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2023-07-15 10:28:41

How To Draw A Wolf _ Step by Step

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Hey guys , how's it going ?

So today , I thought I'd draw a wolf's head .

So , what I want you to do is find the middle of your page .

Now , wolf's heads are usually symmetrical when you're looking at them straight on .

So what might help you is if you draw a line right down the middle ear to page to keep both sides even , but it's not essential , you could just follow along with the instructions this way .

So you find the middle of your page and we're going to come down about a third and we're going to draw in the fur that's in between his ears .

So you're just gonna do sort of jaggedy lines across just like that .

Now , of course , if you want to , you can do it with a pencil and change things with an eraser .

If you'd like , I'm going to do it in marker because it shows up better on the camera .

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So , so you have that right in the middle and that's the gap in between his ears and then we're going to keep going on this side .

So we're going to add some more lines up furry sort of lines and then this comes up just like that , bring that down a bit so you can see .

So that's his right ear .

Top of that is a bit furry and then they still curve down ju just there and we're going to go over and we're going to do pretty much the same on the other side .

Don't worry , it doesn't have to be exactly the same .

So there's a bit more fur maybe on this side and then we're going to curve up that way and then we're going to bring it back around down there and they're sort of , they'll be about the same level there .

Don't worry if it's not perfect , it doesn't have to be perfect ears move .

Uh , so then there's lines inside there .

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So we're going to do the inside curve of the year there and then there's one on the other side .

So it just curves around down to there and then we can add some fur lines in there as well .

So we're just hair going hair going diagonally .

And there's a darker section right in there and then you can add more hairlines as you feel how hairy you want to make your wolf .

It's up to you .

So you just keep adding little bit until you think it's enough and we jump over and we'll do the other side .

So there's a darker section right in sort of the middle .

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That's sort of where he , the whole for his ear would be , but that's covered with fur .

So it's OK to use jaggy lines to do that and then we can add some more hair lines all around us .

And as you see , I'm not , I'm not being too precious about it .

I'm just letting my hand do most of the work .

Just a little sykes and I'm going direction .

So you want to think about what direction the hair is going .

So the hair mostly grow that way or this way on the other side , see .

So what we're gonna do now is we're going to draw in the rest of his face , right ?

So I'm gonna put a little mark down here , so his face is here and it comes down to sort of to his neck .

So I'm just going to put a dot Down there so we can see where we're going to go , right ?

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And then I'm going to go around the sides to all the fur that comes around the sides of his face .

So we're going to start on this side and then we go up that way and then the hair starts to go down this way .

So we're just gonna keep going , see that and then starts to come to this point then on , on both sides .

So we'll do this side first and very simply just making it look like zig zags going up and down and up and down and up and down .

I show you slowly and then this goes up and down and up and down .

It starts to go back up the other way and you could do thicker lines , thinner lines to make it look more interesting either way .

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And we keep going all the way this side , all the way around , you keep going true all the way .

And when you get to about this level , the hair changes direction , it goes up towards the ears , then do just like that , right .

So then we're going to go back to the middle of his forehead .

So we have the outline of his face on and then he has just a line down the middle of his forehead .

See that's just going down towards in between his eyes and then this sort of curves out just like that .

And then if you keep going down , you can add more hair .

Now the hair on this side will go this way , the hair on this side will go this way all the way and you're going to go all the way down and we're going to meet his nose .

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So tippy top of his nose is just a curve line that way , curves down and then this goes back around and up like that and then the same on the other side , back around and up and again , don't worry if they're not the same size doesn't have to be perfect .

We'll do a nostril in there and we'll do a nostril in there and we'll do just the underneath of that nose .

So we have a curve line that comes back down that way and the curve line that comes back down that way .

And then this curves around like this underneath and then we have a line just in the middle there .

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Boom , and then a little line on top just that goes around there and we can just fix up some of those little pets .

And then of course , the whole nose can be colored in black as well if you'd like .

And so we're going to do two lines that come up from the side of that .

No , it's just on both sides , curve up towards the top of his head just like that .

And then we have his mouths just comes around that knows .

So you can start by doing sort of a curvy w shape up around and back up just like that .

And then these go a bit longer that way .

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And then in , here's a black part just like a shadow just there and then another one around this way .

And so we can draw lines to show in the fur that goes around the rest of his face .

So we're gonna go jaggy lines all up this way .

Furry lines come out to a point just here and then we can do the same on the other side , we'll do a line just goes this way , ferry lines and go to a point here and these will curve back up and they'll meet our eyes .

So , what we're going to do now is before we do that , we're going to come back down here and doing just the side of his mouth that you can see sometimes on walls and dogs as well .

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You know , those black sort of gums and lips that they have that go up the side , but we're looking straight on .

Um , and we can add some whiskers while we're here .

So just dots boom , boom .

And then your skinny little whisker lines , all the , all around there , just a few and then maybe he could add some more decorative furry lines there .

OK .

So we'll start with the eye on this side , on the left .

So we'll curve this , keep going up and then your eye starts about here .

So it's , if you , if you look , it's like underneath the ear there , just the inside of that ear , that line .

So it'll come down and then we're going to do curved line down that way .

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So if you look , it's about from his chin to the top of his head , the eyes are halfway .

So it's like the same with humans .

So there to there and then halfway , you'll have his eyes .

So that curves down and then this one comes back down around to a point and in there you have a pupil just like humans as well , a pupil in there and then an Irish which is a semi circle that goes around and up like that .

And then , then around there , you can color that in black and then you can use your choice of color inside the Irish .

Now .

So we go over to the other side and do the other eye .

So this curves up again all around , make it , try to make a furry as you draw or of course , if you're doing it with a pencil , you could do the black fur lines after and then we're going to keep going .

So around .

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Yeah , just curves like that and they'll be level see and symmetrical .

So same on both sides and then it goes down up .

So it's pointy on both ends , it kind of looks like a lemon or a rugby ball or an American football or something .

And then a pupil insight and then I around for the Irish and then again , you can color that in black and there's two eyes and you can pick your choice of color again .

So there's just fur lines around his eyes that sort of show his eyebrows and things like that .

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So we're going to start on this one and it sort of curves up and then comes back down like that and there's little fur lines in there and then this continues into sort of an eyelid pattern that goes around the top and then another one above that , the curves around just like that and we're gonna do some lines underneath .

So from here we're going to curve this around just like that underneath his eye .

And then we can add some little fur lines all around the eye just to give some detail .

Of course , you don't have to do this if you don't want to , you can do it with color just like that .

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We could bring this a little bit longer down there .

So we're going to go over to the other side and we'll add some details there .

So we have that same shape here .

So it's just curves up around , the eye goes up to spike and then comes back down .

It kind of looks like um the top of a candle .

Do you know that sort of shape ?

And then it's all furry , you add some fur lines in there again and then we've that same eyebrow shape that comes along this side and then we can add some fur lines in there , different fire lines and then we'll do somewhere around the bottom of his eye .

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So we'll keep , keep this going a bit longer , some lines there and then we'll do the one that's underneath like over here .

So it comes down around like that and then it has little lines underneath his eye and some of that curve around there like that .

Yeah .

So we can add some more hair details just around the top of his head .

So we'll do some just around the ears here , hairs curving , curving away from his face , some more that go up to the top of his head .

Somewhere around here , just little jaggy lines and we're sort of following the shape for his face .

Kerman out off his head .

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You can thicken up some of the edge ones if you wanted to add some shadow some more here .

Crazy , some more there .

And I might do the same on the other side .

So we'll do , yeah , here some more fur lines that go around the ear following around his face .

Some go off some more down here .

You just sort of feeling it out and you're just making them look hairy basically .

And little ones in around his eyes .

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Uh , let me see .

Can I see anywhere else ?

Um , maybe some here I might color in his nose back actually .

So I'll just , I'm gonna leave shine maybe on this side just here , maybe some around the nostril there just to show and maybe some more there a bit more lines maybe coming off its face .

You could keep going at this for as long as you wanted .

So I think I might stop and if you , if you wanted , you could add his shoulders there as well .

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But I think that's basically a simple way to draw a wolf's head .

Thanks for watching .


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