now , right ?

So it's not going like up to there , it's like down , right ?

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So real big line and this is gonna go , won't ping down this way , go to here there and then the inside of that jaw , then a shadow or something here and we're gonna go this way .

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So look at this and then , then we'll go down underneath his teeth on to there and then we got like this skin flap just inside here that could have like a couple of like phone lines or something on it .

Think so .

And then like a jawline to say there and again , as much sort of dragging skin as you wanna do , but I can come back to that anyway , we'll let his teeth and tongue and stuff like that .

So let's go for teeth .

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So the exact sort of lines , big ones , little ones coming down here .

Again , there's no real technique to , to this part .

You're just having big teeth , small teeth curving , kind of like shark fins coming out of his mouth , like so nice .

So we can see his tongue just in here , right , comes down behind these teeth down this way , down the front , down into here somewhere and then we got teeth in behind , sticking up and out .

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So on the other side of his mouth , you know , not gonna to like .

So and then we have his sort of gum line on the other side of his mouth .

So it comes down , you know , kind of the opposite side of his mouth that we can see over the other side like that .

And then the skin flap on that side curves up and out to there , there might be like another line just in there .

And if you want , you can put like a shadow in this site .

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So that kind of thing , just a shadow with some hatching lines or something just in there .

Um And then t on top .

OK .

Thank you .

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So , some teeth in behind others , you know , because we can see like some teeth on the other side of his mouth as well sticking down here that so lots of big nerdy teeth .

So maybe one more just there and then we'll do these ridges and bumps on the jaw , those sort of texture lines and bumps and things .

So , yeah .

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Yeah .

So as much of that as you want to do , feel free to do more , of course , I do some like texture lines on his teeth , right .

So neck , so big neck , right .

So comes out just underneath his jaw like here .

Yeah .

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So like out here , so a big hanging down sort of like neck down here and then the top of his neck comes out the top of his head .

So it comes out like right up here , like so and down the way did that .

Mhm And then we can see a kind of a ridge on his back .

So like , you know , like his spine sort of area here .

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So it comes down coming down to there and then we've lots of like veins and skin lines and things .

So like a wavy sort of bumping line like this , like three of them .

So , and they're kind of a thicker sort of line .

You got a bit of a shadow on them like that and add like another one here .

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Keep it at kind of a , a thicker line , just adding a shadow to it , just kind of doubling it up , making it look just a bit thicker than the other lines like that .

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And then you may have like some more sort of skin and texture lines underneath his neck , this kind of stuff and then some more sort of wrinkles and things going up his neck here , you know , like this kind of like tree branches like so like stuff like that down here too , but not as much it seems just keep these texture lines going as much as you want and then like some lines just for his spine just kind of up here .

Mm .

So we could see like the starts of a shoulder line or something just here .

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Um Some more like lines for like skin just on here like that .

And if you want , you can thicken up some of the lines for the outside of his head to give it a sort of a shadow , give them more scars if you want .

Yeah .

But OK , I think I'll leave it there .

That is the best I can do .

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Um You can keep going for hours at stuff like this , but I will stop soon .

OK , I'll stop .

Um No , I won't .

Yeah .

OK .

So stop drawing .

OK .

There you go to draw Trex .

Hope for guys .

Thanks for watching .

See you in the next one .


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