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2023-07-13 14:14:31

How to make Moist Southern Pound Cake (EASY)

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Mhm .

Mhm .

Hi , everybody , everybody .

I'm back , everybody .

Jeanie Young is back and I'm back with you .

Another amazing recipe .

I am so excited today because today at the Young's house , Jeanie Young is gonna share with you all just how easy it is to make pounds cake .

This pound cake is so moist .

It's so delicious and it's really easy .

This recipe does not require a lot of ingredients and you know , you make a Jeanna Young style .

It's gonna be so tasty .

Y'all never had my pound cake before .

You better make you some .

Here are the lovely ingredients you will need OK ?

You will need three cups of white granulated sugar .

That's what we have here .

And then we also have three sticks of butter .

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Now , if you decide to use unsalted butter , then you're gonna use a pinch of salt .

If you use salted butter , just omit the salt .

Now , right here , we have all purpose flour and this is three cups as well .

You're going to need the salt .

If you have the unsalted butter right here , I have some Crisco that I'm going to rub into my pan .

OK ?

And then you're gonna need two teaspoons of baking powder .

Of course , you're gonna need some vanilla .

You will need six large eggs and you're gonna need some strawberries .

Make sure your hands are impeccably clean .

Let's get started with this really quick and simple .

It's a tasty recipe .

Ok .

Everyone .

So when you're making a cake , one of the first things that you always want to do is you wanna cream your butter and your sugar .

My butter that I'm gonna be using today is salted .

Ok ?

So I'm not gonna use the salt .

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So let's go ahead and get our sticks of butter in .

But what's very important about the butter is you wanna make sure that this butter is room temperature .

You don't want it to have any chill to it .

I set this butter out on the counter this morning and it's evening time right now .

That's how long I let it set .

Ok .

So , um , I don't suggest if your butter is cold .

I don't suggest throwing it in the microwave to soften it up .

Just wait a little longer until it comes to room temperature and then proceed with your recipe .

Ok .

So let's get this beautiful butter right into our mixer .

Now , when we start to talk about the mixer , you don't have to use a stand-up mixer like I'm using today .

You can mix this up by hand and it's gonna be just as tasty .

And if you didn't want to mix it up by hand , it's ok , to even use the mixer that has the two beaters .

Ok .

So let's get three sticks of butter right here into our stand up mixer .

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And what we're going to do , we're going to cream together the butter and the sugar that's three cups of granulated sugar that we've measured out .

Always level off your ingredients .

You know , just use a butter knife to make sure that your sugar and your flour is nice and leveled .

So you can have the correct um measurements .

So there's the butter and in we go with the three cups of sugar .

When I come back , we're gonna cream these two together until the sugar becomes nice and silent .

OK , everyone .

So we're ready to cream together the butter and sugar and you got , you all have probably heard me talk about this before , but I want to talk about it again .

My grandma used to make the best pound cake ever and she would have me from time to time cream the butter and sugar for her , but only I was not using the stand up mixer .

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I was doing it by hand with a wooden spoon and a wooden bowl and it felt like I was creaming the butter and sugar forever .

And she would say , well , she told me bring , I would say grandma , am I done ?

And she would say no , I can still hear the sugar .

So she basically will say cream that butter and sugar until the sugar becomes nice and silent .

It's gonna give you a light and fluffy cake and really it's true .

So I cream this until literally you cannot hear the sugar .

OK ?

So let's get started .

Come in over here and I'm gonna start off on a low speed and then eventually I'll work the speed up a little bit .

And right now , I don't know if you all can hear , but you can kind of hear the sugar .

You can hear the Granules up against the bowl .

But very shortly this , it'll , it'll become nice and silent and the butter will turn nice and bright and fluffy .

That's when we can incorporate all of the other ingredients and I'll be back .

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Ok , everyone .

So our butter and our sugar has creamed together for around about , let's just say 12 minutes .

The sugar is nice and silent and the butter has gotten really nice and fluffy .

Come take a peek .

We turn this off so you can see just what we got .

Beautiful , nice and fluffy and the butter has became somewhat pale and the sugar is nice and silent .

Gorgeous .

Ok ?

So the next thing that we're going to do is we want to start incorporating our eggs in our flour when you do the eggs and flour or you wanna do one egg at a time , it's OK .

If two eggs falls in , you can't do nothing about that .

Ok ?

So don't stress out , but it's preferred that you put one egg in at a time because the egg is gonna help to mix in that dried flour because this recipe does not call for water or milk .

Ok .

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So what we're gonna need to do because we need to crack our eggs .

Let's get our eggs crapped into a separate bowl .

Always crack them into a separate bowl .

So you can make sure that they're nice and fresh .

You would never want to crack a bad egg into your mixture because you would have to throw everything away .

So you always crack it into a separate bowl to make sure they're nice and fresh .

And if there's any shells , you can fish them out right from here .

OK ?

So we have our six large eggs .

There's four , we're gonna crack the other two and then we're gonna be ready to start putting in a little bit of flour at a time when I come right back .

OK ?

Everyone .

So we're gonna need to put our leine agent .

The leine agent is what's gonna make your pound cake pop up , which is gonna be our baking powder .

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We're gonna use two teaspoons of baking powder just like so and we're gonna really mix this in and you wanna make sure that you take the time to mix it in , OK ?

You want this well incorporated in with your flour .

So I'm just gonna take my soft spatula just like so and really get it turned around in the flour .

This is all purpose flour .

We are not using um any other flour , always all purpose .

Ok ?

So I'm gonna mix this up and I'll be right back .

Ok , everyone .

So now what we can do , let's go ahead and take some of the vanilla .

Honestly , I put as much as I want it .

You can put as much as you want in .

I am a fanatic for vanilla and I just throw it in .

I never measure it and it always turns out perfect .

So just get you some in there just like so nice and beautiful .

All right .

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And we wanna mix this up .

This is just going in with the butter and the sugar and the vanilla .

All right .

That's perfect .

That nice and mixed .

Now we can start incorporating some flour .

How much do I put in gina ?

Well , just put you a little bit in at a time .

OK ?

Make sure you don't waste it because you need the correct measurements of the flour in order for your cake to turn out right now .

We're aiming for one egg to go in .

Like I said , if two comes out , don't stress out about it .

OK ?

So we're gonna bring this back down and stir it back up , starting it on low .

Once this comes together , I'll be right back and we'll put more flour and more eggs .

OK ?

Everyone I'm going back in with a little bit more flour .

I really like to use this cake pan because it's bendable and it helps me to pour the flour in .

OK .

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We're aiming for one egg to go in .

Beautiful and then we're gonna mix once again .

Keep in mind that you wanna take your soft spatula at all times and start scraping those sides down .

That way everything can get well incorporated , right ?

Just like , so it's easy .

All right .

So now we're gonna do it once again this time , I'm going in , I'm scraping those sides in .

We really need this mixture to get incorporated .

Take that off of there so everything can get mixed in .

Once again , we're gonna go in more flour and one more egg just like .

So this recipe is literally a piece of cake .

It is and it tastes so good .

Oh I can't wait till you taste this .

I'm gonna start this up and I'll be right back .

OK ?

Everyone .

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So I've put the remainder of the flour in and we have just one more egg that needs to go in .

Get that bad boy right in there just like soap .

OK ?

So now the key about a successful poundcake , you don't wanna mix it up too much , mix it up until everything gets incorporated and they turn it off .

OK .

So right now I'm gonna get that turned off .

So I'm gonna share with you all how I like to greeze my can be right back .

OK ?

Everyone oiling the pan is really simple , but it's much needed .

Because you don't want to have a cake that won't slide out of your pan .

So here's what I like to do .

I always like to use the Crisco .

There has been times where I've used a spray but I just find that using the Crisco this way , this is just a napkin that I'm using and I'm gonna get this all over and especially the inside right here .

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You all can see me get this greed up really well .

And when I come back , I'm gonna show you how I like to flour my pan .

OK ?

Everyone take a look at my pan .

You'll see that it's really greased really well , but that's how I like mine .

So then I'm gonna go in with some flour .

OK ?

And then over a pan , I'm going to shake this excess .

Look at this just like this and then I'm gonna take flour and I'm gonna put it onto the middle piece just like so , so even that middle piece will be nice and flour when I come back , we'll get our cake batter in here .

Be right back .

OK ?

Everyone , we wanna put our batter in here just like so OK , and you wanna make sure try your best to put it in nice and evenly .

So you're gonna kind of go around in a circle just like this until you get the batter in nice and evenly .

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Now this batter is really heavy .

I'll be back when I get it all out of this bowl and into the pan .

Ok ?

Everyone .

So now that we have the batter in , it's kind of coffee .

So we're gonna take a soft spatula and we're gonna just smooth it around a little bit so it can be nice .

And even , you know , it doesn't have , this is not rocket science , it's really easy to do and just kind of look at it from the side like this and you'll see which side is higher , which side is lower .

I need to push a little bit of the batter over this way .

Ok ?

So now that this is done , this is going in the oven 325 degrees on the middle rack .

And when I come back , I'm gonna share with you all how to macerate some strawberries , ok ?

Everyone .

Now it's time to cut up some strawberries because at the end of this video , I'm gonna share with you all what we're gonna do with these strawberries .

So make sure you wash your strawberries , always wash any produce that you bring home .

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You wanna wash off those nasty pesticides and also any germs .

You never know who's handled your veggies and fruit before you brought them home .

Ok .

So now here's what we're gonna do .

We're just gonna simply just cut the green part off .

Simple , right ?

That's because it is simple .

Now these here you can cut them however you would like .

I'm just gonna do this .

I'm just gonna cut little squares .

Ok ?

It doesn't have to be perfect because these are gonna macerate .

Now , let's talk about macerate .

Mare is not marinade you marinate meat and you macerate fruit .

How are we gonna macerate them ?

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Well , we're gonna put sugar and vanilla all over these beautiful strawberries and the strawberry is gonna naturally release the , the amazing strawberries juice and the sugar will melt as well and you kind of get sort of like a strawberry syrup .

OK ?

So that's what we're gonna pour over top of our pound cake .

When it's done , I'll cut a couple of these for you all on camera and then I'll do the others off camera .

Like just talking about it is really making my mouth water .

I cannot wait to eat this .

When is the last time you all had homemade pound cake ?

If you all never had it before or it's been a long time .

Make you some Gina Young style .

You are going to adore it , your family and friends and all of your loved ones .

Oh They're gonna at you .

They're gonna say they're gonna say , where the heck did you get this recipe from ?

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And you're gonna tell them Gina Young .

Jena Young showed me how you are because this recipe is amazing and it's really easy , you know , like the time that it takes for this video , it's really not the time that it takes to put this together because when I'm doing this video we're editing and we are pausing and different things and the video can be stretched out sometimes .

But when you throw it together and you're not recording a video , it's really quick and simple .

You throw everything in there .

Get that bad boy in the oven and you are ready for dessert .

I tell you one thing , my mouth cannot stop watering because I can't wait .

When I come back , that cake will be out of the oven and I'm gonna share with you all how long it took to cook in the oven ?

OK ?

Everyone time to macerate .

These beautiful strawberries .

Take a look at them nice and chopped up .

Now with the vanilla , you don't need a whole lot .

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Just a little tiny bit .

That right there is gonna do the trick , OK ?

If you have a lot of strawberries , you're gonna use a nice amount of sugar .

But honestly , for those of you that want to cut down on the sugar , feel free to use splenda if you like or just cut down on the amount , I'm gonna use 3/4 of a cup of white granulated sugar .

OK ?

You can use a half a cup if you like .

OK .

So now we're just gonna , this is macerating the strawberries and when I come back and show them to you , they're gonna be somewhat liquidy and they're gonna have a beautiful strawberry sauce in the bottom of this bowl .

OK ?

Everyone take a look at this gorgeous pound cake , Jeanie Young style .

If you all enjoyed this video , give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed , make sure you subscribe , make sure you click on that notification bell .

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So you can be notified every time Gina Young uploads one of these awesome recipes .

Tell your family and friends and everybody you know all about Gina Young and what I'm doing in this kitchen .

OK .

Everyone I want you all to look down into this beautiful cake .

I've sliced it .

Look at this .

Look just how beautiful .

Oh listen here .

Let's go ahead and say a prayer so we can dive in .

It's gonna be a quick prayer .

Heavenly father , Lord Jesus .

We thank you for this beautiful meal .

Lord , we thank you for your love , time , your mercy and your understanding .

We thank you Lord for the roof over our head , the food , the love , the peace and the joy that you bring us every day .

Lord , we thank you for that .

Amen .

Now I'm really excited .

I've sliced these two pieces .

Why ?

Two pieces ?

Because I'm gonna eat it all .

I couldn't wait for this cake .

Look how beautiful .

OK .

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Now , remember we talked about these beautiful macerated strawberries and I spoke about the juice that would form .

Here's what we have .

Can y'all see that beautiful strawberry juice that has formed ?

The strawberries are nice and macerated .

So here's what you do .

Put them right on that pan .

Oh Listen here make you some Gina Young style .

You won't be let down .

All right , let's dive in right away .

I ca I can't wait any longer .

I got dinner behind me .

We got wings and pizza .

I cannot wait .

All right .

Where , where , where right here .

00 , you got that beautiful crunchiness on the outside .

Strawberries just falling all over that pound cake .

Take a bite .

Let me know what you think about this recipe .

Gina Young style .

I'm going in use my hands .

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Mm This is so good and as always God bless good night .

Mm .

Mhm .


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