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Solving Chess Puzzles - Detailed Explanation From 0 - 2600 Rated Puzzles

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What's up guys today ?

I'm gonna be solving some puzzles on chess dot com .

This is Puzzle rush and the way this works is they just keep giving you puzzles , they start off really easy and they get harder as you go along and you keep going until you get three wrong and then it ends the run .

So I think the most that I've gotten through before has been 50 .

So we'll see if we can beat that .

But I'm really gonna focus on the thought process and talking through what I'm thinking about so that you can use this as a learning opportunity .

These are very good to practice just in general when you have some extra time and you want to work on something .

Tactics are always a good exercise to do .

They keep you sharp .

This is what's gonna help you not make so many blunders and also find nice moves when you're playing in your game .

So it's always a good idea to keep practicing tactics whenever you can .

All right , having said that , let's go ahead and get started .

So the first thing that I'm gonna look for is checks and captures almost always you want to start off that way just to make sure you don't miss any obvious moves .

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And I can see here right away , there is a capture that's also a check and it looks like it's check made .

So I don't really need to think much more about this position .

That's pretty easy .

All right .

Again , checks and captures , I don't really think that this makes any sense to capture that because I'm gonna lose my rook .

But if I go for the checks , I can see that there's a back rank mate .

Yes , white can throw in a couple of moves .

But ultimately , it's still gonna lead to checkmate .

All right , again , checks and captures so I can take this rook or I can go check over here .

Which one looks better ?

Well , this just looks like a regular trade .

This looks like it's checkmate because the king can't come out .

So I'm gonna go with checkmate .

All right .

What can I check ?

What can I capture ?

Uh This looks pretty good .

It's a sacrifice .

I am gonna lose my queen .

But it's a , a version of a back rank mate because the bishop's controlling the square .

So pretty straightforward .

All right .

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Again , I'm looking at checks and captures and I see that I have this nice little battery lined up and so as long as nothing can take my queen , that's gonna be checkmate .

Nothing can until that's the move right .

Checks and captures .

What am I doing here .

It looks like a check .

This is a kind of a common mating pattern where the knight supports the rook and also takes away the escape square for the king .

And so you get this little check mate .

So there we go , right ?

Checks and captures .

Uh I see a checkmate , I believe .

Just making sure there's no black pieces can take my queen .

I don't think so .

So that's checkmate again , I'm seeing this .

Um This is a pattern whenever the queen gets right next to the king on the edge of the board .

As long as it's defended by something and can't be captured .

It's always checkmate .

So you don't really have to think about , you know , I don't really care like what else is going on in the position as long as these pieces here can't take my queen .

That's all I really care about .

So check me .

Ok .

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So in end game , uh we are black and I guess we're going this way , white's going this way .

So it doesn't really look like I have too many options .

It looks like it's a pawn race , little tip here when you're calculating pawn races rather than going .

This is what I used to do .

I used to go , ok ?

I'm gonna go here and they're gonna go here and I'm gonna go here and they're gonna go here and you can do it that way .

It's just much more difficult than if I just go 123451234 .

So I'm gonna lose the race right ?

Because on the fourth move , I'm only gonna be here .

White's gonna get a queen but then when it's my turn for number five , I'm gonna have the skewer , which is the point of this puzzle .

So cool it works out and White's gonna do something else instead .

Interesting .

All right , fine .

We're still gonna get the first and we have time to stop the pawn .

OK .

Checks and captures .

So definitely see the capture in the check here .

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I could also take this rook , but it's kind of defended and it doesn't look as good as , as bringing in the queen most likely .

Now it's not checkmate immediately .

But I do see that after the king runs , I can follow it up here with check .

And even though the rook can take , I can still take and that looks like it's checkmate .

So we'll take with the queen and we'll go here with the rook and there we go .

All right .

So I'm looking for checks .

I'm looking for captures .

I see that I can take this .

It looks like it's pretty nicely defended though .

Uh I do see that these are checks and you might say , well , the pawn can take me but the queen is pinning the pawn .

And so this just looks like a really nice fork on the queen .

All right .

So again , starting out with checks and captures and I see a check here .

I see this is a check , but it's just giving up the rook for free some captures here and here .

Don't really look awesome .

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So definitely from that preliminary analysis , this looks like a good starting point .

And then I just have to figure out what do we do after the king moves here ?

Probably just bring the other rook in king could have escaped over here .

Uh Then you can take with the rook that's sitting back there .

So that looks pretty good .

So let's do that .

And all those moves are with check .

So I don't have to worry about some sort of back rank mate here , right ?

This is check , all right , checks and captures .

So of course , we can take this , we can take it two different ways .

That's a check , but that doesn't really make sense .

That's the only check that I see .

And actually this is the only capture that I see .

So there's a battery here .

I don't want to get check mated that .

So the kind of the next thing after I look at the checks and captures would be king safety , right ?

Like do I see any obvious checkmate or am I gonna get check mated ?

And so I do have to be careful of this , this uh queen and rook battery .

Like if I take with the pawn , I'm just getting mated .

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So because of that fairly certain that the move is just capturing with bishop .

So I'm just gonna do a quick check .

I don't see anything else like that I need to be worried about from here .

And so I'm gonna take it with the bishop .

All right , checks and captures .

We've got two checks here at the queen and this one is covered .

This one looks like checkmate to me .

All right , again , on checks and captures .

Uh Here's a check , here's a check .

This one doesn't really make sense .

I'm just giving up the night .

This one could be a possibility because it's defended any captures .

No , I could take this , but that doesn't really make a lot of sense .

My rook is also being attacked .

Ok ?

So this definitely seems like it could be the right move .

But what's gonna happen if the king moves ?

He can move here .

I could take this with check .

But what does that accomplish ?

Blocks just gonna take me ?

Doesn't make a whole lot of sense .

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Um And so I don't really see anything this check , I just noticed this actually , even though it didn't make sense at first , it does unleash the queen .

And so upon a second look , I'm seeing that that's the idea there now .

So there we go .

All right , checks and captures .

We've got a , obviously a capture here , which is also a check .

Don't really see any other .

I guess this is a capture , but that's just a pawn .

Usually when you have some sort of crazy tension like this with lots of big pieces involved .

The move is probably gonna be something other than just taking upon like it's very rare that taking upon it's gonna be the right move in a situation like this .

I guess it does unleash the bishop .

So you're pinning the rook so it , it could be a move , but it's undefended .

It looks like blacks just gonna take it .

So my instinct is telling me to take this and then bring the rook down .

This is actually a pattern that I've seen before .

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And it has to do with the fact that after we sacrifice our queen , the bishop is still sitting there painting the rook to the king .

And so we can follow up with the rook and it's actually back rank mate .

Normally the rook would be able to block and we'd have to just trade .

But in this case , because we've got the bishop uh is going to be checkmate .

So , all right .

Uh We'll see black to move checks and captures .

We've got two checks here .

We've got a check and a capture there .

We got a check here and capture here .

All right .

So those are the moves I'm gonna start with , let's just start with the queen because that looks like checkmate to me .

So usually in these types of situations , if the queen has a check , just start there and , and see what happens because a lot of times it will be you know , the strongest move .

And if that , for some reason didn't work , then I would have went on and considered the other moves .

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But I do see that it's just checkmate , all right , checks and captures so we can take the queen uh to trade .

We are even material .

So that's probably not good enough .

Also , I like that .

Our king is a bit safer .

So I don't think trading , the queens really makes too much sense .

Do we have any captures ?

Other than that ?

No , not really .

I mean , we could take this but I don't think we want to be giving up or bishop .

So this is an example where I've , I've looked at the checks , I've looked at the captures .

I don't really see a move .

I might start turning my attention to making a threat .

So threats could be forks , pins , trapping pieces , uh you know , double attacks , different things like that .

That's what I'm going to start thinking about now .

So I see that the king and the queen are lined up .

I'm , you know , wondering can I take advantage of that with a pin somehow ?

Doesn't really look like it ?

Only because there's nothing here that uh is defending my rook .

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Now , maybe queen to B three with the idea of bringing the rook over could be an idea or queen to F three .

The issue is that neither of these moves is a check and so it gives black time to do something right , black is gonna be able to maybe step to the side or run over here or I don't know , create a threat , maybe take my bishop whatever the case may be .

So that's probably not the move .

So let's keep looking and I'm gonna start kind of scanning here .

I see an undefended rook .

Um So maybe there could be a tactic where somehow we attack the rook .

Seems unlikely , but I'm keeping that in the back of my mind .

I'm , let's see , this is a check .

I didn't really consider too much the king is gonna take .

Do I have a follow up ?

I don't really think so .

There's a check here .

The queen can't take because it's pinned .

The king would have to come out which would allow me to bring the rook over .

Um , but then the king's just gonna run and I , oh , then I can take the queen .

All right .

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So the king would have to go back here and I don't really have a follow up .

Ok .

So this one is not jumping out at me .

So , hm I'm gonna start like scanning for maybe some other moves that I didn't consider .

I don't know if I considered this check that actually looks really good now that I think about it because where is , how is black going to deal with this check ?

You can't run this way because my rook , you don't want to run this way because then I have checkmate which means you have , you can't block with the queen .

You could play B six .

But then I still take and I still have checkmate .

So there we go .

So this one actually was , you know , checks and captures .

Um I think I just missed this check .

Maybe when I was first calculating , I just didn't think about it .

Um But that , yeah , that's a very strong move .

Uh When I kind of follow through with it .

All right .

Checks and captures , of course , we can take that .

Uh whenever the king is open , you want to be looking for forks like this .

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And so now the question really becomes , do we play queen a four immediately or do we trade the bishops first and then play queen A four ?

It looks like we need to trade first because I'm of the move B five .

And if lack plays B five , we could still win upon , but it's not as good as winning a piece .

If we trade first , then after B five , we just take it right away .

So that's kind of the difference .

So yeah , we need to trade now , we can just take it right .

I'm just gonna get some water and we'll keep going .

All right .

So what do we have here ?

Um Checks and captures , sorry , didn't mean to do that checks and capture .

So here's two checks .

That one looks really doesn't make any sense .

We're giving it away for no reason .

This one could be an idea because the queen might be able to come down or potentially the night .

Yeah .

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So if the king goes in the corner , we would have a nice fork .

If the king goes here , that's checkmate .

If the king goes here , that's also checkmate .

So this definitely looks good .

I'm just gonna check some queen moves .

No , I don't really see any queen moves that make any more sense .

Bishop age six .

No , we don't wanna just give up the night .

Yeah .

So it's got to be here and then we have different follow ups depending on what black does .

All right , this is checkmate because the bishop defends the knight .

Oh , yes .

Sorry .

II , I actually missed that .

I didn't , for some reason , I was thinking queen of seven was just check me , which it was not , but we had to follow up .

Ok .

Checks and captures .

Wow .

Uh We're down to queen looks like and we're about to get check mated ourselves .

So it needs to be pretty immediate , but I do see that there's a checkmate with the rooks .

So don't really think I need to look at anything else that looks pretty straightforward .

Ok .

So checks and captures .

We've got a check here .

We've got a check here .

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Can't take that as defended .

We have to watch out for some threats here .

All right .

So Bishop before I like the fact that , oh , that's , that's a really nasty move because why can't really escape white either has to give up the queen , which is terrible or retreat the night , which is also terrible .

So there should be before it has to be the move .

All right , cool checks and captures .

What do we have here ?

We can take this with check , we can go here with check .

Doesn't seem good enough because once we give up the night , how are we gonna just check mate with just a queen ?

We'd have to use the rook somehow , but that's gonna take too long , would be able to infiltrates .

I don't want to give up my night .

I don't believe captures .

That doesn't really seem like it makes a lot of sense .

So here's an example where we've kind of checked the , the checks and captures doesn't really make sense .

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We need to move on to how can we create threats ?

So , like I said before , forks pins , skewers , uh double attacks , checkmate threats .

Uh I didn't mention that before , but I'm thinking about that right now .

Checkmate threat by going here looks like it could be a really good move because I'm not sure how black is going to deal with that .

Also , when I move here , I'm lining up on the queen , which by the way is undefended and I'm setting up a check , a discovered check which can potentially win the queen .

So queen G four looks like a very good move .

Um E six .

No , probably doesn't make sense .

Sometimes I just like consider random moves just to see if it looks like it might make sense after like one or two more moves of calculating .

But I don't think so .

Queen G four definitely looks good .

How can black defend this checkmate threat ?

And the queen at the same time , you can't go there because my night's guarding it , you can play F six which defends this but it doesn't save the queen or you could save the queen .

But then you get checkmate .

Yeah .

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So that's got to be queen G four and we need to go for the , since they stopped the checkmate , we can go for here and just win the queen .

All right .

So checks and captures , well , we could take the bishop .

Uh I mean , it's , it looks like a free piece .

I'm not sure what's the catch .

So that's definitely something to consider .

We can take this pawn .

Don't see any checks .

We could threaten something .

We go here and threaten this .

We could go here and threaten this .

I mean , it just looks to me like it's a free peace .

We are defending everything here .

I don't know what block is gonna do .

Yeah .

So this one I think is just the capture .

I don't really see , I don't , that's a weird puzzle .

All right .

Uh Anyway , checks and captures , check and check both of these moves come to mind .

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If I go check in the queen blocks , I can take the rook but then my queen's hanging .

We go here in the queen box , I can take the rook .

But again , my queens hanging , it's the same idea .

So that's not quite good enough .

We could go check queen blocks , we could come over here .

Does that change anything ?

If we take the rook is just gonna retreat ?

Oh , well , don't we take this ?

Hm .

Is that a winning end game ?

345 ?

It's probably a winning end game .

So I guess we could just trade everything going to the winning end game .

Is there anything better ?

Is the question now ?

Probably not .

So , I guess it's just check , force the rug back or the queen back trade and then take the bishop .

I don't really see anything better .

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And of course , if the king takes , we're , we're just taking this .

So I guess that's the , the line .

I don't really see any other moves .

Yeah , let me take this and we had the extra pawn .

Ok , checks and captures .

Uh That's a capture , that's a capture kind of defended .

Don't really see any good .

Here's a check .

No , loses our rook .

All right .

So don't see any good checks and captures .

Let's go on to threats that we can make .

Um , actually , as I'm thinking about making threats , I'm just noticing like these pieces and if I do take this , I can follow it up with this fork , which looks good , which looks really good because the king can't move and save the night at the same time .

So yeah , that does look good since we got to move our night anyway .

Seems like a strong move .

Let me take this .

Ok .

Checks captures threats .

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We could sacrifice the bishop to lure the king and to that square and get a fork or we could play queen to D five immediately threatening checkmate and the rook .

So the question is , which one is better ?

I'm noticing on queen D five , black could actually play rookie seven and save their rook and defend at the same time .

So I think we need to start with the bishop and then move there and it's just gonna be checked .

The rook doesn't have time to move and we win the rook .

So let's do that and we'll take the rook .

All right .

So checks and captures .

I mean , of course , we can take the queen .

Uh We take the queen , you know , still we're down material , but White's king is in such a bad position .

Definitely looks like a good move .

Is there anything better though ?

Checks ?

We can't go there , we can't go there .

We can't take that .

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You know , I think we have to take it .

I don't really , that's a weird .

Oh , that's the idea .

I see .

Well , um , now we can go check here if the bishop blocks , we take the rook and it depends , the bishop doesn't block .

We just take the rook .

Yeah .

All right .

All right .

28 .

So I'm looking for checks and captures again .

Um I'm , I'm seeing this .

Yeah .

So basically you want to be thinking about how do you get your queen next to the opponent's king like this ?

It's defended by the night .

It's a really good move except the pawns in your way .

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So even if we have to give up our rook , if we get rid of that defender , then the queen can come in and the only place for the king to go is here and then we can deliver the checkmate .

All right , checks and captures .

There's a check , there's a check .

Uh There's a check check and capture and not really wanting to do that .

Definitely looks like this is the move .

He would have to go here , we could go check which would force a bishop to G7 and then we take a checkmate .

So that looks pretty straightforward .

All right .

So this definitely looks like some sort of background mate idea .

Not necessarily , it could be something with the pawn of the rug , but let's start with some sort of back rank mate tactics .

Um Yeah .

OK .

Maybe not because there are two rooks defending .

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So maybe it is something like H six or what else can we play ?

We could sacrifice here with the idea of taking a check and then playing nope and black would be able to defend .

That doesn't make sense .

All right .

What if we just go for the simple doubling up .

It's threatening ma in one .

There's not really any good checks for black .

So our king is actually fine .

The only check would be here , but we would just take it or we would just take it like this .

So I think black would be forced to play rook to G eight and then we could play age six .

The idea being we're just gonna take with checkmate and if the pawn moves or takes , then this is checkmate .

Yeah .

So this looks good .

This is one of those rare puzzles where your opponent doesn't really have any good checks .

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So you can afford to play a move that's not necessarily like a forcing move .

It's just a kind of a slower threat .

And I think , yeah , I don't think black has a way to deal with that .

And then age six .

OK , you can give up the queen , but that's fine .

All right .

What we have here in end game one .

All right .

So , first things first , whenever you're looking at end games , you gotta take , um , take note of what's going on with the past pawns .

So we have this guy here , this guy here .

Uh Of course , I can catch that pawn very easily .

The question is , can wait , catch my pawn .

And the answer is no , once I push it because if you do the little triangle trick , you can just make this box and White's king cannot step into the box .

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So if we push this , white's not gonna be able to catch it .

Now , of course , if we just do a race , white's going to win , but I can actually wait until white moves here and then go and get the pawn if I do it .

Now , the problem is then why can get into the pond uh into the pawn box .

Excuse me ?

Yeah .

So the move has to be this and we keep pushing it until this happens and now we just go and get the pawn and yeah , we get the queen and white doesn't .

All right .

The checks and captures that's defended .

So it's probably here .

But then the king is gonna move here .

Any other moves that we would want to play besides taking a free queen ?

I mean , I guess in theory we could move here , not totally out of the question , but what happens after takes the rookie can't block .

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The king has to take , oh , his checkmate .

I don't even know what I'm thinking about .

That's an easy one .

That was an easy one .

Ok ?

It was too easy .

I was like thinking something was going on that I was missing , but I don't know how that one snuck in there .

Anyway .

Let's look for checks and captures looks really good .

If the king goes back , we have checkmate , the king goes up .

We have checkmate also a pretty easy one .

Those are both 1800 rated ones .

Interesting .

Very interesting .

All right .

So we've got two pawns that we need to stop here , which we can do next move .

We have to make sure that white can't stop our ponds .

So we probably need to go here .

So that if the king goes for this guy , we can push over here .

And then whenever these guys start pushing , that's when we'll bring our king .

So let's do that .

Now we bring the king .

Yes .

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And if we take it , then the problem is why is going to be able to get into the box , see that ?

So we need to push this so that they , they can't do that .

All right , cool .

Check and captures .

Well , here's a check and if the , the rep takes it , we have backing mate .

If the king goes over , you might recognize this pattern .

This is a smothered mate pattern .

So I've seen this before .

So I immediately know like that's what's going on here .

So this is why tactics are so good because when you see these types of positions in your games , you'll know .

Oh Yeah .

Night of seventh move , I was hoping that it was gonna let me show you the rest of the line .

Anyway , you move the night with creating the , the double check king has to go back .

You bring the queen in the rook has to take and then you bring the knight and deliver the checkmate on the king in the corner .

That's what was I , I was hoping it was gonna have me show you that .

All right .

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Um We're about to get check mated but we do have a check .

So pretty much has to be the move .

We don't have time to do any other moves like any other of these other moves make no sense .

We just lose .

So we have to take it queen .

Then the king is gonna move here or here .

If it moves up , we have check main too because it has to go in the corner .

But we also have main two .

So we have check main two either way .

Yeah , this way we don't want to go to F one because then when the king goes here , if we play G three , it just takes our pawn and it looks like the king is going to escape .

So we need to go check here to keep it on the diagonal , defending the pawn .

And that's uh the mate .

All right , Jackson captures .

Well , we have two checks .

Almost mate with the bishop will lock .

Interesting .

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So the question is , does it matter which like , well , first of all , let's just say we'd use this rub just to for then what do we do bishop here ?

But then we're getting checkmated that we could sacrifice .

The king would have to move over , then we could go check .

Ah , I see .

I see .

So what I'm seeing is that after we sacrifice , the king would be here , we have a pond , we could bring the bishop in .

The problem is the king might escape here unless this rook was still sitting here .

Which means we need to start with this Rook sacrifice .

It then play check , forces the king over and then we deliver the checkmate .

So it , it's a back r mate , but it's kind of a tricky way to do it .

Right .

So we start with this guy sacrifice .

It , bring the bishop in and now we've got it and we deliver the mate .

All right .

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So checks and captures or threats .

There's a definitely an idea here .

The pawn would take , the queen would take , the queen would block .

The brook would take , the king would take , no , doesn't quite work .

Does it change anything if we take this way ?

No , it doesn't quite work .

You know what does work though ?

Takes , takes check and then he takes this pawn because the king is stuck .

So the queen has to block , or the rook has to block .

If the road blocks , we could actually play H three .

If the queen blocks , we would just take it and then play age three .

And I believe , yeah , I believe that that's , that's really good for us .

Age three .

Ok .

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That didn't think about that .

But I think we can just take it because we still have the pin , which means we're still getting the rug back and we gonna be in a winning position .

All right .

Checks and captures not a whole lot .

There's this .

Yeah , we could do that and then go fork those guys .

That's an idea .

We could go there right away because we're not worried about our rook because we'll take the queen .

Sorry .

Um , so this is an example of where creating a threat makes a lot of sense .

We just moved the rook .

I mean , white's gonna have time to do something else .

So let's say we go there .

Queen moves somewhere .

Ah What if the queen moves like here ?

Because what I'm afraid of is that after we take , we still have to figure out what's happening here .

If we take it with the night , we lose our rook .

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Uh , but then we could take this guy and then it's a big trade and if we take with the rug , we're losing this .

Ok .

I still feel like this is the right move .

I'm just not sure on queen F three , 363 , it's even ponds .

Takes , takes check , see what I'm seeing is that it's just a big trade .

So like after queen of three , we trade queens , we get a piece but we lose a rook .

But then we go here or you can just take this , you get the rug back and it was a big trait doesn't really win for us .

We take you right away .

Maybe that is better because at the end of the day we're getting the rook for free .

Yeah .

Ok .

So I do have to take it .

But for some reason , I was thinking this was gonna be the , the right way but looks like it's not , looks like it's just to take this way .

Now we can trade and then take the rook .

All right , cool .

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So checks and captures , of course , we got some random pawns we could take , I'm most interested in the king .

So I'm gonna start thinking about moves like this looks pretty good check .

Of course , if the king moves up , that's an easy checkmate .

So the king can't move , which means this has to happen .

We could take it .

The pawn could take , then we take here and we're winning because we just want a rook , which means the pond can't take , which means the king has to go here here again .

If the king goes here , that looks very nice .

So the king's probably gonna go to G six .

And what do we do then ?

I mean , I guess we could keep taking and if the rook takes , we have queen G four , which looks really good .

Yeah , we went a rook that way .

So queen of four looks like the right move .

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And after this , we just take it and then we take here is what I'm seeing .

There are no good checks for , for the black queen because our queen's on F four , it guards this and it guards this diagonal .

The rook is out of place .

We're still getting to .

Yeah .

That's gotta be it .

Take it and let me just verify there's not a better move .

I'm pretty sure this is the best move .

We're just getting some free ponds and we're exposing the king .

OK .

I didn't consider that .

All right .

Checks and captures .

Of course , this is a 2100 level puzzle .

Mm OK .

Well , check in and capture .

There you go .

That's how you do it at 21 70 I guess .

OK .

Jackson captures .

We can take this , we can take this , we can take this , we can take this .

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That's it .

One of those moves I think .

Right ?

123 or four , maybe there's an idea of 95 because there's this pin or maybe that could be a move too and then we follow up with this .

OK .

Yeah , it definitely looks like there's some sort of act to here .

95 though .

I'm afraid doesn't work because the night now defends .

If we take first , then we can't play 95 anymore because the queen is no longer pinned .

If we take here , the bishop would have to take , we could go there .

But then the queen just moved somewhere .

I don't know like here and we take that .

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Learn how to make the tastiest and easy Nigerian a bread recipe or Nigerian butter bread recipe .

Step by step guide for beginners .

This video is fully inspired by a very special friend of mine here on youtube whose name is Nana Bass Kitchen .

I will leave the link to her channel in my description box below .

Hello everyone and welcome back to Queen Variety's channel and please don't forget to like and subscribe to my youtube channel to get instant notifications .

Whenever I upload new videos , feel free to share this video with your friends , loved ones and family members .

Let me begin by reminding you first that all ingredients used in this recipe can be found in the description box below .

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I'm just not sure what exactly it is if we take the queen's gonna take and then I don't , I don't have anything .

Right ?

Or do I play F four E five ?

Then is that the idea at four forces the knight to move on , on my bishop's hanging , hold on a second .

Then that I don't , they don't even have to move .

They just take the bishop .

It doesn't work at all .

I was totally not thinking about the fact that they can just take my bishop .

Yeah .

Ok .

So what does that mean ?

Does that mean ?

I don't know what that means .

We trade and then we play 95 .

00 .

And then we end up winning upon , is that what it is ?

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So first , I will add 50 g of yeast to my flour which has already been sifted and then I will mix the flour together with the yeast to make sure that by the time I add salt in this recipe , it wouldn't have contact directly with the salt .

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75.83 --> 217.669

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This will enable the dough not to dry up when it enters back inside the bow , turn the dough into a circular shape and then retransfer it back inside the bow , cover the dough up so that it is going to rise in a very warm place in your kitchen for at least one good hour .

And so ladies and gentlemen and kids watching this recipe at this point in time , let me introduce to you .

My latest addition into my kitchen .

I actually got interested to buy this latest addition , after I had watched a very sweet friend of mine here on youtube at the earlier stage of this recipe , I mentioned her name , her name is Nana Kitchen .

So a few months ago she created a bread recipe and there she introduced this bread pan .

I was watching her recipe .

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Then I think we'd be ok .

There's a check here , but we could move .

I think we'll be ok .

There's a check here .

That's , that's scary .

I'm not sure if we'd be ok .

So I wanna say it's this and this and then just like , somehow hiding our king is what it looks like .

Only because what , what else can we do ?

Like there's no , almost no other moves .

We can't attack anything with the rook .

We could do this .

But if this night moves , then there's like checkmate here .

So check king there takes and then just figuring out a way to survive is what I'm thinking , figuring out a way to survive after this check or this check .

If the ruck checks , we go here , check , we take that .

I think we'll , we'll be able to get away .

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I got so interested on having this inside my kitchen .

And I followed the link in her description box below .

And then I got one of these .

So guys feel free to check out Nana bas kitchen .

Guys .

She is a very , very great creator , outstanding creator .

I must say .

In fact , I am a very big fan of Nana .

So please , if you have not yet discovered her channel , feel free to check her .

I'll check out her recipes , fantastic recipes and then subscribe to her channel .

She is amazing when I say amazing .

She is amazing .

Well , later guys and yes , we are back to business .

As you can see the dough has completely risen .

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Oh , of course , because after I go King G7 on Queen C three , even though it forces a trade at the end of the trade , I'm just gonna win a rook .

So obviously King G7 would be the best movie out .

I should have slowed down .

That wasn't that difficult .

I just , I rushed it and messed up .

Ok .

Well , uh let's try to be a little more careful this time .

So checks and captures , we can go here .

The point is that we lure the king over there .

Maybe .

What else can we do ?

What else can we do ?

Does that do anything ?

It attacks the rook but it gives up the bishop for free .

Our rook is actually our rook's not hanging .

Our rook's not hanging because we have checkmate over here .

That's interesting as not made actually .

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So what we are going to do right now is to punch down the dough so that the air will be released out of the dough and then wetransfer the dough on your flat wax surface .

Here , we are going to fold the dough to the size of the bread pan .

And so here is a little bit tricky in nature , but if you watch the screen very , very well , you can see what I am doing .

So what you are going to do is to fold this dough into the shape that we are going to fold it here .

All you need to do is to keep pushing the dough inside , to develop the meats of the dough .

This is very , very important if you want your aggregate bread texture to be very , very meaty or fleshy inside it .

And then with the help of your hands flatten the dough a little bit and then begin to fold the dough .

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Once again , this step is a little bit tricky in nature , but all you have to do is make sure you have some little flour on the work surface , which will enable the folding of this dough easier to handle .

So you just have to fold the dough by watching what I am doing on the screen step by step and then follow it as you fold the dough , use the edge of your hand to seal the dough appropriately .

Guys , this step is very , very necessary to make sure that the meaty aspect of this recipe will be developed effectively and then roll the dough and seal it .

As you can see , it's displayed on the screen to make sure that the backside of the dough will seal effective .

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Once you have completely rolled out the dough , retransfer the dough back into your bread pan and then cover it to rice for at least 20 to 30 good minutes before we bake the dough .

Oh Yes , guys .

20 to 30 minutes later , our dough is completely rising as you can see .

So what we are going to do right now is to bake this dough for some few minutes .

And remember guys why the dough was rising ?

You must have preheated your oven at 150 degree Celsius .

That is the degree we are going to use to bake this um bread and we will be baking the bread for at least 30 good minutes .

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30 minutes later , our hot , super moist and delicious fresh a Nigerian bread is ready .

Nigerian butter bread if you prefer to call it guys , this kitchen smells so so beautiful .

You know , remember those periods when you know , in those days while we are growing as kids , you know , you perceive the aroma of fresh bread in a bakery .

That is how my kitchen is smelling right now as if you know , I am baking thousands of bread right now in my oven .

My kitchen smells so ag in nature .

This bread is fantastically moist and delicious .

As you can see while you're cutting into the bread , it goes in so so smoothly , the bread is white moist on the outside and very meaty on the inside .

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So please guys , once you bring the the bread from your oven , allow it to cool for some five minutes before you bring it out and then allow it to completely cool down as in let the bread get cooled before you begin to slice it .

This is the local way of um opening the bread in my bread , bread , everything you know the in the bread is fantastic .

Thank you so much for joining me in today's episode .

I really hope you have enjoyed today's recipe .

Don't forget to like and subscribe to my youtube channel to get instant notifications .

Whenever I upload new videos , feel free to share this video with your friends , loved ones and family members .

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We are in check again so we could take it , we could move .

If we're gonna move , we only have two legal moves .

Uh If we take it , I mean , normally you would want to take two pieces for a rook .

So normally you would do this .

The problem that I'm seeing is that afterwards , White simply takes here and , but we still have a decent now , the king just goes to G two .

Yeah , the king just goes to G two .

Then I don't really want to go here .

It looks like it's very dangerous .

So King G7 looks like a safe place .

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It takes we can take and we have a very nice attack forcing the king to come up here .

Oh no , even better .

Even better .

We have this just over .

Just no , we don't .

The night's there .

Sorry , sorry guys , I'm all over the place here .

So King G7 takes can't go there .

We take Shrek .

Ok ?

If we take , take , take queen there the king goes to G two .

I guess we could throw in this check .

It doesn't seem good enough .

It doesn't seem good enough .

I think we need , I think we need this piece .

I'm not actually sure what the next movie is .

I just was pretty sure it was King G7 .

So it should be three .

Ok ?

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Well , he wants to block this .

So this is no longer like checkmate , which I understand .

So if we take here , it's double check , king has to take or move over .

Let's say the king takes , we bring the rug down .

You might come up here .

I might go back .

I don't know or we just move this guy somewhere .

He has to go over .

Really need a way to get the queen involved .

How do we get the queen involved ?

That's the big question .

If the queen was involved , this would be easy .

But it's not .

Do we take and play queen D seven to come in this way ?

Checking over .

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Well , I guess we could go check here and just take the night .

Is it ?

That , is it that because right now it's , it's pretty even .

Yeah , it's even right now , three pieces , three pieces that we win a piece , basically .

Hm .

We win a piece .

Our king is actually not that bad .

We can bring the knight and the queen takes , takes .

Yeah , maybe it's just as simple as that .

I was thinking how to be a checkmate , but maybe we just take these guys .

Ok .

So , I , I mean , let's trade , right .

Let's go to an end game because I'm up a piece .

I'm just up a piece .

Why not ?

Why not ?

Hey , hey , there we go .

Ok .

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So obviously there's a check , the rook would block .

We would go check and win the game .

Is , are you kidding me ?

Check check when Gigi ?

That's a really easy puzzle .

That's just a really easy puzzle .

Ok .

The 2601 is easier than the 25 95 by a lot , a lot easier .

Wait a minute .

This one looks easy too .

We go check .

No , we don't .

It's gonna be hanging .

Ok .

So maybe we go here .

Hm .

If we go here , the queen can't take us because after this , we get a queen .

So if we go here , the queen has to move somewhere .

Probably here .

It's the only check and then we can simply move up .

There's no checks immediately .

We have the threat of here and here .

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So the white queen would have to go , let's say it went here .

So let's say we went here .

It went here because it needs to defend that .

But then we go check and we just slide over .

Mhm And the question is , can we get away from the queen ?

That's the big question .

That's the big question .

Well , regardless , I think we need to , we need to start with this move .

No , no , I was really sure that that was the first move .

Ok .

Let's see .

Let's see .

This one .

I don't actually know .

So queen goes there .

Queen hm .

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So there was something significant about throwing in the check first .

I was planning on doing it later .

Interesting .

You have to throw it in first queen E three and you just take the queen because it's a one end game .

These guys are stuck over here .

These pawns are stuck on the right and you have a , you're gonna play G four and have a connected pass , pa they're protected , pass pawn .

Hm .

OK .

So not the best run that I've ever had .

But I think we did pretty good on most of them .

The , even the two that I got wrong .

I , you know , messed up both of those .

I , I saw the solution .

I just play the wrong move .

Go back and show you guys real quick .

This one .

Yeah .

Here I just got the queen too early .

I needed to just play one more king move .

Yeah .

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And then you get the queen , then you bring it in and it's a nice check made at the end .

And then the other one here we saw this , saw this and I just totally forgot that after King G7 .

OK , I didn't consider Queen B three .

I was thinking Queen C three , but you just trade and then you win a rook .

Uh But this also works because your king is eventually going to get to safety and you still have that checkmate threat on G one .

So anyway , hope you guys learned something and got some practice , you know , kind of seeing how to think through some of these .

I'm not the best puzzle solver on the planet .

So definitely , uh you can probably go higher with a lot of , of work .

But for beginners , uh I think , you know , following that thought process of checks , captures and then what kind of threats can you make ?

That'll get you really far and you know , that's really the , the mindset you wanna have for most of these .

So anyway , I'll see you guys next time as always .

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Stay sharp , play smart and take care


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