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2023-07-14 14:28:26

The Easiest Chocolate Cake Of All Time

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So a lot of people get scared when it comes to cake making , there's a lot of ingredients .

There's a lot of steps .

It's daunting .

This recipe is not bad .

OK ?

So we have finally made it after all of the cake jokes , all of the talking about my butt making jokes about it , showing my butt .

You know , we know , you know what I'm talking about .

So the whole point here is we wanna make a chocolate cake , but we really want to cut down on all those steps .

There's a lot of process to it .

There's already so many ingredients .

So how can we cut down and make it easier ?

That's essentially what we did here .

Now , granted , it's not like you just put everything in a pan and put it in the oven and you're done like you have to do some mixing .

But for the most part , this is really easy .

I don't wanna hear anybody being like , oh gosh , there's so many ingredients .

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This is made with ingredients that I'm hoping that most people will have in their pantry already .

And with all that said , let's make this shall we ?

OK .

So first things first on the realist .

Oh , wait .

No , it's a , it's a different video .

Um So start off by preparing 29 inch cake pans , specifically spring forms .

In this case , you know , unlock them , cut out a piece of parchment paper to fit the bottom grease , the bottom , stick the parts from paper down , all up in layer , grease , the par from paper , grease the walls and you're ready to go .

So you're going to start by sifting out two cups or 300 g of flour .

Then you're gonna realize that your bowl is too small .

So you're gonna switch out to a bigger bowl because yeah , we , we think ahead here , then you're gonna sift in three quarters of a cup or 80 g of cocoa powder , followed by two teaspoons or 10 g of baking powder , three quarters of a teaspoon or 3 g of baking soda , 1.5 teaspoons or 7 g of fine sea salt and one cup or 220 g of granulated white sugar , three quarters of a cup or 100 and 50 g of brown sugar .

Give that some whiskey business until it's thoroughly combined there .

See , I said whiskey business , right ?

Everybody got mad because I didn't say it last time .

Very sorry .

Now look , this next part , you can totally just put all together in a bowl and mix it and that'll be fine .

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But I like to do it this way , which is , you'll take two egg yolks .

So whisking those together and then you're gonna slowly drizzle in half a cup or 100 and 20 mL of a neutral tasting oil .

You're essentially making a mayo .

Right ?

And it's gonna get nice and emulsified .

Now , when it starts to get a little too thick , you're then going to add one tablespoon or 12 g of vanilla extract , then continue to keep drizzling in your oil until all of it is added .

Once all of it's been added , you're then going to add two large eggs whisk all that together and then take that custardy mix and you're gonna pour it directly into your dry mix , fold that together and it's gonna get all dry and clumpy and crumbly like this .

Don't worry , calm down .

Alright .

It's fine .

That's , that's supposed to happen .

Now , separately , you're gonna heat up one in three quarters of a cup or 415 mL of whole milk , you're gonna heat it up just until it begins to simmer .

Do not boil it , pull it off the heat and then whisk it directly into your crumbly bo mixture .

Now keep whisking and whisking whisking until everything is nice and thoroughly incorporated and as smooth as it'll go .

So it'll get a little clumpy , that's totally fine .

But you want it to be as smooth as possible .

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Then just evenly split it between 29 inch cake pans that have been prepared as described previously and you're just gonna pop that into the oven at 350 F or 100 and 75 degrees Celsius for 30 to 35 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean .

Then just pull those out .

Let those cool inside the cake pan for 10 minutes .

Unmold your cake pan .

In this case , I use spring form pans which are much easier to use then just carefully invert .

Oh , and this is , this is really like what the heck is going on , bro is amateur .

Come on and then place them on a rack until completely cool .

Don't try to frost these if they're warm .

Ok .

You're gonna , you're gonna have a real bad time , brother .

All right .

Also , I would recommend cooling them upside down so that they stay flat .

I uh , I kind of regret letting them stand up because the those rounded tops are a bit hard to shape .

So let them cool upside down .

So let's talk frosting .

You're gonna mix together four cups or 500 g of powdered sugar , half a cup or 55 g of cocoa powder and it just pinch of sea salt .

Give this some whiskey business until thoroughly combined .

Make sure you get some of that powdered sugar , smoke in the air that way you breathe it and cough all over the place .

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But hey , it tastes good .

Using a stand mixer or electric beaters beat half a cup or 100 and 10 g .

Of softened unsalted butter till nice and creamy and then beat in your powdered sugar mixture .

It's gonna get a little dustier .

Right .

It's fine .

Add it in batches until it's all thoroughly combined and then thin it out with whole milk .

Now you're gonna need around a quarter cup to a half a cup of whole milk .

Just , you know , depending on how that goes .

You want the consistency to look like this .

When it's all done , it should be thick yet easy spread .

Now it's time to frost your cakes .

Yeah , it's , there's a lot of jokes there , but we're not gonna make them , please .

One of your cakes on a cake stand or a cutting board , add about a cup of your frosting into the center , spread it out evenly .

Add your next cake on top of that smoosh it down , make sure it's nice and glued there and then spread the rest of your frosting on the top and all over the sides to seal the edges .

It doesn't have to be perfect .

Right ?

To be honest with you , I'm not the best frosting spreader .

I'll be now once everything's nice and frosted , it looks good .

Right .

But just take it a little bit higher by freshly grating some nice dark chocolate on top .

Get those little shavings everywhere .

Boom , your cake is done .

I would recommend letting that set for at least a couple hours or overnight , but you can also cut it .

Now if you want .

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And yes , you can leave this at room temperature , just put an overturned bowl on top of it , set it to the side and uh leave it in a cool area .

And of course you can refrigerate it as well .

Then all there's left to do is slice and eat it .

Brother .

It's a cake .

It's a cake time .

We finally made it to making cake .

After all the cake shots .

You thought that I would be celebrating this right now by showing even more cake .

This is plenty you .

This is supposed to be a simple cake , you know , simple but effective God for something so easy .

This is like a solid chocolate cake but it's a little more dense in a desirable way , you know , almost like a brownie .

It's not as cakey .

I don't like my cake super fluffy and cakey .

I like something with more toothsome , you know , want it all up in my tea .

So I eat cavities .

After you eat this , your blood sugar is gonna be like Kate is suggesting that we eat this with milk and drink milk on the side .

You're just drinking milk .

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All I have to say to you is lots of people are gonna slave over the process of making this .

You don't have to do that with this cake and it is just as good if not better than any other chocolate cake .

But do you wanna know what else is full of chocolatey thickness ?

May , I mean uh be all right guys and that is it .

So this is a , so this is , so this is a short one today .

Uh The whole point is this supposed to be simple .

So there's just not really enough stuff to do to make this a long video .

I don't think it needs to be long .

It should be short sweet .

And to the point , I'm a big fan of chocolate cake .

If I'm gonna get a cake , it's usually gonna be chocolate .

Now , is this the best cake of all time ?

I don't know that I would say that , but it is extremely satisfying .

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And if you have , if you wanna make a cake for someone's birthday and it's last second , you wanna spend a bunch of hours doing it or do you want to make a cake that doesn't take a bunch of slaving in the kitchen but creates a wonderful product , then this is your answer .

But regardless of what you choose to do in your cake making life , if you enjoyed this video or you learned something , leave a like , subscribe and I will see you next time .

Oh wait .

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa .

One more thing , one more thing .

The hat is still available and the link for the merch is in the description .

Can't forget to plug .

All right .

Right .

Well , you have a wonderful day .


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