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2023-07-12 12:38:40

Chess But I Can't Move Pawns

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So today I'm playing against Martin , but I'm not allowed to move any of my pawns .

This should be interesting .

Good luck Martin .

Uh , well , I guess I don't have a whole lot of options here .

Do I ?

Let's go nine C three .

Mix it up a little bit .

See what Martin's gonna do about that .

Ok , let's go .

Nine of three .

Maybe I can check man in with my knights .

Oops .

Oh , let's bring the night in there .

Ok .

Uh , I guess we have to retreat .

Oh , look at this guy .

Ok .

Well , I'm gonna go back here and wait for Martin to do something interesting .

All right .

Let's , let's go back B five .

All right .

I'm gonna go night of three and 93 .

Yel Barr is not liking this strategy for me .

Let's go back to B one .

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Can't really do a whole lot .

Let's go to C three .

Ok .

Maybe Martin is gonna take that pawn .

Let's go back here and hope that he takes it .

Come on my friend .

Nope .

All right .

I guess we come back here .

He's , oh my , let's go .

Nine of three .

Come on , Martin .

I know you want to take something .

It's actually funny .

The email bar .

It's not getting a , as bad as I would think .

Ok , I could go here and take his bishop .

It might be a little , I may , I may as well go for it .

Right .

I may as well try it .

Really ?

Dude , you thought that was a good idea .

So , oh I can move my rook so I could just leave the night there .

I could move my rook .

That's not breaking a rule .

Let's go RG one , Rh one .

Come on , Martin F five .

Let's go rookie G one .

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I'm just gonna go for the Rook G 10 uh oh I guess we gotta go for it .

See what happens .

Come on , dude , I was really hoping he wasn't gonna take that .

All right , let's go back here .

OK ?

He might , he might be getting ready to do that .

It just might .

No , not quite no queen .

The eight dude .

Come on , come on .

You know , you , you know , you wanna take it , you know , you wanna take it .

He's got to set up his army first .

I think he's , he's working on some plan here .

Nope , he's not gonna take that one dude , Martin .

You gotta do something , my friend , you gotta do something .

Should I move my night just to see what happened ?

Maybe he'll liked it .

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No , I don't think I should .

Ok ?

I feel why do I feel like he has a plan now ?

Why do I feel like he's on to something .

No , never mind .

Bishop F eight answers that question .

Come on , dude .

OK .

I really wish you guys could see the notation over here .

It's like Rick H one rookie one , Rick H , one rookie one , Rick H one .

Like I don't know how many moves in a row .

It's kind of funny .

I might use that for the thumbnail .

I just might do that .

OK .

41 moves .

How many moves can Martin make without doing so ?

Oh , ok .

There we go .

He start .

He's gonna push upon eventually and take something .

He's got a , he's got a 14 point lead .

No , 10 point lead .

It's a lot .

It's a lot .

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Uh oh , I can't stop , it .

Can't stop it .

And Martin never misses me in one .

Art never misses ma one .

Oh , yep , yep .

There it was .

Ok .

OK .

We're gonna play again because I want a rematch .

Come on , Martin , let's go night and say , hey , this is a good move .

This is a good opening .

King's India .

All right .

Except I can't follow through with that .

Let's go here .

Ok , let's go .

Yeah , let's play rugby eight .

Why not ?

Oh , all right .

Hop over here .

Let's go .

Room G eight .

I'll use my Rooks as best as I can .

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He played rugby for him .

All right , dude .

Uh , we're gonna do this again .

Should I , should I go on the offensive for my two nights ?

Yeah , let's do it .

Let's see what we can do .

It can't do much , can't do much .

Let's go back .

Oh , all right .

I'm gonna save this guy .

Let's come over here at four .

I'm gonna go over Kate .

00 , ok .

Martin .

So , what I need to do is just get the queen away from there and I've activated a rook now .

It gets interesting .

Should I sacrifice this to bait his queen so that I can get my rook out ?

Honestly , it's probably a good idea .

I mean , he might move the night anyway , or he might move the queen anyway .

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If I could just wait , actually , he might even just take this , which would be even better .

Oh , yeah , we're gonna just wait .

We're gonna play Rook G eight .

Take it , dude .

I'm gonna give him another chance .

I'm gonna give him another chance .

No .

Ok .

How about now ?

Oh , I'll take it .

I'll take it .

Thank you very much .

Now , we have a rook in two nights now .

It's a different story .

This rook is gonna be so nice .

Yes .

Yes .

This rook , I don't wanna lose the rook .

I guess I have to go here only , only , I guess I could go here .

But let this looks safer .

Ok .

We've got a rook and we've got two nights .

How do we check mate Martin ?

Let's , should we try this ?

Hm .

I kind of like where it's at actually , if I could , if I could get , let's see how do we do this ?

If I could get a night there in a road that's actually almost checkmate .

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Not quite , let's , let's just see what happens .

Let's go here , see what he's gonna do .

Ok ?

C four .

Let's try to re maneuver this night over here .

Maybe it should be three .

Ok .

Well , I guess I have to retreat now or defend it .

All right .

Let's defend it and see what happens .

He goes back there or I could have taken that .

I didn't see that .

I actually didn't see that .

Well , too late now .

Ok .

We're gonna go back .

We're just gonna go back here .

Yeah .

Now he's , he's stopping it .

All right .

Let's go here .

Ok .

I don't really know what to do .

I don't really , I mean , I could go here but why , what does that accomplish ?

I could move my rug back and forth .

I could bring my night in here .

I could bring my night here .

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That's , that's a decent try .

Maybe we can come over there .

Nope , let's go heat .

Actually , this one would probably be better tack the rook .

Defend my knight .

He saw that .

Interesting .

OK .

How about what , what do I do ?

What do I do ?

This is a crucial moment .

I feel like I just need to play it slow .

Let's just go with the Rick hh strategy .

Uh 00 , what's he gonna do ?

Come on , Martin .

OK .

He's not really doing anything .

You wanna take that pawn ?

You wanna take it , my friend .

No .

Ok .

All right .

What can we do ?

What can we do now ?

We could probably move this and try to take this pawn .

Let's do that .

Let's go back here and we're threatening this guy with check .

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I don't really wanna allow this though .

Hm .

Should I do it ?

No , he's gonna go here and he's gonna fork me .

I gotta go back .

I have to , I have to go back .

Ok .

But we can come over here .

Let's try this .

That seems a little safer .

Ok .

Now maybe is the time .

Yeah , we take it .

Oh , I was hoping he was gonna go there .

I think I had checkmate .

That would have been so nice .

Ok , we do .

I could take it .

I could leave it and just bring this guy in .

Let's do that .

Actually .

Let's leave it and bring this night into the action .

Ok .

I don't know if he's gonna take that , but that would not be a good decision for Martin .

Would I trade ?

Ok , let's do it , let's do it .

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He takes it , let's go here .

I guess he does have a good move .

But yeah , I didn't think he would see that .

So we got the bishop and let's go pawn hunting .

See if we can take his pawn .

Hey , with Chuck .

Oh , we have Main too .

But we can't move the ponds .

What could we do with the night ?

This is really close .

Um , let's go here , defend the rook .

Let's see what he's gonna do .

Ok .

That's an interesting move , isn't it ?

Um , I don't actually know what to do .

I like the worst king is though .

If you just can , like , take something else that would really helped me out .

I don't know .

Let's just see what he does .

Yes .

Yes .

I'll take that pawn .

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Take this pond .

Ok .

Let's go here .

Threaten the rook .

That's a fork .

00 , it's not checkmate .

I was like , it's check mate .

It's not checkmate .

There's a bishop sitting there .

So it would have been a nice , it would have been a nice check mate .

If only that bishop wasn't there , maybe I should go take it .

I should just go take the bishop and come back .

You saw that ?

What dude ?

Ok .

How do we win ?

Uh How do we win ?

How do we win ?

Let's go back here for a second .

Maybe he'll move the bishop away .

No .

What's he doing ?

What's he doing ?

I don't know what to do guys .

Uh Well , such attack the rook .

Maybe .

Let's go for a check .

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Let's go for another check , man .

He's getting away .

He's totally getting away now .

Ok .

Let's go see if we can set up this , discover .

Ok .

There we go .

There we go .

That's a good move .

That's a good move .

Take the queen , right ?

It's still not over because I can't check .

Maybe with just a rook .

What ?

Maybe he's gonna like take something one day .

No .

Oh , he's gonna give me this all right .

I'm just gonna take everything .

Although I can't , I can't take everything or I won't win .

I will not win the game if I take all his pieces .

Isn't that interesting ?

So , Martin needs to take something .

I have to , I have to count on Martin taking something .

I'm gonna leave him that pond .

I'm gonna leave it .

Maybe he'll like , push it and take something .

Move your pond .

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My friend .

Let's just throw it in a check and go back here .

Come on , dude .

There you go .

There you go .

Well , he's , he's on to it .

He's on to it now .

He's gonna move it again .

No , he's not , he's not gonna move it this one .

No , he's , I don't know what he's doing .

Ok , let's come over here .

You gotta move your pawns or take something .

No , he's gonna go there .

How about Rick G eight ?

Let's see if that throws him off .

Nope .

All right .

Let's go back here .

This is about to be a long game .

Uh Can you please move upon ?

No , it's not gonna happen .

Is it ?

I wonder , I wonder if I give him my rook .

Would he take it or if I go ?

Like , oh , that's what I could do .

All right .

I have an idea .

I have an idea .

I'm gonna come over here , I'm gonna come down here and maybe I'll sacrifice my rook just to get him to , like , do something .

You know what I'm saying ?

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Because if he opens up the queen it's all over .

If he opens up the queen , it's all we gotta go for it .

It's a free Rook Martin .

It's a free rook here .

It's still there .

Shirley .

Oh , my goodness .

He doesn't see it .

He doesn't see it .

Let's give him another chance .

Here you go , dude .

Take the rook , take the rook .

Is it ?

Because I have so many pieces .

He's like programmed to not take pieces if he's behind .

Maybe I took too many and now I can't win .

Oh man .

Ok .

Let's , let's see .

Let's see .

What can we do ?

Ok .

Well , let's try this .

Let's try this and see if he will .

This is kind of risky .

But no , he's not even gonna take it , dude .

You don't want a rook .

Why don't you want a rook ?

Let's go over .

This is hard .

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I thought I had it this time when the work came out .

But apparently Larry , let's try to give him this .

See if this point is , is paying attention .

No , no , still not right here .

Right here .

Check and back here with the premo is I'm gonna take it .

Ok ?

I , I don't know when the 50 move rule kicks in , but if he doesn't move upon , it's gonna be happening eventually .

How can I trick Martin into taking my rook in a , in a way ?

That's good for me .

How can I trick him .

Oh , you know what ?

Maybe I should go here .

Maybe I'll take this pond .

No , not yet .

Here you go .

Here you go .

No , it's a free pond .

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You know , you wanna take it , you know , you wanna take it .

I don't know what to do .

97 moves .

I don't , I don't , I don't know what to do .

I literally don't know what to do .

He's not , he's just not taking it .

He's not gonna do it .

He's not gonna do it .

I'm gonna give him every chance that I possibly can to take my rook .

And again , 104 moves check .

You might want to take it to get out of the , no , he doesn't want to take it .

Ok ?

That's the , I think I have to do it .

I think I have to just like take something .

Let's , let's go here and maybe I'll take it with the rook .

I don't know .

No .

Will he even take it if I go here ?

Do you guys think ?

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Do you think he would take it check ?

He does .

Ok .

Well , now it gets easy for me .

All I can do is this and Martin needs to go on the offensive .

I mean , I didn't really want to do that , but I , I had to .

Right .

He , he wasn't doing any now he's actually coming forward .

I don't know where he's going with the .

Ok .

Are we gonna draw this game ?

Dude ?

I thought we had it .

I really thought we had it that game .

Ok , Martin , let's try that again .

I'm gonna win .

I'm gonna beat Martin at his own game here .

Maybe I'll go for like a smother checkmate .

Let's see .

How , how would we do that ?

We need to keep both nights alive .

Obviously , we could , let's hop over here .

I don't know .

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Maybe he's gonna give me an opportunity for a smothered mate .

I'm back here .

Let's , oh , that's kind of an annoying move is it's time to shuffle the rooks .

Give you one or the G one .

Oh , I could go here .

It doesn't really do anything but I could just do it for the fun of it .

Yeah .

Ok .

00 , my night is about to get trapped .

No , it's not .

Ok .

Let's come over here .

It does castle .

So maybe we can somehow sneak a night over there and a night here and deliver it .

No , it's not gonna be checkmate .

It's not gonna be easy .

The tack his bishop .

We'll see what he does fight , tag his bishop .

Ok .

Is , let's go here .

Oh , he , he could take it .

I just forgot I saw that he could take it and I can't take back .

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I probably should move that night .

Probably should move that night for now .

He didn't want to take the pond .

My man Martin is making my life difficult .

Let's go here .

Let's go , Roque one .

Ok .

We're , we're threatening the pawn .

You know what maybe I'm not gonna actually take all of this stuff .

Maybe I need to leave him like , you know , some pieces and just let him take something .

Right .

Maybe I'm , I'm , I'm going about this all wrong .

I don't wanna take his pieces .

I want him to take me first but he's not doing it .

He's not doing it all right .

I'm gonna take this one just because it's a point .

Why not ?

Let's go here .

But we're gonna be one .

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Let's go Rh one , let's go RG one .

I'm gonna just play the shuffle game for a little bit .

OK ?

Now he's going on the offensive .

Let's , let's hop over here .

Ok ?

I mean , should I do it ?

I'm not gonna be able to check , made him , but it's still kind of cool .

Is he gonna take that one ?

He is ?

OK .

Wow .

All right .

Let's go over the B one again .

This might be the game .

I'm feeling like Martin's feeling aggressive .

This might be the game one do you want or Rick H one ?

What's he doing ?

Come on , dude .

Go take a oh oh I'm just gonna leave that .

I'm just gonna leave that and play Rick H one .

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We were this close .

I could taste it .

I could just taste it .

My Rook was coming out , my bishop was coming out .

My queen was coming out .

Let's give him another chance .

Can he see it ?

Can he see it ?

Can he see it ?

Let's give him a chance over here .

This pond .

Go ahead .

Go ahead , tack it again .

He plays king G five .

OK .

OK .

Martin .

I thought you were better than this dude .

I really did .

Come on , you know , I mean , that's a fork .

Yes .

03 games like two or 300 moves later .

He finally takes the bait and here come the Calvary .

Yes .

Yes .

Yes .

Yes , this is happening .

This is happening .

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OK ?

I didn't win yet , but I'm feeling much more confident .

I'm not even gonna move my king over .

Why not ?

I'm gonna move my king over here .

Probably .

I don't really want to trade that , but I guess I could get away with that .

Actually , let's go down here .

Let's , let's go hunting with the queen .

Let's go hunting .

I think we finally got it .

I think we finally got it .

How do we deliver the check mate ?

He , he still has a lot of the board cover , which is kind of funny .

Let's go here .

Let see what he's gonna do both .

Who did I just lose ?

Did I just lose to Martin ?

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No , you gotta be kidding me .

He's gonna check .

Make me .

Will you see that ?

123 ?

It's a three move mate .

Maybe , maybe he doesn't see it .

123 .

Now , I'm scared , man .

I was not expecting him to just like all of a sudden .

Boom .

There's the queen .

I was ready to check me .

Ok , we gotta , we gotta figure something out here .

I'm gonna go here .

Ok .

That was close .

Actually it was a two move mate .

What am I even saying ?

It was two moves and he didn't see it .

We know he doesn't miss Matton one but he , he misses Matton two thankfully .

Ok .

So now that that's happening , what am I gonna do ?

I need to do something like immediately here .

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The problem is he still has the mate threat and I can't go there .

If I go here , he takes my night , I still can't stop the checkmate .

If I go here , it doesn't stop the checkmate .

I'm still losing .

How am I losing to Martin ?

I don't know what to do again .

I'm , I'm , I'm at a loss .

I , I gotta go for this trick , I guess .

But , oh , ok .

Ok .

So he did stop that in theory I could stop to check me now , but I have to sacrifice my queen to do it .

And I can't even take the night .

It was probably not the greatest decision I could give up the queen .

I still have a problem here though .

He's just got this , like , weird setup where he's , everything is kind of like covered .

It's , it's really weird .

All right .

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I don't know what to do .

I , I don't know what to do again .

If I can't like , do anything over here .

I can't go there .

Wow .

Let's play 93 .

I don't know .

He's not seeing it .

That's the only thing I have going for me that he's not seeing the checkmate .

Ok .

I can't take that the rook is defending .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

What do I do ?

What do I do ?

I do .

I , again , I , I just don't know what to do .

Uh , let's come over here , I guess .

I don't , I don't know .

Ok .

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Well , now that's something , um , Jack , he goes there still kind of have the same problem that I'm getting made it over here .

I could go check .

He's gonna block .

Doesn't really help me .

Shay Blocks .

There's a check here .

That , that actually looks kind of interesting .

Let's go for queen here .

Ok , let's go for check .

I'm , I'm hoping he makes a big mistake here .

No .

Hm .

If I go there , I don't have a good follow up .

That's my problem .

Right .

I don't have a follow up .

So let's try this again .

I guess he's just gonna go back .

Yeah , it doesn't , doesn't help me .

It does not help me .

Ok .

I don't know what to do .

I don't know what to do .

Um , all right .

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He's like , look , look at it .

All his pieces are defended .

Like literally every piece is defended .

Who taught Martin how to play chess like this .

All right .

Um Check , I don't know .

II , I literally don't know .

Or at least I got his rook finally .

He just doesn't see this check mate .

That's amazing .

Ok .

He doesn't see it .

Um , so I need to take advantage of this .

Let's go check .

Um , let's see .

Do I wanna go here if he goes here ?

Yeah .

No , I don't have a way to check , mate .

I , I guess I'll take the bishop .

Hopefully he doesn't see it .

Ok .

Dodged a bullet there .

Although I don't know .

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That's , oh , that's one , that's ma 10 , no , he's gonna see that .

Martin never misses Maon 10 , no .

Oh , no , I have to go for some checks .

Right ?

I have to go for some checks here or here and hope that there's a way to wiggle out of this , but I don't think there is , this is bad .

This is real bad .

Ok .

All right .

So we dodged that temporarily and do have the queen but he still has this name .

Checkmate threat , which is amazing to me .

Oh , you know what I go here , this is Checkmate can go here and this is check me .

Ok .

The question is , is he gonna see it now or is he gonna move his night or something ?

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Um .

Ok .

That's kind of good .

I don't know if it's good enough .

I mean , I could still go here .

He's gonna have to block with the queen or I could wait and see if he moves the queen away and then maybe it's checkmate .

Let's , let's give him a chance to mess it up .

Let's go here .

Maybe he moves to queen somewhere like that like that .

We did OK .

That was much more difficult than I thought it was gonna be in my head .

I was thinking that was gonna be super easy because I moved the nights he takes a pawn and it's easy .

But no , it's , it's not easy .

That was a good challenge .

Let me know what you guys want to see next .

And as always , stay sharp , play smart and take care .


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