Hi , everyone .
Welcome to soup up recipes .
I'm Mandy .
Today , I'm going to show you how to make rice cake in two methods .
One that you can make from the rice flour that comes in the package .
If you don't have access to buy this , you can choose the second method that you can make it from the rice .
Both ways are super easy .
Anyone in the world can do it .
Let's get started .
Although rice cake is popular all over China , the texture varies from province to province .
The rate ratio between the rice and the gluten rice determines the texture .
Some places use 100% rice .
So the texture is a bit firm bouncy and very slippery .
This is more for like savory kinds of recipe .
Some places will use or glutens rice .
So the cake will come out gooey , sticky and stretchy is more for dessert .
However , most places like to do a mix of both , which is what we are making today .
So here's my ratio , 100 g of gluten rice flour and 300 g of rice flour .
You can play around the ratio to find the best texture that you prefer .
Pour in 300 g of room temperature water , stir it at the same time , go in with your hand to form it into a dough .
Divide it into six parts , just go with your eyes .
Don't need to use a scale flatten them .
So they are not too thick place , a wet cheese cloth in the steamer to prevent sticking .
You can also use parchment papers .
It doesn't matter if they touch each other place .
The steamer above a pot that is filled with water , turn the heat too high .
When you see some steam coming out , switch the heat to medium and count the time for 20 minutes while waiting .
I'm going to show you the second method in which you can make it from rice .
So it's the same ratio , 100 g of gluten rice and 300 g of jasmine rice .
Just rinse them roughly to remove the dust .
No need to rub and rinse the grains until the water becomes clear , soak them overnight .
I've got here a batch that I made yesterday .
We're gonna start from here .
Let me show you how it should be .
Try to crush the grain with your fingers .
If it breaks easily like that , you are good to go drain the rice .
I'm using a cheese cloth , but you can use a strainer , transfer it into a blender .
Add just enough water to blend onto smooth .
I used about three quarter cup .
If you use a lot of water that is fine too .
It will just take a lot more effort to squeeze the water out , pour the rice puree into a fine cheese cloth .
For this method , I can't give you an exact water ratio .
You have to do your best to squeeze .
It will take some time and quite a lot of force when you feel like you cannot get any more water out and the whole dough is solid , you're good to go .
Next step is the same as if you were using the rice flour , divide it into six big chunks frighten them and place them into a steamer .
By now , the first batch should be done steaming , take it off the stove and put the second batch on the water is already boiling .
So just continue to steam for 25 minutes .
Let it cool with the lid covered until lukewarm oil , your cutting board to prevent it sticking .
Next step is to manipulate the dough .
You want to do this while it is still warm .
If it gets cold , it becomes really difficult to work with , you can pound it or need it to develop the texture .
The more you work with the dough , the cooler it will be .
If this is the first time you are making this , you should take a small bite before and after you feel a big difference in texture , it gets kind of messy and it does take a lot of labor .
If you have a kitchenaid , that will be the best .
Although you have to use the spatula to help to scrape down the site .
But still it is a life saver for my arthritis wrist .
You will know it is done when the dough becomes soft and smooth .
There's no lumps anymore .
Divided into eight even pieces .
Roll it into long thin locks .
If your rice cake is sticky , you can apply a little more oil on the surface .
Mine are pretty good .
So I am not going to brush any cut them into long cylinders .
Freshly made rice cake is very delicious .
Simply dip it in sugar , honey or sweetened condensed milk .
Yum , nice and chewy but not too sticky for the other batch that I made from the rice grains .
I rolled it into two feather logs .
They're still quite soft at this moment .
If you cut them right now , they will stick to your knife really bad .
You have to put them in a sealed container and chill in the fridge overnight .
This is the batch that I made yesterday .
As you can see , it's really tough and fair now slice it diagonally into a quarter of an inch thick pieces .
It looks very hard right now .
Don't worry , once cooked , it'll be soft and gooey .
Again .
This is the shape that I like to use for savory recipes such as stir fried rice cake , which I will share it in the future .
Rice cake can stay good in the fridge for one week and one month in the freezer .
If you freeze it for too long , it is still edible , but it will start cracking .
This is a very basic recipe .
There's no salt or sugar .
So it is suitable for almost any recipe that ask for rice cake .
I hope you enjoyed this video .
Don't forget to hit the like button and share the recipe with your friends or family that really encouraged me to continue to make more delicious recipes .
Thank you for watching and I'll see you next time .
Bye .