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2023-07-12 12:38:28

Chess but I have to spin the wheel each move...

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So black is fine , black is totally fine defended from this super , super easy way to defend your king from checkmate threats on H seven .

And you can also hop the night to , to uh G six if you ever need to block off this and it also blocks off the diagonal becomes a little bit more aggressive .

You can control some other squares super easy maneuver to do .

It's as easy as bringing your night up , bring your rook over and then your knight comes back .

Just a two move maneuver .

And keep in mind we just looked at black but white can do the same thing with a knight on F one .

So here's an example where white decides to bring the rook over , play knight to D two and then maneuver the knight to F one where you have the same really strong defensive idea and you don't have to worry about this H two checkmate anymore .

So the last thing I want you guys to remember is to stay sharp , play smart and take care .

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Um And we'll , we'll go from there .

So let's go ahead and click the wheel and here we go .

What's the first ?

Oh , a move ?

Great .

So I'm gonna play E four and spin it again .

Blunder .

Ok .

Can I even blunder ?

I can blunder .

I can blunder .

I can play Bishop a six .

So I'll play bishop a six .

He did take it .

Let's keep going .

Hey , I get to move again .

All right .

I am going to play D four and spin it again .

Really ?

OK .

How do I blunder ?

Let's Blender .

My bishop , I guess .

Yeah , we to go there .

You didn't take it .

Blunder turned out to be a brilliant .

Oh , it landed on blunder again .

OK .

Let's like double blunder .

The bishop .

Come on , Martin .

There you go .

All right .

Get what is like , see , this is why I don't play games that are luck based because this happens .

I have to blunder again .

What's a blunder here ?

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I don't even know if I can blunder .

What's the best blunder ?

Maybe King E two ?

Probably the biggest or king D two looks pretty bad .

We'll say king D two .

OK , Martin .

What do I oh give Martin a queen .

All right .

Hold on .

Paste in the position .

And I'm gonna give Martin a queen .

I'm gonna put it .

I get to choose where to put it .

So I'm gonna put it back here on T eight so that it doesn't like checkmate me and then let's go back to practice and uh , I'll just change this to Martin again and we are good to go .

All right .

So it's my turn .

He's got his queen .

Let me spin it again .

A check .

I can't do a check , which means I have to give him another queen .

All right .

So here's the position .

Let's put his queen over .

Hm .

Actually , let's put it on B seven .

Maybe that's a more annoying square .

We'll put it on B seven .

We'll practice .

We'll change the bot and we're back to spin again .

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You gotta be kidding me .

I can't do any of this stuff .

I gotta go give him another queen .

All right , here we go .

I'm gonna add this queen over here on a six and practice and we will go back to Martin and spin it again .

Come on , I need like a , a decent one .

Here we go .

There we go .

Move a piece .

OK .

Let's bring this night out .

See if we can salvage this game .

Move .

Great .

Let's bring this night out .

It's looking pretty good when I actually get to move .

Ok ?

OK .

Give Martin the queen .

Oh God .

All right , here's the position .

Let's give Martin a queen and I am going to put it right there on E seven and we are off .

Spin it again .

Blunder .

Great , great .

Here's my night .

Martin .

Enjoy .

You didn't take it .

All right .

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Capture .

Hey , I can actually do it .

Awesome .

Let's take this one .

He took my night .

Wow .

Why is the val bar saying it's equal ?

Do I have a perpetual check ?

I have a perpetual check .

That's amazing .

That is incredible .

No , I don't .

Here , here , here I do , I do , I do have a perpetual check and I get to move .

Oh , how do you like that , Martin ?

Those five queens don't help you .

Ok .

Let's give him another one .

Ok .

I'm gonna give him another one over here because they're not really helping him off to the side like this .

Let's go practice .

Let's change it back to Martin and spin .

Come on .

If I can just get some checks or moves perfect .

We can get a perpetual , we can do this queen to G four .

Should do it .

Come on .

No .

OK .

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Can I blunder something without blundering my queen ?

That's the question .

Not really .

I don't , I don't really have , well , this is kind of a blunder .

I mean , it's not , it's a blunder .

It's a blunder .

I mean , it's not a blunder like giving up my queen , but it's still a blunder .

We're gonna play four because it gives him the chance to stop the perpetual check .

So it's still a blunder .

I'm gonna say that's a blunder but he doesn't see it .

So , oh , get to move .

All right .

Let's go again and see if we can get the perpetual check to , to work out and I'm gonna have to get a lot of moves and checks in a row .

All right .

There we go .

Come on , let's get another one .

Oh , yes .

Come on one more .

Is it one more or two more ?

Give him a queen and that's not gonna be perpetual because it's a new position .

I'm gonna give him a queen over here on B seven .

Practice Martin .

All right .

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Hold on .

Hold on .

Give him another queen .

Let's put the queen on C six .

Makes you wonder how many times I can roll that one .

All right .

Come on .

Let's get a move .

So I have to blunder something else .

OK ?

We can blunder the night now , we can blunder the night .

There you go .

There you go .

Martin .

He stopped it .

He stopped the perpetual check .

It's too late now , dude .

All right , we're gonna take the queen .

It's been in again .

This is really difficult .

By the way , we're gonna move .

Wow , we're gonna move .

What do I even move ?

Let's move C three to defend some of these pawns .

All right , we get to move again .

I'm gonna take that night and if I can , like if I could bring my rook up , I could see this game turning around , but I'm not gonna spin that many moves in a row .

There's no way I have to capture .

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Oh I can take the clean .

Perfect .

Perfect .

I forgot about that .

OK .

Move .

Awesome .

Do I want to defend this first ?

He probably will take that .

Although no , I'm just gonna assume he won't .

I need to get this rook up .

This is my only chance .

This is literally my only chance .

Oh , and we get , we're gonna , we might get to do it .

Ok ?

We're gonna bring the broke up .

No , he saw it .

I have to move but I'm now I'm just totally losing .

I have to go here .

Only move .

Yeah .

Ok , Martin , let's rematch .

Reset .

Oh no , we're not resetting this position .

Hold on , hold on .

All right .

So I'm ready for the rematch , but I did add this orange one here which says Nelson gets a pawn .

So it's just a little something .

But if it lands on that , I get to put a pawn wherever I want on the board and then we spin again .

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So I think that will just maybe , hopefully , even it out a little bit more because it was just too much with all the queens coming .

I felt like .

So let's , let's try it this way and see if this is any better .

So , here we go .

We're gonna spin .

Ah , Nelson gets a pawn .

All right .

Let's go back to the analysis and I'm gonna give myself a pawn over .

I'll put it on F three .

I feel like that's a pretty nice square .

So we'll put it there .

And it's pretty funny that that was the first one that I rolled .

All right back to Martin .

Here we go .

And , oh , we get to move .

All right .

Let's go E four and we get to move again .

Awesome .

I'm gonna go bishop C four in case I need to do a check , I'll have a check available .

All right .

Move .

All right .

We're gonna play D four .

This is going fantastic so far blunder .

All right .

Let's blunder the bishop .

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We'll go bishop at four .

He doesn't take it .

Oh , ok .

I get to move him now .

I'll take this one .

All right .

This is going very well .

I have to do a check .

I have a check .

I have to move .

All right .

Awesome .

Let's , hm I don't have any checks .

Well , we'll just bring the night out and defend that guy .

Ok ?

I have to capture something which means only legal move for me would be this .

We haven't had to give , oh , Nelson gets a pawn .

Nice .

See , this is making a big difference already .

Ok .

Let's go .

So I'm going to give myself an extra pawn on C three .

I feel like that's a nice square .

Let's go practice and Martin and let's spin it again .

All right .

And he gets a move .

Ok , let's go .

92 .

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Gotten so many moves .

This is great .

Let's go queen to eat two .

I'm actually amazed that I haven't had to give Martin a queen yet move again .

This is a great , I'm gonna get to castle complete my development .

Ah Well , it was only a matter of time .

All right , let's give Martin a queen .

I'm going to give Martin his queen back here on B eight practice versus computer and here we go .

Martin .

Let's spin it again .

Oh , blunder .

The problem is I don't have a lot of blenders , man .

Ok .

I'm gonna have to blunder my queen .

I mean , I don't have any other blunders .

Wow .

And he takes it .

Ok .

That one hurts that one hurt .

Let's , let's be over here and , oh , so close .

I gotta get to move .

Let's bring the night in .

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Nelson gets a pawn .

Ok ?

Where am I gonna put my pawn ?

Let's put my pawn here on B three practice and change to Martin .

Here we go .

Let's spin it again .

Nelson gets another bond .

All right , here we go .

I'm gonna add this one on a two .

I'm just trying to kind of defend my king with these extra pawns .

So let's go practice .

Martin .

Let's spin it again and I get to move .

Ok .

Great .

I'm gonna take maybe I should leave it .

So I have a capture .

Actually , I have a capture over here .

All right .

Well , we'll just take the rook .

Ok ?

We get to move .

I'm gonna go ahead and take this one .

This is going very nicely to move again .

All right .

Thank you .

Wheel of chess .

Oh , give Martin the queen .

I spoke too soon .

All right , let's go give Martin the queen .

All right .

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I'm gonna give him his queen over .

Let's see .

I'm gonna give him his queen on E seven .

Let's practice .

Uh Oh , that's not good .

We've got too many Martin Bots .

Did I lose the position ?

That's the big question .

Too many Martin Bots .

Let's try it again .

We'll see if I can still salvage this .

Ok .

Great .

Here's the position .

We'll give him the queen and going forward .

I will close the extra tabs .

Ok .

All right .

Here we go .

Ok , good .

I get to move .

Um Did I try to go for a queen ?

He might not take it .

Oh , he didn't take it .

All right .

Come on move .

Come on move .

No , I'm trying to get a queen .

Not give Martin another queen .

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Ah So here's the current position and I will give Martin a queen over here in the corner and let's go .

Ok .

Spin the wheel .

Oh , there we go .

I get to move a queen of my own .

All right .

What's next ?

Oh , we get to move again .

Great .

Uh I think we need to at some point make some more threats .

So let's bring this night in and , and go for the queen .

He saw it and now I have to blunder .

Ok , Martin , there's a , there's a night for you .

He didn't take it .

Nelson gets a pawn .

All right .

So here's the current position .

I'm going to put my pawn right here .

I don't want the queen coming in under no circumstances .

Do we want that queen coming in ?

OK .

Here we go .

And we need to change .

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No , I'm not playing Stockfish from this position .

All right , Nelson gets a queen upon .

Let's see , what's next ?

I get to move .

Ok .

Awesome .

Let's move here .

Capture .

Oh no , I don't .

Uh the only captures I have .

Those are the only two captures I have .

That's too bad .

All right .

Let's take this one .

Oh , he didn't take me capture again .

All right now I can work with this .

He , we traded wonder .

All right .

There's my night .

He's not taking it blunder again .

There's my night .

All right .

He took it that time .

Move .

OK .

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Well , let's actually bring this right to the center move again .

Awesome .

Let's push this pawn .

Ah give Martin the queen .

All right .

So here's the current position .

I'm going to give him a queen right here on E seven .

Practice versus computer and OK , here we go .

I'm gonna spin it again .

Blender .

What's a Blender ?

90 to C four is a blender .

He does take it another blunder .

Rook to two .

Looks like a blunder .

I sure I have to take something .

I'll take the queen .

Oh , so close .

Did you guys see that ?

All right , Martin , here's another queen for you .

So here's the current position .

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I'm gonna give Martin his queen right here on D eight .

Practice .

Change it back to Martin .

OK .

Spin the wheel capture .

Uh I do have some captured .

I'll take this one move .

Awesome .

Let's take this move again .

OK , I will .

I mean , I'm treating moves like I can take stuff too .

So I hope that's not like breaking the rules .

I , I'm actually gonna push this time .

Let me see if I can get a queen here .

Uh oh , so close .

All right .

Let's move this point up .

Give Martin the queen .

Great .

I don't actually know if I , if I'm gonna be able to win .

I keep having to give him queens .

Let's go here .

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Here's the current position .

We'll give him a queen over here in the corner and change it back to Martin .

All right .

What does the wheel say today ?

Move ?

Let's go .

A five oh no , I miss that .

I totally missed that and I have to blunder .

That means I have to blunder .

Check me .

No , it doesn't .

No , it doesn't .

I can blunder something .

I can blunder my rook and also not get checkmated .

Ok .

That was close move .

I have to move .

Ok .

I need , I need to get away from this queen .

Actually , it's ok .

I can run there if I need to .

Let's save my rook .

Come on blunder .

Fine check .

I'm running out of pieces to blunder here .

Ok .

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I'm going to play F four and now he's threatening me in one .

It is main one .

I can't stop it .

I can't stop making one .

Let's push upon see if he gets distracted .

No , I've said it before , but Martin never misses Ma in one .

I don't think I can win .

I like I don't think I can win .

Giving him a queen is significant .

It's really significant .

What do you guys think ?

Can I can I tweak these rules to , to give myself a chance ?

I don't see this happening .

Let me know your thoughts .

I feel like we can make this into something kind of fun .

I'm just not exactly sure how to do it .

So let me know what you guys think .

I'll see you in the next one .

Stay sharp , play smart and take care .


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